Hans Peter Gansner

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Hans Peter Gansner (born March 20, 1953 in Chur ; † May 1, 2021 in Schaffhausen ) was a Swiss novelist , playwright , poet , publicist , translator and journalist .


Hans Peter Gansner, born and raised in Chur, Matura Kantonsschule Chur, studied German, Romance studies, art studies and philosophy in Basel, theater and film studies in Aix-en-Provence . Until 1984 he worked as a theater critic and high school teacher in Basel and Liestal. From 1985 he worked as a freelance writer, journalist and translator. In 1986 he worked as an assistant director under Martin Bopp in the radio play department of Radio DRS , department “Dramatic and Feature”. This was followed by an internship at the Schauspiel Bonn with Piet Drescher (1988), a drama seminar at the Bertelsmann Foundation (1989), and work stays at the writers' house in Stuttgart, in the Istituto Svizzero di Roma and in the Villa Kivi in ​​Helsinki.

Gansner was active in different literary genres. As a playwright, he made a name for himself with his “critical festivals”, as he called them. He was in the tradition of committed folk theater. With his dramatic works about the Duc de Rohan and Jürg Jenatsch in Rohan and Jenatsch or friendship and betrayal , about Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis in Der Dichter-General  - both important historical personalities in the canton of Graubünden - as well as about the German who died in Bad Passugg “Working Emperor” August Bebel in Am Saum der Zeit or Bebel's Death , he created a history trilogy dedicated to his home canton.

In poetry, Gansner is considered a political writer committed to the Enlightenment , as the literary critic Charles Linsmayer writes about him:

“There is still literature that, like that of CA Loosli, angrily against the sting, desires the brave new world of capitalism and the equalization of political correctness to the devil and, regardless of loss, names what others are taboo. [...] The book is strongest and most impressive where it is unmistakably Gansner: where frustration, anger, political clairvoyance and poetry combine to form an agitprop that gives the ancient word enlightenment a new, honest, cheeky meaning. "

With the documentary-fictional generational novel about the stragglers of the 1968 generation, The Hour Between Dog and Wolf , published in 1991 by Ammann Verlag, Gansner proved not only to be a social critic, but also a critic of his own generation.

“Gansner tells Bohnstingl's story extensively and in successive passages on different narrative levels. Bohnstingl is not a metaphorical figure for people from the post-1968 era; Despite considerable literary content, Gansner's novel reads more as a reportage-like documentary report about a time that was lively for the left, told with relish from the point of view of an outsider moving in the middle. "

As early as 2000, he and Commissioner Pascale Fontaine, about whom he wrote four novels that have been published by Karin Kramer Verlag Berlin and in Edition Signathur Dozwil, a decidedly political-feminist commissioner on hot leads.

“With Pascale Fontaine, the author Hans Peter Gansner has pushed a new figure into the line of well-known inspectors. Pascale Fontaine is refreshingly young and sexy (without a permanent bond), personable and above all interested in justice and not in the law. "

In the radio play he dealt with repressed darker sides of Swiss history, for example in the radio play trilogy Switzerland in the shadow of the swastika . The first part of the trilogy, In good company , was premiered by the Liestal Laienbühne. Early on he followed Julian Dillier's call to Swiss radio and television , where he has been reading stories from Graubünden German on the radio show Schnabelweid (formerly “Mundartegge”) since the 1970s. In this genre, too, he combined historical and political issues; In his “Alpenkrimis” he made the fictional “Hochtannental” the focal point of criminological popular studies.

With Mario Giovanoli he launched “Music & Poetry” in 1971, a genre that he cultivated for decades. As a literary translator, he transcribed, among other things, the essay volume Die Welt Ex by Predrag Matvejević and the poetry of the Jurassic poet of the liberation Alexandre Voisard from the French. As an essayist, he finally succeeds in Sternstunden and other disasters “to uncover the currents that led to the events of 68 and those that point beyond that to the present and the future”, as Florian Vetsch writes.

In the seventies, Hans Peter Gansner was one of the initiators of the Workers' Culture Workshop (WAK), which was originally founded as the Basel group of the Working Group Literature in the Working World . On his initiative in 1980 the “tree of poetry” was planted in Basel's Kannenfeldpark .

Hans Peter Gansner last lived in Schaffhausen and Haute-Savoie . He was a member of the Writers' Association of Switzerland as well as its literary translators section (SLÜ), the Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA) and the Swiss copyright society Pro Litteris . He was married to the journalist Helen Brügger .

Works (selection)

Novels, short stories, essays

  • The day off. Stories. GS-Verlag, Basel 1977.
  • Aborted life. Narrative. Night machine, Basel 1980.
  • Desperado. Novel. Rotpunktverlag , Zurich 1981.
  • The hour between dog and wolf. Novel. Ammann Verlag , Zurich 1991.
  • Six cases for Pascale Fontaine, crime novellas from France. Karin Kramer Verlag , Berlin 1999.
  • Vengeance is mine, a hot case for Pascale Fontaine. Karin Kramer Verlag, Berlin 2001.
  • Frivolous cases for Pascale Fontaine. Kramer, Berlin 2003.
  • Deadly tête-à-tête in Guadeloupe. Edition Signathur, Dozwil 2009.
  • Geneva shops, an idiosyncratic stroll through Geneva's history. Edition Signathur, Dozwil 2014.
  • Das Vipernnest, historical contemporary novel about the liberation of France from Hitler's fascism. Edition Signathur, Dozwil 2015.
  • Who was August Bebel ? Bündner monthly newspaper, August 2015, Tardis Verlag Chur.
  • Jürg Jenatsch and the Duc de Rohan , Bündner Jahrbuch 2016, Tardis Verlag, Chur.


  • in spite of everything. Z-Verlag, Basel 1980.
  • time.poems. (With an essay by Jean Ziegler and drawings by Martial Leiter). Karin Kramer Verlag, Berlin 1998.
  • real_time, explicit poetry. Karin Kramer Verlag, Berlin 2003.
  • heart. Songdog Verlag, Vienna 2010.
  • superheart. Songdog Verlag, Vienna 2014.
  • mega heart. Songdog Verlag, Vienna 2016.
  • the heart is a sinking continent. Songdog Verlag, Bern and Vienna 2019.
  • D'Welschdörfli-Suita, A fantastischi Zit-Reis with a legendary Khuurer Quartiar. Signathur, Dozwil 2019.
  • winter cut summer cut, haiku and paper cuttings. With Helen Brügger and Annelies Eichenberger, Signathur, Dozwil 2020.
  • the armored heart. Songdog Verlag, Bern and Vienna 2021.

Radio plays

  • For prob. (Director: Lisa Giger), Radio DRS Basel, 1986.
  • Naive in Evian. (Director: W. Baumgartner), Radio DRS Zurich, 1998.
  • Radio play trilogy: "Switzerland in the shadow of the swastika": general rehearsal. (Director: N. Rihyner). Radio DRS Basel, 1983; Premiere. (Director: B. Luginbühl), Radio DRS Basel, 1990. Legal aftermath. (Director: W. Baumgartner) DRS 1995. (Repetition of the entire radio play trilogy on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of the war, DRS 1)

Programs Schnabelweid (with Julian Dillier, Urs Odermatt, Christian Schmid and Markus Gasser)

  • Dr Fall Rappold in the Hochtannatal, 2001 .
  • Mort à la Carte , DRS 1, 2002.
  • Wilhelmina Tellona , DRS 1, 2003.
  • Hunting Fan , 2004.
  • Dr Fall vu dr Casa Uschäras , (According to EA Poe), 2005.
  • Ds Maitli in Rota Gwand , 2006.
  • Dr Tschaggino can ...! , 2007.
  • Dr Cadalura case , 2008.
  • A Schuldiga muass hära , 2009.
  • Sunnaraub in the Hochtannatal , 2010.
  • To Engel in dr Sexkasena , 2011.
  • Dr Alpsauheiri , 2012.
  • Dr Sündafall , 2014.
  • Death under am Galtischprutz , 2015.
  • Goldruusch in the Hochtannatal , 2016.
  • Dr Erschtgeborani , 2018.

