Heinrich Strecker (composer)

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Heinrich Strecker (born February 24, 1893 in Vienna , † June 28, 1981 in Baden near Vienna) was an Austrian composer of operettas and Viennese songs .


Memorial plaque on the site of the former birth house at Anzengrubergasse 10 in Vienna-Margareten

Heinrich Strecker was the son of Heinrich Georg Strecker from Ljubljana , a master tailor in Vienna-Margareten , and his Vienna-born wife Theresia. From the age of six, Strecker grew up with his grandmother in Vienna, from where after her death he moved to his father in Aachen , who had found a position as a master tailor there. In 1903 Strecker senior sent his son to Theux ( Belgium ) to the boarding school of the Order of the Lazarists , where he went to school for seven years. There, his talent for music was recognized and his interest in it aroused. At the end of his school days, Strecker had mastered twelve instruments.

By his own admission, the violin was his favorite instrument, for which he also completed the master class. In 1907 Strecker made his debut with his first composition, a violin concerto in A major . In the same year he was allowed to perform this piece to the Belgian King Leopold II , for which he was awarded.

In 1910, Strecker returned to Vienna and began studying law at the University of Vienna after graduating from the external Matura in Wels . The outbreak of the First World War interrupted Strecker's studies. After that, Strecker devoted himself exclusively to music; he studied with Camillo Horn for two years and initially composed classical works.

However, through commissioned work such as dance and film music , he soon came to the Viennese songs . He was known for this type of folk songs ; also for his Singspiele. He often worked with Fritz Löhner-Beda , F. Gerold, Alfred Steinberg-Frank , Joe Gribitz and Bruno Hardt-Warden , who provided him with the lyrics and the libretti .

On January 20, 1932, the premiere of his operetta Mädel aus Wien took place at the Vienna Citizens' Theater . His Singspiel Ännchen von Tharau , which Strecker had created together with Bruno Hardt-Warden, was premiered on September 21, 1933 in Breslau. The song Drunt 'in the Lobau ... comes from his pen.

In 1934, Strecker was district chairman and regional cultural director of the NSDAP , which was banned under Austrofascism , and the National Socialist cultural community in Austria, and thus "ex officio" member of the Austrian NSDAP. In this capacity he was briefly imprisoned in 1936. His operetta The Eternal Waltz came on February 5, 1938 at the State Theater Bremen to premiere . Only after Austria was " annexed " to the German Reich was the operetta first performed in Austria on May 18, 1938 at the Vienna Volksoper .

After the “Anschluss” of Austria in 1938, Strecker composed a song with piano accompaniment Deutsch-Österreich ist frei! and the song for choir and orchestra Wach auf, German Wachau! In the same year he became vice president of the Austrian copyright society AKM . After 1938 he was able to acquire the music publishers Edition Bristol (1941), Sirius and Europaton through " Aryanization " in addition to the Vienna Excelsior Verlag, which he founded in 1926, and the Wiener Bühnenverlag .

Villa Strecker in Baden

Heinrich Strecker lived in Baden from 1940 (with the exception of the immediate post-war period) and had owned a villa built in 1846 at Marchetstrasse 76 since September 5, 1942, in which today (2014) the Heinrich Strecker Society and the music publisher Heinrich Strecker, notices antiquarian, have theirs Have seat. Strecker's third marriage, with Erika Eszler (45 years his junior), daughter of a Baden shoemaker, went back to the acquaintance in 1956 and could only be legitimized in 1978 because of Strecker's ongoing divorce proceedings. The widow organizes an annual concert in the park of Villa Strecker to commemorate her husband.

One of the last honors of Strecker by the city of Baden was the establishment of a Heinrich-Strecker-Stüberl , which was integrated into the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Museum (Hochstraße 51) and which remained under this name until March 2013.

Heinrich Strecker's grave is on the Helenenfriedhof in Baden .

Heinrich Strecker's grave


Heinrich Strecker's entire musical oeuvre comprises more than 350 individual pieces.

Viennese songs

  • Down in the Lobau
  • Yes, yes the wine is good
  • There is an old house on the Lahmgrub'n
  • Greet me the city of songs
  • On the blue Danube
  • When a Weana plays music
  • That was in Petersdorf

Stage works

Prizes, awards, honors (selection)


In Perchtoldsdorf , where he had composed numerous Viennese songs together with Alfred Steinberg-Frank, an alley was named after him in 1981.


  • Raimar Wieser (ed.): Heinrich Strecker and Baden. A compilation . Neue Badener Blätter, Volume 4.1, ZDB -ID 2161928-1 . Society of Friends of Baden and municipal collections - archive, Rollett Museum of the municipality of Baden. Baden 1993.
  • Raimar Wieser, Peter Ziegler: »Dear Vienna, you city of songs«. Heinrich Strecker and his time. Amalthea, Vienna (inter alia) 1997, ISBN 3-85002-405-9 .
  • Ursula Schwarz: The Viennese publishing industry in the post-war period. An examination of the role of public administrators in denazification and the restoration of Aryanized publishers and bookstores . Thesis. University of Vienna, Vienna 2003. - Full text online (PDF; 1.1 MB) .

Web links

Commons : Heinrich Strecker (composer)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Wieser: Heinrich Strecker and Baden , p. 6 f.
  2. ^ A b c d Fred K. Prieberg : Handbook of German Musicians 1933–1945. CD-Rom Lexicon. Kiel 2004, pp. 7045-7047.
  3. ^ Fritz Peters: Bremen between 1933 and 1945 . Europäische Hochschulverlag, Bremen 2010, ISBN 978-3-86741-373-2 , p. 141.
  4. Wieser: Heinrich Strecker and Baden , p. 40 f.
  5. Villa Strecker, Marchetstraße 76 ( Memento of the original from June 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: tourismus.baden.at , accessed on October 11, 2014.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.tourismus.baden.at
  6. shop window. Baden's economy . In: baden.at. Die Stadtzeitung , No. 3/2013, ZDB -ID 2384617-3 , Baden 2013, p. 6. - Online (PDF; 2.2 MB) , accessed on October 11, 2014.
  7. Theater and Art News. Citizen theater. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Morgenblatt, No. 24193/1932, January 21, 1932, p. 7 middle. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp;
    Liane Haid in the Citizens' Theater. In:  Neue Freie Presse , Morgenblatt, No. 24195/1932, January 23, 1932, p. 9 middle. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp.
  8. ^ Entry on Wolfgang Ortner ( Memento from April 8, 2009 in the Internet Archive ). In: jung-wien.at , accessed on October 16, 2010.
  9. ^ Heinrich Strecker-Gasse in RegiowikiAT accessed on March 22, 2015