Schleswig Cathedral
The St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig is the preaching church of the bishop of the Schleswig and Holstein district of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany . It is one of the most important architectural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein .
In 850 a mission church was built in Haithabu . In the years 947/49 King Otto I arranged the establishment of three dioceses on the Cimbrian peninsula in order to indirectly expand its influence to the north: first the diocese of Ribe , last in 949 the diocese of Århus , and in between the diocese of Schleswig . After the founding of this diocese in 947, the first cathedral was built in Schleswig, but neither the location nor the size is known.
Building history
In 1134, the citizens of Schleswig killed the Danish King Niels in his castle after he refused to seek refuge in St. Petri. This message contains the first written mention of the Schleswig Cathedral.
This church building, the first at the current location, was designed as a three-aisled Romanesque basilica . With the completion of the Romanesque transept , which is still preserved today, around the year 1200, the last secured construction work on the Romanesque basilica is documented. As building material were granite , tuff from the Rhine area and brick used.
"It is uncertain whether this granite-tuff church has ever been completed, in particular whether it had west towers, as the donor with the double-towered church model in the arched area of the Petriportal would like to assure us."
In any case, shortly after the Romanesque transept was erected, building activity began again. From 1275 to 1300 the high Gothic hall choir and the "Schwahl" were created. The Romanesque basilica was expanded into a late Gothic hall church between 1200 and 1408 and was completed in the 16th century. But only at the end of the 19th century, Prussian as Schleswig provincial capital had become, received this brick Gothic - Cathedral its present external form: the Three Emperors year 1888 began at the request of the new Kaiser Wilhelm II. With the establishment of neo-Gothic west tower, which at 112 meters was too high in relation to the proportions of the cathedral and was completed in 1894. The design came from Friedrich Adler ; The construction of the tower was financed from French reparations to the German Empire. On the tower there is a viewing platform 65 meters away with a view of Schleswig, the Schlei and the former fishing settlement of Holm. The bells above the viewing platform can be viewed as part of special tours.
In addition to the Gothic three- king altar (around 1300) in the southern side choir, a bronze baptism in the high choir from 1480, which is attributed to Hinrich Klinghe , and the over four-meter-high carved wooden sculpture with the figure of St. Christopher by Hans Brüggemann , the showpiece of this cathedral is the Bordesholmer Altar . Today's cathedral is about 100 meters long.
Coronation and Synod of Bishops
Were during a great festival in Schleswig in the summer of 1218, in which 15 bishops and three dukes present, the then nine-year-old prince was Waldemar in Schleswig Cathedral to Junior - King of Denmark anointed and crowned. Perhaps this event was at the same time the inauguration of the newly built Romanesque basilica in the presence of its sponsor Waldemar II under the mission of Christ in the tympanum of the Petri door:
"Tu michi v (esanum m) undi depelle tyrannum Et revoca gent (es pristinos errores) colentes"
"Drive out the ... tyrant of the world and call back to me the heathen who serve idols."
Four years later, in 1222, Cardinal Gregorius held a council in Schleswig which was attended by all of Denmark's bishops.
The cathedral in the Middle Ages
The cathedral was the church of the bishop and the cathedral chapter . The main place for their worship there was the high choir, where, in addition to the bishop and the canons, 16 vicars appointed by the chapter officiated. At the same time, the cathedral served as a parish church with a Laurentius altar, the exact location of which in the cathedral is unknown. The pastor ( rector, plebanus ) was employed by the chapter, which also exercised the right of patronage .
The register of chapters from 1445/50 lists 16 apparently long-standing vicarages , a 17th had already been received at that time. In a directory from 1532, 25 altars or chapels and a few vicarages are listed. The vicars at the cathedral, i.e. the choir vicars, the altarists who were responsible for the service of the side altars and their representatives, were united in a brotherhood ( Kaland ), which had a St. Trinity altar in the cathedral.
Since 1481 there was a rosary brotherhood made up of clergy and laypeople , which also included an altar in the cathedral, and since about 1450 the Marians with an altar served by four priests. The organist was one of the owners of a vicariate . Among the Church servants of lower rank are Hunchback and the lamplighter called. The treasurer of the chapter had three lamps always lit in the cathedral church. The cathedral chapter had a priest school (in the choir of the cathedral) and a chapter school (first mentioned in 1307) serving more general education.
