Gustav Kuntzsch

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Gustav Kuntzsch in the midst of his workforce, 1890s

Gustav Kuntzsch (full name: Carl Gustav Kuntzsch ; born August 14, 1848 in Gohlis , † October 2, 1919 in Wernigerode ) was a German wood sculptor of historicism .


Gustav Kuntzsch was the son of a shopkeeper and market helper, the older brother of the beekeeper and bee researcher Max Kuntzsch (1851-1919). There is a lack of detailed data on his training path. In the early 1870s he studied medieval church furniture in Nuremberg and Munich .

Around 1877 Kuntzsch opened the institute for church art at Salzbergstrasse 4 in Hasserode (since 1907 a part of Wernigerode) , which was moved to Gartenstrasse 4 in Wernigerode around 1889. At the end of the 19th / beginning of the 20th century, the Gothic style ( neo-Gothic ) was preferred for the manufacture of church equipment . Due to the Kuntzsch'en workshop, Wernigerode became the headquarters of this modern industry. Kuntzsch work can be found from Wittstedt (today: Vedsted ) to Freiburg im Breisgau and from Wiefels in Friesland to Königsberg (today: Kaliningrad ), the focus of his work was in and around Berlin and the Harz region . A crucifix even got to South Africa with a missionary from the Berlin Mission .

The Kuntzsch company worked with well-known architects , including Friedrich Adler , Hugo Groothoff , Max Hasak , Conrad Wilhelm Hase , Friedrich Heitmann , Oskar Hossfeld , Aage von Kauffmann , Arthur Kickton , Heinrich Klutmann, Fritz Laske, Robert Leibnitz , August Menken , Ludwig Neher , Paul Ochs, August Orth , Heinrich Reinhardt , Friedrich Schulze , Max Spitta , Georg Süßenguth , Ludwig von Tiedemann , Johannes Vollmer , Eduard Wendebourg , Karl Wilde and Ludwig Winter .

Organ brochures created the workshop Kuntzsch for musical instruments of organ builder Bruno Goebel, Konigsberg , organ builder Albert Hollenbach , Neuruppin , organ builder Ernst Röver , Hausneindorf in Quedlinburg , organ builder Wilhelm Rühlmann sen., Zörbig , organ builder Wilhelm Sauer , Frankfurt (Oder) , organ builder August Troch , Neuhaldensleben , Organ builder Robert Voigt, Stendal and the organ building workshop Gebrüder Dinse , Berlin-Kreuzberg .

At the turn of the century, 1899/1900, the company had a company agency in Berlin: August Wagner, Berlin-Schöneberg , Kurfürstenstrasse 167.

On September 1, 1899, Kuntzsch handed over the business to the businessman Friedrich Grahmann from Duisburg and the sculptor Georg Maletz from Wernigerode. The company name was retained.

On July 1, 1904, the company was taken over by Paul Knoff, who ceased operations around 1912.


Krummelsches House, Wernigerode (around 1900)
Interior view of the mountain church Schierke
View into the choir of the St. Martini Church in Halberstadt (around 1902)
Interior view of the St. Sylvestri Church Wernigerode (around 1900)
Altar of St. Nikolai Church in Baalberge
Pulpit of the Amesdorf Church
View into the choir of the Trinity Church in Braunlage
Interior view of the Biedenkopf town church
Pulpit of the St. Lamberti Church in Dahlenwarsleben
Pulpit inscription, St. Lamberti Church, Dahlenwarsleben
View into the choir of the Pfingstkapelle Potsdam, around 1895
View into the choir of the St. Johannes Church in Saalfeld / Saale
Pulpit altar of St. Stephen's Church in Unseburg
Interior view of the Erlöserkirche Freiburg
Interior view of the Falkenhagen monastery church
Altar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wiefels
Altar of the St. Lorenz Church in Lübeck
Altar of the Transfiguration Church in Adlershof
Interior view of the village church Deetz an der Havel
View into the choir of the Oberlinkirche Babelsberg
Organ of the St. Johannis Church in Quedlinburg

Gustav Kuntzsch company

Gustav Kuntzsch company, owners: Friedrich Grahmann and Georg Maletz

Gustav Kuntzsch company, owner: Paul Knoff


  • On October 15, 1894, Auguste Victoria , German Empress and Queen of Prussia, popularly known as Kirchenjuste , appointed Gustav Kuntzsch a court sculptor for his services to the decoration of the Berlin church.
  • In 1928 the street on the Eisenberg in Wernigerode was named Im Kuntzschen Garten after the Kuntzsch'en garden property .