Theater texts

  • Scherenmoser
  • The Myth Factory , Meili Verlag, Schaffhausen 1988.
  • E Poete-Nescht , Liestal 1989.
  • Bornhauser , Office for Information Thurgau, Frauenfeld 1991.
  • Le Meunier Mortifié , Pièce historique. Cosmos Éditions, Doussard-Annecy 2001.
  • The poet-general. A dramatic biography of J.-G. by Salis-Seewis. About Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis , Calven Verlag Chur 2003.
  • At the edge of time or Bebel's death. About August Bebel , Signathur, Dozwil 2011.
  • Oswald & Imperia or At the Poet's Eye: A moral painting from the time of the Council of Constance . Signathur, Dozwil 2017.
  • Rohan and Jenatsch or friendship and betrayal. Historical open-air play about the time of the Grisons turmoil. Signathur, Dozwil 2017.

Performed plays

  • In gueter Gsellschaft , (Director: M. Berger), UA, Liestal, 1984.
  • The Myth Factory (directed by H. Vogel), Schaffhausen, 1988.
  • Das Poeten-Nest , (Director: M. Berger), UA, Liestal, 1989.
  • Zarah L. , about the singer Zarah Leander , since 1990 a total of nine productions in Germany and Finland.
  • Bornhauser or Behind the Horizon, the world is not over. (Director: Jean Grädel, music: Mario Giovanoli), Weinfelden 1991.
  • Sun, moon and star home, a tragifarce. Edition Signathur, 2001.
  • Paso Doble , a two-person piece about Ludwig Hohl and Jorge Luis Borges . (With Helmut Vogel and Hansruedi Twerenbold, music: Frédéric Bolli, director: Hans Gysi.) In front of the Stadttheater Frauenfeld im Eisenwerk, 1994.
  • At the edge of time or Bebel's death , directed by Peter Schweiger, Zurich, May 2016.
  • Rohan and Jenatsch or friendship and betrayal , world premiere at Theater GR, directed by Arthur Bühler, Reichenau 2017.

Sound and image carriers

  • Prazel , Music & Poetry, (Music: Mario Giovanoli, Bruno Brandenberger and Reto Mathis). Canova-Records, Chur 1979.
  • Öppadia, Khuurartütschi Blüüs & Ballada , with Mario Giovanoli. Edition Signathur, Dozwil 2009.
  • Dr SiBti Himmel und a HÄXAkessel , excerpts from the Welschdörfli-Suita, with Mario Giovanoli (recitation, flute and saxophone) and Ted Ling (compositions and keyboard instruments), Rino-Records, 2019.

Publications in French

  • La Montagne Wagner, quatre conférences sur Richard Wagner Editions Slatkine, Genève, 2001.
  • Le Meunier mortifié , play. Editions Cosmos, Doussard, 2001.
  • Frisch et Dürrenmatt, les dioscures de la Literature Suisse , essay. In: Ecritures , 1987.
  • Au sous-sol , French translation of Paso doble . (Translated by Marianne Pithon) SSA, Lausanne 1988.


Prices and contributions

  • Recognition and promotion prizes Graubünden, 1981, 1984.
  • Berner Volkstheaterpreis, for Scherenmoser , 1987.
  • Dramatist funding for Mythenfabrik , Pro Helvetia , 1988.
  • Attendance scholarship at the Writer's House in Stuttgart , 1990.
  • Funding Paso doble , Thurgauer Kulturstiftung, Pro Helvetia, 1993.
  • Grisons work grant, 1993.
  • Recognition grant from the Federal Office of Culture , 1993.
  • Work commission from Pro Helvetia, 1996.
  • Prize at the competition for professional cultural creation in Graubünden, 1998.
  • Support from the Federal Office for Culture for Exile d'Azur , play about German-speaking emigration on the Côte d'Azur 1933–1940, December 2005.
  • Prize at the competition for professional culture in Graubünden (with Mario Giovanoli), 2009.
  • Täxtzit story competition, 2015.
  • Work grant from the Canton of Graubünden, 2016, for the D'Welschdörfli-Suita project. A Ziit-Reis through a legendary Khuurer quarter


