Hermann Boehrnsen

Hermann Böhrnsen (born September 18, 1900 in Rendsburg ; † May 19, 1976 there ) was a German politician ( DP , later CDU ). From 1952 to 1967 he was Minister of Economics for Schleswig-Holstein .
Life and work
Böhrnsen left the secondary school with the upper secondary qualification and then completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter . From 1927 he was co-owner of his father's carpentry, which he took over completely after passing the master craftsman's examination in 1929. From 1948 Böhrnsen was Vice President of the Flensburg Chamber of Crafts .
In 2013 it became known that in 1933 Böhrnsen had temporarily been managing director of the “Combat Group for German Culture” in Rendsburg . Boehrnsen allegedly acted as the "driving force" at the book burning on October 9, 1933 on Paradeplatz . The Nordkolleg Rendsburg reacted by revoking the honorable naming of a seminar building after Böhrnsen.
Böhrnsen announced the burning of books in the spring of 1933. His aim was "to adjust as much as possible to the broader people and to grow with them into a culturally stable and moral national community ". In September 1933 he had a commission report to him about confiscations in the Rendsburg lending libraries, and in one case he was involved in the confiscation in a private lending library. “In all areas of German cultural life”, “the last traces of a materialistic worldview should be erased in purposeful work”, as a leaflet co-signed by Böhrnsen announced.
The books that had been confiscated (according to a law of 1926 ) were burned on October 9, 1933 on the Rendsburger Paradeplatz. Over 600 books were burned at a stake. The head of the specialist group "Literature and Science", Paul Heinrich Juels, and the local group leader of the Kampfbund, Hermann von Essen, spoke at the book burning. The name Böhrnsen was not mentioned in contemporary reports on the book burning. His involvement or involvement was suspected due to his position as managing director of the local "Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur".
The temporary suspension of his parish pastor Johann Bielfeldt at the end of 1933 / beginning of 1934 at the instigation of the German Christians had brought the church elders and neighbors Böhrnsen to their senses. He left the German Christians, joined the Confessing Church in Schleswig-Holstein and participated as a synodal in both confessional synods in 1935 in Kiel and in 1936 in Bredeneek Castle near Preetz .
Because of his courageous commitment to Bielfeldt, Böhrnsen was dismissed in early 1934 as managing director of the local "Combat Group for German Culture". He remained a supporting member of the SS for a while and became a member of the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) and the German Labor Front (DAF). But in 1948 he described himself to the denazification committee of the Rendsburg district as a "resolute opponent of National Socialism".
Danker and Neugebauer consider this self-assessment of Böhrnsen to be unreliable. Because, so the argument goes, his involvement in the Confessing Church did not change the appreciation of the Nazi state towards him. From 1935 to 1945 Böhrnsen was allowed to act as head master of the Rendsburg carpenters' guild . In addition, he was placed in the uk for almost the entire war . In 1945, Böhrnsen became the state guild master.
Hermann Böhrnsen was married and had six children.
Party memberships
Böhrnsen joined the NSDAP at the beginning of 1933, after the seizure of power , but before the general admission ban . After the Second World War he was initially a member of the right-wing German Party (DP), but in 1953 he joined the CDU.
From 1950 to 1967 he was a member of the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein . At first he belonged here to the DP parliamentary group , which he left on April 14, 1952. After a few months as a non-attached MP , he joined the CDU parliamentary group on January 30, 1953.
From March 5 to September 17, 1952 he was chairman of the economic committee of the state parliament.
Böhrnsen always moved into the state parliament as a directly elected member of the Rendsburg-Nord constituency .
Public offices
On September 13, 1952, he was appointed Minister of Economics and Transport to the state government of Schleswig-Holstein led by Prime Minister Friedrich-Wilhelm Lübke . He kept this office under his two successors, Kai-Uwe von Hassel and Helmut Lemke , until he left the government on May 3, 1967 after the state elections in 1967. Fritz Sureth was an important head of office, later state director and then state secretary .
On November 30, 1966, he was awarded the Great Cross of Merit with Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Federal Cross of Merit .
- Sound senses and desires. Low German poems , Rendsburg, 1950.
See also
- Regina-Maria Becker: Rendsburg. October 9, 1933 on the Paradeplatz , in: Julius H. Schoeps , Werner Treß (ed.): Places of book burning in Schleswig-Holstein 1933 , Hildesheim 2013, pp. 61–68.
- Uwe Danker , Sebastian Lehmann-Himmel: State politics with a past: Historical analysis of the personal and structural continuity in the Schleswig-Holstein legislature and executive after 1945 . On behalf of the Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament, Husum 2017; on Böhrnsen: p. 242 f. Online text here: Landtag printed matter 18-4464 2016. , page 241ff, accessed on August 4, 2020.
- Günter Neugebauer : Against forgetting. Victims and perpetrators in Rendsburg's Nazi era . Osterrönfeld: Rendsburger Druck- und Verlagshaus 2018, ISBN 978-3-9810912-6-7 . In particular also chapter 8.1. Hermann Böhrnsen - from co-organizer of the book burning to Minister of Economics of the State , pp. 222–232.
Web links
- Hermann Böhrnsen in the state parliament information system Schleswig-Holstein
- Gero Trittmaack: Appreciation revoked: Nordkolleg banishes ex-minister , in: Landeszeitung from June 8, 2013 - Source: https://www.shz.de/3269591 © 2020
Individual evidence
- ^ Regina-Maria Becker: Rendsburg. October 9, 1933 on the Paradeplatz , in: Julius H. Schoeps , Werner Treß (ed.): Places of book burning in Schleswig-Holstein 1933 , Hildesheim 2013, pp. 61–68.
- ^ Claim by Günter Neugebauer, 2018, p. 225; Danker judged differently in 2017, p. 242: "Böhrnsen's precise role in this can no longer be clearly explained."
- ↑ http://www.shz.de/lokales/landeszeitung/nordkolleg-verbannt-ex-minister-id3269591.html
- ↑ a b Günter Neugebauer: Against Forgetting ... , 2018, p. 222 ff.
- ↑ Johannes Schröder : Johann Claus Bielfeldt , in: Wolfgang Prehn (Hrsg.): Time to go the narrow way. Witnesses report on the church struggle in Schleswig-Holstein , Kiel 1985, pp. 159–161.
- ↑ Böhrnsen in a letter of March 8, 1948 to the Denazification Committee of the Rendsburg district, LASH Dept. 460.11, No. 72/46.
- ↑ Uwe Danker, Sebastian Lehmann-Himmel: State politics with a past: Historical analysis of the personal and structural continuity in the Schleswig-Holstein legislature and executive after 1945 . Husum 2017, p. 242 f .; Günter Neugebauer: Against Forgetting ... , 2018, p. 227.
- ↑ Landtag printed matter 18-4464 , page 114, accessed on August 1, 2020.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Böhrnsen, Hermann |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German politician (DP, CDU), Member of the State Parliament, State Minister in Schleswig-Holstein |
DATE OF BIRTH | September 18, 1900 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Rendsburg |
DATE OF DEATH | May 19, 1976 |
Place of death | Rendsburg |