Web links

Commons : Gustav Kuntzsch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

References and footnotes

  1. The following incorrect spellings can be found in the literature: Kuntzsche , Knutzsch , Kuntz , Kuntzel , Kuntsch , Kuhnsch , Künsch , Kunsch and Kautzsch . In non-German literature one reads the translations of the names: Gustave Kuntzsch (French), Gustava Kuntzscha (Polish).
  2. a b Taufbuch von Eutritzsch , born in 1848, p. 32, no. 65 (Gohlis was parish off to Eutritzsch until 1870).
  3. Death register registry office Wernigerode No. 230 of October 3, 1919.
  4. Death register of the Evangelical Christ Congregation Wernigerode-Schierke, register entry 7/1919/60 A.
  5. ^ Baptismal register of Eutritzsch, year 1851, p. 89, no. 22.
  6. Erich Schwärzel: Through them we became - biography of the grandmasters and promoters of beekeeping in German-speaking countries. Verlag Die Biene, Gießen 1985, DNB 860357376 , p. 134 ff.
  7. Communications from associations. Architects Association of Berlin . In: Deutsche Bauzeitung . 19th vol., No. 53/1885, Kommissions-Verlag von Ernst Toeche, Berlin 1885, p. 336.
  8. Alexander Schnütgen , Book Show. - Sample sheets from the Institute for Church Art in Wernigerode. In: Journal of Christian Art. VI. Vol., 1893, No. 8, Col. 256.
  9. ^ Meyer's Large Conversational Lexicon . Volume 11. Leipzig 1907, pp. 42-43.
  10. ^ A b Elsa Arndt: Johannes Arndt - Missionary in South Africa - Diary . University and State Library Saxony-Anhalt, Halle (Saale) 2016, ISBN 978-3-86829-867-3 , p. 39 f . ( Digital library [PDF; 35.7 MB ; accessed on March 12, 2019]).
  11. St. Eustachius Church Atzendorf , City Church Biedenkopf and St. Jakobi Church Luckenwalde .
  12. Thanks Church Hamburg-Hamm .
  13. a b St. Mauritius Church Berlin-Lichtenberg .
  14. St. Sebastian Church Berlin-Gesundbrunnen .
  15. ^ Gutskirche Schönfeld ( Bismark ) and Erlöserkirche Berlin-Rummelsburg .
  16. ^ Queen Luise Memorial Church Königsberg i. ' Pr.
  17. Olschöwen Evangelical Church and Röxe Luther Church .
  18. a b Luther Church Frankfurt am Main .
  19. ^ Bethlehem Church Neuendorf (Potsdam) and Bornim village church (Potsdam).
  20. ^ Heinrich Klutmann (* August 18, 1847; † June 8, 1905) was a German architect and high-ranking Prussian building officer, active in Berlin.
  21. a b Transfiguration Church Berlin-Adlershof .
  22. Fritz Laske (born March 25, 1854 in Königsberg ; † February 19, 1918 in Berlin ; full name: Johann August Friedrich Laske ) was a German architect, secret building officer and professor at the Technical University of Berlin .
  23. Court and Garrison Church Potsdam .
  24. ^ Paul Ochs (born December 15, 1855 in Magdeburg ; † 1929) was a German architect and construction clerk.
  25. St. Petri Church Thale .
  26. Friedenskirche Berlin-Gesundbrunnen .
  27. a b c Pauluskirche Magdeburg .
  28. a b Dessau Town Hall .
  29. ^ Royal Augusta School , Berlin-Kreuzberg , Schöneberg Town Hall (old town hall) , Berlin-Schöneberg, Prussian House of Representatives , Berlin-Mitte, and Prussian Herrenhaus , Berlin-Mitte.
  30. Erlöserkirche Berlin-Rummelsburg , New Nazareth Church Berlin- Wedding, Gnadenkirche Berlin-Mitte , Golgatha-Kirche Berlin-Mitte and Evangelical Church in Driesen (Neumark) .
  31. Evangelical Church Kranz , Pfingstkapelle Potsdam - Nauener Vorstadt , Bethlehem Church Neuendorf (Potsdam), Bethanienkirche Berlin-Weißensee , Belief Church Berlin-Lichtenberg , Village Church Deetz , Village Church Bornim (Potsdam), Oberlinkirche Babelsberg , Friedenskirche Berlin-Grünau and Trinity Church Berlin-Lankwitz .
  32. a b Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche Berlin-Tiergarten .
  33. Schladen Evangelical Church .
  34. a b Evangelical Church in Schladen , accessed on January 25, 2020.
  35. Golgotha ​​Church Berlin-Mitte and Evangelical Church in Driesen (Neumark) .
  36. ^ Castle Dankwarderode Braunschweig .
  37. ^ Queen Luise Memorial Church Königsberg i. Pr.
  38. ^ Deetz village church .
  39. St. Johannis Church Quedlinburg
  40. St. Johannis Church Barby , St. Eustachius Church Atzendorf , St. Petri Church Staßfurt , Gnadau Common Hall , St. Veit Church Schwittersdorf , St. Stephanus Church Halle (Saale) , Evangelical Church Virchow and Kölsa village church .
  41. Bethlehem Church Neuendorf (Potsdam) and Evangelical Church in Driesen ( Neumark ).
  42. Saint Sebastian Church Samswegen .
  43. ^ Robert Voigt (full name: Robert Gottlob Voigt ; * December 7, 1834 in Halberstadt ; † April 29, 1898 in Stendal ) was a German organ builder . In 1862 he opened his organ building workshop in Stendal, which after his death was initially continued by his wife Luise and then by his sons Alfred, Reinhold and Bruno.
