Friedrich Arnold (Major General)

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Friedrich Arnold (born September 16, 1823 in Karlsruhe ; † February 24, 1881 ibid) was a Prussian major general and commander of the 8th Infantry Brigade .



Friedrich was a son of Colonel a. D. and military building director Friedrich Arnold (1786–1854) and his wife Amalie, née von Stuber († 1855).

Military career

Arnold attended the polytechnic school and the war school in Karlsruhe. After graduating, he joined the 1st Rifle Company of the Infantry Regiment "Grand Duke" No. 1 of the Baden Army on April 6, 1840 as a rifleman and was promoted to lieutenant by the end of May 1841 . From November 1, 1846 to May 13, 1849 he was adjutant of the II. Battalion, rose in the meantime to lieutenant and took part in the campaign in the Baden Oberland in 1848 during the suppression of the Baden Revolution . From September 6 to May 13, 1850 he was a regimental adjutant. On February 11, 1855, he was transferred to the 4th Infantry Regiment as a captain . This was followed by being awarded the character as major on November 9, 1865, a use in the Jäger Battalion. During the war against Prussia , Arnold was in the reserve brigade in Thuringia in 1866 . On June 20, 1866, he received the patent for his rank and was commander of the 3rd replacement battalion. On September 4, 1866 he came to the 4th Infantry Regiment "Prince Wilhelm" and on July 1, 1870 was promoted to lieutenant colonel . As such, Arnold took part in the sieges of Strasbourg and Belfort and the battles on the Ognon , Prenois , Daix , Nuits , Vellefaux , Échenoz-le-Sec and Villersexel during the war against France . In addition to the Iron Cross II. Class and the Knight's Cross I Class of the Order of the Zähriger Löwen with Swords, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Military Karl Friedrich Order of Merit.

On July 15, 1871, with a patent from July 1, 1870, he was accepted as a lieutenant colonel in the Association of the Prussian Army and aggregated to the 1st Thuringian Infantry Regiment No. 31 . Arnold was promoted to colonel on August 18, 1871, and was commander of the 8th Westphalian Infantry Regiment No. 57 in Wesel from February 27, 1872 to August 9, 1876 . Subsequently, with the promotion to major general, he was appointed commander of the 8th Infantry Brigade in Bromberg . Under awarded the Red Eagle II. Class with oak leaves was Arnold on October 13, 1877. The board for disposition made. He died in Karlsruhe on February 24, 1881.


Arnold married Emilie Dyckerhoff († 1915). The marriage had two sons:
