Literature year 2018
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Overview of the literary
years Further events
- University of Leipzig, the Saxon Academy of Sciences starts an 18-year project of a Bibliotheca Arabica in order to “gain extensive knowledge about Arabic literary production in its social contexts.” In doing so, “an Internet platform for historical Arabic literature ”. January 1st: In cooperation with the
- Nagel & Kimche Verlag , which had belonged to the Hanser publishing group since 1999 . January 1: MG Medien Verlags GmbH takes over the Zürcher
- January 15: The “Special Library for Munich Literature” Monacensia acquires the literary archives of the Piper family of publishers .
- 22-27 January: Poetica 4 in Cologne; Topic: "Beyond Identities"
- January 23rd: The Academic Senate of the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin decides to have a poem by Eugen Gomringer painted over on the university facade because of the poem's alleged "discrimination against women". Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters criticizes this decision as a “terrifying act of cultural barbarism”, the Berlin Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer calls the overpainting of poems “exaggerated and absurd”, and the Berlin House for Poetry ends its cooperation with the university and the non-university members announce their resignation to the jury for the Alice Salomon Poetics Prize .
- Harry Potter books exceed 500 million copies. February 1: Worldwide sales of all
- Kunststiftung NRW adopt a “Düsseldorf Declaration by Independent Publishers”. February 6th: The participants of a working conference of the
- February 16: Opening of the “ Ralph Giordano Library ” in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial in Hamburg
- February 24: At the age of 88 years, the long-time dtv science lecturer Walter Kumpmann dies .
- February 26th: German literary translators and mediators of Polish literature as well as their associations condemn the cultural policy of the PiS government in Poland in an open letter .
- February 28: After ten years of work by a “research team”, a revised version of the Ulysses translation by Hans Wollschläger cannot appear because the Suhrkamp Verlag had failed to obtain the rights for the revision from the heirs; For the rights holder Gabriele Gordon the planned around 5000 changes and corrections were "too many" and she had "doubted that the revision, which took ten years and includes around 5000 changes and corrections, was in the interests of Wollschläger".
- Berlin State Library 1./2. March: 1st Federal Library Policy Congress in the
- lit.Cologne 6-17 March: 18th
- Durs Grünbein and Uwe Tellkamp in the Dresden Palace of Culture March 8: Debate between
- March 12: In response to the legally controversial conviction of the Turkish writer and publisher Ahmet Altan to life imprisonment, a new edition of his historical novel The Scent of Paradise appears under the more precise title Like a Sword with S. Fischer .
- March 15: A new monthly bestseller list for fiction from independent publishers appears for the first time , which is created and published by the Börsenblatt on the basis of data determined by Media Control .
- March 15: The authors and publicists Henryk M. Broder , Matthias Matussek , Thilo Sarrazin and Uwe Tellkamp are among the first to sign a "Declaration 2018", which complains about "how Germany is being damaged by illegal mass immigration". The “Declaration 2018”, which consists of just two sentences, is criticized by the Association of German Writers as “not appropriate for an intellectual debate”. After the signing of the “Declaration 2018” by the publisher of LIT Verlag , protests or distancing by authors and editors of the publishing house arise, after which the publisher withdraws his signature from the “Declaration 2018”.
- 15-18 March: Leipzig Book Fair (focus country: Romania )
- March 21: World Poetry Day
- 26.-29. March: 55th Bologna Children's Book Fair
- March 27: The first title of the newly founded US youth book publisher Rick Riordan Presents appears.
- International Children's Book Day April 2nd:
Peter Englund , Kjell Espmark and Klas Östergren ) due to the conflict , the Swedish Academy , which awards the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Nordic Prize , currently has only 13 members instead of the regular 18. On April 12, 2018, Katarina Frostenson , who after her failed expulsion from the academy, the current conflict had come to a head, and the permanent secretary (academy chairwoman) Sara Danius also declare their withdrawal. On April 18, 2018, it was announced that the Swedish King wanted to resolve the incapacity of the Swedish Academy by amending the centuries-old statutes of the Academy, and on April 20, 2018, the Academy identified various grievances in her house such as cases of sexual harassment, questionable payments and violations of the rules of secrecy in the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature. On May 4, 2018, the Academy will announce that the Nobel Prize for 2018 will only be awarded in autumn 2019 together with the Prize for 2019; However, at the end of May 2018, this announcement was put into perspective by the director of the Nobel Foundation to the effect that “2019 should not be understood as a fixed date”.
- November: On November 19th it is announced that the winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature for 2019 and 2020 will be decided by a committee consisting of five members of the Academy and five external, expert advisors.
April 6: After the withdrawal of three members ( - Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and the PEN-Zentrum Deutschland demand clarification from the federal government about a raid against Mezopotamien Verlag and a sister company in Neuss on March 8, 2018. April 9: The
- April 13: Chris Dercon ends his work as director of the Volksbühne Berlin with immediate effect , whereby his contract will end on December 31, 2018 and he will receive the agreed remuneration by then.
- April 15th: In a referendum, the expansion of the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz to include the so-called "Bibel Tower" is rejected by a large majority.
- April 23: World Book and Copyright Day ; World Book Capital 2018 is Athens .
- May: The leading British bookstore chain Waterstones is taken over by a British subsidiary of the US Elliott Management Corporation .
- Wentorf near Hamburg , Nikolaus Gelpke , mareverlag and the Roger Willemsen Foundation open the artist house "Villa Willemsen" in the former villa of Roger Willemsen . May 3: In
- Ernst Wasmuth Verlag , founded in Tübingen in 1872, has filed for bankruptcy due to the threat of overindebtedness . May 4th:
- 24.-31. May: 19th poesiefestival berlin ; Subject: "Values Verse Art"
- May 31: Numerous old books are discovered in the storerooms of the Dutch Parliamentary Archives in The Hague , including a first edition of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith from 1776 and 200 books that cannot be found in any other library.
- Ernst Moritz Arndt , the University of Greifswald separates from Ernst Moritz Arndt as its previous namesake with ministerial approval . June 1: Due to the nationalist ideas represented by
- wbg book prize for the humanities , the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (wbg) wants to “make the humanities more heard in society” from spring 2019 in order to counter “fake news” and “alternative facts” with scientific findings ”. The wbg book prize is awarded every two years for German-language original publications and, with an endowment of 40,000 euros, is the most highly endowed non-fiction book prize in the German-speaking region. June 5: With a newly established
- June 16: Bloomsday
- June 19: Opening of the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles
- June 19: After years of searching for a location, the Berlin Senate decides to have the planned new building for the Berlin Central and State Library built on the grounds of the America Memorial Library in Berlin-Kreuzberg . The costs are estimated at 360 million euros, with a start of construction "at the earliest in 2025".
- his death , the Literaturhaus Köln is awarding the Dieter Wellershoff scholarships for the first time. With financial support from the City of Cologne, these are to benefit two “professional Cologne authors” every year from 2018 as eight-month working scholarships of 12,000 euros each. July 3: Just three weeks after
- 42nd Days of German-Language Literature in Klagenfurt, the writer Feridun Zaimoglu gives the 19th Klagenfurt speech on literature entitled “The Value of Words”. July 4th: At the opening of the
- July 10: The Chinese visual artist and poet Liu Xia is allowed to leave China after eight years of house arrest.
- July 10: A map drawn by EH Shepard of the hundred acre forest in Winnie the Pooh is auctioned for around half a million euros.
- July 14th: The penultimate German bookstore closes in Paris .
- July 20: A district group of the Fraternal Order of Police , the largest professional association of American police officers, calls for the award-winning The Hate U Give ( s ) and Nothing is okay! Remove two books critical of the police from a recommended reading list in a South Carolina high school .
- July 24th: The Frankfurt publishing house Schöffling & Co. stops “all activities on Facebook and all associated networks” in protest against the Holocaust denial that Facebook tolerates .
- July 24th: As a “counterweight to the increasingly digital world”, the city of Beijing increases subsidies to promote the book trade culture and invests £ 5.7 million annually in the maintenance and expansion of its bookshops.
- London , the socialist Bookmarks Bookshop is attacked by 12 right-wing extremists (“far-right”), including three Ukip members. August 4th: In
- August 11: The director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival reports of extraordinary difficulties and harassment in issuing visas for 12 authors from the Middle East as well as from African countries and Belarus.
- August 24th: Opening of a Center for Literature at Hülshoff Castle , combined with the "Droste Days 2018"
- August 25: The first bookstore in Germany opens under the name Shakespeares Enkel in Dresden , which exclusively offers books from independent publishers .
- August 30th: A new book by Thilo Sarrazin is published by FinanzBook Verlag with the title Feindlichehaben. How Islam hinders progress and threatens society , about which quarrels arise in advance. In a lawsuit against the Random House publishing group , Sarrazin claims, among other things, "€ 800,000 in lost profit because Random House could have sold far more books than its new publisher (FinanzBook Verlag) thanks to" its market power ".
- August 31: The American weekly newspaper The Village Voice ceases its publication.
- August / September: The surprising replacement of Barbara Laugwitz as Managing Director at Rowohlt triggers criticism from several of the publisher's authors; On January 1, 2019, Florian Illies will be the new managing director of Rowohlt Verlag. On September 27, 2018, Laugwitz obtained an injunction against Joerg Pfuhl , the CEO of Holtzbrinck Buchverlage, against which Pfuhl appealed in order to restore her “damaged credibility towards the publishers' authors” .
- On October 24, 2018, it was announced on the one hand that the dispute had been resolved amicably, and on the other hand it was announced that Barbara Laugwitz will return to Ullstein Buchverlage as publishing director from March 1, 2019 .
- September: Stroemfeld Verlag files for insolvency for its German publishing division .
- October: The Franz Kafka edition founded by Stroemfeld is continued by Wallstein Verlag .
- December: The Critical Robert Walser Edition is also continued, supported by Schwabe Verlag Basel , among others .
- International Literature Festival Berlin 5th - 15th September: 18th
- Mid-September: The 60th edition of the Fischer Weltalmanach appears for the last time; the publication is then no longer continued "in view of the dominance of Internet research".
- September 30th: International Translators Day
- September 30: German premiere of the film Der Trafikant based on the novel of the same name by Robert Seethaler from 2012
- Autumn: The German-language Penguin Verlag , founded in 2015, publishes its first hardcover program.
- Larissa Bender and Anne Birkenhauer Molad as well as Christian Brückner , Rainald Goetz , Ali Mitgutsch , Michael Naumann and Barbara Vinken are awarded a Federal Cross of Merit. October 2: The translators
- 10-14 October: Frankfurt Book Fair (guest country: Georgia ); An international literature festival called “Bookfest” will take place parallel to the book fair.
- October 12th: The Swedish Nya Academies will award a one-time alternative Nobel Prize for Literature, the recipient of which is determined by a five-person jury of experts after a worldwide online vote. The prize is endowed with 100,000 euros and is awarded to Maryse Condé .
- October 12: Herder-Verlag presents the first volume of a 17-volume historical-critical commentary on the Koran published by the Islamic scholar Mouhanad Khorchide .
- October 24th: The Reclam Museum opens in Leipzig .
- 25./26. October: An auction of works from the private collection of the Berlin art dealer Bernd Schultz brings more than six million euros to the Exilmuseum Berlin Foundation , which, under the patronage of the Nobel Prize for Literature Herta Müller , wants to build a museum in Berlin for the 500,000 people who lived in Germany during had to leave the time of National Socialism .
- October 31: A court in southeast China's Wuhu County sentenced an author named Liu (pseudonym “Tianyi”) to 10 ½ years in prison for describing gay sex scenes in a self-published book.
- November: The Swiss literary magazine drafts is discontinued after its 86th edition.
- Gergely Prőhle , General Director of the Petőfi Literature Museum in Budapest, ends “by mutual agreement”. November 1: After weeks of attacks by the government,
- German-language poetry slam championship in Zurich ; "Best Slam Poet 2018" is Jean-Philippe Kindler . 6-10 November: 22nd
- November 14th to December 2nd: 9th Munich Literature Festival with forum: autoren (November 15-22 ), curated by Jan Wagner
- November 29 and December 6: For the first time, a selection of 18 current price-bound paperback bestsellers at 9.99 euros from various publishing houses is being offered in the German discount trade.
- December 11th: 18 previously unknown short stories by Nagib Mahfuz are published.
- December 20: Mats Malm , who was appointed a member on October 18, 2019 as part of the changes there , takes his place in the Swedish Academy ; other new members are Jila Mossaed and Eric M. Runesson .
- December 23: The writer Robert Menasse explains the repeated use of alleged quotes by the politician Walter Hallstein that he invented : "What do I care about the 'literal' when it comes to the meaning." In contrast, the historian Heinrich August Winkler , among others, doubts that Hallstein von Menasse is rightly claimed. In a statement on the allegations made against him in this context, Menasse admitted errors and apologized for them at the beginning of January 2019, but also describes the criticism of his handling of quotations as "artificial excitement", whereupon the Protestant cultural representative and author Johann Hinrich Claussen him Among other things, holds: “In the politics of ideas he would have to submit to the claim of truthfulness and he does not live up to it”, but apologized for this criticism “to the writer and his family” in mid-January 2019 because he “reacted too quickly and too sharply " have.
- December 31: Ch. Links Verlag becomes part of the Aufbau publishing group .
- December 31: Grafit Verlag is taken over by Emons Verlag .
- 2018: The first forty titles of the newly founded Kampa Verlag appear in Zurich.