The cathedral during the Reformation period
In Schleswig, as elsewhere, it was primarily the citizenship that accepted Luther's teaching. The bishop and cathedral chapter, on the other hand, were negative. Since the cathedral also served as a parish church and, on the other hand, the sovereignty was not averse to the new doctrine, the cathedral chapter could not prevent the king in 1527 after the tumultuous appearance of the former monk Friedrich (he had forcibly taken possession of the cathedral pulpit with citizen help) in 1527 At the request of the council, Frederick I appointed a Protestant pastor , Marquard Schuldorp , for the cathedral from Wittenberg and this was accepted by the council and community.
Since the chapter did not want to give anything in addition, the salary consisted initially only of the small income from the Laurentius altar. In 1528 the king had the vacated Vicarie St. Andreae laid down. The council was entrusted with the administration of the income, which in turn contributed funds for the preacher. Schuldorp's successor R. Westerholt (1529–1554) received in 1531 the income of the Holy Spirit Church and the Church on the Holm , the last two parish churches within the city, which have now been closed in this way. Their congregations came to the cathedral.
A parish of the chapter had become the main Protestant parish church of the city. The Schleswig City Council, which was significantly involved in this, soon after tried to obtain the sole right of patronage. But the cathedral was still under the control of the bishop, who remained in the old faith, and his chapter, who continued to hold services in the choir.
Frederick I used the opportunity to make some sovereign interventions in the church system, but left some things as they were. Only Christian III. (1533–1559) tried to push through the Reformation everywhere . In 1533 he urged Bishop Gottschalk to recognize the new conditions at the cathedral, to grant the king the right to fill positions and to limit the canon service.
As a result of the rapid expansion of the Reformation, the bishop and chapter soon lost their functions as spiritual supervisory authority. In their place came at the end of the 1530s Protestant superintendents , who were assigned supervisory districts according to the secular organization of offices.
After the death of Bishop Gottschalk in 1541, the way was clear for a comprehensive reorganization, which in the same year between King Christian III. and the cathedral chapter and then incorporated into the church ordinance of 1542. The Catholic bishop was replaced by a Protestant bishop whose spiritual supervision was now placed under the entire Duchy of Schleswig . The cathedral chapter was also retained as an institution, but only with one number of posts for eight canons. Three of them received leadership and teaching at the newly established cathedral school (which was to become a higher Protestant school for the whole country).
Tilemann von Hussen was elected the first evangelical bishop . The separate estates and other income of the bishop and the chapter and with the latter also that of the cathedral church, which had previously remained largely untouched, retained their special character and were now, combined to form the monastery property, available to the evangelical successor institutions.
After Bugenhagen's church ordinance was adopted in 1542, the paedagogium publicum , a school of scholars , was established in the “Schwahl” by Prince-Bishop Adolf and, above all, at the instigation of his superintendent Paul von Eitzen . After its end around 1583, the cathedral market was held in the "Schwahl" until 1887, which in its origins probably dates back to the early medieval period and was rung in on February 3rd, the anniversary of Ansgar's death . The current “Christmas Schwahlmarkt” continues the centuries-old market tradition in this place. Its income is used to save and preserve endangered works of art in the cathedral.
The Petri portal
You enter the cathedral through the Romanesque Petri portal from around 1180.
Different building materials were used for the portal: granite, red sandstone from Schonen , limestone from Gotland and tuff from the Rhineland .
Christ is depicted on the tympanum between evangelists and saints . Presumably the one who receives the key is the disciple Simon Peter , and the other one to whom Christ gives the scroll with the missionary mandate is Paul .
Next to the Petri portal there is a weathered lion sculpture, another is embedded in the outer wall of the canons sacristy.
The sacristy
The canons' sacristy from around 1480 was initially the sacristy and assembly room of the cathedral chapter , and from 1567 it was the lecture hall of the cathedral school . After the Reformation , it was converted into a princely crypt as a burial place for the Gottorf dukes . The tomb for Duke Friedrich III. is a work by the Flemish sculptor Artus Quellinus I from 1654 and "the first evidence of the Quellinus Baroque in the country."
In 1671 the French sculptor Jean Arnaud Villers added two plaster figures on the marble portal with depictions of Duke Christian Albrecht and his wife Friederike Amalie of Denmark . In addition, Villers created the first two stone outer coffins.
The high choir
The Bishop Berthold was the chief choir in the late 13th century and extend imagine. The motifs of the frescoes are the Annunciation, the Coronation of Mary, St. Catherine, St. Philip, St. Peter, Deesis, and angels . The choir stalls were made at the beginning of the 16th century by an unknown artist under the pseudonym Magister rusticus .