  44. village church Demker and village church Wittenmoor .
  45. St. Sebastian Church Berlin-Gesundbrunnen and St. Jakobi Church Luckenwalde .
  46. Advertisement for architecture, handicrafts and construction industry. Supplement to the sheets for architecture and handicrafts. Verlag der Blätter für Architektur und Kunsthandwerk, Berlin. 10. Jg., 1907, No. 8-12, pp. 123, 139, 157, 173, 189; 11th vol., 1908, No. 1-7, pp. 7, 23, 39, 55, 71, 87 and 99
  47. a b c R. Lang u. J. Habicht (Hrsg.): German year of construction book for estimate and contracting , 5th year, North, East and Central German edition, publisher "Das Deutsche Year of construction book" JJ Arnd, Leipzig 1908, advertisement between p. 209.
  48. ^ Berlin address book 1908 - first volume . Verlag August Scherl , Deutsche Adreßbuch-GmbH, Berlin 1908 ( digital copy [accessed on August 20, 2019] p. 2724 (Part I), p. 440 (Part III), p. 300 (Part IV)).
  49. Wernigerode Trade Register No. 27/1899.
  50. Wernigeröder newspaper and intelligence paper of September 6, 1899.
  51. Wernigerode Trade Register No. 131/1904.
  52. Walter Looke: Wernigerode image documents from ancient and modern times. Illustrated book. Wernigerode 1973. (unpublished; holdings of the Harz library in Wernigerode)
  53. Johannes Arndt (born March 20, 1857 in Walternienburg ; † October 22, 1931 in Bloemfontein ), missionary in South Africa from 1881 to 1927.
  54. ↑ Named by Johannes Arndt after his father's ( Julius Karl Arndt ) parish of St. Sylvestri in Wernigerode.
  55. City church to celeberate 125th anniversary. In: Diamond Fields Advertiser November 1, 2010 , accessed March 11, 2019.
  56. Wernigerödisches intelligence sheet. dated December 3, 1878 and December 5, 1878.
  57. General-Anzeiger Halberstadt of June 29, 2014, p. 3.
  58. Pfarrarchiv Spören, File no. 7 (Q7) and no. 29 I II (Q9).
  59. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Soproni Múzeum, Sopron ( Hungary ), inventory no. P. 2425 E 251 ( Storno Könyvtár): Gustav Kuntzsch folder , not paged .
  60. Program for the Open Monument Day 2016 , accessed on October 17, 2016.
  61. Oskar Doering: Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the province of Saxony, XXIII. Booklet, the districts of Halberstadt country and city . Ed .: Historical Commission for the Province of Saxony and the Duchy of Anhalt. Printing and publishing house Otto Hendel, Halle a. d. P. 1902, p. 387 ff. (Fig. 161) .
  62. Georg von Gynz-Rekowski : Wernigerode in old views. European Library Publishing House, Zaltbommel./ The Netherlands 1991, ISBN 90-288-5165-8 , p. 98.
  63. Karen Schaelow-Weber: Wernigerode St. John. Art publisher Peda Gregor e. K., Passau 2012, ISBN 978-3-930102-47-1 , p. 5.
  64. Evangelical Church “St. Mauritius “ Zörbig , accessed on November 10, 2019.
  65. Rathmannsdorf Church in Pictures , accessed on December 22, 2019.
  66. ^ Gustav Kuntzsch: Altar of the St. Sylvestri Church in Wernigerode. In: Drafts for Church Furniture in Gothic Style, p. 7 , accessed on August 27, 2017.
  67. ^ Helga Neumann: St. Sylvestri Church in Wernigerode. Art publisher Peda Gregor e. K., Passau 2010, ISBN 978-3-89643-799-0 , p. 17.
  68. ^ Pension in der Kirche , accessed December 21, 2019.
  69. Gustav Kuntzsch: Projeckt for the church to Baalberge. In: Drafts for Church Furniture in Gothic Style, p. 29 , accessed on August 26, 2017.
  70. ^ Hermann Stäcker: Chronicle of the home of the village of Schönfeld near Stendal, compiled from documents and reports , started in Schönfeld in 1927.
  71. Carola Nathan: For the best of the people - Why an association bought the Schönfeld Gutskirche ; in: Monuments - magazine for monument culture in Germany ; 22nd year, No. 1 - February 2012, ISSN  0941-7125 , p. 42 ff.
  72. ^ Regional Association Westphalia-Lippe and Westphalian Office for the Preservation of Monuments: Architectural and art monuments of Westphalia . Volume 50: Fred Kaspar and Ulf-Dietrich Korn u. a. (Editing): City of Minden . Part III. Old town 2. The collegiate and parish churches. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2003, ISBN 3-88474-633-2 , p. 165.
  73. Gerwitz or Gerbitz. - Village, to Gramsdorf in Prussia. entered - 80 H. 488 E. - Heart. Anh. = Cöthen. - Justice Office Nienburg. - State government of Cöthen. In: Johann Friedrich Kratzsch : The latest and most thorough alphabetical lexicon of all the localities of the German federal states - first division - . Eduard Zimmermann publisher, Naumburg 1843, p. 219 .