Anniversaries (selection)
- Adam Bahdaj January 2nd: 100th birthday of
- Heinz Abosch January 5th: 100th birthday of
- January 11: 200th anniversary of the death of Johann David Wyss
- January 19: 150th birthday of Gustav Meyrink
- January 26: 100th birthday of Philip José Farmer
- January 28: 150th anniversary of Adalbert Stifter's death
- January 28: 100th anniversary of John McCrae's death
- Muriel Spark's 100th birthday February 1:
- Thorkild Bjørnvig's 100th birthday February 2nd:
- Hella Haasse's 100th birthday February 2:
- Johannes Gutenberg's death February 3: 550th anniversary of
- Neal Cassady's death February 4: 50th anniversary of
- Lothar-Günther Buchheim February 6: 100th birthday of
- February 18: 150th birthday of Sophie Haemmerli-Marti
- February 22: 150th anniversary of the death of Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna
- February 22: 100th birthday of Hildegard Maria Rauchfuß
- February 23: WEB Du Bois' 150th birthday
- February 26: 200th birthday of Katharina Prato
- February 26: 100th birthday of Theodore Sturgeon
- Émile Chartier's 150th birthday March 3:
- Rahmatallāh al-Kairānawī March 9: the 200th birthday of
- Mickey Spillane's 100th birthday March 9:
- Frank Wedekind's death March 9: 100th anniversary of
- March 11th: 100th birthday of Thomas Gordon
- March 15: Richard Ellmann's 100th birthday
- March 18: 250th anniversary of Laurence Sterne's death
- March 19: 50th anniversary of Alfred Baeumler's death
- March 20: 100th birthday of Bernd Alois Zimmermann
- March 28: 150th birthday of Maxim Gorky
- March 31: 500th anniversary of Heinrich Bebel's death
- Oles Honchar's 100th birthday April 3:
- Hermann Cohen's death April 4: 100th anniversary of
- Martin Luther King's death April 4: 50th anniversary of
- April 16: 50th anniversary of Edna Ferber's death
- April 18: 100th birthday of André Bazin
- April 18: Shinobu Hashimoto's 100th birthday
- April 19: 100th anniversary of William Hope Hodgson's death
- April 23: Maurice Druon's 100th birthday
- April 23: James Kirkup's 100th birthday
- April 24: 100th birthday of Elisabeth Mann Borgese
- April 29: 100th anniversary of Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea's death
- Harold Nicolson's death May 1: 50th anniversary of
- Karl Marx May 5th: 200th birthday of
- Gaston Leroux May 6: 150th birthday of
- Will Grohmann's death May 6: 50th anniversary of
- Stanisław Przybyszewski's 150th birthday May 7:
- Adolf Widmann May 7th: 200th birthday of
- May 11: Richard Feynman's 100th birthday
- May 14: 200th anniversary of Matthew Gregory Lewis' death
- May 14: Magnus Hirschfeld's 150th birthday
- May 23: 150th birthday of Count Harry Kessler
- May 25: 200th birthday of Jacob Burckhardt
- Herbert A. Strauss June 1: 100th birthday of
- Helen Keller's death June 1: 50th anniversary of
- Martin Esslin June 6: 100th birthday of
- Mariana Sansón Argüello June 6: 100th birthday of
- Johann Joachim Winckelmann June 8: 250th anniversary of the death of
- June 10: 100th birthday of Edouard Axelrad
- June 10: 100th anniversary of the death of Arrigo Boito
- June 14: 50th anniversary of Salvatore Quasimodo's death
- June 21: 100th anniversary of Hermann Essig's death
- June 23: Giambattista Vico's 350th birthday
- June 26: 100th anniversary of Peter Rosegger's death
- June 30th: Alois Musil's 150th birthday
- Fritz Bauer's death July 1st: 50th anniversary of
- Bernard H. Breslauer July 1st: 100th birthday of
- July 10: James Aldridge's 100th birthday
- July 12th: 150th birthday of Stefan George
- July 14: Ingmar Bergman's 100th birthday
- July 18: Nelson Mandela's 100th birthday
- July 22nd: 50th anniversary of Giovanni Guareschi's death
- July 26th: 100th anniversary of Fanny zu Reventlow's death
- July 30: Emily Brontë's 200th birthday
- Theodor Wolff's 150th birthday August 2nd:
- Paul Claudel August 6: 150th birthday of
- Aleksander Kulisiewicz August 7: 100th birthday of
- Conrad Lycosthenes' 500th birthday August 8:
- August 15: 100th anniversary of Peter Gast's death
- August 19: 500th birthday of Kaspar Brusch
- August 20: 100th birthday of Jacqueline Susann
- August 29: 100th anniversary of Max Dauthendey's death
- François-René de Chateaubriand's 250th birthday September 4th:
- Tommaso Campanella's 450th birthday September 5:
- Mary Hunter Austin's 150th birthday September 9:
- Boris Sachoder's 100th birthday September 9:
- September 11th: 100th birthday of Peter Palitzsch
- September 26: 100th anniversary of Georg Simmel's death
- September 28: 100th anniversary of Eduard von Keyserling's death
- Romano Guardini's death October 1: 50th anniversary of
- Jean Paulhan October 9: 50th anniversary of the death of
- October 13: 50th anniversary of Manuel Bandeira's death
- October 16: 100th birthday of Louis Althusser
- October 22: 200th anniversary of the death of Joachim Heinrich Campe
- October 22: 100th birthday of René de Obaldia
- October 24: 150th birthday of Alexandra David-Néel
- October 29: 400th anniversary of Walter Raleigh's death
- Francisco de Enzinas' 500th birthday November 1:
- Roger Lancelyn Green's 100th birthday November 2:
- Wilfred Owen's death November 4: 100th anniversary of
- Horst Mönnich November 8th: 100th birthday of
- Ivan Turgenev's 200th birthday November 9:
- Guillaume Apollinaire's death November 9: 100th anniversary of
- November 14th: 100th anniversary of Seumas O'Kelly's death
- November 17: 50th anniversary of Mervyn Peake's death
- November 19: 100th birthday of Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
- November 21: Friedrich Schleiermacher's 250th birthday
- November 25: 50th anniversary of Upton Sinclair's death
- November 26th: 50th anniversary of Arnold Zweig's death
- November 28: 300th birthday of Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht
- November 28: 50th anniversary of Enid Blyton's death
- November 29: Madeleine L'Engle's 100th birthday
- Edmond Rostand's death December 2: 100th anniversary of
- Anna Kavan's death December 5th: 50th anniversary of
- Vincenzo Maria Coronelli December 9: 300th anniversary of the death of
- December 10th: 50th anniversary of Karl Barth's death
- December 10: 50th anniversary of Thomas Merton's death
- December 10th: 50th anniversary of the death of Tian Han
- December 11th: 100th anniversary of Ivan Cankar's death
- December 11: Alexander Solzhenitsyn's 100th birthday
- December 12th: 100th anniversary of the death of Hermione von Preuschen
- December 19: Eleanor Hodgman Porter's 150th birthday
- December 20: 50th anniversary of Max Brod's death
- December 20: 50th anniversary of the death of John Steinbeck
- December 26: 400th anniversary of Albin Moller's death
- December 28: 100th anniversary of Olavo Bilac's death
- December 28: 100th birthday of Valentin Senger

Title from Le Vite (1568) by Giorgio Vasari
- The expanded edition of Le vite de 'più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori ( en ) by Giorgio Vasari is published .
- JANUARY 13: world premiere of the comedy Amphitryon by Molière
- July 18th: World premiere of the Comédie-ballet George Dandin by Molière
- The Miser by Molière September 9: World premiere of the comedy
- November: First performance of the comedy Les Plaideurs by Racine
- December 31: The adventurous Simplicissimus by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen is published .
- The Unum necessarium is published by JA Comenius .
- Thomas Hobbes wrote Behemoth, or The Long Parliament (published posthumously in 1681).
- November 18th: First performance of Voltaire's tragedy Oedipe
- Yorick's sensitive journey through France and Italy by Laurence Sterne appears.
- The philosophical verse story Musarion is published by Christoph Martin Wieland .
- Goethe writes the shepherd's play Die Laune des Verliebten .
- Voltaire writes the tragedy Les Guèbres ou la tolérance .
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley published anonymously. January 1: The novel
- December 24th: First performance of the song Silent Night, Holy Night
- By Jane Austen , the novel posthumously appear Persuasion .
- Joseph von Eichendorff wrote the poem The Two Journeyman and the fairy tale novel The Marble Picture .
- Hamlet by Ambroise Thomas March 9: World premiere of the opera
- May 16: First performance of Bedřich Smetana's opera Dalibor
- June 21: World premiere of the opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg by Richard Wagner
- The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky begins on Jan. 12 in the journal The Russian Messenger to appear.
- The story of Lieutenant Yergunov by Ivan Turgenev will also appear in January in the magazine Russki Westnik.
- The children of Captain Grant from Jules Verne appear.
- The first cant of Maldoror von Lautréamont appears.
- The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins appears.
- The first part of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott appears.
- The Goldelse by E. Marlitt appears as a book edition.
- The Californian literary magazine Overland Monthly appears for the first time in July, edited by Bret Harte .
- Goethe's Urfaust May 8th: First performance of
- May 24th: World premiere of the opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle by Béla Bartók ; Libretto: Béla Balázs
- May 25: Banished , the only surviving play by James Joyce , is published in London (premiered in Munich in 1919).
- Mysterium Buffo by Vladimir Mayakovsky November 7th: World premiere of the first version of
- November 30: The subject of Heinrich Mann appears as book edition.
- Night Lighting by Curt Goetz December 9th: First performance of the original version of
- The First World War novel Das Feuer is published in German by Henri Barbusse .
- By Thomas Mann appearing Reflections of a Non-political .
- By Leo Perutz the fantastic novel appears from nine to nine .
- The future story An Expedition into Space is published by Hans Dominik .
- By Ludwig Ganghofer the historical novel appears the great hunting .
- By Gerhart Hauptmann , the amendment will appear : The Heretic of Soana .
- By Arthur Schnitzler , the amendment appears Casanovas drive home .
- The story Altaich is published by Ludwig Thoma .
- The novel My Ántonia is published by Willa Cather .
- By Knut Hamsun , the novel appears the Soil in German.
- By Rebecca West appears as her first novel The Return .
- The Calligrammes poetry collection is published by Guillaume Apollinaire .
- The short story Diary of a Madman is published by Lu Xun .
- By Karl Barth in December seems the Romans in its original version.
- Wadzek's fight with the steam turbine ( s ) is published by Alfred Döblin .
- The novel The Indian Tomb ( s ) is published by Thea von Harbou .
- By Oswald Spengler Vol appears. 1 ( "shape and Reality") of The Decline of the West .
- From Max Weber , the series of essays appear parliament and government in Germany reordered .
- By Hugo von Hofmannsthal a free adaptation of will Calderon Dame Kobold (UA 1920).
- The result is the first version of the drama Baal by Bertolt Brecht .
- The result is the story Herr und Hund by Thomas Mann .
Appeared in 1968 : (OA = original edition; dEA = German-language first edition)
- James Baldwin : Tell me how long has the train been gone (OA; en )
- Elisabeth Beresford: Vol. 1 of the Wombles (OA)
- Thomas Bernhard : Not exactly
- Wolf Biermann : Encouragement (poem and song)
- John Brunner : Morning World (OA) and The Pioneers of Sigma Draconis (OA)
- John le Carré : A small town in Germany (OA and dEA)
- Carlos Castaneda : The Teachings of Don Juan (OA; en )
- Paul Celan : Fadensonnen ( en )
- Agatha Christie : Lots of lovely old ladies (OA) and The Forgetful Murderess (dEA)
- Arthur C. Clarke : 2001: A Space Odyssey (OA)
- Eldridge Cleaver : Soul on Ice (OA; en )
- Julio Cortázar : 62 / Model kit (OA)
- Erich von Däniken : memories of the future
- Philip K. Dick : Do androids dream of electric sheep? (OA)
- Bob Dylan : Mighty Quinn (song; first published as interpreted by the Manfred Mann Band on January 12th)
- Günter Eich : Moles
- Ian Fleming : Octopussy and Other Risky Businesses (dEA)
- Gertrud von le Fort : The cathedral
- Max Frisch : Biography: Ein Spiel (made in 1967, premiere on February 1, 1968 in Zurich)
- Jean-Luc Godard : The happy science (film based on Rousseau )
- Hans Werner Henze (music): The raft of Medusa ; Libretto: Ernst Schnabel (premiered on the radio in December 1968)
- Georgette Heyer : Seduction to Marriage (OA)
- John Irving : Let go of the bears! (OA)
- Erich Kästner : ... what is not in your reading books
- Alexander Kluge : The artists in the big top: at a loss (film and book)
- Milan Kundera : The Joke (dEA)
- Halldór Laxness : On the glacier (OA)
- Ursula K. Le Guin : The Magician of the Earth Sea (OA)
- Stanisław Lem : The Voice of the Lord (OA) and Pilot Pirx (OA)
- Siegfried Lenz : German lesson
- Paul Maar : The tattooed dog
- Henry Miller : Quiet days in Clichy (dEA)
- Patrick Modiano : La Place de l'Étoile (OA; first publication by Modiano)
- Alice Munro : Dance of the Blessed Spirits (OA)
- Pier Paolo Pasolini : Teorema (film and book)
- Sylvia Plath : The bell jar (dEA)
- Franklin J. Schaffner : Planet of the Apes (adaptation of the novel by Pierre Boulle )
- Georges Simenon : Maigret hesitates (OA) and Maigret and his childhood friend (OA)
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn : The First Circle of Hell (also dEA)
- John Updike : Married Couples (OA)
- Gore Vidal : Myra Breckinridge (OA; en )
- Martin Walser : Local history. Essays and speeches
- James Watson : The Double Helix (non-fiction; OA)
- Thornton Wilder : The eighth day of creation (dEA)
- Gabriele Wohmann : Rural festival and other stories , including the stories driven hunt and barred
- Christa Wolf : Thinking about Christa T.
- Paul Zindel : We didn't want that (OA)
More anniversaries
- 1768: The (still existing) publishing bookstore John Murray is founded in London .
- 1768: The (still existing) bookstore " Hodges Figgis " is founded in Dublin .
- December 6, 1768: The first “number” of the Encyclopædia Britannica appears for subscribers.
- May 4, 1818: The (still existing) JP Bachem Verlag is founded in Cologne .
- October 12, 1818: The National Theater in Munich , used as an opera house , opens.
- 1868: The (still existing) book series Philosophical Library is founded.
- 1918: The last 12 volumes of the short-lived book series Swiss storytellers appear.
- 1918: The artistic-literary magazine Die Dachstube , founded in 1915, appears for the last time under this name.
- 1918: The Academy for the Arabic Language in Damascus is founded.
- December 31, 1918: Five publishing houses come together in Berlin to form the Association of Scientific Publishers Walter de Gruyter & Co. KG .
- April 29, 1968: World premiere of the musical Hair on Broadway (dEA on October 24, 1968)
- June 27, 1968: The " Manifesto of 2000 Words " appears in Czechoslovakia .
