Georg Brandes Prize
The Georg Brandes Prize ( Danish : Georg Brandes Prisen ) is a Danish literary prize that has been awarded by the literary critics' guild ( Litteraturkritikernes Lav , founded in 1966) since 1969 . The prize, currently endowed with 60,000 Danish kroner, honors an outstanding work in the field of literary criticism or literary research . The award winner is nominated by a three-person committee and chosen by all members at the annual general meeting of the literary critics' guild. The award is named after the writer and philosopher Georg Brandes (1842–1927). In addition to the Georg Brandes Prize, the association also awards the Danish Critics' Prize .
Award winners
No. | year | Award winners | title | Remarks |
50. | 2018 | Frits Andersen | Sydhavsøen. Nydelsen's geografi | |
49. | 2017 | Litteraturmagasinet standard | Literary magazine | |
48. | 2016 | Ivar Gjørup | Plato's gåde | |
47. | 2015 | Hans Otto Jørgensen | Hordes - 13 digterportrætter 1872-1912 | |
46. | 2014 | Martin Zerlang | Cartoon land - i krydsild mellem danske forfattere og tegnere | |
45. | 2013 | Niels Barfoed | Benedicte - En skæbne | |
44. | 2012 | Sune de Souza Schmidt-Madsen | En lille bog om Blixen | |
43. | 2011 | Lis Møller | Erpenringen's poetics | treatise |
42. | 2010 | Dan Ringgaard | Stedssans | Travel description / essays |
41. | 2009 | Erik Aksel Nielsen | Kristendommens retorik | |
40. | 2008 | Lykkeberg rune | Kampen om sandhederne | |
39. | 2007 | Niels Frank | He's old and løgn | |
38. | 2006 | Mette Dalsgaard |
En optimistisk tragedie. Soviet Russia literature 1917-85 |
37. | 2005 | Jens Engberg : |
Like cultures. Volume 1-3 |
36. | 2004 | Jørgen Knudsen |
Georg Brandes. Volume 1-8 |
2004 | Thomas Bredsdorff | The brogede oplysning | (Honorary award) | |
35. | 2003 | Hans Hauge |
Post-Danmark. Politics and aesthetics hinsides det naturlige |
34. | 2002 | Finn Stein Larsen | The magical livskreds. Frank Jæger's poetry | |
33. | 2001 | Søren Schou |
The other forfattere. Dansk fiction prose 1945-60 |
32. | 2000 | Joakim Garff : | SAK | biography |
31. | 1999 | Marianne Juhl | Peter Seeberg | biography |
30th | 1998 | Jørgen Haugan | Alt he som denotes eroticism | Biography of Martin Andersen Nexø |
29 | 1997 | Peter Schepelern | Lars von Trier's elementer | biography |
28. | 1996 | Per Stig Møller |
Verden the natural order tolv år the forandrede |
27. | 1995 | Henrik Wivel |
The store style. Danish symbolism and impressionism omkring in 1900 |
26th | 1994 | Inge Eriksen | Skytsengle | |
25th | 1993 | Carsten Jensen | Forsømmelsernes bend | Collection of essays |
24. | 1992 | Frederik Julius Billeskov Jansen | Kierkegaard monograph | |
23. | 1991 | Bjørn Bredal | Supplement to the weekend notices |
22nd | 1990 | Jens Andersen : | Thit - den sidste valkyrie | biography |
21st | 1989 | Frans Lasson |
Olaf Bull. Brev fra en dikters liv. Volume 1-2 |
20th | 1988 | Torben Brostrøm | Visse øjeblikke | |
19th | 1987 | Bodil Wamberg | Johanne Luise Heiberg | biography |
18th | 1986 | Tania Ørum | Pamelas døtre | |
17th | 1985 | Hans Hertel | Verdenslitteraturhistory | |
16. | 1984 | Poul Behrendt | Bite and dull | |
15th | 1983 | Pil Dahlerup | Det modern gennembruds kvinder | |
14th | 1982 | Thomas Bredsdorff : |
Tristans børn. Information about the kærlighed and ægteskab in the borrowed epoke |
13. | 1981 | Keld Zeruneith |
The frigjorte. Emil Aarestrup i digtning and samtid. En biografi |
dissertation |
12. | 1980 | Nynne Koch | Kvindestudier mv | |
11. | 1979 | John Chr. Jørgensen | Litteratures og hverdagen | |
10. | 1978 | Morten Borup | Georg Brandes breve til forældrene 1859-71 | |
9. | 1977 | Ulrich Horst Petersen |
Ulrich Horst Petersen i H.C. Andersens verden |
8th. | 1976 | Ebbe Spang-Hanssen | Culture blindhed | |
7th | 1975 | Børge Houmann | ||
6th | 1974 | Oluf Friis | The young Johannes V. Jensen 1873-1902. I-II | |
5. | 1973 | Villy Sørensen | Uden mål - and med | Essays |
4th | 1972 | Peter P. Rohde | Både - above | |
3. | 1971 | Jørgen Bukdahl | Folkelighed og eksistens | |
2. | 1970 | Sven Møller Kristensen | Literature sociological essays | |
1. | 1969 |
Aage Henriksen Johan Fjord Jensen |
criticism | magazine |
See also
Web links
- Literature Critics Lav Official website of the Union of Literary Critics (Danish)