Hans Laßleben

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Hans Laßleben (born May 30, 1908 in Kallmünz ; † December 8, 1941 in Russia ) was a German drawing teacher , draftsman , graphic artist and illustrator .


Hans Laßleben was a son of the local history researcher and editor Johann Baptist Laßleben . His older brother was the later publisher and editor Michael Laßleben , his sister Barbara Bredow-Laßleben (1896–1962) acted as editor in his father's publishing house. The painter Gisbert Palmié , who was traveling with his painting school in Kallmünz, recognized the drawing talent of the then 13-year-old, who already drew a lot in his youth and recorded the places and moods in the Upper Palatinate in his pen drawings . At the age of 20, he provided illustrations for the local magazine Die Oberpfalz, founded by his father in 1907, and his pen drawings, watercolors and etchings appeared in its monthly magazine Unser Vaterland .

Laßleben studied in Munich at the Kgl. Academy of Fine Arts and at the Technical University . After the training period as assessor in Amberg and Regensburg Laßleben 1937 drawing master and teacher at the secondary school Bayreuth . The publishing of the brother he took over in 1932, the entire illustration of newspaper The Upper Palatinate as well as for the Upper Palatinate Heimatbuch of Karl Winkler . In the absence of suitable teaching materials, in 1930 he produced a geographical map of the “ Upper Palatinate and Regensburg Government District ”, the use of which was suggested for all schools after an exhibition in Regensburg. Because of the outbreak of war , he could not complete another " Ostbayern " card, because in 1939 he was called up for military service.

Hans Laßleben fell with the rank of lieutenant in December on the Eastern Front .

Some of his works were still used posthumously for illustrations for publications that were published by Michael Laßleben Verlag, for example for the biographical work The picturesque Upper Palatinate published by his widow Elisabeth Laßleben on the occasion of Hans Laßleben's 80th birthday , edited by his nephew Erich Laßleben . Manfred Knedlik saw the etcher Herbert Molwitz artistically in Laßleben's and Ludwig Steininger's vicinity.

Publications / Illustrations (selection)

  • Karl Winkler: Upper Palatinate Homeland Book. Publishing house Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 1929.
  • Hans Laßleben (compiled and supplemented with drawings): Kallmünzer Büchlein. According to the notes of his father JB Laßleben. Michael Laßleben publisher, Kallmünz 1930.
  • Hans Laßleben (1908–1941). Picturesque Alt-Kallmünz. Seven drawings in one portfolio, Verlag Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 1997.
  • Christine Gesierich (ed.): Kallmünzer cookbook. [Pictures and drawings by H. Laßleben; Calligraphy by Hans Maierhofer ], Verlag Michael Laßleben, Kallmünz 2007. ISBN 978-3-784-78257-7


  • Erich Laßleben: Hans Laßleben in memory. In: Die Oberpfalz 66, 1978, p. 311.
  • Elisabeth Laßleben (texts); Erich Laßleben (Ed.): Laßleben, Hans: The picturesque Upper Palatinate. How the draftsman († December 8th, 1941) saw home. Oberpfalz-Verlag, Kallmünz 1988. ISBN 978-3-784-71147-8
  • Let life, Hans. In: Karl Sitzmann : Artists and craftsmen in East Franconia. Friends of the Plassenburg (ed.), Kulmbach 1957, p. 336.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Emmerig : History and Stories 80 Years of the "Die Oberpfalz" magazine. Historical Association for Upper Palatinate and Regensburg , Regensburg 1987, p. 253.
  2. Laßleben, Hans. In: Karl Sitzmann: Artists and craftsmen in East Franconia. Friends of the Plassenburg (ed.), Kulmbach 1957
  3. ^ Werner Chrobak : Laßleben, Hans: The picturesque Upper Palatinate. How the draftsman († December 8th, 1941) saw home. In: Book Reviews. Negotiations of the Historical Association for Upper Palatinate and Regensburg 127 (1987), Regensburg 1987, p. 291.
  4. ^ Manfred Knedlik: Herbert Molwitz 1901-1970. Engraver , etcher, lithographer, draftsman Bodner, Pressath 1995, ISBN 3-926817-39-9 (booklet on the occasion of the commemorative exhibition on the 25th anniversary of death).