Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl

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Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl (born January 13, 1745 in Königerode ; † March 10, 1823 in Pirna ) was a German Protestant clergyman.


Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl was the son of Christian Ehrenfried Krehl († 1771), pastor in Königerode and dean in the Rammelburg office , later dean general of the County of Mansfeld , first palace and town preacher in Mansfeld and consistorial assessor in Eisleben and his wife Christiane Charlotte, née . Degner (1739-1775).

Due to the early death of his mother, because his father no longer married, he was raised by an older sister of his mother. He attended the cathedral grammar school in Halberstadt under the rector Christian Gottfried Struensee and then studied theology at the University of Halle with Johann August Nösselt and at the University of Leipzig ; there he heard lectures from Johann Christian Gottlieb Ernesti and Christian Fürchtegott Gellert .

Before he was examined as a candidate for the office of preacher by the consistorial councilor in Eisleben in 1770 , he was still tutor of the son of Mr. Asseburg at Neindorf Castle near Oschersleben . After his father's death in 1772, he received the post of his successor as a deacon at the Nicolaikirche in Eisleben.

In 1789 he was transferred to the position of superintendent . He owed this to the real privy councilor and conference minister Christoph Gottlob von Burgsdorff , in whose house he was on friendly terms. As a result, he became acquainted with August Hermann Niemeyer , with whom he later also became deeply friends. While Christoph Gottlob von Burgsdorff was transferred to Dresden as senior consistorial president , Gottlieb Rudolph Krehl, with his knowledge and consent, refused an appointment as cathedral preacher and assessor of the cathedral capitular churches and debtor in Halberstadt . He was to be compensated for this refusal, and he had the opportunity to fill the position of superintendent in Pirna that had become vacant after the death of Carl Gottfried Küttner (1739–1789). He applied for this on May 2, 1789 with a guest sermon in the evangelical court church in Dresden , to which the council from Pirna was invited. After the sermon, the election of the four council members was unanimous and he received his appointment as superintendent on May 21, 1789. However, he was only able to take up his post on September 29, 1789 after the half-year of grace that had to be awaited.

At his suggestion, the Dresden hymn book was introduced in Pirna soon after its publication. He suggested a school library, set up a school teachers' seminar in which he taught himself, and instituted a quarterly special children's service. He also set up a widow's and orphan's fund for all preachers and school teachers in his diocese . As pastor , he led his congregation through the difficult times of war and emergency during the French occupation in 1813.

On the occasion of his fiftieth service anniversary on July 28, 1822, the court preacher Christoph Ammon traveled to Pirna, who was also the father-in-law of Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl's son. The conference minister Count Peter Carl Wilhelm von Hohenthal and the senior consistory president Friedrich Ferdinand Gottlieb von Globig (1771-1852) also attended the celebration.

At Easter 1774 Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl married Eva Susanne († 1816), eldest daughter of auditor Ziegra in Sangerhausen . They had seven children together, only two of whom were alive when their mother died. The eldest daughter married the pastor Wolf from Hohnstein and his son August Ludwig Gottlob Krehl (1784–1855) became pastor and professor of the Hebrew language at the Princely School of St. Afra in Meissen and later full professor for practical theology at the theological faculty of the University of Leipzig . His daughter, who had already died, was married to Karl Georg Neumann , a doctor at the Berlin Charité .


During his fiftieth anniversary of service, the President of the Consistory, Friedrich Ferdinand Gottlieb von Globig, presented him with the Knight's Cross for the Royal Saxon Order of Civil Merit and he was awarded the Dr. theol. hc of the Theological Faculty of the University of Halle as well as a silver candlestick that Minister Gottlob Adolf Ernst von Nostitz and Jänkendorf had presented.

Fonts (selection)

  • Farewell to Neindorf . 1772.
  • Farewell sermon, held in the Nicolaikirche in Eisleben . Eisleben, 1789.
  • Speech at the inauguration of the new school building in Gottleuba on November 1st, 1803 . Prediger-Journal für Sachsen, 2nd volume, 1st issue, 1804. pp. 55–61.
  • Speech at the parish rehearsal in Langenhennersdorf on Sunday Estomihi 1804 . Prediger-Journal für Sachsen, 2nd year, 9th issue. Pp. 677-683.
  • Sermon on the festival of thanksgiving at the entry of the allies into Paris . Pirna, 1814.
  • The hope of the fatherland. A sermon on the return of the King of Saxony to his states . 1815.
  • Speech given at the introduction of Pastor Löffler zu Ehrenberg, as pastor to Porschendorf and Liebethal, on the 1st Easter holidays in 1816 . Christoph Ammon: magazine for Christian preachers, 1st volume. 1st piece , 1816. pp. 255-262.
  • Sermon at the inauguration of a newly constructed funeral church . Christoph Ammon: magazine for Christian preachers, 2nd volume. 2nd piece , 1818. pp. 448-458.
  • August Hermann Niemeyer's hymn book for worship in the city and the Duchy of Magdeburg contains a morning song (No. 331) by Gottlieb Ludoph Krehl.

Literature (selection)

  • Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl in Friedrich August Schmidt, Bernhardt Friedrich Voigt: New Nekrolog der Deutschen , 1st year, 1823, 1st volume. BF Voigt, 1824. pp. 295-310.
  • The official jubilation eggs of Dr. Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl, pastor and superintendent of Pirna, also knight of the royal. Saxon Order of Civil Merit, described and published by M. Karl Friedrich Bartzsch, archdeacon there, for the benefit of the orphanage institution in Pirna . Leipzig, in Commifsion with Georg Joachim Goschen 1822.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. General repertory of the latest domestic and foreign literature . P. 398. C. Cnobloch, 1822 ( [accessed April 18, 2019]).
  2. ^ Gottfried Lebrecht Richter: General biographical lexicon of old and new sacred song poets . S. 179. Gottfried Martini, 1804 ( [accessed April 18, 2019]).