The swallow
The three-winged cloister , which is located on the north side of the nave , was built from brick from 1310 to 1320 under Bishop Johannes II von Bokholt . He is called the Schwahl (Danish: Svalen ). In Danish Low German, this name means roughly "half-open corridor outside a house". It is a processional passage that leads out of the church and back into the church. There are restored frescoes from the time it was built. They show the life of Jesus in the individual wall panels and mythical creatures in the vaults .
In 1894, as part of his extensive restoration work, the restorer Albert Olbers added an animal frieze with turkeys to the medieval scene of child murder in Bethlehem . 40 years later, the painter and restorer Lothar Malskat claimed that the turkeys were real, i.e. from around 1300. This proves that the Vikings must have been in America before Columbus and that they brought the turkey motif from there. This was exploited by the ruling system for propaganda purposes. It was not until Kurt Wehlte's technical examination in 1948 that all doubts that the Puters were forgeries were eliminated. In 1952 Malskat retracted his earlier assertion and admitted further forgeries - including a monumental "Salvator Mundi" in the side aisle - in Schleswig Cathedral during the restoration work in 1938. The turkey frieze is still visible.
To protect the extensive frescoes from dirt and condensation, the Schwahl is not regularly open to the public. One of the few opportunities to visit, in addition to the daily guided tours, is the handicraft market , the so-called Schwahlmarkt, which takes place there every December .
Main tower
The main tower was built from brick from 1888 to 1894. At 112 meters, it is the third highest church tower in Schleswig-Holstein after the twin towers of the Marienkirche in Lübeck and the twin towers of the cathedral there . After two towers collapsed in 1275, a low tower was built around 1300 to accommodate the bells, which was separated from the church. After Schleswig-Holstein was annexed by Prussia in 1866, the Prussian king built a large neo-Gothic tower. The tower is also the landmark of the city of Schleswig that can be seen from afar. In relation to the size of the cathedral, it is excessive. There is a viewing platform at a height of 65 m. Due to its poor condition, the tower was secured by reinforced concrete structures from 1953 to 1956, faced with new bricks, stripped of neo-Gothic ornamentation and is now in a somewhat simplified form.
The 120-year-old cathedral tower has been in urgent need of renovation for years due to moisture in the masonry. That is why there has been a scaffolding in front of the main portal since 2011 to catch falling bricks. The reason for this is the shell that was attached around the tower core in the 1950s. Different materials with different swelling behavior ensure that bricks burst open on the facade. In mid-November 2015, the federal government announced that it would contribute a total of around 8.6 million euros to the renovation costs. A total of 17.3 million euros is expected. In November 2017, the work on the restoration of the cathedral, which has been planned since 2015, began, in particular the west gable and the west tower. In the tower there are a total of 5 bells hanging in the bell chamber, with a total weight of 9.2 tons, whereby the big bell alone has a weight of 3.43 tons. At the moment, however, the bells have been removed from the bell chamber during the renovation of the main tower and should come back to their original place in 2021 and do their job.
The Brüggemann or Bordesholmer Altar
The altar made of oak by Hans Brüggemann from 1514 to 1521 , also called the Brüggemann altar , is 12.60 meters high and depicts (partly based on woodcuts from Dürer's Little Passion ) with 392 figures the biblical story of the Passion from the capture of Jesus to Pentecost . In the middle field, the carrying of the cross and the crucifixion are emphasized by larger formats. Ascension Day and Pentecost are depicted on the side wings. Adam and Eve are shown next to the raised middle section . According to the traditional view, the Last Judgment is depicted above everything. In doing so, however, any threat potential was dispensed with, so that the second coming of Christ at the end of time is more likely to be meant.
The altar was originally made for the canons' church of the Augustinian monastery in Bordesholm . After the monastery was dissolved in the course of the Reformation and the Princely School , which subsequently used the rooms, was abolished in favor of Kiel University in 1666, the Gottorf Duke Christian Albrecht had the masterpiece installed in Schleswig Cathedral that same year. Klavs Eibe , a carver from the Eckernförde carving school , was entrusted with the laying work (dismantling, transporting, rebuilding the altar). The young Emil Nolde was involved in the restoration of the altar in Flensburg at the end of the 19th century .
The high baroque altar of Schleswig Cathedral, which had only been acquired 23 years earlier, was sold to the parish of Neustadt in Holstein after the Brüggemann altar was erected , where it still stands in the town church today.
Cenotaph of Frederick I.