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Vetsch , Gallus Frei: Keyword: Hans Peter Gansner: Heartbeats - Reading in memory of Hans Peter Gansner (1953-2021) & Ira Cohen (1935-2021). In: literaturblatt.ch. May 7, 2021, accessed May 8, 2021 .
  2. Media Voices Festival by Hans Peter Gansner: “Bornhauser or Behind the Horizon, the world is not over” (Weinfelden 1991). In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . July 1, 1991, accessed on May 8, 2021 (reproduced on hpgansner.net): “The series of events [of the canton of Thurgau for the 700th anniversary of the Confederation] was concluded on Sunday evening with the first public performance of the festival, with Thomas at the center Bornhauser stood. 'Bornhauser or Beyond the Horizon, the World is Not End', written by Hans Peter Gansner and staged by Jean Grädel, is an impressive reminder of that eventful Thurgau epoch in the first half of the 19th century. But the horizon is spatially and temporally stretched - Europe-wide ultimately also in this case. "
  3. Isabelle Teuwsen: The Mythen Factory (Schaffhausen 1988). In: Tages-Anzeiger . 1988, accessed on May 8, 2021 (reproduced on hpgansner.net): “'Die Mythenfabrik', a play that Hans Peter Gansner wrote for the 6th Schaffhausen Summer Theater, a piece of popular theater, emerged from the center of the venue. "
  4. At the Edge of Time or Bebel's Death - first performance. In: sogar.ch . Archived from the original on March 26, 2017 ; accessed on May 8, 2021 .
  5. Charles Linsmayer on the volume of poetry "zeit.gedichte". In: Der Bund , December 19, 1998.
  6. Heinz Hug. In: Schaffhauser Nachrichten , March 21, 1992.
  7. ^ Robert Jourdan. In: m, Comedia union newspaper, April 7, 2000.
  8. Basellandschaftliche Zeitung , November 9, 1983: "The thirteen collage-like scenes show, using the example of a small town, how people in our country could become frontists through economic dependencies and social obligations."
  9. SRF , October 3, 2013: “Gansner is a critical and political author. In his alpine crime novels, too, he denounces cousinism and injustice, which are commonplace in the remote mountain valleys in particular. "
  10. Aldo Mathis: Sometimes the blues catches you in Chur too. In: Southeastern Switzerland . June 13, 2012, accessed on May 8, 2021 : “The 'khuurertütscha Blüüs & Ballada' have their roots in the early 1970s, when the two childhood friends Hans Peter Gansner and Mario Giovanoli in 1971 in the 'Volkshaus' in Chur 'Musik & Lyrik' from the baptism. "
  11. Marina U. Fuchs: Blüüs and Ballada in the purest Khurertütsch. In: Southeastern Switzerland. April 14, 2014, accessed on May 8, 2021 : "Mario Giovanoli and Hans Peter Gansner inspire with a fusion of song, text and instrumental sounds."
  12. HP Gansner: Sternstunden and other disasters: 1968 and no end: Texts on the cultural awakening of Switzerland. Edition Signathur, Dozwil 2008, ISBN 978-3-908141-55-6 .
  13. Florian Vetsch: Literatour: Uncovered currents. In: strings . Issue 177, March 2009, p. 37 , accessed on May 8, 2021 (reproduced on e-periodica.ch).
  14. Der Bund , May 1, 1981: “'S'Betriebsfescht', a scene collage and written for the stage, is the joint work of authors from the Werkstatt Arbeiterkultur Basel. Hans Peter Gansner has rewritten this scene collage into a radio play, and Stephan Heilmann directed the piece for Radio DRS. "
  15. Poetry Projects: Poetry Day. In: tagderpoesie.ch. Archived from the original on January 11, 2015 ; accessed on May 8, 2021 .
  16. Oswald and Imperia or by the poet's eye. In: konstanzer-konzil.de. 2016, accessed May 8, 2021 .
  17. Entries from the competition for professional cultural creation 2016 awarded for large projects. In: gr.ch . June 1, 2016, accessed July 17, 2016 .