Hans Glathe
Hans Glathe ( Christian name Johannes Glathe ; born December 21, 1899 in Berzdorf auf dem Eigen , Saxony ; † May 23, 2000 in Gießen ), Protestant , was a German microbiologist and university professor .
Until 1927
Hans Glathe, son of the teacher and cantor Ernst Glathe and his wife Minna nee Schneider, graduated from the Reform Realgymnasium in Görlitz in 1917 . He then took part in the First World War as a soldier , in 1918 he was taken prisoner by the Americans , from which he was released in 1920. After completing an agricultural apprenticeship, he studied agriculture at the University of Leipzig from 1922 to 1926 as a pupil of Felix Löhnis , in 1925 he passed the examination to become a qualified farmer , in 1927 he received his doctorate to become a Dr. phil. During his studies he became a member of the Franconia Leipzig Landsmannschaft in 1922 .
1927 to 1945
In the same year Hans Glathe took up a position as a research assistant at the Institute for Agricultural Bacteriology and Soil Science at the University of Leipzig, which he held until 1937. 1934 habilitation Glathe for the professional agriculture, in the following year he received a lectureship for agriculture at the Mathematics and Science Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Leipzig, where he was in 1938 as Professor transported for agricultural bacteriology and soil science. In addition, Hans Glathe carried out a research assignment in Edinburgh in 1932 . In addition, between 1937 and 1938 he headed the Agricultural Research Institute in Kassel-Harleshausen .
Hans Glathe joined the SS-Reitersturm in 1933 , the NSBO in the same year , the SA in the following year and the NSDAP in 1937 . From the summer of 1934 he worked as a training man with the SS Reitersturm. During the Second World War he participated as a soldier in the armored force until 1944 . Subsequently, Hans Glathe was entrusted with experiments to ferment peat until the end of the war as part of the “Osenberg Action” in Seeshaupt on Lake Starnberg .
Hans Glather married Gertraude, nee Gräf, in 1931. The four children Hans-Peter, Joachim, Herta and Christoph came from the marriage.
After 1945
Dismissed from university after the end of the war, Glathe was given a position as head of department at the Institute for Humus Management at the Federal Research Center for Agriculture in Braunschweig . In 1956 he followed a call to the scheduled extraordinary professorship for agricultural microbiology at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen , where he was appointed full professor in 1961. Hans Glathe, who also held the office of rector in the 1963/64 academic year , retired in 1965.
Hans Glathe, who stood out in particular as the author of important specialist publications, died in Gießen in May 2000 at the age of 100.
Dedication name
In 1975 Zolg and Ottow named the bacterial species Pseudomonas glathei (today Burkholderia glathei ) after Glathe.
- The hot fermentation of manure according to H. Krantz: Investigations into the losses occurring during storage and the effect of the finished manure, Inaugural dissertation , University of Leipzig, Leipzig 1927
- On the role of manure with special consideration of the anaerobic flora, habilitation thesis , Fischer, Jena 1934
- With Adolf Orth, Georg Helmer: Self-heating of hay: cause and prevention, Schaper, Hannover 1955
- Collection, processing and recycling of municipal waste : pocket book, Working Group for Municipal Waste Management (AkA), Baden-Baden 1960
- With Hans Straub: Investigations into the influence of technical conditions in the rotting of municipal waste under the conditions of factory operation, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main, 1961
- Report on the results of composting experiments with the addition of vaccines and subsidies, Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Giessen 1964
- Expert opinion on the physical-chemical, biological and hygienic effectiveness of the Dano fermentation cell process: illustrated using the example of the Bad Kreuznach composting plant, Gießen 1965
- August Ludwig Degener, Walter Habel: Who is who? The German Who's Who, Volume 16 , Arani, Berlin 1970, ISBN 3-7605-2007-3 , p. 365.
- Werner Schuder (Hrsg.): Kürschner's German learned calendar . Volume 1, 13th edition, De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1980, ISBN 3-110-07434-6 , p. 1117.
Individual evidence
- ^ Berthold Ohm and Alfred Philipp (eds.): Directory of addresses of the old men of the German Landsmannschaft. Part 1. Hamburg 1932, p. 130.
- ↑ JP Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature - Burkholderia glathei ( Memento of the original dated December 7, 2000 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
Web links
personal data | |
SURNAME | Glathe, Hans |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Glathe, Johannes (baptismal name) |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German microbiologist and university professor |
DATE OF BIRTH | December 21, 1899 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Berzdorf auf dem Eigen , Saxony |
DATE OF DEATH | May 23, 2000 |
Place of death | to water |