- Shōnen Jump appears in Japan for the first time . July 2, 1968: The manga magazine
Died in 2018
Well known authors
- Aharon Appelfeld January 4th:
- January 22nd: Ursula K. Le Guin
- January 23: Nicanor Parra
- January 25th: Claribel Alegría
- January 28: Gene Sharp
- February 17: Daniel Quinn
- Hayden White March 5:
- Kate Wilhelm March 8:
- March 14: Stephen Hawking
- March 23: Philip Kerr
- April 12th: Sergio Pitol
- April 17th: Dieter Lattmann
- Elmar grandfather May 1st:
- Günter Herburger May 3:
- Ludwig Harig May 5th:
- May 14: Tom Wolfe
- May 19: Bernard Lewis
- May 22nd: Philip Roth
- May 27: Gardner Dozois
- Hilmar Hoffmann June 1:
- John Julius Norwich June 1:
- Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt June 2nd:
- Franz M. Wuketits June 6:
- June 15: Dieter Wellershoff
- June 19: Stanley Cavell
- June 28: Harlan Ellison
- June 28: Christine Nöstlinger
- June 30th: Fuat Sezgin
- July 27th: Vladimir Voinovich
- August 11: VS Naipaul
- August 12: Samir Amin
- August 26: Neil Simon
- September 10: Paul Virilio
- September 16: Horst Bosetzky ("-ky")
- September 30: Walter Laqueur
- Charles Aznavour October 1:
- October 15: Arto Paasilinna
- October 30th: Jin Yong
- November 12th: Stan Lee
- November 14: Fernando del Paso
- November 16: William Goldman
- November 26th: Stephen Hillenburg
- Andrei Bitow December 3:
- December 10: Robert Spaemann
- December 12th: Wilhelm Genazino
- December 20: FW Bernstein
- December 28th: Amos Oz
- December 30th: Edgar Hilsenrath
Other authors
- Jahn Otto Johansen January 1st:
- Walter Pilar January 1:
- Keorapetse Kgositsile January 3:
- Valery Chalidze January 3:
- Ursula Vaupel January 4th:
- Peter Ambros January 5th:
- Aydın Boysan January 5th:
- Carlos Heitor Cony January 5th:
- Hans Werner Kettenbach January 5th:
- Carlo Pedretti January 5th:
- Marina Ripa di Meana January 5th:
- Karl König January 6th:
- Peter Preston January 6:
- Ralf Dreier January 7th:
- Jürgen Joachimsthaler January 7th:
- Bjørg Vik January 7th:
- Yılmaz Onay January 9:
- Mario Perniola January 9:
- Erwin Rotermund January 9:
- January 10: Leopold Ahlsen
- January 10: Karl Menges
- January 10: Zvonko Plepelić
- January 10: Elisabeth Walther-Bense
- January 12th: Manfred Hennen
- January 12th: Andreas Ploeger
- January 14th: Bill Moody
- January 14th: Jean Salem
- January 15: Joachim Gnilka
- January 17th: Norbert Kapferer
- January 18: Hans Christoph Binswanger
- January 18: Peter Mayle
- January 18: Adolf Schurr
- January 19: David M. Knight
- January 22nd: Suzanne Citron
- January 23: Gertraude Portisch
- January 24th: Erhard Hexelschneider
- January 24th: Jack Ketchum
- January 25th: Fritz Funke
- January 25: Karin Saarsen
- January 26: Dieter Balkhausen
- January 27: Robert Parry
- January 27: Mort Walker
- January 28: Klaus Umbach
- January 29th: Stewart Sutherland
- January 30th: Andreas Gruschke
- January 30th: Sultan Yashurkayev
- January 30: Charles E. Lindblom
- January 31: Haim Gouri
- Nicholas von Hoffman February 1:
- Menno Wigman February 1:
- Günther Patzig February 2:
- Manfred Gregor February 4th:
- Arnold Maury February 5:
- Liliana Bodoc February 6:
- Philippe Richer February 6:
- Sam Jaun February 9:
- February 10: Michiko Ishimure
- February 10: Myroslav Popovych
- February 10: Wilhelm Riedel
- February 12: Rolf Umbach
- February 12: Heinz Rudolf Unger
- February 13th: Henrik of Denmark
- February 13: Victor Milán
- February 13: Susanne Preusker
- February 14: Dieter Eisfeld
- February 14th: Mario Grasso
- February 14: Siegfried Keil
- February 15: Daniel Vernet
- February 17th: Jean-Louis Déotte
- February 18: Dieter Schellong
- February 18: Barbara Wersba
- February 19: Flor Romero
- February 20: Harry Balkow-Gölitzer
- February 20: Kaneko Tōta
- February 20: Zigmas Zinkevičius
- February 22nd: Erich E. Geissler
- February 23: Werner Keller
- February 23: Anna Teut
- February 23: Wolfhart Westendorf
- February 24th: Uwe Helmut Grave
- February 24th: Piotr Guzy
- February 24th: Folco Quilici
- February 25: Sepp Strubel
- February 26: Rolf Bauerdick
- February 26: Werner Welzig
- February 27: Ekkehart Krippendorff
- February 28: Barry Crimmins
- February 28: Fuad Al-Futaih
- February 28: Pierre Milza
- February 28: Gerhard Scherhorn
- Gillo Dorfles March 2nd:
- Ota Filip March 2:
- Jacques Gernet March 3:
- Ingrid Uebe March 3rd:
- Daniel Walther March 3:
- Trude Ackermann March 4th:
- Stephan Göritz March 4th:
- Manfred Jenke March 4th:
- Derek Bickerton March 5:
- Peter Sebald March 5th:
- Stephan Tanneberger March 5th:
- Lothar Sauer March 6th:
- Dietmar Herz March 7th:
- Wilson Harris March 8:
- Peter Temple March 8:
- March 10: Saba Mahmood
- March 10th: Val Mulkerns
- March 10: Paolo Nuzzi
- March 11th: Henry Euler
- March 11th: Sarah Haffner
- March 11th: Karl Lehmann
- March 11th: Mary Rosenblum
- March 11th: Mario Vegetti
- March 12th: Arnfrid Astel
- March 12: Gisela Breitling
- March 13: T. Berry Brazelton
- March 13: Philip J. Davis
- March 14: Alfred W. Crosby
- March 14th: Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
- March 14: David Matza
- March 14th: Emily Nasrallah
- March 15th: Anna von Lassberg
- March 16: F. Starik
- March 16: Alexander Wolf
- March 17th: Michael Rutschky
- March 18: Li Ao
- March 18: Jochen Senf
- March 19: David Bischoff
- March 19: Jürg Laederach
- March 19: Moishe Postone
- March 20: Paul Colin
- March 20: Lindolfo Weingärtner
- March 20: Ursula Ziebarth
- March 21: Jost Lemmerich
- March 21: Bernd Philipp
- March 21: Karl Schlösser
- March 22nd: Winfried Engler
- March 23: Alberto Ongaro
- March 25th: Franz Oexle
- March 26th: Kay Hoff
- March 26th: Joachim John
- March 27: Clément Rosset
- March 27th: Hans Stumpfeldt
- March 28: Dieter Grau
- March 28: Stephan Leibfried
- March 29: Anita Shreve
- March 30: Anna Chennault
- Steven Bochco April 1:
- Ülkü Tamer April 1st:
- Arrigo Petacco April 3:
- Ferry Ahrlé April 4:
- Alfred Payrleitner April 4:
- Maurice Bellet April 5:
- Hans O. Hermann April 5:
- Cecil Taylor April 5:
- Daniel Chavarría April 6th:
- Jacques Higelin April 6:
- Reinhard Rürup April 6:
- Paul Goetsch April 7th:
- Albrecht Fölsing April 8:
- April 10: F'murr
- April 10: JD McClatchy
- April 11th: Jean-Claude Servan-Schreiber
- April 12th: Winfried Pielow
- April 14th: Jon Michelet
- April 15: Michael Halliday
- April 15: Helmut Lölhöffel
- April 15th: Endel Nirk
- April 17th: Ruth Geede
- April 18: René Coste
- April 18: Jean Flori
- April 18: Dietrich Garstka
- April 18: Willibald Sauerländer
- April 19: Klaus Michael Meyer-Abich
- April 20: Gerd Eggers
- April 23: Alice Provensen
- April 23: Arthur Solmssen
- April 24th: Maria Csollány
- April 24: Emma Smith
- April 26th: Johanna Fürstauer
- April 26: Sverker Oredsson
- April 26th: Elvira Orphée
- April 28: Eric Koch
- April 29th: Fritz Mierau
- April 29th: Drago Trumbetaš
- Tony Cucchiara May 2:
- Karl Ignaz Hennetmair May 2nd:
- Elisabeth Pfluger May 2nd:
- Jacques Stoquart May 2:
- Wolfgang Tarnowski May 3:
- Renate Dorrestein May 4th:
- Klaus Dede May 5th:
- Rosemarie Schuder May 5th:
- Werner Post May 6:
- Ellen Thiemann May 6:
- Andreas Findig May 7th:
- Marcel Magis May 7th:
- Bettina Clausen May 9:
- Per Kirkeby May 9:
- May 10th: Thomas Hengartner
- May 10: Petra Röder
- May 10: Dieter Ruckhaberle
- May 11: Heinrich Brokerhoff
- May 11th: Josh Greenfeld
- May 12: Earl W. Wallace
- May 14: Renate Delfs
- May 14: Wolf Schluchter
- May 14: William Vance
- May 16: Salih Mirzabeyoğlu
- May 17th: Rainer Dimmler
- May 17: Richard Pipes
- May 17th: Erich Sedlak
- May 18: Jacques Guyonnet
- May 18: Eric McLuhan
- May 18: Ed Stuhler
- May 19: Eddy C. Bertin
- May 19: Wolfgang Hug
- May 19: Ernst Sieber
- May 20: Ramón Chao
- May 20: Gerhart Mayer
- May 20: Dieter Schnebel
- May 21: Alexander Askoldow
- May 22nd: Alberto Dines
- May 23: Jean-François Parot
- May 25: Max Pagès
- May 25: Peter Schellenbaum
- before May 26th: Woomy Schmidt
- May 26th: Pierre Bellemare
- May 26th: Pierre Hassner
- May 28th: Hans von der Goltz
- May 28: Erich Prunč
- May 31: Aníbal Quijano
- May 31: Ewald Standop
- Jill Ker Conway June 1:
- Michael H. Day June 1:
- Gregor Laschen June 2nd:
- Inge Sievers June 3:
- Herbert Sleegers June 3:
- Ira Berlin June 5th:
- Daša Drndić June 5th:
- Hermann Wischnat June 5th:
- David Douglas Duncan June 7th:
- Minken Fosheim June 7th:
- Hans Gerd Krogmann June 7th:
- Per Ahlmark June 8th:
- Anthony Bourdain June 8:
- June 10: Siegfried Schumacher
- June 10: Christopher Stasheff
- June 11th: Marcel Hénaff
- June 11: Eckhard Keßler
- June 11: Erich Meuthen
- June 11: Josef Pointner
- June 12: Jana Moravcová
- June 14th: Hannsjörg Kowark
- June 15: Nina Baym
- June 15: Raoul Van Caenegem
- June 17th: Thomas Chorherr
- June 17th: Thilo Ramm
- June 18: Hermann Glaser
- June 18: Paul Gratzik
- June 18: Nathan Shaham
- June 19: Ivan Dratsch
- June 20: Robert Gilpin
- June 20: Sándor Kányádi
- June 21: Hanne Wickop
- June 22nd: Felicia Langer
- June 23: Donald Hall
- June 24th: Michael Lockwood
- June 25: Bálint Balla
- June 27: Cornelius Bischoff
- June 27: Siegfried Pfaff
- June 28: Domenico Losurdo
- June 29th: Mario Szichman
- Armando July 1st:
- Wolfgang Mürmann July 1:
- Maurice Lemaître July 2nd:
- Sander A. Diamond July 3:
- Hans Hautmann July 3:
- Gerald Uhlig July 4th:
- Oleg Yuryev July 5:
- Claude Lanzmann July 5th:
- Gérald Messadié July 5th:
- Werner Fuchs-Heinritz July 9:
- Marianne Zink July 9:
- July 10: Lisak Mosque
- July 10: Jessica Mann
- July 11: Christian Locker
- July 13: Frank Giroud
- July 13: Atukwei Okai
- July 13: Wolfgang Theile
- July 14: Vidmantė Jasukaitytė
- July 15: Adolf Opel
- July 16: Ursula Kurz
- July 19: Evelien Gans
- July 19: Shinobu Hashimoto
- July 19: Hans Joachim Kreutzer
- July 22nd: Eckhard Thiele
- July 23: Choi In-hun
- July 23: Jelka Mrak Dolinar
- July 25th: Florens Deuchler
- July 25: Anne-Marie Sandler
- July 26th: Adem Demaçi
- July 26: Eugène Philipps
- July 27th: Marco Aurelio Denegri
- July 27th: Witali Schentalinski
- July 28: Barbara Bollwahn
- July 28th: Hellar Grabbi
- July 29th: Peter P. Klassen
- July 29: Rolf Tiedemann
- July 30th: Uwe Brandner
- July 31: Kurt Scheel
- Hansjürgen Müller-Beck August 2nd:
- Horst Pätzold August 2nd:
- Matthew Sweeney August 5th:
- Bardo Weiss August 5th:
- Christian Habicht August 6:
- M. Karunanidhi August 7:
- Enno Patalas August 7th:
- Walter Schenker August 7:
- Beatriz Seibel August 7th:
- Gerald M. Weinberg August 7:
- John Glines August 8:
- Richard Sipe August 8:
- Fides Krause-Brewer August 9th:
- Klaus Wildenhahn August 9:
- August 10: Rainer Höynck
- August 10: Mahmut Makal
- August 10: Carl Werner Müller
- August 10: Ursula Püschel
- August 12: Michael Scott Rohan
- August 13: Georges Hausemer
- August 13: Hansjakob Seiler
- August 14: Eduard Uspenski
- August 15: Allan Rune Pettersson
- August 16: Benny Andersen
- August 16: Aretha Franklin
- August 17th: Dietrich Arndt
- August 17th: Claudio Lolli
- August 17th: Vladimir Sharov
- August 17: Halima Xudoyberdiyeva
- August 18: Kofi Annan
- August 20: Uri Avnery
- August 21: Hanna Mina
- August 22nd: Hermann W. von der Dunk
- August 22nd: Heinz Kägebein
- August 22nd: Ed King
- August 22nd: Donald G. Payne
- August 23: Kuldip Nayar
- August 24th: Alexander von Elverfeldt
- August 26: Klaus Herding
- August 27: Stefan Weinfurter
- August 28: Gina Ruck-Pauquèt
- August 29: Heiner Timmermann
- August 30th: Wassili Lepanto
- August 31: David Yallop
- Margit Sandemo September 1:
- Friedrich Hofmann September 2:
- Manuela von Perfall September 2nd:
- Maria Beig September 3:
- Dieter Mehl September 3:
- Christopher Lawford September 4th:
- Heinz Leiwig September 6:
- Sven Wernström September 6:
- Hélio Jaguaribe September 9:
- Beat Richner September 9:
- September 11: Richard Newbold Adams
- September 12: Chris Mann
- September 13: Diana Baumrind
- September 13: Guido Ceronetti
- September 13: Erich Dauenhauer
- September 13: Albrecht Wellmer
- September 14: Peter A. Berger
- September 14: Rudolf Schieffer
- September 16: Hinderk Meiners Emrich
- September 16: Barbara Klostermann
- September 16: Ulrich Schacht
- September 18: Piotr Lachert
- September 19: Vishnu Khare
- September 19: Pavel Řezníček
