Brigitte Döbert

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Brigitte Döbert (born 1959 in Offenbach ), with full name Brigitte Bertha Döbert , is a German artist , author and translator of non-fiction books, literary works and comics from Bosnian , English , Croatian and Serbian .


Brigitte Döbert graduated from high school in 1978 and then studied philosophy , African and German and book studies in Mainz . In 1986 she finished her studies with a thesis on the aesthetics of Georg Lukács . In the following year she received exchange scholarships from the universities of Mainz and Zagreb . From 1988 to 1989 she was on a DAAD scholarship for one year of study in Belgrade. In 1990 and 1991 she worked on her dissertation on the role of aesthetics in Fichte's scientific teaching with the support of the state graduate support . She received her doctorate in 1992 with the text Spur des Unbedingen. Fichte's conception of sensuality in the tension between aesthetics and aisthesis . From 1992 to 1995 she worked as an employee for the publishers Vieweg and Kiefel, and since then she has been working as a freelancer. As an artist, she is mainly active in the areas of artist books and installations , and she creates artistic objects. So far she has mainly exhibited in galleries in Cologne and Berlin. Her translation of the novel Die Tutoren von Bora Ćosić , which was previously considered untranslatable , has received several awards, including the Leipzig Book Fair Prize , Category: Translation. She is also a member of the PEN Center Germany and the Association of German-Language Translators of Literary and Scientific Works , VdÜ. For the latter, she coordinates the nationwide VdÜ events for the International Translators' Day together with Claudia Hamm and Sonja Finck .

Brigitte Döbert lives and works in Berlin.

“The great importance of the translation deserves special mention (for Mikhail Bakhtin ). 'The literary-linguistic consciousness was not found in the ordered system of a single language that was beyond doubt, but on the border of many languages; where they orientated themselves to one another. ' Wherever great things arise in literature, linguistic boundaries are overcome. When translating the Serbian original, Brigitte Döbert elicited undreamt-of possibilities from the German language ... Brigitte Döbert is one of those outstanding translators who on the one hand fully master the rules of the art of translation, but also courageously dare to create something new. "

- Alida Bemer, eulogy for Döbert, Leipzig Translation Prize 2016 : Magazine Translate ., 1, 2016, Hg Association of German translators of literary and scientific works, VdÜ

Awards (selection)


Translations from Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian (selection)

Translations from English (selection)

Own texts (selection)

  • The tutors. A tutorial, as it were, for the translation of Bora Ćosić's Chef d'Œuvre , In: Sabine Baumann (Ed.): The great novel of Europe. Bora Ćosić: The tutors. Material, texts, photos. Schöffling & Co. , Frankfurt 2015 ISBN 978-3-89561-584-9 , pp. 22-32
  • About asymmetry. A very one-sided attempt at the relationship between author and translator , In: Helga Pfetsch (Ed.): Souveräne Brückenbauer. 60 years of VdÜ . Böhlau, Cologne 2014, ISBN 9783412222840 , pp. 299–301
  • as editor: 07/10 - very far. Book accompanying the exhibition and commemorative event on Srebrenica at artclub , Cologne, July 10, 2010
  • Defiance and prejudice. Serbia after Karadžić's arrest , In: St. Gallen Tagblatt, July 28, 2008, p. 17
  • Sarajevo retro, or: Der Orient im Occident , In: Wespennest 148/2007, p. 13ff; translated by Karádi Éva Forditása, Lettre Magyar 68/2008, p. 77f
  • Identity. Texts and drawings. Artist book, multiple. Cologne 2007. Exhibited at artclub, Cologne 2008
  • Autumn. Artist book, unique. Kronenburg / Cologne 2007 exhibited at artclub, Cologne 2008
  • as Brigitte Kleidt: The journey of words. Report on the »Recontres littéraires de Sarajevo«, organized by the Center André Malraux, In: Translate , Zeitschrift des VdÜ, 2, 2001, p. 1ff online
  • Widrig der Grenzgott (review), In: Art & Culture 6/2000, p. 20
  • as Brigitte Kleidt: Ethiopia - Christian Africa. Art, churches and culture (with Ewald Hein). Illustrated book. Melina, Ratingen 1999 (Ethiopia - Christian Africa. Art, Churches, and Culture. Übers. John M. Deasy. (Same publisher))
  • as Brigitte Kleidt, with Ewald Hein et al .: Cyprus - Byzantine churches and monasteries. Mosaics and frescoes. Illustrated book. Melina, Ratingen 1996 (introductory part, pp. 6-53; appendix, pp. 171-198). (= Cyprus - Byzantine Churches and Monasteries. Mosaics and Frescoes. Translated by John M. Deasy. Same publisher, 1998)
  • Trace of the unconditional. Fichte's conception of sensuality in the tension between aesthetics and aisthesis (dissertation print ) Mainz 1992
  • The limits of ratio. Conference on Nikolaus von Kues at the University of Mainz , In: Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung June 3, 1991
  • Reflections on meaning and aesthetics under the sign of the apocalypse. Text (Belgrade, May 1988) and pictures (Cologne, August – December 2007). Artist book, unique. Exhibited at the artclub, Cologne 2008
  • State borders often also borders of the mind. A meeting of Yugoslav and West German authors , In: Frankfurter Rundschau , November 5, 1987
  • Georg Lukács ' aesthetics: systematic development and historical development. Term paper to obtain the academic degree of a Magister Artium. University of Mainz 1986

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brigitte Döbert. Kunststiftung NRW , March 9, 2016, accessed on August 29, 2016 .
  2. ^ Brigitte Bertha Döbert: Literature. Brigitte Döbert, accessed on September 4, 2016 .
  3. ^ Brigitte Bertha Döbert: Art. Brigitte Döbert, accessed on September 4, 2016 .
  4. Nominations and award winners 2016
  5. The language artist Brigitte Döbert. Deutschlandradio Kultur , April 8, 2016, accessed on September 4, 2016 .
  6. International Translators Day | VdÜ - the literary translator. Retrieved July 30, 2019 .
  7. Döbert's acceptance speech is attached to the site