  74. Schlosskirche Sankt Aegidien Bernburg: Church history , accessed on November 19, 2019.
  75. ↑ A rare celebration of the pulpit inauguration , accessed on November 12, 2019.
  76. ↑ State Church Archives Wolfenbüttel (LAW): LAW Pfarrarchiv Braunlage 478.
  77. ^ History of the Trinity Church , accessed April 10, 2019.
  78. Purifizierung (from Latin purificare ; clean purify = purify): style adjustment, ie removal of foreign elements style.
  79. ^ Staßfurter Sankt Petri - Kirche , accessed on November 30, 2019.
  80. On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the cathedral monastery in 1888, the German Emperor presented the cathedral with the altar, which was designed by the government architect Leo Hoene (1849–1905).
  81. ^ Hermann Justus Jeep: The high altar in the Stendal Cathedral. In: Altmärkischer Hausfreund , calendar for the year 1890, 11th year, self-published by CF Nachtigal, Stendal 1889, p. 56 f.
  82. ^ Hermann Justus Jeep: The high altar in the Stendal Cathedral. In: Altmärkischer Hausfreund , calendar for the year 1891, 12th year, self-published by CF Nachtigal, Stendal 1890, title page a. P. 50.
  83. a b Wilhelmine Krause-Kleint (eds.) And Reinhard Schmitt: The Katharinenkloster in Stendal - On the history and building history of the church and monastery. Verlag Altmärkisches Museum, Stendal 1990, p. 51.
  84. Horst Ratschke: From the Samsweg school chronicle. In: Culture mirror of the community of Niedere Börde - Official Gazette of the community -. 19th year, Heimatblatt Brandenburg Verlag, Berlin September 6, 2011, p. 10.
  85. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890-1904). With a contribution to the iconography of Protestantism . Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 2005, ISBN 978-3-7861-1765-0 , p. 351 f., P. 425.
  86. Christof Schuster: In the center of the anniversary: ​​The city church to Biedenkopf . In: Ev.-luth. Parish of Biedenkopf (ed.): City Church of Biedenkopf 1891–1991. Self-published, Biedenkopf 1991, p. 13 ff. (31).
  87. ^ Frank W. Rudolph: Evangelical Churches in the Dean's Office Biedenkopf. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin / Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-02355-0 , p. 24 f.
  88. Breiter Church Chronicle for the year 1891; nv
  89. ^ Emil Unger: History of Lichtenberg up to the acquisition of city rights , Verlag W. Weber, Berlin 1910, p. 140 f.
  90. Andreas Huth: The equipment of the Lichtenberger St. Mauritius Church. In: Kath. Pfarrgemeinde St. Mauritius, Berlin-Lichtenberg (ed.): The Lichtenberger Parish Church of St. Mauritius - Festschrift for the 125th anniversary of the consecration, Volume 1: 1892–1940. Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86732-286-7 , p. 224 ff.
  91. Dietrich Franke, Hannelore Schreiber, Klaus Mellin, Uwe Rühle, KirchenTour im West Fleming and on the Elbe , editors: Landkreis Anhalt-Zerbst , Zerbst 2004, p. 44 f.
  92. Thomas Altmann: Mühlstedt village church - And sometimes the stones whisper. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . Central German printing and publishing house, Halle on December 20, 2003.
  93. Information on the village church Natho , accessed on April 14, 2018.
  94. Landeskirchliches Archiv Hannover (LkAH): LkAH, B 2 G 9 B / Emern.
  95. ^ Schneider: Draft for the construction of a new church for the Nazareth congregation in Berlin. Appraisal of the Royal Academy of Civil Engineering. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. published by the Ministry of Public Works. 9th vol., No. 46/1889, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1889, p. 427 f.
  96. The Nazareth Church. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung. 27.Jg., No. 21/1893, Kommissionsverlag by Ernst Toeche, Berlin, Berlin SW 1893, p. 131.
  97. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 386 f., 425.
  98. ^ The Catholic St. Sebastian Church in Berlin. In: Blätter für Architektur und Kunsthandwerk , 8th year 1895, Julius Becker Verlag, Berlin 1895, p. 70, plates 85–86, 105–106, 117–118.
  99. Architects and Engineers Association of Berlin (ed.): Berlin and its buildings , Part VI, sacred buildings . Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-433-01016-1 , p. 122, 371, Fig. 292 .
  100. Catholic parish of St. Sebastian (ed.): From our history. In: The St. Sebastian Community Letter - April 2018, p. 10 f. Digital library , accessed June 2, 2018.
  101. ↑ Cathedral Preacher Wind u. a. (Ed.): The Protestant Churches in Halle , Gebauer-Schwetschke Druckerei und Verlag AG, Halle (Saale) 1927, p. 124 ff.