- September 20: Hanno Beck
- September 21: Herbert Meier
- September 22nd: Mitra Devi
- September 24th: Ronald Bye
- September 27: Helga Michie
- September 28: Jupp Balkenhol
- September 28th: Joe Masteroff
- September 28: Tamas Tschiladze
- Gerhard Bott October 1st:
- Harald Budde October 1:
- Antoine Sfeir October 1st:
- Dirk Ayelt Kooiman October 2nd:
- Lotte Brügmann-Eberhardt October 3:
- Gisela Bulla October 3:
- Huh Su-kyung October 3:
- Heinrich Missalla October 3:
- Theo Stammen October 4th:
- Atiyyat al-Abnudi October 5th:
- Eugen Herman-Friede October 6th:
- Alfred Schöpf October 6:
- Michel Vovelle October 6:
- Werner Buhss October 7:
- Robert Goldmann October 9:
- Wolfgang Lempert October 9:
- October 10: Mary Midgley
- October 11: Paul Andreu
- October 11th: Hans Peter Juergens
- October 11: Jean-Jacques Kariger
- October 12: Kurt Leo Shell
- October 13: Denis Szabo
- October 14th: Eduardo Arroyo
- October 15: Iris von Bredow
- October 15: Yasuo Irisawa
- October 15: Paul Emanuel Müller
- October 16: Bo Cavefors
- October 16: Amadou Ousmane
- October 16: Wilfried Scharnagl
- October 17: Hesper Anderson
- October 17th: Leone Frollo
- October 17th: Bonifacy Miązek
- October 18: Hermann Detering
- October 18: Marguerite Reut
- October 20: Rudi Benzien
- October 21: Friedmar Apel
- October 21: Rainer Kerndl
- October 22: Helmut Reinicke
- October 22: Rose Zwi
- October 23: Rein Põder
- October 23: Alojz Rebula
- October 25: John Taylor Gatto
- October 26: Ulrich Braukämper
- October 27: Ingo Insterburg
- October 27th: Ntozake Shange
- October 28: David Kenneth Fieldhouse
- October 28: Ernő Polgár
- October 29: Dave Duncan
- October 29: Hartmut Scheible
- October 30: Sangharakshita
- October 31: Wolfgang Zuckermann
- Emmerich Menyhay October:
- Christopher Stahl November 1st:
- Barthold C. Witte November 1:
- Dirk Pilz November 2:
- Bernard Glassman November 4th:
- Peter Godman November 4th:
- Bertil Mårtensson November 4th:
- Andrzej Mitan November 4th:
- Marion Kobelt-Groch November 6th:
- Volker Steenblock November 6th:
- Achim Mehnert November 7th:
- Lena Vandrey November 8:
- November 10: Sabine Brandt
- November 11th: Michael Amon
- November 13th: Johan Asplund
- November 14th: Wolf Donner
- November 15: ED Blodgett
- November 15: Adolf Grünbaum
- November 15: Shores Medvedev
- November 15: Helmut Schareika
- November 15th: Aldyr Schlee
- November 17th: Rudolf Affemann
- November 20: Gerhard Jäger
- November 21: Günter Beaugrand
- November 21: Salvatore A. Sanna
- November 21: Edward Timms
- November 22nd: Muhammad bin Sharifa
- November 22nd: Baha Güngör
- November 22: Yu-chien Kuan
- November 25: Randolph L. Braham
- November 25th: Priit Kruus
- November 26th: Luc Deflo
- November 26th: Lorenz Knorr
- November 26th: Tomás Maldonado
- November 28th: Thomas Altizer
- November 28th: Swaebou Conateh
- November 28th: Harry Leslie Smith
- November 29th: Élisa Brune
- November 30th: Dagobert Lindlau
- Rüdiger Peuckert December 1st:
- Michael Zielonka December 2nd:
- Justin Cartwright December 3:
- Jörg Ruhloff December 3:
- Ulrich Simon December 3:
- Nh. Dini December 4th:
- Paulus Böhmer December 5th:
- Joseph Joffo December 6th:
- Doris Mayer December 6th:
- Ina Rösing December 7th:
- Cemal Nebez December 8th:
- William Blum December 9:
- Tor Fretheim December 9th:
- December 10th: Annelies Laschitza
- December 10th: Johann Georg Reissmüller
- December 10: Xavier Tilliette
- December 11th: Nora Miedler
- December 11th: Martin Stade
- December 11th: Leo Yankevich
- December 13: Jürgen Manthey
- December 13: Lisa Peattie
- December 14th: Jean-Pierre Van Rossem
- December 14: Charlotte Worgitzky
- December 16: Helmut S. Ruppert
- December 17: Hans-Klaus Jungheinrich
- December 17th: Rolf-Dietrich Keil
- December 17th: Ferdinand Kriwet
- December 17th: Amélie Mummendey
- December 17th: Jan Stressenreuter
- December 18: Inge Gampl
- December 18: Kazimierz Kutz
- December 18: Robert Neild
- December 18: Johannes K. Soyener
- December 19: Norman Gimbel
- December 19: Hans Günther Pflaum
- December 20: Karl Wolfgang Barthel
- December 20: Klaus Hagerup
- December 21: Wolfgang Pohrt
- December 22nd: Alfred Mechtersheimer
- December 23: Troels Kløvedal
- December 24th: Osvaldo Bayer
- December 24th: Carlos Rincon
- December 25th: Larry Eisenberg
- December 25th: Irene Gruss
- December 25th: Baldur Ragnarsson
- December 26th: Fabio Carpi
- December 26th: Elizabeth Zachariadou
- December 28th: Seydou Badian Kouyaté
- December 29th: Julia Edenhofer
- December 29: Christian Giordano
- December 29th: Karl-Heinz Schönfelder
- December 30th: Gerhard Krieger
- December 31: Rolf-Peter Calliess
- December 31: Marlies Flesch-Thebesius
- December 31: Ernst Hojer
- "End of 2018": Uwe Gerig
Other personalities
- January 12th: Max Deen Larsen
- January 24th: Elisabeth Kmölniger
- January 27: Manfred Brückner
- January 30th: Nili Mirsky
- Stefan Moses February 3:
- Jonas Riškus February 4th:
- February 13: Wilfried Minks
- February 23: Anya Berger
- February 24th: Bud Luckey
- Achim Bergmann March 1st:
- Peter Nicholls March 6:
- March 18: Ottmar Premstaller
- March 24th: Leonore Puschert
- Morris Hall April 2:
- Lothar Reher April 6:
- April 16: Katharina Reiss
- April 21: Nelson Pereira dos Santos
- April 24th: Djéliba Badjé
- April 25: Abbas Attar
- April 29th: Demetrio Túpac Yupanqui Martínez
- Gralf-Edzard Habben May 3:
- May 11th: Gérard Genette
- May 24th: Heinrich Kraus
- Bernard Gantner June 1:
- Bernard Quemada June 5th:
- June 19: Uwe Deeken
- June 25: David Goldblatt
- June 30th: Nika Brettschneider
- July 13: Annemarie Esche
- July 18: Wolfgang Kaus
- July 21: Ahmad Matloub
- July 24th: Isidore Levin
- July 27: Zvi Gabai
- July 29: Karin Wolff
- Elżbieta Aleksandrowska August 4th:
- August 11: Götz Fritsch
- August 15: Albert Millaire
- August 31: Otto Düben
- Ehsan Yarshater September 2:
- Gilbert Lazard September 6:
- Gundel Paulsen September 7th:
- September 19: Geta Brătescu
- September 20: Inge Feltrinelli
- September 30th: René Pétillon
- October 18: Renate Seelig
- October 19: Jürgen Schutte
- Jean Mohr November 3:
- Christa Vetter November 6th:
- November 14th: Frank Arlig
- November 14: Rolf Hoppe
- November 18: James Lester Hogg
- November 20: James Hadley Billington
- November 30th: Martha Höhl
- Jürgen Wittdorf December 2nd:
- Hans-Günther Thalheim December 3:
- Al'Leu December 5th:
- Erwin Wedel December 8th:
- December 15: Werner Völschow
- December 18: Jean-Claude Chevalier
- December 18: Augusto Fernandes
- December 21: Günter Gattermann
- December 23: Hille Darjes
- December 27th: Hans A. Nikel
- December 31: Yorck A. Haase
Public domain since 2018
The works of the following writers who died in 1947 have been in the public domain since January 1, 2018 :
- Wilhelm Ernst Asbeck
- Asdreni
- Hans Wenzel Baudis
- Hilda Bergmann
- Wolfgang Borchert
- Saint-Georges de Bouhélier
- Karl Broermann
- Henri Deberly
- Ludwig Diehl
- Ernst Droem
- Paul Eger
- Ellegaard Ellerbek
- Hans Fallada
- Paul Friedrich
- Alexander von Gleichen-Sootworm
- Otto Gysae
- Julius R. Haarhaus
- Ernst Hardt
- Teru Hasegawa
- Erwin Heine
- Willibald Hentschel
- Ricarda Yikes
- Adalbert Jungwirth
- Olga Kaiser
- Rohan Koda
- Ernst Krieck
- Gustav Leutelt
- Raphael Liesegang
- Wilhelm Lobsien
- Arthur Do
- Friedrich Wilhelm Mader
- Theodor Malade
- Stanislav Kostka Neumann
- Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz
- Yokomitsu Riichi
- Nicholas Roerich
- Oda Sakunosuke
- André Savignon
- Paul Schulze-Berghof
- Duncan Campbell Scott
- Franz Servaes
- Erich Sieburg
- Heinrich Spiero
- Erich Sturtevant
- Felix Timmermans
- Paul Gerhard Zeidler
- Francis Yard
- See also Public Domain 2018 on Wikisource
New releases
Novels, short stories
- The Adventures of Apollo - The Dark Prophecy - Rick Riordan
- Riot of the Angels (new translation) - Anatole France
- Beale Street Blues (new translation) - James Baldwin
- The book of the forgotten artists - Vera Buck
- Chez Krull (new translation) - Georges Simenon
- Dragon Teeth - How it all began - Michael Crichton
- The dark forest - Liu Cixin
- A point of honor - Michael Connelly
- The Assassination of the Commendatore - Haruki Murakami
- Miss Nice Short Summer - Karen Duve
- Freedom. The Schmahamas Conspiracy - Paluten and Klaas Kern
- The story of the lost child - Elena Ferrante
- The weight of freedom (autobiographical novel) - Florian Burkhardt
- Happy is whoever gets Dunne - Rose Lagercrantz (text) and Eva Eriksson (illustration)
- A Good Person Is Hard To Find (new translation) - Flannery O'Connor
- The hungry and the satiated - Timur Vermes
- Kannawoniwasein! Sometimes you just have to leave it - Martin Muser
- Der kleine Major Tom (children's book series) - Bernd Flessner (Author)
- Lake Success - Gary Shteyngart
- Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli
- Lovecraft Country - Matt Ruff
- Maigret in the Judge's House (new translation) - Georges Simenon
- Middle England - Jonathan Coe
- Hit the world with your fist - Lukas Rietzschel
- The Monk of Mocha - Dave Eggers
- NSA - National Security Office - Andreas Eschbach
- The Outsider - Stephen King
- The Poet X - Elizabeth Acevedo
- The President Is Missing - Bill Clinton and James Patterson
- Qui a tué mon père - Édouard Louis
- Heavy bones - David Schalko
- A Song Only I Can Hear - Barry Jonsberg
- Solar eclipse (first edition based on the German original typescript) - Arthur Koestler
- Starship - Lost in Space (re-translation) - Brian Aldiss
- Punishment - Ferdinand von Schirach
- The tyranny of the butterfly - Frank Schätzing
- Under the dragon wall - Arno Geiger
- The Lost One - Michael Connelly
- Confusion - Christoph Hein
- Of This World (new translation) - James Baldwin
- Christmas at the Lindwurm Festival - Walter Moers
- Far from Verona - Jane Gardam
- When Martha is dancing - Tom Saller
- The Roots of Life - Richard Powers
- The Time Puzzle (new edition) - Madeleine L'Engle
- 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century - Yuval Noah Harari
- Along the trenches - Navid Kermani
- Hostile takeover. Like Islam ... - Thilo Sarrazin
- Fire and anger: In Donald Trump's White House - Michael Wolff
- A question of morality - Anatol Stefanowitsch
- Fear: Trump in the White House - Bob Woodward
- Game Over - Hans-Peter Martin with Manuel Martin
- Hübendrüben - Franziska Gehm (text) and Horst Klein (illustration)
- Hunters, shepherds, critics. A utopia for the digital society - Richard David Precht
- Short Answers to Big Questions - Stephen Hawking
- Logics of power: politics and how to master it - Dominik Meier with Christian Blum
- Nothing is what it seems - Michael Butter
- Public opinion (new edition) - Walter Lippmann
- The production of money - Ann Pettifor
- The Doomed Triangle - Stuart Hall
- Why We Think What We Think - Jordan Peterson
- How free is art? - Hanno Rauterberg
Other works
- Das Blaue Wunder - Drama by Thomas Freyer and Ulf Schmidt (premiere in January 2019)
- Blockade Book (new edition) - Documentation by Ales Adamowitsch and Daniil Granin
- The Collected Works of Billy the Kid - Chamber opera by Gavin Bryars (music) after Michael Ondaatje
- A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo - satirical children's picture book by Jill Twiss
- Fin de partie - Opera by György Kurtág (music and libretto) with original texts by Samuel Beckett
- The children of the dead city - musical theater
- Kithaab - Drama by Rafeeq Mangalassery
- Not Wolf Not Dog ("creative non-fiction"; new edition) - Kent Nerburn
- Pretty Woman - musical; Music and lyrics: Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance
- Sun glances on the run - AI-generated poem
- Starry high - opera in Esperanto by Ivan Acher based on a novel by Ladislav Klíma
- Voices - mixed texts by Wolfgang Herrndorf (posthumous)
- Legacy of a youth autobiography (1933; Vol. 1) by Vera Brittain
- Die Weiden - Opera by Johannes Maria Staud based on a libretto by Durs Grünbein
- How William Shakespeare became - Musical by Wolfgang Adenberg (book and lyrics) and Marc Schubring (music)
- We're not here for fun - Deniz Yücel
Literature prizes 2018
The most awarded German-speaking author in 2018 was Christoph Ransmayr .