In the northern choir ship is the elegant Renaissance - Cenotaph Frederick I , King of Denmark and Norway, Duke of Schleswig and Holstein. The tomb, created in 1552 for the choir and erected there, was removed from it in 1901 and moved to its current location. It is one of the “masterpieces of Dutch Renaissance art in Northern Europe” (M. Mehling). Its creator is the Flemish sculptor Cornelis Floris . Instead of the usual seven virtues , the (empty) sarcophagus has only six. The real resting place of Frederick I in Schleswig Cathedral is no longer known.
The Blue Madonna
In 1669 Jürgen Ovens painted his Blue Madonna for the cathedral , which was originally called the Holy Family with the Johannesknaben . It is located on a pillar facing the north aisle. The Blue Madonna , beautifully framed by Hans Gudewerdt the Younger , which was created during the Baroque period , shows the influence of Anthony van Dyck . However, it is noticeable that the frame does not fit perfectly. Holger Behling therefore doubts the original connection between Gudewerdt's frame and Oven's picture. Constanze Köster also points out the pieced stripes at the lower end of the canvas of the picture.
The baptismal font
The bronze baptismal font was donated by Laurens Leve in 1480 . The work is attributed to Hinrich Klinghe , who, on behalf of Strander Staller, also created the very similar bronze funnel of the church of Buphever, which ended up in the old church (Pellworm) after the town fell in the Burchardi flood . The supporting figures were added in the baroque period.
The Marcussen-Schuke organ
Johannes Casselmann is attested as the first organist in 1484. In 1555 it is reported that the first organ was built . An extensive renovation took place in 1610. In 1610 there was the 16 ' prospectus , the main work , the pedal and the Rückpositiv . Parts of the inner structure and the prospectus date back to this time. Most of the pipes were lost in a checkered history. From the Rückpositiv, which was renewed in 1684, the pointed flute 4 ′ is probably still preserved. When the work was rebuilt between 1701 and 1705, it had 29 registers , 15 of them in the Rückpositiv. Johann Dietrich Busch added four and five voices to each of the seven voices in the main work and pedal from 1731–1732 . The Angel company built side pedal towers in 1788 and added five new voices.
In 1839 a new building was carried out by Marcussen & Reuter (III / P / 47) using old pipe material. In 1886 the organ was moved to the north aisle on the west wall due to renovation measures and was rebuilt in 1893 at the old location. In this context, the Rückpositiv was removed. In the post-war renovation in 1920, which was planned before the war, poor material was used due to the time, the action was changed to a pneumatic one and the organ was electrified. Further expensive repairs in the 1950s ultimately led to a necessary new building in 1963 by the Marcussen company (III / P / 51). The current Hauptwerk prospectus was restored in the form of 1701, while the Rückpositiv was redesigned. The created work, with its many mixtures and colored reeds in all works, was a neo-baroque organ of the Low German organ landscape . The work was characterized by a solid construction and high quality materials; some registers are made of copper.
The increasing deterioration of the condition led to a comprehensive restoration and expansion by the Karl Schuke Berlin organ building workshop , which was completed in 2010. The neo-baroque character of the instrument was preserved, which is considered to be style-defining and worth preserving. The action has been overhauled, the cramped space in the pedal and breastworks removed by relocating registers, and the pipework has been re-voiced, creating a stronger keynote. A swellable supplementary work on a fourth manual extends the possibilities of representing the organ repertoire; it is installed behind the historical case at the same height as the main work. Behind it is the new large pedals. Principal 16 'in the prospectus again serves as the sonic foundation for the main work ; a new principal was created for the pedal. The new gaming table has an electronic setting system with 30,000 memory spaces. The Schleswig Cathedral Organ Association e. V. documented and planned the restorations and extensions. Today the instrument has the following disposition with 65 registers on four manuals and pedal:
Pairing :
- electrical: III / II, III / I, III / 16 ′, III / 4 ′
- mechanical: IV / II, I / II, IV / P, III / P, II / P, I / P
- Playing aids : 30,000-fold title-supported typesetting system, balancing step for swell doors, registrant step, crescendo step
- Remarks
- N = new register (2010)
- ↑ with door sill
Kleuker organ
Detlef Kleuker built a choir organ in 1966, which was placed on the north side. The organ has 13 registers, which are divided into two manuals and pedal. In keeping with the style of the time, the main work's prospectus is formed by five simple, rectangular boxes with two large pipe fields on the outside, a medium-sized one in the middle and two small pipe fields in between. The chest with opening doors and the play cupboard are housed in the smaller lower case . In 2003 Kurt Quathamer revised the organ, moved some registers to other works , created two new flute parts and a dulcian and added a tremulant . Since then, the disposition has been as follows:
- Coupling: II / I, I / P, II / P
- Remarks
- N = new register (2003)
- Trinity bell: 3426 kg, tone a, year of construction: 1963,
- Petri bell: 2232 kg, tone c, year of construction 1954,
- Marienglocke: 1900 kg, tone e, built in 1936,
- Luther bell: 921 kg, tone g, built in 1954,
- Small men's bell: 800 kg, tone a, built in 1397
The cathedral as a parish church
The Schleswig Cathedral is now the center of a large community that is divided into three municipalities (Dom-West, Dom-east, St. Juergen) and by a 13-member church council is headed.