  102. ^ Archives of the parish of St. Laurentius Halle (Saale): II / 40, 13 and II / 40, 14 Acta of the parish archives of St. Laurentii.
  103. The renovation of the train station in Halle a. d. Saale in the years 1880 to 1893. In: Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. 43rd year, issue 7–9 / 1893, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1893, column 345 ff.
  104. Dietrich Franke, Hannelore Schreiber, Klaus Mellin, Uwe Rühle: Church tour in West Fleming and on the Elbe, editors: Landkreis Anhalt-Zerbst, Zerbst 2004, p. 3.
  105. The St. Jacobi Church in Luckenwalde. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung , published in the Ministry of Public Works. 15th year, No. 41/1895, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1895, p. 430 f. (431).
  106. 1902 renamed Pfingstkirche , from 1921: Kaiserin-Auguste-Victoria-Gedächtnis-Kirche , since 1946: Pfingstkirche .
  107. ^ The Pfingsthaus property in Potsdam, Große Weinmeisterstraße 49. - 1 and 2. The rectory - 2 and 3. The rectory and the Pentecostal chapel. In: Blätter für Architektur und Kunsthandwerk, 10th year, Verlag Julius Becker, Berlin 1897, No. 7/1897, p. 47, and No. 8/1897, p. 54.
  108. ^ Ernst Freiherr von Mirbach : The Pentecostal House, the Pentecostal Chapel in Potsdam and the Pentecostal Chapel Association, branch association of the Evangelical Church Aid Association, under the protectorate of Her Majesty the Empress and Queen. [Reprint of the first edition, printed by Julius Sittenfeld, Berlin 1898] Verlag Klaus-D. Becker, Potsdam 2011, ISBN 978-3-88372-013-5 ; Pp. 83 f., 91 f.
  109. ^ Andreas Kitschke : Churches in Potsdam - From the history of churches and communities , Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Berlin 1983, p. 155.
  110. ^ Georg Dehio : Handbook of German Art Monuments - Brandenburg ; 2nd edition, edited by Gerhard Vinken and others and reviewed and expanded by Barbara Rimpel; Deutscher Kunstverlag , Berlin / Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 , p. 828.
  111. ^ Rudolf Reinhold: The stained glass windows of the Evangelical Pentecostal Church Potsdam. tredition Verlag, Hamburg 2016, ISBN 978-3-7345-4831-4 , p. 11 ff.
  112. Andreas Kitschke: The churches of the Potsdam cultural landscape , Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-86732-248-5 , p. 232 f.
  113. Kunstgutverzeichnis Kirchenkreis Stendal, parish of Groß Möringen, church / place: Groß Möringen / St. Leonhard, object: Altarpiece, inv. 28, recorded on October 18, 2006, p. 1 ff.
  114. Gudrun Walinda, Chronik der St. Leonhard Church, Stendal 1993, not published, p. 13.
  115. State Archive Saxony-Anhalt, C 601 Blankenburg District Authorities, No. 7610.
  116. ^ Oskar Kiecker and Paul Graff : The art monuments of the province of Hanover - II. Administrative district Hildesheim - 6th district of Alfeld . Self-published by the provincial administration, Hanover 1929, p. 273 ff . (Booklet 17 of the complete works).
  117. ^ Chronicle of the Wittenmoor Church (not published, not paged).
  118. ^ Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments in the province of Saxony . Booklet 31: Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Wanzleben district . Heinrich Bergner (arrangement), printing and publishing by Otto Hendel, Halle a. d. P. 1912, p. 160.
  119. ^ The Gnadenkirche in Berlin. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. published by the Ministry of Public Works. Volume 15, No. 36/1895, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1895, p. 385 ff. (387).
  120. Ernst von Mirbach : The first three churches of the Empress for Berlin: Redeemer Church , Assumption Church , Grace Church , published by Julius Sittenfeld, Berlin 1901, pp 203 et seq.
  121. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 84, 106, 276, 360 ff., 425.
  122. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 44, 375 f., 425.
  123. Invoice for furniture delivery by G. Kuntzsch, court sculptor in Wernigerode, dated February 26, 1896 ( Braunschweig city archive ; signature: G XII 1 No. 30).
  124. Manual (out of date: Handbuch, Tagebuch) for the main account of the cost of restoring the hall of the Hofburg Heinrich des Löwen in Braunschweig (Braunschweig City Archives; Signature: G XII 1 No. 33).
  125. ^ Wilhelm Mannes: From the early days of the Evangelical Lutheran. Parish Wilhelmsburg-Reiherstieg - memories. Verlag A. J. Schüthe, Wilhelmsburg 1936, p. 10 ff. (16).
  126. Hildebrand Henatsch: Between Industry and Green Meadows - 100 years of the parish in Reiherstieg on the Elbe island Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg 1896–1996. EB-Verlag Rissen, Hamburg 1996, ISBN 3-930826-13-5 , p. 19 ff.