German literary prizes
- Alfred Kerr Prize for Literary Criticism : Michael Braun
- Alfred Müller Felsenburg Prize : Mo Asumang
- Andreas Gryphius Prize : Catalin Dorian Florescu
- Annalize Wagner Prize : Hans Fallada. The biography of Peter Walther
- Arno Reinfrank Literature Prize : Björn Kuhligk
- Aspekte literature prize : nothing that happens to us by Bettina Wilpert
- Author's Prize of the Heidelberger Stückemarkt : Ulrike Syha for Drift
Bavarian Book Prize :
- Fiction: Daughters of Lucy Fricke
- Non-fiction: Time of the Magician The great decade of philosophy 1919–1929 by Wolfram Eilenberger
- Honorary award from the Bavarian Prime Minister: Christoph Ransmayr
- Ben Witter Prize : Christian Bartel
- Berlin Literature Prize : Marion Poschmann
Berlin publishing award :
- Main prize: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
- Sponsorship awards: Comicverlag Reprodukt and Verlagshaus Berlin
- Bertolt Brecht Literature Prize : Nino Harati wili for her plays and the novel Das eightchte Leben (For Brilka)
- Lake Constance Literature Prize : Eva Gesine Baur
- Bonn town clerk : Julia von Lucadou with reference to Die Hochhausspringerin
- Bremen Literature Prize : Thomas Lehr for Sleeping Sun (main prize); Laura Freudenthaler for The Queen is Silent (sponsorship award)
- Book Prize of the Ravensburger Verlag Foundation : Hannes Köhler for a possible life
- Buxtehuder Bulle : Now all we have is from Amy Giles
- Carl Zuckmayer Medal : Yōko Tawada
- Christian Wagner Prize : Jürgen Nendza for his lyrical life's work
- Clemens Brentano Prize : Philipp Stadelmaier for the essay The Middle Regions. About terror and opinion
- Comic book award : Blåvand by Thomas Pletzinger (author) and Tim Dinter (illustrator)
- Crime Cologne Award : Hannah Coler for Cambridge 5 - Time of the Traitors
- German Book Prize : Archipelago by Inger-Maria Mahlke
- German radio play award of the ARD : The shoes of the bride by Magda Woitzuck
German Youth Literature Award (selection):
- Youth book: When I ate schnapps cherries with Hitler by Manja Präkels
- Prize of the youth jury: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (text), Henriette Zeltner (translation)
- Special prize for the entire work: Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn
German Crime Prize :
- National: Oliver Bottini for Death in the quiet corners of life
- International: John le Carré for The Legacy of the Spies
- German Prize for Nature Writing : Christian Lehnert and Sabine Scho
German Science Fiction Prize :
- Best novel: QualityLand by Marc-Uwe Kling
- Best short story: The Internet of Things by Uwe Hermann
- Dieter Wellershoff Scholarship : Joachim Geil and Tina Ilse Maria Gintrowski
- Droste Prize : Olga Flor ; Award: Julia Weber for Always is all well
- Düsseldorf Literature Prize : Esther Kinsky for Hain. Terrain novel
- Honorary gift from the German Schiller Foundation : Thomas Melle
- Eichendorff Literature Prize : Kerstin Preiwuss
- Elisabeth Langgässer Literature Prize : Rafik Schami
- Else Lasker Schüler Dramatist Prize : Ewald Palmetshofer
- Ernst Johann Literature Prize : July Zeh
- Ernst Meister Prize for Poetry : Barbara Köhler
- Ernst Toller Prize : Wolf Biermann
- E. T. A. Hoffmann Prize : Tanja Kinkel
- Eugen Helmlé translator award : Olivier Mannoni
- Evangelical Book Prize : And then is an up and opens the window of Susann Pásztor
- Prize for Literature of the State Capital Düsseldorf : Tobias Steinfeld
- Friedolin : Sami and the desire for freedom of Rafik Shami
- Friedrich Gerstäcker Prize : In between: Me from Julya Rabinowich
Friedrich Glauser Prize (selection):
- Best novel: among strangers by Jutta Profijt
- Best short story: Here in Tremonia by Reinhard Jahn and Walter Wehner
- Children's and youth crime prize: happiness is something for beginners of Ortwin Ramadan
- Glauser honorary award: Edith Kneifl
- Friedrich Hölderlin Prize of the City of Bad Homburg : Daniel Kehlmann ; Sponsorship award: Alina Herbing for her debut novel Nobody is with the calves
- Friedrich Schiedel Literature Prize : Wolfgang Brenner for Between End and Beginning - Post-War Years in Germany
- Fritz Reuter Prize : Heidrun Schlieker
- Georg Büchner Prize : Terézia Mora
- George Konell Prize : Eva Demski
- Göttingen Elch : Wiglaf Droste and Pit Knorr
- Grand Prize of the German Academy for Children's and Youth Literature e. V. Volkach : Uwe-Michael Gutzschhahn
- Gustav Heinemann Peace Prize : Rafik Schami , especially for Sami and the desire for freedom
- Hannelore Greve Literature Prize : Ulla Hahn
- Hans Fallada Prize : Sandra Hoffmann for Paula
- Hans-im-Glück-Preis : Christina Erbertz for three (almost) perfect weeks
- Heinrich Mann Prize : Christian Bommarius
- Heinrich Maria Ledig-Rowohlt Prize : Brigitte Jakobeit for her translations from English
- Helmut M. Braem Translator Award : Olaf Kühl
Hermann Hesse Literature Prize :
- Main prize: Thomas Hettche for our empty hearts. About literature (essays)
- Sponsorship award: Paul-Henri Campbell for after anesthesia (poems)
- Hermann Kesten Prize : Gioconda Belli (main prize)
- Hölty Prize for Poetry: Norbert Hummelt
HOMER literary prizes :
- 1st prize: Maria W. Peter with Die fortress on the Rhine
- 2nd prize: Kay Jacobs with heroes from Kiel
- 3rd prize: Jørn Precht with The Secret of Dr. Alzheimer
- Radio play of the year : In search of the lost soul atoms by Susann Maria Hempel (text, composition and direction)
- War Blind Radio Play Prize : Coldhaven by John Burnside ; Translation, composition, direction: Klaus Buhlert
- Horst Bingel Prize for Literature : Ulrike Almut Sandig for her lyrical work
- Hotlist price: Ivory Verlag for Manapouri. Journey to Samoa 1901/1902 by Marcel Schwob
Irseer Pegasus :
- Author's award: Mario Schlembach for the novel Nebel
- Jury award: Martin Piekar for the lyric cycle scripted virtuality
- Italo Svevo Prize : Jan Factor
- Annual scholarship for writers from the Ministry of Science and Art of the State of Baden-Württemberg : Fatma Aydemir , Simone Hirth and Iris Wolff
- Jakob Wassermann Literature Prize : Barbara Honigmann
- Jane Scatcherd Prize : Gabriele Leupold
- Johann Heinrich Merck Prize for literary criticism and essay : Martin Pollack
- Johann Heinrich Voss Prize for Translation : Wolfgang Schlueter
- Johann Peter Lever Prize : Christoph Meckel
- Joseph Breitbach Prize : Arno Geiger
- Julius Campe Prize : Christian Petzold , specifically with reference to his film Transit
- Kassel Literature Prize for Grotesque Humor : Eckhard Henscheid (main prize); Dagmara Kraus (sponsorship award)
- Catholic Children's and Youth Book Prize : The Year I Learned to Lie by Lauren Wolk (text) and Birgitt Kollmann (translation)
- Children's Book Prize of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia : King comes from Andrea Karimé (author) and Jens Rassmus (illustrator)
- Klaus-Michael Kühne Prize : People sit on the edge of the world and laugh by Philipp Weiss
- Kleist Prize : Christoph Ransmayr
Klopstock Prize for New Literature :
- Main prize: The Pine Islands by Marion Poschmann
- Sponsorship Award: The Hopeful by Anna Sperk (pseud.)
- Korbinian - Paul Maar Prize : Jens Raschke (text) and Jens Rassmus (illustrations) for Sleeping Fish?
- Kranichsteiner Literature Prize : Thomas Lehr
- Kranichsteiner Literature Prize : Gianna Molinari for the world behind the hedge
- Kranichsteiner youth literature scholarships : Flurin Jecker for Lanz and Manja Präkels for When I ate schnapps cherries with Hitler
Kurd Laßwitz Prize (selection):
- Best novel: The Canon of Mechanical Souls by Michael Marrakech
- Best short story / narrative: The Internet of Things by Uwe Hermann
- Best Foreign Work: The Book of the Phoenix by Nnedi Okorafor
- Best translation: Darkness and Light (2 vols .; eOA: Blackout / All Clear by Connie Willis , 2010) in the transmission by Claudia Kern
- Special prize: Thomas Le Blanc for building and maintaining the Fantastic Library in Wetzlar
- The Independents' Favorite Book : Everyone except me by Francesca Melandri
- lit.Cologne -Debutantenpreis: Axel Ranisch for Naked About Berlin
- Literature Prize of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation : Philipp Weiss for At the edge of the world people sit and laugh
- Literature Prize of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation : Mathias Énard
Prenzlauer Berg Literature Prize :
- 1st prize: Catching by Sebastian Behr
- 2nd prize: By the wayside by Demian Lienhard
- 3rd prize: Sports friend of Carola Gruber
Ruhr Literature Prize :
- Main prize: Elke Heinemann for her complete work
- Sponsorship awards: Oliver Driesen for Borowiak's soup and Ingrid Kaltenegger for Wüstenplanet
- Literature prize "Text & Language" of the cultural group of the German economy : Thomas Köck
- Lynx of the Year : Jason Reynolds (author) and Anja Hansen-Schmidt (translator) for Ghost. Lots of life
- Ludwig Börne Prize : Souad Mekhennet
- Poetry Prize Munich : Martina Hefter (1st Prize)
Orphil Poetry Prize :
- Main prize: Christoph Meckel for his life's work and especially for No Beginning and No End. Two poems
- Debut prize: Sibylla Vričić Hausmann for 3 butterflies
- Mainz city clerk : Anna Katharina Hahn
- Mara Cassens Prize : How high the water rises by Anja Kampmann
- Märkisches scholarship for literature : Tijan Sila for little animals unlimited
- Martha-Saalfeld-Förderpreis : Stefan Moster (jury award winner) as well as Ute Bales (for requests of the birds in winter ) and Siri Schmidt
- Melusine Huss Prize : Verbrecher Verlag for nothing that happens to us by Bettina Wilpert
- Mörike Prize of the City of Fellbach : Elke Erb (main prize); Marie T. Martin (sponsorship award)
Mülheim Dramatist Prize : Thomas Köck for Paradiespiele (occidental. Ein sang)
- Audience award: Elfriede Jelinek for Am Königsweg
- Mülheimer KinderStückePrize : Oliver Schmaering for An animal sleeps in you
- NDR Culture Non-Fiction Prize : How Democracies Die And what we can do about it by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt
- Nicolas Born Prize : Christoph Ransmayr (main prize); Lisa Kreißler (debut award)
- Lower Rhine Literature Prize : Liesel Willems
- Oldenburg Children's and Youth Book Prize : Will It Happen Today? Is it happening now? by Michèle Minelli
- Paul Celan Prize : Thomas Brovot
- Paul Scheerbart Prize : Kurt Steinmann for his new translation of the Iliad
- Peter Huchel Prize for Poetry: Cloud Flight plays the ultimate test by Farhad Showghi
- The political book : We are capital. On the criticism of the digital economy by Timo Daum
Leipzig Book Fair Prize :
- Fiction : Grove. Terrain novel by Esther Kinsky
- Non-fiction / essay writing : The Soviet century. Archeology of a Lost World by Karl Schlögel
- Translation : Boarding from Serhiy Zhadan in the transfer from Ukrainian by Sabine Stöhr and Yuri Durkot
- Prize of the LiteraTour Nord : Lukas Bärfuss , for his previous work with the novel Hagard
- Rainer Malkowski Prize : Ror Wolf (main prize); Sylvia Geist (scholarship)
- Pied Piper Literature Prize : Krakonos by Wieland Freund
- Rheingau Literature Prize : Robert Seethaler for the field
- Ricarda Huch Prize : Ferdinand von Schirach
Robert Gernhardt Prize :
- Florian Wacker for his novel project Dikson
- Julia Wolf for her novel project Alte Mädchen
- Rolf Dieter Brinkmann grant : Özlem Özgül Dündar
- Roswitha Prize : Terézia Mora
- Saxon Literature Prize : Róža Domašcyna
Seraph :
- Best Fantastic Novel: The Canon of Mechanical Souls by Michael Marrakech
- Best Debut: The optimizer of Theresa Hannig
- City clerk of Bergen 2018/2019: Clemens Meyer
- Town clerk of Halle (Saale) : Marko Dinić
- Thaddäus Troll Prize : Kai Wieland for America
- Thomas Mann Prize : Mircea Cărtărescu
- Thuringian Literature Scholarship : Peter Neumann
- Toucan Prize : The Bird God by Susanne Röckel
- Translator Award from the City of Munich : Dirk van Gunsteren
- Ulla Hahn Author Award : Waiting for Snow by Karoline Lot
Ulm toad :
- Age group 10 to 12 years: The fragrance pharmacy - a secret lies in the air of Anna Ruhe
- Age group “13+”: Cloud Castle by Kerstin Gier
- Special Award: The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
- Most unusual book title of the year : It has 18 letters and nine of them are Ypsilons by Henrik Szanto
- Uwe Johnson Prize : Ralf Rothmann for The God of That Summer
- Ver.di Literature Prize Berlin-Brandenburg for poetry: washing place of cool things by Kathrin Schmidt
Vincent Price (selection):
- International literary work: Algernon Blackwood for Aileen and Tim Curran for Die Wiedererweckten des Herbert West
- Special prize: Helmut Rellergerd (" Jason Dark ") for his life's work, especially his series John Sinclair
- Walter Hasenclever Literature Prize : Robert Menasse
Walter Serner Prize :
- Main prize: Isabella Straub for Siberia
- Special prize of the jury: Rolf-Bernhard Essig for being run over
- Wilhelm Lehmann Prize : Ulrike Almut Sandig
- Wilhelm Raabe Literature Prize : Judith Schalansky with a list of some losses
- Wolfgang Koeppen Prize : Christoph Peters
Requests to speak :
- Main prize: Petra Piuk for Toni and Moni or: Instructions for the homeland novel (excerpt)
- Sponsorship award (ex aequo): Sophie Baumberg , Magdalena Kotzurek and Leona Stahlmann
- Würth Literature Prize : Carola Gruber for the text Schon gut (1st prize)
International literary prizes
- Adam Mickiewicz Prize : Anna Bikont for Sendlerowa. W ukryciu
- American Book Awards (selection): Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in 40 Questions by Valeria Luiselli ; Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation by Sunaura Taylor
Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction :
- Fiction: Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
- Nonfiction: not awarded after intended recipient Sherman Alexie waived the award (for You Don't Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir )
Anisfield-Wolf Book Award :
- Fiction: Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward
- Nonfiction: Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News by Kevin Young
- Poetry: In the Language of My Captor by Shane McCrae
- Life's work: N. Scott Momaday
- Anna Seghers Prize : Julián Fuks and Manja Präkels
- Anthony Award - Best Novel: Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke
- Anton Wildgans Prize : Sabine Scholl
- Arthur C. Clarke Award : Dreams Before the Start of Time by Anne Charnock
- Arthur Ellis Award - Best Novel: Sleeping in the Ground by Peter Robinson
- Aschehoug Literature Prize : Liv Køltzow
- Astrid Lindgren Memorial Prize : Jacqueline Woodson
- Bad Sex in Fiction Award : James Frey for Katerina
- Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction : Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy by Serhii Plokhy
Barry Awards (selection):
- Best novel : The Marsh King's Daughter by Karen Dionne
- Best thriller : UNSUB by Meg Gardiner
- Basel Poetry Prize : Dagmara Kraus
- Beatrice Prize : Mette Moestrup
- Bellman Prize : Tua Forsström
- BookSpot Literatuurprijs : De Heilige Rita by Tommy Wieringa
Brage prices (selection):
- Non- fiction: Helene Uri for Hvem sa hva?