The cathedral is open daily from May to September from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from October to April daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission is free, a donation is requested. Guided tours of the cathedral are possible by prior arrangement at the cathedral coast. From the high west tower you can take a look at the city of Schleswig . From there you can see, among other things, the old town, the harbor, the new district "Auf der Freiheit" and the former site of the 2008 State Garden Show.
The homepage provides information about the worship service, church music, church and parish pedagogy , as well as the parish newspaper "3 in Schleswig", which is published together with the other two parishes in Schleswig, St. Michaelis and Friedrichsberg.
- See also : List of the Bishops of Schleswig
- Jasper Boysen (1765–1818), senior pastor and provost 1804–1816
- Nicolaus Theodor Boysen (1797–1885), senior pastor and provost 1834–1850 (deposed by the Danish government), 1848–1851 member of the Schleswig-Holstein state assembly
Image via entrance portal, Wilhelm Döringer
- Saxo Grammaticus : Historia Danica (Saxonis gesta Danorum) lib. XIII (PE Müller, JE Velschow, Copenhagen 1839; J. Olrik, H. Raeder, Copenhagen 1931)
- Richard Haupt: The cathedral church of St. Petri in Schleswig . Schleswig 1897. Revised Schleswig 1905.
- Ellen Jørgensen (Ed.): Annales Danici medii aevii . Copenhagen 1920.
- Richard Haupt: The St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig . Schleswig 1921.
- Freerk Haye Hamkens : The Bordesholmer Altar Master Brüggemann . Insel Verlag, Leipzig 1936, 55 p. ( Insel-Bücherei No. 495)
- Alfred Stange : The Schleswig Cathedral and its wall paintings . Berlin: Ahnenerbe-Stiftung Verlag 1940. Archives
- Fritz Fuglsang: The cathedral to Schleswig . 2nd edition, Schleswig 1951
- Hinnerk Scheper : Restoration and professional ethos In: German art and preservation of monuments , born 1955, page 109 ff. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 1955.
- Joachim Goll: Art forger. EA Seemann Verlag Leipzig, 1st edition 1962 (with bibliography)
- Dietrich Ellger: The art monuments of the city of Schleswig , Vol. 2: The cathedral and the former cathedral district . Beseler, Hartwig (Ed.) Munich, Berlin 1966.
- Adolf Rieth : Forged ahead of time . Tübingen 1967, pp. 144-148.
- Exhibition catalog Essen and Berlin: Forgery and research . Ed .: Museum Folkwang, Essen, and Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin. 1976. ISBN 3-7759-0201-5 .
- Marianne Mehling: Knaur's cultural guide in color - Schleswig-Holstein . Munich (Droemer) 1983 ISBN 3-426-26095-6
- Christian Radtke, Walter Körber (ed.): 850 years of St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig 1134–1984 . Schleswig 1984 ISBN 3-88242-086-3
- Horst Appuhn: The Bordesholmer Altar and the other works by Hans Brüggemann . Koenigstein i. Ts. (Langewiesche Nachf.) 1987 ISBN 978-3-7845-0298-4
- Paul Nawrocki: The Schleswig Cathedral in Romanesque times . Special print. Contributions to Schleswiger Stadtgeschichte 32, 1987, pp. 66-104.
- Wolfgang Teuchert : The cathedral in Schleswig . Koenigstein i. Ts. (Langewiesche Nachf.) 1997 ISBN 978-3-7845-1397-3
- Reimer Pohl, Hartmut Christiansen (Ed.): German translation of the Latin texts in the Schleswig Cathedral . Schleswig undated (The translation was provided by Hans Seyffert, Schleswig.)
- Baedeker (Allianz travel guide): Schleswig-Holstein . Verlag Karl Baedeker 1999, ISBN 3-89525-906-3 .
- Horst-Dieter Landeck: Schleswig. A travel companion through the cultural capital of Schleswig Holstein . Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens & Co. Heide 2001. ISBN 3-8042-1009-0 .
- Johannes Pfeifer: The St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig. (DKV Art Guide No. 161). Munich / Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-422-02169-3
- Jan Friedrich Richter : The Bordesholmer Altar (1521) and the other works by Hans Brüggemann. Koenigstein i. Ts., Verlag Langewiesche , KR (The Blue Books) 2019, ISBN 978-3-7845-0299-1
Web links
Individual evidence
- ^ Gesta Danorum 13th book, chap. 11.14 at the end.
- ^ Wolfgang Teuchert : The cathedral in Schleswig . Koenigstein i. Ts. (Langewiesche Nachf.) 1997, p. 3. "Documented evidence of the existence of a Schleswig cathedral chapter is only for the year 1248" (Ellger, Der Dom ... , p. 6).
- ↑ Wolfgang Teuchert: The cathedral in Schleswig , p. 6.
- ↑ Ellen Jørgensen (Ed.): Annales Danici medii aevii . Copenhagen 1920, p. 151; Alfred Stange: The Schleswig Cathedral and its wall paintings . Berlin 1940, p. 42; Ellger: The Cathedral ... , p. 4.
- ↑ Ellger: Der Dom ... , p. 77 f.
- ↑ Reimer Pohl / Christiansen, Hartmut (ed.): German translation of the Latin texts in the Schleswig Cathedral , Schleswig o. J., p. 2
- ↑ Stange: The Schleswig Cathedral ... , p. 42.
- ↑ Excerpts from Ellger: Der Dom ... , p. 7.
- ↑ Excerpts from Ellger: Der Dom… , p. 8 ff .; Further data on the history of the cathedral can be found online at (PDF; 137 kB).
- ^ Hartwig Beseler: Art-Topography Schleswig-Holstein. Neumünster 1974, p. 679.
- ↑ a b The art monuments of the state of Schleswig-Holstein: The city of Schleswig , vol. 2 .: The cathedral and the former cathedral district , Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1966, p. 520f.
- ↑ Peter Godzik : The Schleswig Cathedral and its (building and furnishing) history , [o. D.], p. 6; downloadable as a PDF document from the private website , last accessed on August 30, 2016
- ↑ Claus Rauterberg: The St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig , DKV Art Guide, 17th edition, Munich Berlin 2008, p. 9.
- ↑ Claus Rauterberg: The St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig , DKV Art Guide, 17th edition, Munich Berlin 2008, p. 10.
- ↑ Schleswiger Nachrichten : Cathedral in Schleswig: 8.6 million from Berlin for renovation , November 13, 2015
- ^ Cathedral renovation in Schleswig , accessed on November 27, 2017.
- ↑ Catholic news agency : Work on the St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig began on November 14, 2017.
- ^ Jan Friedrich Richter : The Bordesholmer Altar (1521) , Königstein i. Ts. 2019, p. 34f.
- ↑ Wilbachs Kunstnerleksikon 1994 ff. Online
- ↑ Most recently, Eibe worked as a master carver in Schleswig
- ↑ Holger Behling: Hans Gudewerdt the Younger, picture carver to Eckernförde , dissertation University of Kiel 1984, Karl-Wachholtz-Verlag, Neumünster 1990, pages 299 f.
- ^ Constanze Köster: Jürgen Ovens (1623–1678). Painter in Schleswig-Holstein and Amsterdam , Michael Imhof Verlag GmbH & Co KG, Petersberg 2017 (Studies on the international history of architecture and art 147), ISBN 978-3-7319-0369-7 . (Dissertation at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 2016), page 258
- ^ A b Karl Schuke Berlin organ building workshop: main organ, Schleswig Cathedral ( memento from January 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), viewed January 11, 2012.
- ↑ Hence the discrepancy in the baroque appearance of the neo baroque organ.
- ↑ Choir organ in the Schleswig Cathedral , accessed on October 1, 2015.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ St. Petri Cathedral in Schleswig , accessed on November 27, 2017.
- ↑
- ↑ Gemeindeblatt 3 in Schleswig ( Memento from December 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on December 19, 2015
Coordinates: 54 ° 30 ′ 48 ″ N , 9 ° 34 ′ 9 ″ E