  127. Domstiftsarchiv Brandenburg, Brandenburg an der Havel, BDK files 4280/2152.
  128. a b Inventory EKM Magdeburg.
  129. Willy Gerking: The restoration of the monastery church from 1892 to 1897. In: Willy Gerking (publisher on behalf of the ev.-ref. Parish of Falkenhagen): 750 years of Falkenhagen monastery. (Special publication by the Natural and Historical Association for the Land of Lippe eV, Volume 49). Festschrift for the 750th anniversary of the founding of the monastery and the 500th anniversary of the consecration of the church , heka-Verlag Heinz Kameier, Leopoldshöhe 1997, ISBN 3-928700-32-4 , p. 183 ff.
  130. Minutes of the church council meetings in Wiefels since May 5, 1873 (1873–1928), resolution of June 8, 1897 (unpaginated, unpublished; holdings of the parish archives of the Evangelical Lutheran parish of Jever).
  131. Chronicle of the community of Wiefels. - Started in 1894. - (unpaginated, unpublished; holdings of the parish archive of the Protestant Lutheran parish of Jever).
  132. ^ Hermann Oetken: Oldenburg Churches - The Church of Wiefels. In: Oldenburger Sonntagsblatt. Publishing house Oldenburger Sonntagsblatt, Oldenburg i. Cit., No. 36/1951 of September 9, 1951.
  133. Volker Landig: untitled (report on the re-erection of the altarpiece from 1897), in “Gemeindebrief” der ev.-luth. Parish Jever, Christmas 1996, p. 8 f.
  134. Helmut Burlager: Behind a pile of firewood survives the bad times. In: Jeversches Wochenblatt . Publishing house C. L. Mettcker & Söhne GmbH, Jever, v. April 5, 1997.
  135. ^ Dietrich Diederichs-Gottschalk : The Protestant written altars of the 16th and 17th centuries in northwest Germany. Schnell & Steiner Verlag, Regensburg 2005, ISBN 3-7954-1762-7 , p. 186.
  136. ^ Karl-Heinz Peters: The altar in the Wiefels church. In: Community letter of the ev.-luth. Jever parish. December 2007 - February 2008, p. 8 f.
  137. Karl-Heinz Peters: Again: The altar of the Wiefels church. In: Community letter of the ev.-luth. Jever parish. March – May 2008, p. 6.
  138. Ingeborg Nöldeke: The stuff the churches are made of. Heiber Druck & Verlag, Schortens 2009, ISBN 978-3-936691-40-5 , p. 30 ff.
  139. ^ Jan Feustel : Fate of two Niederbarnimer pulpit altars - A contribution to the preservation of Brandenburg monuments in the Wilhelmine era . In: Open churches 2008. Brandenburg churches invite , publisher: Förderkreis Alte Kirchen Berlin-Brandenburg e. V., Berlin 2008, pp. 88-91. PDF , accessed September 4, 2015.
  140. ^ Andreas Kitschke: Churches in Potsdam , p. 30.
  141. ^ Archives Andreas Kitschke, Potsdam; Member of the board of the support company for the reconstruction of the Garrison Church Potsdam e. V.
  142. ^ Hans Pfannenstiel: The church in Trebitz and its history (original painting has survived / pointed arch used optimally). In: Märkische Allgemeine - Fläming Echo - from November 21, 1996, p. 16, and November 22, 1996, p. 16.
  143. ^ Georg Dehio : Handbook of German Art Monuments - Brandenburg , p. 1107.
  144. ^ Friedrich Backschat: History of Neuendorf - On the occasion of the construction of the new church on behalf of the community , Imberg & Lefson publishing house, Neubabelsberg 1899, p. 10.
  145. ^ Andreas Kitschke: Churches in Potsdam , pp. 61, 157.
  146. ^ Andreas Kitschke: The churches of the Potsdam cultural landscape , p. 240.
  147. ^ The art monuments of Rhineland-Palatinate - 9th volume, The art monuments of the Rhein-Hunsrück district , part 2.2: Former district of St. Goar - City of Oberwesel (2 volumes), Eduard Sebald (arrangement), Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin / Munich 1997, ISBN 3-422-00576-5 , pp. 38, 609 f., Fig. 432.
  148. ^ The new House of Representatives in Berlin. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. published by the Ministry of Public Works. 19th year, No. 13/1899, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1899, p. 73 f. (74).
  149. ^ The new House of Representatives of the Prussian Landtag . In: Deutsche Bauzeitung, 33rd vol., No. 10/1899, commission publisher by Ernst Toeche, Berlin, printed by Wilh. Greve, Berlin SW 1899, p. 59 f. (59).
  150. ^ The new building of the Prussian House of Representatives. In: Berliner Architekturwelt . 1st year 1899, issue 11, published by Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin 1899, p. 415 ff. (416).
  151. Newer church buildings. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung. 35th year, No. 26/1901, commissioned by Ernst Toeche, Berlin 1901, p. 163 f.