- Honorary award: Klaus Hagerup
Wroclaw Poetry Prize Silesius :
- Complete works: Bohdan Zadura
- Book of the year: Puste noce by Jerzy Jarniewicz
- Debut of the year: Raport wojenny by Agata Jabłońska
British Fantasy Awards (selection):
- Best novel: Passing Strange by Ellen Klages
- Best collection: Strange Weather by Joe Hill
- Karl Edward Wagner Award (special prize): NK Jemisin
Brücke Berlin Literature and Translator Prize : Zaza Burchuladze (author) and Natia Mikeladse-Bachsoliani (translator) for tourist breakfast
- Brücke Berlin Theater Prize: Iva Brdar (author) and Alida Bremer (translator) for the play rules of thumb
Bruno Kreisky Prize for the political book :
- Main prize: Julian Nida-Rümelin and Nathalie Weidenfeld for digital humanism. An ethic for the age of artificial intelligence
- Prize for the complete journalistic work: Richard Sennett
- Special “Working Worlds” award: Stephan Schulmeister for The Path to Prosperity
- Recognition award: Julia Ebner for anger. What Islamists and right-wing extremists are doing to us
- Prize for special publishing services: Sonderzahl Verlag
- Vienna Business Book Prize : Doris Knecht
- Bündner Literature Prize : Melitta Breznik
- Carnegie Medal : Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean
- Cervantes Prize : Ida Vitale ( en )
- Children's Literature Legacy Award : Jacqueline Woodson
- Cholmondeley Award (selection): Linton Kwesi Johnson
- Christine Lavant Prize : Klaus Merz
- Compton Crook Award : The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden
- Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Prize (selection): Dorothee Elmiger for inviting the daredevils and sleepers
- Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award : Frank M. Robinson
Costa Book Awards :
- Novel: Normal People by Sally Rooney
- First novel: The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
- Children's book: The Skylarks' War by Hilary McKay
- Poetry: Assurances by JO Morgan
- Biography: The Cut Out Girl by Bart van Es - also Costa Book of the Year
- Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award : Peter S. Beagle
Dayton Literary Peace Prize (selection):
- Fiction winner: Salt Houses by Hala Alyan
- Non-Fiction winner: We Were Eight Years in Power by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Holbrooke Award for Lifetime Achievement: John Irving
- Diamond Dagger : Michael Connelly
- Dobloug Prize (selection): Johannes Anyuru ; Vigdis Hjorth
Edgar Allan Poe Awards (selection):
- Best novel: Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke
- Best debut novel: She Rides Shotgun by Jordan Harper
- Best Short Story: Spring Break - New Haven Noir by John Crowley
- Best review or biography: Chester B. Himes : A Biography by Lawrence P. Jackson
- Grand Master Award: Jane Langton / William Link / Peter Lovesey
- Encore Award (selection): The Blood Miracles by Lisa McInerney
- Endeavor Award : The Cold Eye by Laura Anne Gilman
- Erdal Öz Literature Prize : Adalet Ağaoğlu
- Erich Fried Prize : Ralph Dutli
- Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize : Brother by David Chariandy
- Euregio Student Literature Prize : The End of Loneliness by Benedict Wells
- European Translation Prize Offenburg : Michael Walter for his translations from English
- Fernando Lara Prize : Canción de sangre y oro by Jorge Molist
- FIL Prize : Ida Vitale ( en )
- Finlandia Prize : Taivaanpallo by Olli Jalonen
- Floriana : Florian Gantner
- Franz Hessel Prize (for 2018) : Anne-Marie Garat for Le Grand Nord-Ouest and Susanne Röckel for Der Vogelgott
- Friedebert Tuglas Novell Prize : Goglomov by Armin Kõomägi and Auk by Lilli Luuk
- Frost Medal : Ron Padgett
Georg Dehio Book Prize :
- Main prize: Miljenko Jergović for his epic work, together with the translator Brigitte Döbert
- Sponsorship award: Alvydas Šlepikas and the translator Markus Roduner for the novel Mein Name ist Marytė
- Georg Trakl Prize for Poetry : Bettina Balàka
- Geschwister-Scholl-Preis : Europe against the Jews. 1880–1945 by Götz Aly
- Goldsmiths Prize : The Long Take by Robin Robertson
Governor General's Award for Fiction :
- In English: The Red Word by Sarah Henstra
- In French: De synthèse by Karoline Georges
- Gran Premio de Honor de la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores : María Rosa Lojo
Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire (selection):
- French-language novel: Sabrina Calvo , Toxoplasma
- Foreign language novel: James Morrow , L'Arche de Darwin
- Narration in foreign language: Nancy Kress , Danses aériennes
- Grand Prix de Poésie : Christian Prigent
- Grand Prix du Roman : L'Été des quatre rois by Camille Pascal
- Griffin Poetry Prize for Lifetime Achievement: Ana Blandiana
The big book :
- 1st place: According to the memory of Maria Stepanova
- 2nd place: Byuro proverki by Aleksander Arkhangelski
- 3rd place: June by Dmitri Bykow
- Big literary prize from the city and canton of Bern : Christoph Geiser for "an outstanding literary oeuvre"
- Grand Austrian State Prize : Florjan Lipuš
- Bookseller Grand Prize (Japan): Kagami no kojō by Mizuki Tsujimura
- Grand Prix of Samfundet De Nio : Gunnar D. Hansson ( en )
- HC Artmann Prize : Gundi Feyrer
- Halewijn Prize : Mathijs Deen
- Hans Christian Andersen Literature Prize : AS Byatt
- Hans Christian Andersen Prize (selection): Eiko Kadono as author
- Harder Literature Prize : Stay Hungry by Yannic Han Biao Federer
- Hawthornden Prize : Mr Lear by Jenny Uglow
- Helen and Kurt Wolff Translator Award : Isabel Fargo Cole for Old Rendering Plant
- Hertzogprys (drama): Pieter-Dirk Uys
- Hoffmann von Fallersleben Prize : Dieter Grimm
- Horst Bienek Prize for Poetry : Cees Nooteboom ; Sponsorship award: Raphael Urweider
Hugo Awards (selection):
- Best Novel: The Stone Sky by NK Jemisin
- Best Novella: The Murderbot Diaries: All Systems Red by Martha Wells
- Best Short Story: Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience ™ by Rebecca Roanhorse
- Best Related Work: No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters by Ursula K. Le Guin (posthumous)
- Ida Gerhardt Poesiepreis : Slordig met geluk by Menno Wigman (posthumous)
Ingeborg Bachmann Prize : Frogs in the Sea by Tanja Maljartschuk
- Deutschlandfunk Prize: SERPENTINEN by Bov Bjerg
- Kelag Prize: and I'm passionate about Özlem Özgül Dündar
- 3sat Prize: Waiting for Ava from Anna Stern
- BKS Audience Award: The Hole by Raphaela Edelbauer
- International DUBLIN Literary Award : Solar Bones by Mike McCormack
- International Prize for Arabic Fiction : The Second War of the Dog by Ibrahim Nasrallah
- International Hermann Hesse Prize : Joanna Bator and her translator Esther Kinsky
- International Literature Prize - House of World Cultures : Romance novel by Ivana Sajko translated by Alida Bremer
Irish Book Awards (selection):
- Book of the Year (Fiction): Normal People by Sally Rooney
- Book of the Year (Non-Fiction): People Like Me by Lynn Ruane
- Crime: Skin Deep by Liz Nugent
- Life's work: Thomas Kinsella
- Icelandic Literature Prize (Fiction): Sextíu kíló af sólskini by Hallgrímur Helgason
James Tait Black Memorial Prize :
- Narrative literature: Attrib. and other stories by Eley Williams
- Biography: Ma'am Darling: 99 Glimpses of Princess Margaret by Craig Brown
- Drama: Lions and Tigers by Tanika Gupta
- James Tiptree, Jr. Award (for 2017): Who Runs the World? by Virginia Bergin
- Jean Améry Prize : Karl-Markus Gauß
- Jnanpith Award : Amitav Ghosh
- Johann Beer Literature Prize : Daniel Wisser for Queen of the Mountains
- John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in Science Fiction : Rebecca Roanhorse for Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience ™
- Kazimierz Wyka Prize : Małgorzata Łukasiewicz
- Critics' prizes (Denmark) : Træmuseet by CY Frostholm
- Critics' prizes (Norway) , best children's or youth book: Kaia Dahle Nyhus for Verden sa ja
- Lambda Literary Award (category "Gay Fiction"): After the Blue Hour by John Rechy
Lannan Literary Awards (selection):
- Lannan Literary Fellowship for Poetry: Doireann Ní Ghríofa
- Lannan Literary Fellowship for Fiction: Claire Vaye Watkins
- Lannan Literary Award for Lifetime Achievement: John Edgar Wideman
- Leipzig Book Prize for European Understanding : Åsne Seierstad for One of Us. The story of a mass murderer
- Leo Perutz Prize : NITRO by Fritz Lehner
- LiBeraturpreis : Nguyen Ngoc Tu for Endless Fields
- Lionel Gelber Prize : Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine by Anne Applebaum
- Alpha Literature Prize : Iris Wolff for pretending it's raining
- Gdynia Literature Prize for Prose: Mikrotyki by Paweł Sołtys
- Nordic Council Literature Prize : Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir for Ör
- Literature Prize of the City of Vienna : Christoph Ransmayr
Locus Awards (selection):
- Fantasy Novel: The Stone Sky by NK Jemisin
- Science Fiction Novel: The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
- First Novel: The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter by Theodora Goss
- Young Adult Book: Akata Warrior by Nnedi Okorafor
- Novelette: The Hermit of Houston by Samuel R. Delany
- Short Story / Short Fiction: The Martian Obelisk by Linda Nagata
- Collection: The Hainish Novels and Stories by Ursula K. Le Guin (posthumous)
- Anthology: The Book of Swords by Gardner Dozois (posthumous)
- Lucy B. en CW van der Hoogtprijs : Lize Spit for Het Smelt
- Poetry Prize Meran : Kerstin Preiwuss
- Macavity Award - Best Novel: Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz
- Maltese Falcon Award (Japan): The Promise by Robert Crais
Man Booker Prize for Fiction : Milkman by Anna Burns
- Golden Man Booker Prize (online vote): The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
- Man Booker International Prize : Flights (Eng. Unrast ) by Olga Tokarczuk (author) and Jennifer Croft (translator)
- Matt Cohen Prize : David Bergen
- Max Frisch Prize of the City of Zurich : Maja Haderlap ; Sponsorship award: Dorothee Elmiger
- Miles Franklin Award : The Life to Come by Michelle de Kretser
- Central European Angelus Literature Prize : Robinson w Bolechowie by Maciej Płaza
Mythopoeic Award (selection):
- Adult Literature: Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr by John Crowley
- Children's Literature: Frogkisser! by Garth Nix
- Nadal Literature Prize : Alejandro Palomas for Un amor
National Book Awards :
- Fiction : Sigrid Nunez with The Friend
- Nonfiction : Jeffrey C. Stewart with The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke
- Poetry : Justin Phillip Reed with Indecency
- Young People's Literature : Elizabeth Acevedo with The Poet X
- Translated Literature: Yōko Tawada (text) and Margaret Mitsutani (translation) with The Emissary (German title: Sendbo-o-te )
- Literary life's work : Isabel Allende
National Book Critics Circle Awards :
- Novel: Milkman by Anna Burns
- Non-fiction book: Directorate S: The CIA and America's Secret Wars in Afghanistan, 2001–2016 by Steve Coll
- Poetry: The Carrying by Ada Limón
- Review: Feel Free by Zadie Smith
- Biography: Flash: The Making of Weegee the Famous by Christopher Bonanos
- Autobiography: Belonging: A German Reckons With History and Home ( Ger . Heimat. A German family album ) by Nora Krug
- Life's work: Arte Público Press
Nebula Awards (selection):
- Best Novel : The Stone Sky by NK Jemisin
- Best Novella: The Murderbot Diaries: All Systems Red by Martha Wells
- Best Short Story: Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience ™ by Rebecca Roanhorse
- Ned Kelly Lifetime Achievement Award : Garry Disher
- Neustadt International Prize for Literature : Edwidge Danticat
- New York Drama Critics' Circle Award (Best Foreign Play): Hangmen by Martin McDonagh
- Nike : Rzeczy, których never wyrzuciłem from Marcin Wicha
