Jörn Biel

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Jörn Biel (born March 21, 1949 in Kiel ) is a German manager . As a member of the CDU , he was Schleswig-Holstein's Minister for Science, Economics and Transport from March to October 2009 .

education and profession

After graduating from high school in Wellingdorf in Kiel, Jörn Biel completed a degree in economics at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel . After receiving his doctorate on a competition policy topic in 1978, he worked until 1985 as a consultant in the Ministry of Economics and later in the Ministry of the Interior of Schleswig-Holstein.

In 1986 Biel moved to the Kiel Chamber of Commerce and Industry . Here he was Deputy Managing Director from late 1987 to May 2006 and General Manager from 2009 to 2014.


On March 30th, 2009 Jörn Biel was appointed as successor to Werner Marnette as Minister for Science, Economy and Transport in the state government of Schleswig-Holstein led by Prime Minister Peter Harry Carstensen (CDU).

In May 2009 it became known that Biel had joined the CDU.

After the break of the grand coalition in July 2009, all SPD ministers were dismissed from their offices in the state government by Prime Minister Carstensen on July 21, 2009. The management of the ministries concerned was divided among the remaining cabinet members, Jörn Biel was given responsibility for the Ministry of Education and Women as the successor to Ute Erdsiek-Rave .

Biel no longer belonged to the second Carstensen cabinet .

After the end of his ministerial career, he returned to the IHK Kiel until May 2014.

Since 2014, Dr. Jörn Biel President of the Schleswig-Holstein Homeland Federation (SHHB) . He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Schleswig-Holstein Open Canal .

Web links

Jörn Biel in the state parliament information system Schleswig-Holstein

Individual evidence

  1. a b Jörn Biel in the state parliament information system Schleswig-Holstein
  2. ^ Minister of Economic Affairs Jörn Biel is now a CDU member. sh: z, May 15, 2009, accessed October 21, 2015 .
  3. Prime Minister Peter Harry Carstensen dismisses social democratic ministers ( memento of June 19, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), press release of July 20, 2009
  4. ^ Minister Biel returns to the IHK. Kieler Nachrichten, October 1, 2009, accessed on October 21, 2015 .
  5. Jörn Genoux: Jörn Biel hands over the baton. Kieler Nachrichten, March 28, 2014, accessed on October 21, 2015 .