Günter Abramzik

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Günter Abramzik (born December 8, 1926 in Schönerswalde , West Prussia , † May 3, 1992 in Bremen ) was a German Protestant theologian and cathedral preacher at Bremen Cathedral .


Abramzik ​​was the son of a tax inspector. He attended grammar school in Marienburg in West Prussia until 1943, after which he was a soldier in the Wehrmacht. In 1945 he worked for a short time at the Goethe and Schiller Archive in Weimar . He first studied theater studies , then theology and philosophy with Nicolai Hartmann at the University of Göttingen . Hartmann, as a representative of critical realism and as one of the important innovators of metaphysics , had a strong influence on him, as well as the theologians Friedrich Gogarten and Paul Tillich . In the Protestant student community in Göttingen , he campaigned against rearmament and nuclear violence. In 1953 he passed the first theological exam in Göttingen. He was then vicar in Worpswede and met Martha Vogeler and Gustav Regulator . In 1955 he was ordained a pastor. From 1955 to 1958 he was parish vicar as a student pastor in the former university village in Wilhelmshaven - Rustersiel . He became chairman of the Wilhelmshaven Art Association and co-founder of the first local German-Polish association.

City Savings Bank House

In 1958 he was appointed cathedral preacher at Bremen Cathedral to succeed Walter Sprondel. Since then he has lived on the Bremen market square in the building of the Stadtsparkasse and the loud market hype has often been publicly addressed by him. He also taught philosophy at the old grammar school . He maintained contacts with the Catholic Church, also preached in Catholic churches and invited Catholic clergy to preach in the cathedral,

As a cathedral preacher, he was involved in the current public discussion to a large extent and in the 1968s tried to constructively balance the various positions and actions. Especially during the Bremen tram riots in 1968 , his mediation in the cathedral chapter house ensured that there was no violent confrontation between the young people and the authorities. His numerous contacts with public figures such as u. a. Mayor Hans Koschnick (SPD) helped with his mediation attempts. He cultivated more frequent contacts with Martin Niemöller , Walter Jens , Erich Fried , Nicolas Born , Ernst Bloch and Hans Mayer . He was friends with the businessman, writer and patron Friedrich Wilhelm Oelze . He emphasized the dialogue between theology, philosophy and politics. In 1981 he held the guest speech of the Bremen ice cream bet in place of Hans-Dietrich Genscher (FDP) in the Bremen town hall . In 1981, on the occasion of a criticism of Federal President Karl Carstens of the church because of its protest against the NATO double resolution , he formulated : "The church can only be a church if it utters the word of reconciliation in a time of intensifying contradictions".

He was married to the director of studies Irmela Abramzik ​​(* 1922) from the school on Leibnizplatz .


  • The St. Petri Cathedral in Bremen (the Gothic expansion of the cathedral as defining its present-day character). Hauschild, Bremen 1989, ISBN 3926598220 .
  • The Bremen Christmas book for town and country . Wassermann, Bremen 1988, ISBN 3796117937 .
  • Of true tolerance. About Mendelssohn and Lessing . Wassermann, Bremen 1986.


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