Nobel Prize for Literature : Olga Tokarczuk (awarded retrospectively in autumn 2019)
- Unique, alternative Nobel Prize for Literature from the “Nya Academies”: Maryse Condé
- Nordic Prize of the Swedish Academy : Agneta Pleijel
ORF radio play awards (selection):
- Radio play of the year: Märzengrund by Felix Mitterer , director: Martin Sailer
- Radio Play Award of the Critique: Walks of a Lonely Dreamer by Mischa Zickler (also director)
- Orwell Award : Katie Watson for The Scarlet A. The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion
- Orwell Prize , Book Category: Poverty Safari. Understanding the Anger of Britain's Underclass by Darren McGarvey ( en )
Austrian Book Prize :
- Main prize: Queen of the Mountains by Daniel Wisser
- Debut Prize: Everything that shines by Marie Gamillscheg
- Austrian Children's Book Price (selection): The city was never awake from Lilly Axster
- Austrian crime prize : Ursula Poznanski
- Austrian art prize for children's and youth literature : Heinz Janisch
- Austrian Art Prize for Literature : Arno Geiger
- Austrian State Prize for European Literature : Zadie Smith
- Austrian State Prize for Cultural Journalism : Martin Pollack
- Austrian State Prize for Literary Translation (... into German): Cornelius Hell
- Otto Stoessl Prize : Iris Wolff
- Outstanding Artist Award for Literature : Margret Kreidl
- Outstanding Artist Award for Children's and Youth Literature : Lilly Axster
- Park Kyung ni Literature Prize : Richard Ford
- Paszport Polityki for literature: Małgorzata Rejmer ( en )
- PC Hooft Prize for Poetry: Nachoem Wijnberg
- PEN / Faulkner Award : Joan Silber ( en ) for improvement
- Peter Rosegger Literature Prize : Fiston Mwanza Mujila for Tram 83
- Norwegian Academy Award : Jan Erik Vold
- Premio Alfaguara de Novela : Una novela criminal by Jorge Volpi
- Prémio Camões : Germano Almeida
- Premio Campiello : Le assaggiatrici by Rosella Postorino
- Premio Gregor von Rezzori (Best Foreign Work): Lincoln nel Bardo by George Saunders
Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura :
- Category “Best Translation” (selection): Geraldo Holanda Cavalcanti for the translation of Ungaretti poetry
- Prêmio Juca Pato : A Noite da Espera by Milton Hatoum
- Premio Mondello (Premio Autore Straniero): Herta Müller
- Premio Planeta : Yo, Julia by Santiago Posteguillo
- Premio Strega : La ragazza con la Leica by Helena Janeczek
- Premio Viareggio (category essay / non-fiction): Guido Melis for La macchina imperfetta. Immagine e realtà dello Stato fascista
- Prijs der Nederlandse Letters : Judith Herzberg
- Princess of Asturias Prize for Communication and Human Sciences : Alma Guillermoprieto
- Princess of Asturias Prize for Literature : Fred Vargas
- Princess of Asturias Prize for Social Sciences : Michael J. Sandel
- Pritzker Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing : Dennis Showalter
Prix Bob Morane (selection):
- Special prize: Pierre Bordage , Laurent Genefort and Laurent Whale for Crimes, Aliens et Châtiments
- Prix Décembre : François, portrait d'un absent by Michaël Ferrier
- Prix des Deux Magots : Les Vacances by Julie Wolkenstein
- Prix européen de l'essai Charles Veillon : Marcel Gauchet for his life's work
Prix européen Utopiales des pays de la Loire (selection):
- Prix Utopiales européen: L'âme des horloges by David Mitchell
- Prix Extraordinaire des Utopiales: Élisabeth Vonarburg
- Prix Femina : Le Lambeau by Philippe Lançon
- Prix Femina Essai : Gaspard de la nuit by Élisabeth de Fontenay
- Prix Femina Étranger : La neuvième heure by Alice McDermott
- Prix Goncourt (novel) : Leurs enfants après eux by Nicolas Mathieu
- Prix Goncourt de la nouvelle : Microfictions 2018 by Régis Jauffret
- Prix Goncourt de la poésie : Anise Koltz
- Prix Goncourt du premier roman : Grand frère by Mahir Guven
- Prix Goncourt des lycéens : Frère d'âme by David Diop
Prix Imaginales (selection):
- Best French novel: La Désolation by Pierre Bordage
- Best novel: Kalpa impérial by Angélica Gorodischer
- Prix Interallié : L'Hiver du mécontentement by Thomas B. Reverdy
- Prix lémanique de la traduction : Elisabeth Edl and Jean-Pierre Lefebvre
Prix du livre européen :
- Category essay: Orbán. Europe's New Strongman by Paul Lendvai
- Category novel: Les Amnésiques / The Memoryless - Memories of a European by Géraldine Schwarz
- Special jury award: Retour à Lemberg by Philippe Sands
- Prix des lycéens allemands : Le fils de l'Ursari by Xavier-Laurent Petit
- Prix Mallarmé : Béatrice de Jurquet with Si quelqu'un écoute
- Prix Médicis : Idiocy by Pierre Guyotat
- Prix Médicis essai : Les frères Lehman by Stefano Massini
- Prix Médicis étranger : Le Mars Club by Rachel Kushner
- Prix Méditerranée : Zabor ou Les Psaumes by Kamel Daoud
- Prix Méditerranée Étranger : Une odyssée: Un père, un fils, une épopée by Daniel Mendelsohn
Prix du Meilleur livre étranger :
- Essay: Deuils by Eduardo Halfon
- Novel: Les Frères Lehman by Stefano Massini
- Prix mondial Cino Del Duca : Philippe Jaccottet
Prix Mystère de la critique :
- National: Hôtel du Grand Cerf by Franz Bartelt
- International: Killarney Blues by Colin O'Sullivan
- Prix du polar européen : Rien de plus grand by Malin Persson Giolito
Prix Renaudot : Le Sillon by Valérie Manteau
- Prix Renaudot du livre de poche: Dieu, Allah, moi et les autres by Salim Bachi
- Prix Rosny aîné (Best Novel): Toxoplasma by Sabrina Calvo
- Prix Saint-Simon : La diplomatie n'est pas un dîner de gala. Mémoires d'un ambassadeur by Claude Martin
Pulitzer Prizes (selection):
- Fiction : Less by Andrew Sean Greer
- Drama : Cost of Living by Martyna Majok
- Poetry : Half-Light: Collected Poems, 1965–2016 by Frank Bidart
- Biography / Autobiography : Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser
- Story : The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea by Jack E. Davis
- Non-fiction : Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America by James Forman, Jr.
- Public Service (selection): The New Yorker with Ronan Farrow
- Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry : Simon Armitage
- Radio Bremen crime prize : Tom Hillenbrand
- Rauris Literature Prize (selection): Entdecker. A poetics by Raphaela Edelbauer
- Riksmålsforbundets litteraturpris : Simon Stranger for Leksikon om lys og mørke
- Ripper Award : Simon Beckett and Arne Dahl
- Robert A. Heinlein Award : Neal Stephenson
- Robert Walser Prize : Everything is still possible here by Gianna Molinari and Pas de géants by Gabriel Allaire
- Rooney Prize for Irish Literature : Caitriona Lally for Eggshells
Rudolph Dirks Awards - Best Artists (selection):
- Asia - scenario: Minetarō Mochizuki
- Europe scenario: Gipi
- North America scenario: Jeff Lemire
- South and Central America - scenario: Héctor Germán Oesterheld (posthumous)
- Germany - scenario: Olivia Vieweg
- Runciman Award (selection): House of Names by Colm Tóibín
- Samuel Bogumil Linde Prize : Navid Kermani and Małgorzata Szejnert
- Samuel Eliot Morison Prize : Hew Strachan
- Schiller Prize of the Zürcher Kantonalbank : Melinda Nadj Abonji for turtle soldier
- Swiss Book Prize : The gentle indifference of the world by Peter Stamm
Swiss literary prizes (selection):
- Shine and shadow by Michael Fehr
- School of the Indian drivers by Friederike Kretzen
- “Swiss Grand Prix Literature”: Anna Felder ; Special price translation: Yla Margrit von Dach
- Scotiabank Giller Prize : Esi Edugyan for Washington Black
- Selma Lagerlöf Prize : Carola Hansson ( en )
- Shamus Award (Best Novel): The Room of White Fire by T. Jefferson Parker
- Siegfried Lenz Prize : Richard Ford
- Scandinavian detective award : Husdjuret by Camilla Grebe
- Solothurn Literature Prize : Peter Stamm
- Somerset Maugham Award (selection): Fiona Mozley for Elmet
- Spycher: Leuk Literature Prize : Thomas Lehr
- Stig Dagerman Prize : Amos Oz
- Sue Kaufman Prize for First Fiction : History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund
- Sultprisen : Maria Parr
- Svenska Akademiens Finlandspris : Kjell Westö
- Tchicaya U Tam'si Prize : Amadou Lamine Sall
- Theo Thijssenprijs : Bibi Dumon Tak
- Theodor Kramer Prize : Lore Segal
- Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award : Don't Press Charges and I Won't Sue by Charlie Jane Anders
- Thurber Prize for American Humor : Patricia Lockwood for Priestdaddy
- Tidningen Vi: s literaturpris : Andrea Lundgren for Nordisk Fauna
- Tollanderska priset : Kjell Westö
- Tomas Tranströmpriset : Eva Runefelt
- Goal scorer at Pariser Platz : Rasha Habbal
- Tucholsky Prize (Sweden) : Nasrin Sotudeh
- Usedom Literature Prize : Ilija Trojanow
- Veza Canetti Prize of the City of Vienna : Petra Ganglbauer
- Walter Scott Prize : The Gallows Pole by Benjamin Myers
Wartholz Literature Prize (selection):
- Main prize: Melanie Khoshmashrab
- Lower Austria Literature Prize: Thomas Kunst
- Waterstones Children's Book Prize : The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas ( filmed under the same title in 2018 )
- WELT Literature Prize : Virginie Despentes for her complete works
- Wielki Caliber Honor Award : Arnaldur Indriðason
Windham – Campbell Literature Prize (selection):
- Drama: Suzan-Lori Parks
- Poetry: Lorna Goodison
- Nonfiction: Sarah Bakewell
- Wisława Szymborska Prize : Psalmy by Julia Fiedorczuk
Science book of the year (Austria; selection):
- Humanities / Social / Cultural Studies: Rule of Things. The history of consumption from the 15th century to the present day by Frank Trentmann
- Science / technology: chance, the universe and you. The science of happiness by Florian Aigner
- Witold Gombrowicz Literature Prize : Rzeczy, których nie wyrzuciłem by Marcin Wicha
- Women's Prize for Fiction : Kamila Shamsie for Home Fire
World Fantasy Award (selection):
- Novel: The Changeling by Victor LaValle and Jade City by Fonda Lee
- Short novel: Passing Strange by Ellen Klages
- Life's work: Charles de Lint and Elizabeth Wollheim
- Würth Prize for European Literature : Christoph Ransmayr
- Zurich Children's Book Prize : A Summer in Summer by Kirsten Boie
Related awards and honors
- AH Heineken Prize for History : John Robert McNeill
- Albertus Magnus Professorship : Douglas R. Hofstadter
- Ausonius Prize : Christof Rapp
- Balzan Prize (selection): Jürgen Osterhammel ; Marilyn Strathern
- Bavarian Art Prize (literature; selection): Helwig Arenz for his previous work; Anne Freytag for Not gone and not there
- Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art (selection): Norbert Miller ; Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
- Library of the year : Frankfurt am Main city library
- Brothers Grimm Poetics Professorship : Klaus Hoffer
- Carl von Ossietzky Prize for Contemporary History and Politics : Deborah Lipstadt
- Cogito Prize : Eduard Kaeser
- Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire : Edna O'Brien
- Dan David Prize (selection): Mary Warnock
German Cabaret Award :
- Main prize: Jochen Malmsheimer
- Sponsorship award: Nektarios Vlachopoulos
- Special price : Annamateur
- German National Prize : Rüdiger Safranski
- Honorary award from the Austrian book trade for tolerance in thought and action : Ilija Trojanow
- Swedish Publishers Association Honorary Award : Ilon Wikland
- Erasmus Prize : Barbara Ehrenreich
- Erich Fromm Prize : Hartmut Rosa
- Ernst Bloch Prize : Achille Mbembe (main prize); Maximilian Probst (sponsorship award)
- Frankfurt poetics lectures : Christian Kracht
- Frank Schirrmacher Prize : Daniel Kehlmann
- Peace Prize of the German Book Trade : Aleida Assmann and Jan Assmann
- Peace Prize of the Korn and Gerstenmann Foundation : Lizzie Doron and Mirjam Pressler
- Friedrich Gundolf Prize : Miguel Sáenz
- Gerda Henkel Prize : Achille Mbembe
- Golden Auguste : Zoë Beck
- Golden Letter : Home, Craft and the Utopia of the Everyday by Uta Hassler (ed.)
