Friedrich Joachim von Rathenow

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Friedrich Joachim von Rathenow (* 1707 in Metzelthin in the Uckermark , † March 16, 1762 in Grimme ) was a Prussian colonel .



Friedrich Joachim was a member of the Brandenburg noble family von Rathenow . His parents were the heir to Pinnow and Metzelthin George Ernst von Rathenow († 1725) and Margarete Elisabeth von Burghagen.


Rathenow joined the Infantry Regiment No. 23 of the Prussian Army at the age of 19 and was promoted to captain in June 1748 . In 1758 he was promoted to major and took over as commander of a grenadier battalion in the same year. The battalion entrusted to him consisted of the grenadier companies of the Alt-Bornstedt and Lichnowski regiments . In August 1760 he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and finally to colonel in February 1761.

He took part in the battles near Mollwitz , Hohenfriederberg , Sorr , Reichenberg , Prague , Roßbach , Leuthen , Hochkirch , Liegnitz and Torgau (wounded). For his outstanding personal commitment near Liegnitz, he received 1000 thalers and the order Pour le Mérite .

On the night of April 8th to 9th, 1762 he was able to repel an opposing force of 4,000 men near Gräthen , but was seriously wounded, so that he succumbed to his injuries a few days later at Grimme. The king had deeply regretted his death, since he had been a good officer to him.


With his wife Katharina Elisabeth geb. Fabian. or born Plager († 1772), who later received a widow's pension from the king, had six children, the following four sons of whom were also in the army.

  • Friedrich Joachim († 1806), Prussian lieutenant colonel, killed near Jena , ∞ NN
  • Ernst Friedrich Ehrenreich (1748–1818), Prussian major, ∞ Nanette Salzmann
  • Henning Friedrich († 1817), Prussian major
  • Otto Franz († 1819), Prussian major, ∞ NN Gaffers


  • Anton Balthasar König : Friedrich Joachim von Rathenow . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 3 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1790, p. 262 ( Friedrich Joachim von Rathenow at Wikisource [PDF]).
  • Gottlob Naumann : Collection of unprinted messages explaining the history of the Prussian campaigns from 1740 to 1782 , Part 2, Dresden 1782, p. 226

Individual evidence

  1. Historisches Portefeuille , 1787, p. 173
  2. Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New General German Adels Lexicon , Volume 7, Leipzig 1867, pp. 351–352
  3. a b c Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Areligen Häuser A, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1904, p. 704
  4. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 1, Mittler , Berlin 1913, p. 88, no.536 .
  5. a b König, p. 263 (lit.)