  152. ^ Ernst Badstübner, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger: Churches in Berlin - From St. Nikolai to the community center "Am Fennpfuhl". with recordings by Martin Dettloff. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-374-00171-8 , p. 216 (fig., P. 153).
  153. Ruth Boge, Jürgen Huhn: Church building under the protectorate of the empress. In: Adlershof newspaper. No. 20 / December 1995, Medien Gelbke & Lange GbR, Berlin 1995, p. 8 f.
  154. Angela Beeskow: The Transfiguration Church in Berlin-Adlershof . (DKV art guide No. 584/0). Recordings: Marie-Luise Preiss and Max Boris Preiss. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2000, DNB 960470611 , p. 8.
  155. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 134 ff., 217, 401 f., 425.
  156. Thomas Prinzler: Notes on the building history of the Transfiguration Church. In: Adlershofer Gemeindeanzeiger of the Evangelical Church Community Berlin-Adlershof. Anniversary extra sheet. November 11, 2011, Wichern-Verlag, Berlin 2011, p. 2 ff.
  157. Some information about newer church buildings in Berlin and the surrounding area. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung . 32nd vol., No. 70/1898, commissioned by Ernst Toeche, Berlin 1898, p. 455.
  158. ^ The inauguration of the St. Golgotha Church in Berlin. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. Published by the Ministry of Public Works. 20th year, No. 69/1900, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1900, p. 424.
  159. The Golgotha ​​Church in Berlin. In: Berliner Architekturwelt. Magazine for architecture, painting, sculpture and applied arts of the present. 3rd year, issue 10, published by Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin 1901, p. 349 ff.
  160. ^ Ernst Badstübner, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger: Churches in Berlin. 1986, p. 188 f. (Fig., P. 168 f.).
  161. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 87, 362 ff., 425.
  162. ^ The art monuments of the state of Schleswig-Holstein: The art monuments of the city of Schleswig (Volume 2). The cathedral and the former cathedral district, edited by Dietrich Ellger u. a., Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 1966, p. 343, fig. 87.
  163. ^ The new evangelical garrison church in Graudenz. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. published by the Ministry of Public Works. 22nd year, No. 77/1902, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1902, p. 469 ff.
  164. Engelbrecht: The new church in Magdeburgerforth . In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. published by the Ministry of Public Works. 22nd year, No. 96/1902, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1902, p. 585.
  165. Luise, Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (full name: Luise Auguste Wilhelmine Amalie, Duchess of Mecklenburg ; * March 10, 1776 in Hanover; † July 19, 1810 at Hohenzieritz Castle) was the wife of King Friedrich Wilhelm III. Queen of Prussia.
  166. Willi Freimann: Königsberg Pr. And his suburbs - a picture documentation , self-published, Rendsburg 1988, p. 57.
  167. Baldur Köster: Königsberg - Architecture from the German Era , Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbh u. Co., Husum 2000, ISBN 3-88042-923-5 , p. 60 ff.
  168. ^ Wittstedt, Hadersleben district , Schleswig-Holstein province ( ceded to Denmark in 1920 due to the referendum in Schleswig ; today: Vedsted , Haderslev Kommune ).
  169. ^ Description of the Church of Vedsted (Danish) , accessed on May 20, 2016.
  170. ^ Ernst Badstübner, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger: Churches in Berlin. 1986, p. 219 (fig., P. 152).
  171. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 168, 240, 253, 257, 337 f., 425.
  172. ^ Church in Lichtenberg near Berlin. In: Berliner Architekturwelt. Magazine for architecture, painting, sculpture and applied arts of the present. 9th year, issue 1, published by Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin 1907, p. 18 ff.
  173. ^ Emil Unger: History of Lichtenberg up to the acquisition of city rights , Verlag W. Weber, Berlin 1910, p. 147.
  174. ^ Ernst Kaeber (Ed.) With the collaboration of KH Wels and E. Krätschell: Lichtenberg - building blocks for the history of a cosmopolitan district. R. v. Decker's Verlag G. Schenck, Berlin 1935, p. 176.
  175. ^ Ernst Badstübner, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger: Churches in Berlin. 1986, p. 209.
  176. Architects and Engineers Association of Berlin (ed.): Berlin and its buildings, Part VI, sacred buildings . 1997, p. 108, 383, Fig. 252 .
  177. Angela Beeskow: The furnishings in the churches of the Berlin Church Building Association (1890–1905). 2005, pp. 358 f., 425.
  178. Seventh funding contract for St. Antonius and Shenouda in Lichtenberg , accessed on July 22, 2019.
  179. Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany - Monuments in Brandenburg , Volume 14.1: District Potsdam-Mittelmark , Part 1: Nördliche Zauche , communities Groß Kreutz , Kloster Lehnin , Michendorf , Schwielowsee , city Werder (Havel) as well as Gollwitz and Wust , edited by Marie-Luise Buchinger , Marcus Cante u. a., Wernersche Verlags-GmbH, Worms 2009, ISBN 978-3-88462-285-8 , p. 112.
  180. The new evangelical church in Driesen. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. published by the Ministry of Public Works. 22nd year, No. 103/1902, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1902, pp. 637 ff. (639).
  181. Church of the Transfiguration of Mr. Drezdenko (Polish), accessed on March 23, 2019.
  182. ^ Andreas Kitschke: Kirchen in Potsdam , pp. 84, 160, fig. 117.
  183. ^ Andreas Kitschke: The Bornimer Church - 1903-2003 , Ev. Kirchengemeinde Bornim (ed.), Potsdam 2003, p. 12.
  184. ^ Andreas Kitschke, Klaus-Michael Schreiber, Wolfgang Thiel: The Sauer organ in Potsdam-Bornim from 1903 , Ev. Kirchengemeinde Bornim (Ed.), Potsdam 2010, p. 12.
  185. ^ Andreas Kitschke: The churches of the Potsdam cultural landscape , p. 246.
  186. ^ Georg Dehio : Handbook of German Art Monuments - Brandenburg , p. 916 f.
  187. Christine Goetz and Matthias Hoffmann-Tauschwitz: Churches Berlin Potsdam, Guide to the Churches in Berlin and Potsdam , Wichern-Verlag u. More Verlag, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-88981-140-X (Wichern-Verl.), ISBN 3-87554-368-8 (Morus Verl.), P. 329.
  188. Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv (BLHA) Pr. Br. Rep. 2 A II Osthavelland No. 240 (not foiled).
  189. ^ The new building of the manor house in Berlin. In: Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung , published in the Ministry of Public Works. Volume 24, No. 29/1904, Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1904, pp. 190 ff.
  190. ^ Andreas Kitschke: The churches of the Potsdam cultural landscape , p. 252.
  191. Julius Schnaubert et al. a. (Ed.): The Jubilee Churches in East Prussia , Albert Frisch Art Institute, Berlin 1912, p. 29.
  192. NN: For the consecration of the Röxer Church. In: Der Altmärker , Stendal, from November 30, 1905.
  193. Peter Alexander Bösel: Berlin-Grunewald in historical views. Sutton Verlag, Erfurt 2005, ISBN 978-3-89702-853-1 , p. 43.
  194. ^ Ernst Badstübner, Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger: Churches in Berlin. 1986, p. 204 (illus. P. 148).
  195. Ursula Steinike: Liturgical equipment. In: Evangelical Church Community Berlin-Grünau (Hrsg.): 100 years Friedenskirche Grünau. Festschrift. Berlin-Grünau 2006, p. 30 ff.
  196. Ursula Steinike: The pulpit of the Friedenskirche Grünau. Internet Archive / PDF , accessed April 14, 2018.
  197. Ursula Steinike: The good conquers the bad - The pulpit of the Friedenskirche Grünau. In: Monthly magazine DER GRÜNAUER August 2019, Red Eagle Design, Berlin 2019, p. 3 ( digitized version , accessed on October 7, 2019).
  198. Martin Franke: The Kölsa parish gets a new organ. Retrieved July 24, 2020 .
  199. The Halberstadt parish took over St. John's Church in 2018 in order to use it as a central archive. The parish Quedlinburg aims at the organ in the Quedlinburg St. Nicholas Church to translocate because the local - almost identical instrument of organ manufacturer Rover - is in a state of disrepair.
  200. ^ Carl Vohl: The new criminal court in Berlin-Moabit . In: Journal of Construction. published by the Ministry of Public Works. Vol. 58, Issue 7–9, Sp. 339 ff., Issue 10–12, Sp. 547 ff. (573), Verlag Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1908.
  201. ^ Andreas Schindler: 150th birthday of the Chancellor von Pfau'schen Foundation. In: Die neue Brücke - April-May 2017. News for the Protestant communities in the Bernburg region, p. 12 , accessed on August 23, 2020 .
  202. Landesarchiv Berlin, Findbuch: A Rep. 044-03 - Magistrat der Stadt Rixdorf / Neukölln, l. Num .: 347, Title: Town Hall Contracts, Date: 1905–1908.
  203. Ev. Christ Church Wernigerode-Hasserode (Ed.): The Evangelical Christ Church Wernigerode-Hasserode. published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the Christ Church. Harzdruckerei GmbH, Wernigerode 2009, p. 24.
  204. Wernigerödisches intelligence sheet of October 17, 1894.
  205. Wernigerode street catalog , accessed on January 25, 2019.