- Grimme Online Award (selection): Sommer's world literature to go by Michael Sommer
- Great German-French Media Prize : Jürgen Habermas
- Great Order of Merit of the Province of South Tyrol : Francesca Melandri
Guizot price :
- L'Empire libéral by Éric Anceau
- Les Chiffonniers de Paris by Antoine Compagnon
- Gutenberg Prize of the City of Mainz : Alberto Manguel
- Hannah Arendt Prize : Ann Pettifor
- Hegel Prize : Michael Stolleis
- Heinrich Heine Prize of the City of Düsseldorf : Leoluca Orlando
- Herder Medal (IHS) : Marion Heinz and Karl Menges (posthumous)
- Hessian Culture Prize (selection): Andreas Platthaus
- Hessian Publishing Prize : Rotopolpress (main prize); Büchner-Verlag (founder award)
- From the Heydt Culture Prize of the City of Wuppertal: Eugen Egner
- Hildegard von Bingen Prize for Journalism : Anja Reschke
- International Ibsen Prize : Christoph Marthaler
- Israel Prize for Literature: David Grossman
- Joachim Ringelnatz Prize (“Art” category): Nikolaus Heidelbach
- Justus Möser Medal : Hélène Cixous
- Charles Medal for European Media : Ian Kershaw
- Carinthian regional order in gold: Peter Handke
- Kluge Prize : Drew Gilpin Faust
- Kronprinsparrets Kulturpris : Kim Leine
- Cultural honorary award of the state capital Munich : Antje Kunstmann
- Culture Prize of the City of Regensburg (selection): Gerda Stauner
- Order of Culture (Japan) : Masakazu Yamazaki
- Art Prize of the City of Innsbruck (Literature Section): Norbert Gstrein
- Saarland Art Prize (literature section): Christopher Ecker
- Kurt Wolff Prize : Elfenbein Verlag ; Sponsorship award: Edition Rugerup
- Kythera Prize : Thomas Ostermeier
- Leibniz Prize (selection): Jens Beckert
- Lessing Prize for Criticism : Elizabeth T. Spira ; Sponsorship award: Stefanie Panzenböck
- Ludwig Mülheims Theater Prize : Ferdinand Schmalz
- Luise Büchner Prize for Journalism : Julia Korbik
- MacArthur Fellowship (selection): Kelly Link
- Maecenas honor : Monika Schoeller
Max and Moritz Prize (selection):
- Best German-language comic strip: Life is not a pony farm by Sarah Burrini
- Best German-speaking comic artist: Reinhard Kleist
- Special jury prize: Paul Derouet
- Special award for an outstanding life's work: Jean-Claude Mézières
- Molson Prize : Diane Schoemperlen and Lynne Viola
- Moses Mendelssohn Medal : Amos Kollek , together with his sister Osnat Kollek
- Nestroy Theater Prize for the Best Play - Author Prize : everyone (dies) by Ferdinand Schmalz
- Nestroy Theater Prize for Lifetime Achievement : Peter Handke
Lower Austrian Culture Prize , Literature category:
- Appreciation award: Ilse Helbich
- Recognition prizes: Milena Michiko Flašar and Magda Woitzuck
- Obermayer German Jewish History Award (selection): Margot Friedländer ; Simon Strauss
- Order of Orange-Nassau (Officer): Maarten Asscher
- Oswald Spengler Prize : Michel Houellebecq
- Prize of the Literature Houses : Jaroslav Rudiš
- Prize of the City of Vienna for Journalism : Murray G. Hall
- Prize of the City of Vienna for popular education : Robert Sommer
- Prize for understanding and tolerance (selection): David Grossman
- Prix Voltaire : Gui Minhai
- Reuchlin Prize : Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
- Saxon Publishing Prize : spector books
- Samuel Fischer Visiting Professorship for Literature at the Free University of Berlin: Édouard Louis
- Schiller Prize of the City of Mannheim : Uwe Timm
- Most beautiful books from all over the world - Goldene Letters: Home, craft and the utopia of the everyday by Uta Hassler
The most beautiful German books : The 2018 award winners
- The most beautiful German book 2018: Does bread float in milk? by Katrin Stangl
- Schwabing Art Prize (selection): Uli Oesterle
- Sigmund Freud Prize for Scientific Prose : Wolfgang Kemp
- Taras Shevchenko Prize (selection): Emma Andijewska ; Serhii Plokhy
Theater of the year : Theater Basel (Director: Andreas Beck )
- "Piece of the Year": Am Königsweg by Elfriede Jelinek (also "Staging of the Year"; Director: Falk Richter )
- Theater Prize Berlin : Karin Henkel
- Theodor Heuss Prize : Yvonne Hofstetter
- Theological Prize of the Salzburg University Weeks : Hans Joas
- Tony Award (Best Play) : Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by Jack Thorne
- Tractatus Prize : The Unification of the World. About the loss of ambiguity and diversity of Thomas Bauer
- Tuebingen poetics lectureship : Uwe Timm , Frank Witzel
- Translator bar : Katharina Raabe
- Publisher of the Year : Susanne Schüssler ( Verlag Klaus Wagenbach )
- Wolfson History Prize : Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation by Peter Marshall
See also
Individual evidence
- ^ "Bibliotheca Arabica" for new Arabic literary history ,, December 13, 2017, accessed on December 14, 2017
- ↑ Leipzig Library with Arabic Literature ,, published and accessed on December 29, 2017
- ↑ Hanser gives up subsidiary publishing house: Oliver Kneidl takes over Nagel & Kimche ,, November 21, 2017, accessed on November 24, 2017
- ↑ Münchner Stadtbücherei acquires archives from Piper ,, published and accessed on January 15, 2018
- ↑ Gomringer poem on university facade is painted over ,, published and accessed on January 23, 2018
- ↑ Grütters: Overpainting of the poem is "Kulturbarbarei" ,, published and accessed on January 24, 2018
- ↑ Kultursenator calls poem overpainting absurd ,, published and accessed on January 25, 2018
- ↑ Press release on the decision of the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin ,, January 24, 2018, accessed on January 25, 2018
- ↑ Haus für Poesie ends cooperation with Alice Salomon Hochschule ,, published and accessed on January 25, 2018
- ↑ Harry Potter book sales top 500 million worldwide ,, published and accessed on February 1, 2018
- ↑ Publishing as an artistic project? Düsseldorf Declaration by Independent Publishers ,, accessed on February 8, 2018
- ↑ Düsseldorf Declaration by Independent Publishers ,, accessed on February 8, 2018 (pdf)
- ↑ Concentration camp memorial receives library from Ralph Giordano ,, published and accessed on December 28, 2017
- ↑ Wolfgang Benz : Died: Dr. Walter Kumpmann ,, March 8, 2018, accessed on March 15, 2018
- ^ Cultural workers condemn the Polish government ,, published and accessed on February 26, 2018
- ↑ Protest against restriction of freedom of expression in Poland - Open letter from cultural mediators: "Enough!" ,, published and accessed on February 28, 2018
- ↑ Suhrkamp is not allowed to publish the Ulysses translation: the heirs have not given their consent ,, published and accessed on February 28, 2018
- ↑ Publishing breakdown: "Ulysses" translation may not appear ,, sent and accessed on February 28, 2018
- ↑ New Ulysses translation may not appear: The translator's widow makes use of copyright ,, February 28, 2018, accessed on March 1, 2018
- ↑ Ten years of free translation work ,, broadcast on February 28, 2018, accessed on March 1, 2018
- ^ 1st Federal Library Policy Congress: Relevance of Libraries in the 21st Century ,, February 23, 2018, accessed on February 24, 2018
- ^ Tellkamp and Grünbein in Dresden: "A good argument that was waged there" ,, broadcast on March 8, 2018, accessed on March 9, 2018
- ↑ Suhrkamp distances itself from author Tellkamp ,, published and accessed on March 9, 2018
- ↑ Suhrkamp goes on distance ,, published and accessed on March 9, 2018
- ↑ After prison sentence: new edition of the novel by Ahmet Altan ,, March 2, 2018. Retrieved on March 3, 2018
- ↑ New fiction bestseller list for independent publishers ,, published and accessed on March 13, 2018
- ↑ Joint declaration ,, March 15, 2018, accessed on March 20, 2018
- ↑ Tellkamp signs "Declaration 2018" ,, March 17, 2018, accessed on March 20, 2018
- ↑ Christian Schröder: Uwe Tellkamp for Solidarity against Immigrants ,, published and accessed on March 20, 2018
- ↑ Solving problems, not exacerbating them! , vs, March 23, 2018, accessed April 3, 2018
- ↑ "Declaration 2018": publisher Wilhelm Hopf withdraws signature - "I regret the irritations" ,, published and accessed on April 11, 2018 (several original links available from here)
- ↑ Clemens Heni: Lit publisher Wilhelm Hopf and the populist "Declaration 2018" ,, published and accessed on April 13, 2018
- ↑ Romania - main country of the Leipzig Book Fair 2018 ( Memento of the original from February 2, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,, accessed on February 1, 2018
- ↑ Susanna Wengeler: The Bologna Report - with picture gallery ,, April 2, 2018, accessed on April 3, 2018
- ^ Allegations of corruption - Nobel Prize for Literature Committee in the Crisis ,, published and accessed on April 9, 2018
- ↑ Aldo Keel: There were only thirteen left - the Swedish Academy in its worst crisis ,, April 7, 2018, accessed on April 9, 2018
- ↑ Nobel Prize for Literature: Academy Chairwoman Resigns - From 18 members only 11 are now active ,, published and accessed on April 13, 2018
- ↑ König amends the statutes for the Nobel Prize for Literature Committee ,, published and accessed on April 18, 2018
- ↑ Swedish Academy admits grievances ,, published and accessed on April 20, 2018
- ↑ Nobel Foundation postpones the Nobel Prize for Literature indefinitely ,, published and accessed on May 28, 2018
- ↑ External consultants for the Nobel Prize for Literature ,, published and accessed on November 19, 2018
- ^ PEN center calls for clarification about the raid on the publisher ,, published and accessed on April 9, 2018
- ^ House search in Neuss - Solidarity campaign for Mezopotamien Verlag ,, March 19, 2018, accessed on April 9, 2018
- ^ Mezopotamien-Verlag: Börsenverein and PEN call for transparency , ( Firatnews Agency ), published on April 9, 2018, accessed again on December 31, 2018
- ↑ Volksbühnenintendant Chris Dercon resigns ,, published and accessed on April 13, 2018
- ↑ Grütters: Dercon's resignation was correct ,, published and accessed on April 19, 2018
- ↑ Mainzer vote against the Bibelturm ,, published and accessed on April 16, 2018
- ↑ Athens is World City of Books 2018 ,, published and accessed on April 24, 2018
- ↑ »Athens - World Capital of Books 2018« ,, accessed on April 24, 2018
- ↑ Elliot Advisors joins Waterstones ( Elliott Advisors is correct ),, published and accessed on April 26, 2018
- ↑ Waterstones goes to Elliott Advisors ,, published and accessed on April 26, 2018
- ↑ Villa Willemsen opened ,, broadcast on May 3, 2018, accessed on May 4, 2018
- ^ Roger Willemsen Foundation , accessed on May 4, 2018
- ↑ Ernst Wasmuth Verlag files for insolvency ,, published and accessed on May 4, 2018
- ^ Valuable books discovered in the Dutch parliament ,, May 31, 2018, accessed on June 1, 2018
- ↑ University of Greifswald may part with namesake ,, April 19, 2018, accessed on April 20, 2018
- ^ The Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität ist Geschichte ,, published and accessed on June 1, 2018
- ↑ With 40,000 euros the "most highly endowed non-fiction book award in the German-speaking region": Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft donates “wbg-Buchpreis für Geisteswissenschaften” ,, June 5, 2018, accessed on June 6, 2018
- ↑ The highest endowed award in the non-fiction book with 40,000 euros: WBG donates book price for the humanities ,, June 5, 2018, accessed on June 6, 2018
- ^ ZLB on the grounds of the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek ,, published and accessed on June 19, 2018
- ↑ Literaturhaus Köln is offering Wellershoff scholarships for the first time ,, July 3, 2018, accessed on July 4, 2018
- ↑ Text of the speech on literature: The value of words ,, accessed on July 5, 2018
- ↑ Record proceeds for book illustration ,, July 10, 2018, accessed on July 11, 2018
- ^ Last German bookstore in Paris - Gisela Kaufmann closes librairie buchladen ,, published and accessed on June 1, 2018
- ↑ US Police Association tries to censor reading list - "We have to put a stop to this" ,, published and accessed on July 20, 2018
- ↑ Publishing house stops Facebook activities: Schöffling protests against Zuckerberg ,, published and accessed on July 24, 2018
- ↑ Schöffling & Co. boycotted Facebook (with additional links),, published and accessed on July 24, 2018
- ↑ Beijing supports bookstores with sums of millions ,, published and accessed on July 24, 2018
- ↑ Alison Flood: Ukip suspends three members over socialist bookshop attack ,, published and accessed on August 7, 2018
- ↑ Sian Cain: Home Office refuses visas for authors invited to Edinburgh book festival ,, August 8, 2018, accessed August 9, 2018
- ↑ New Literature Center at Hülshoff Castle ,, published and accessed on May 17, 2018
- ↑ Program of the Droste Days 2018 ,, accessed on May 17, 2018
- ↑ The new foundation “Shakespeares Enkel” should only keep books from independent publishers ,, published and accessed on 23 August 2018
- ↑ Random House rejects new Sarrazin / FinanzBuch Verlag brings title - Controversial Islam book ,, published and accessed on July 6, 2018
- ^ Controversy over Sarrazin book: Münchner Verlagsgruppe rises in ,, published and accessed on July 6, 2018
- ↑ Sarrazin wants 800,000 euros from Random House ,, July 9, 2018, accessed on July 10, 2018
- ↑ Controversy over the new Sarrazin book: Munich Regional Court recommends an amicable settlement ,, July 9, 2018, accessed on July 10, 2018
- ↑ Michael Watzke : Sarrazin lawsuit against Random House publishing house - scenes of a broken marriage ,, broadcast on July 9, 2018, accessed on July 10, 2018
- ↑ Iconic NYC Weekly 'Village Voice' Shutters After 63 Years ,, August 31, 2018, accessed September 10, 2018
- ↑ Authors are outraged by the replacement of Barbara Laugwitz ,, published and accessed on September 11, 2018
- ↑ »You weren't afraid to lie to our faces« ,, published and accessed on October 1, 2018
- ^ Temporary injunction against Joerg Pfuhl - Barbara Laugwitz defends herself ,, published and accessed on October 2, 2018
- ↑ Torsten Casimir: The Laugwitz debate is gaining momentum at the book fair - Aus der Spur ,, published and accessed on October 5, 2018 (commentary summary as of October 5, 2018)
- ↑ Laugwitz and Rowohlt reach an amicable agreement ,, published and accessed on October 24, 2018
- ↑ Barbara Laugwitz moves to Ullstein Buchverlagen ,, published and accessed on October 24, 2018
- ↑ Claus-Jürgen Göpfert: Von Fun und Schande ,, September 7, 2018, accessed on September 10, 2018
- ↑ Continuation of the Stroemfeld edition at Wallstein - Kafka edition saved ,, published and accessed on October 9, 2018
- ↑ Schwabe Verlag continues critical Robert Walser edition (KWA) ,, December 4, 2018, accessed on December 6, 2018
- ↑ The 18th Berlin International Literature Festival will take place from September 5 to 15 ,, published and accessed on July 3, 2018
- ↑ The Fischer Weltalmanach will appear for the last time in autumn 2018 ,, March 27, 2018, accessed on March 28, 2018
- ↑ Ali Mitgutsch receives Federal Cross of Merit,, published and accessed on September 28, 2018
- ↑ Bookfest is to conquer Frankfurt ,, August 16, 2018, accessed on August 17, 2018
- ↑ Alternative Nobel literature prize planned in Sweden ,, July 2, 2018, accessed July 3, 2018
- ↑ Website of the Nya Academies ( Memento of the original from October 14, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed July 3, 2018 (Swedish)
- ↑ "Alternative Nobel Prize for Literature" launched ,, published and accessed on July 11, 2018
- ^ Literature Prize of the Neue Akademie for Maryse Condé ,, published and accessed on October 12, 2018
- ↑ Herder publishes historical-critical Koran commentary ,, October 12, 2018, accessed on October 13, 2018
- ↑ Grisebach auction generates 6.3 million euros ,, published and accessed on October 27, 2018
- ↑ Chinese writer Tianyi sentenced to decade in prison for gay erotic novel ,, November 20, 2018, accessed November 21, 2018
- ↑ Chinese Writer Jailed For 10 Years After Publishing Homoerotic Novel ,, November 19, 2018, accessed November 21, 2018
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- ↑ Director of the Budapest Literature Museum resigns ,, October 4, 2018, accessed on October 5, 2018
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- ↑ EKD cultural commissioner sees “Holo-Kitsch” at Menasse ,, published and accessed on January 6, 2019
- ↑ Sorry to writer Menasse ,, published and accessed on January 15, 2019
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