Gerd Herholz

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Gerd Herholz (born November 15, 1952 in Duisburg ) is a German cultural manager , literary mediator, freelance author and journalist who, among other things, was scientific director of the Ruhr Literature Office in Gladbeck between 1994 and 2018 , which every autumn receives the literature prize donated by the Ruhr Regional Association Ruhr forgives.


After graduating from the Reinhard-und-Max-Mannesmann-Gymnasium in Duisburg, Gerd Herholz studied German , psychology and pedagogy and, after taking the first state examination in philology, between 1980 and 1982 was a trainee teacher for the subjects of German and psychology at the Marie-Curie Gymnasium Recklinghausen active. After 1982 ended the Second Philological state examination with distinction, he could not find employment as a teacher and supervised initially to 1983 an autistic youth, before he followed up in 1986 in the district cultural work for the Ruhr Workshop eV in Oberhausen worked. Most recently he worked on the joint management of the Ruhrwerkstatt. In addition, he worked as a teacher in remedial classes for people with reading and spelling disorders and between 1986 and 1987 as a freelancer for the DVZ , from which the Freitag, the East-West weekly newspaper in Berlin emerged .

From 1987 Herholz initially worked as a research assistant at the Ruhr Literature Office in Gladbeck, of which he became scientific director in 1994. The Ruhr Literature Prize has been awarded by the Ruhr Literature Office since 1986 and was renamed the Ruhr Literature Prize in 2006 . Herholz led regional and international literary projects such as “PoesiePalast Ruhr” (2007 to 2011), “textrevolte - literatur & politik” (2011 to 2013 in cooperation with the Mülheim Ringlokschuppen ), “A warrior . Literature and the Presence of Wars ”(2012),“ Café Schlaflos ”(2013),“ Von Sinnen. Eros & Illusion ”(2014),“ RuhrSpott ”(2015),“ Booted Out - Power & Subversion in Literature ”(2016) and most recently“ Über Leben! - From the hope of the future ”(2017).

As part of the project “ RUHR.2010 - European Capital of Culture ”, he organized the project “More light! Taking the European Enlightenment further ”, in which Günter Grass and Richard Dawkins participated, among others . As part of his literary projects, he also conducted stage talks and panel discussions with Andrej Kurkow , Oskar Negt , Boualem Sansal , Roger Willemsen , Wilhelm Genazino , Abbas Khider , Harald Welzer , Arnon Grünberg , Robert Menasse , Robert Misik , Martin Walser , Morris Berman , Katja Lange- Müller , Christoph Hein , Paul Spiegel , Hans Leyendecker , John von Düffel , Wilhelm Schmid , Michael Degen , Erich Fried , Catherine Fried , Michael Kleeberg , Emine Sevgi Özdamar , Aslı Sevindim , Wolfgang Hilbig , Ralf Rothmann , Michael Schmidt-Salomon , Ingo Schulze , Yadé Kara , Georg Stefan Troller , Hellmuth Karasek , Peter Henning and Didier Daeninckx .

As part of his resignation as Scientific Director of the Literature Office in March 2018, he criticized the lack of support for literature funding in the Ruhr area. Since leaving the Literaturbüro Ruhr eV, he has been working increasingly as a freelance author, journalist and blogger and has appeared in stage programs with his own poems, stories, essays and blogs together with the bass clarinetist and saxophonist Eckard Koltermann , or Erich Fried as a controversial personality and writer with Maria Neumann from the Theater an der Ruhr .


In addition to his work as a cultural manager and journalist , he wrote several books and volumes of poetry. His publications include:

  • ups and downs. poems. Sassafras-Verlag, Krefeld 1983.
  • ... but we do not remain silent. Ruhrwerkstatt, Oberhausen 1986.
  • with Bettina Mosler: The Musenkuss mixer. 132 writing games for schools and writing workshops. 1st edition. Verlag Neue Deutsche Schule, Essen 1991, ISBN 3-87964-270-2 .
  • The world in your pocket. 25 stories of Brooklyn & Buer, Reading & Living, Remembering & Escape. Klartext Verlag , Essen 1996, ISBN 3-88474-493-3 .
  • Experiment reality. Renaissance of storytelling? Poetry lectures and lectures on storytelling in the 90s. Klartext Verlag, Essen 1998, ISBN 3-88474-675-8 .
  • Change of voice. Poetry along the Ruhr. Klartext Verlag, Essen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8375-0292-3 .
  • with Verena Geiger, Jens Dirksen and Ulli Langenbrink (eds.): Die Sachensucherin. 55 short stories. Klartext Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1518-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gerd Herholz's biography on Retrieved January 5, 2019.
  2. LITERATURE FUNDING: “Unspeakable cultural policy” - Herholz leaves literature office . In: Westfälische Rundschau . 16th October 2017.
  3. SECTION: The literary scene in the Ruhr area is now threatened with a vacuum . In: Neue Ruhr Zeitung . 2nd March 2018.
  4. LITERATURE FUNDING: Gerd Herholz criticizes the speechlessness in the cultural scene . In: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung . March 14, 2018.
  5. Author reading: The literary mediator is convincing as an author . In: Rheinische Post . December 8, 2018.