Hermann Groeber

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The village street
oil painting by Hermann Groeber

Hermann Groeber (born July 17, 1865 in Wartenberg ; † June 24, 1935 in Gstadt am Chiemsee ) was a German painter who was in demand throughout Germany as a portraitist , landscape and genre painter .



Soon after Groeber's birth, his father, a doctor, moved to Eggstätt . Hermann grew up there and spent a lot of time with farmers and fishermen on the Chiemsee, saw and learned their craft: tensioning nets, trolling and pike fishing, leading the dugout canoe on the lake.

He attended high school in Burghausen . His drawing teacher, a son of the painter Delacruze, recognized his above-average talent, encouraged him and managed to get Groeber to study at the art academy in Munich with his father .

He was close friends with Ludwig Thoma from his time in the elementary school in Prien am Chiemsee to the years in the boarding school of the grammar school in Burghausen . The friendship lasted lifelong. There are numerous documents from her - roughly drawn, written in filser .


From 1883 to 1886 he studied in Munich with Wilhelm von Lindenschmit the Elder. J. , Nikolaus Gysis and Ludwig von Löfftz . Extended study trips to Holland, Northern Italy and Paris brought the young painter into contact with the European Impressionist art movements, but remained without direct influence. His pictures are "post-impressionist" and deal with Bavarian subjects.

At the same time he worked as a graphic assistant for the satirical weekly magazine Simplicissimus and the Munich youth .

Career as an artist

As an independent painter, Groeber soon had success. Hermann Groeber was accepted as a full member of the German Artists Association soon after it was founded . After Ludwig Schmid-Reutte was appointed to Karlsruhe, he took over his nude class, which soon enjoyed great popularity. In 1907 he became head of the nude class at the Munich Academy and was appointed full professor there in 1911.

In 1911 he received the gold medal in the exhibition in the Munich Glass Palace .

The Supervisory Board ( Council of Gods ) of IG Farben AG (1926), current location: Bayer archive in Leverkusen

Groeber was recognized with his oil paintings, but also as a draftsman in all areas of painting (landscape, figure, portrait). In his painting “ Die Malschüler ” he represented 11 people united in a group picture for the first time , from which later further commissioned works, such as B. " IG Farben " and " Michel Group " grew.

It was a great recognition of his skills and work when he was commissioned in 1926 to portray the supervisory board of the newly founded IG Farben , at that time the largest European and at the same time largest chemical company in the world, in a group picture. The 12 prominent members were at the top of the German economy: Carl Duisberg ( Bayer ) Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Carl Bosch ( BASF ) Chairman of the Board of Management, Walther vom Rath ( Hoechst ), Theodor Plieninger ( Elektron ), Ernst von Simson ( Agfa ), Carl and Arthur von Weinberg ( Cassella ), Wilhelm Ferdinand Kalle ( Kalle ), Carl Müller (BASF), Edmund ter Meer ( Weiler-ter Meer ), Adolf Haeuser (Hoechst) and Franz Oppenheim (Agfa). The picture was first exhibited in Munich's Glaspalast in 1927 and was received with approval.

Groeber's spiritual closeness to National Socialism manifested itself in 1928 when he officially became a sponsor of the newly founded, ethnically -minded, anti-Semitic National Socialist Society for German Culture , which was later renamed the “Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur” (Combat League for German Culture).


The author Siegfried Wichmann , who is considered one of the best connoisseurs of art at the turn of the century, wrote about the artist:

“Hermann Groeber does not take the colored rendition of the light from the momentary natural phenomenon. Similar to Fritz von Uhde , he goes about the coloristic implementation under very specific conditions. And so the open air in the landscape does not remain the inviolable appearance for him, rather the light is a compositional element and mood factor at the same time. (...) As a pupil of Gysis, Groeber was made aware of the moving sunlight from the start: Lindemann and Löfftz also gave him some clues between 1883 and 1886. As a teacher at the Munich Academy, he increasingly preferred sharply outlined areas of color that were closely related to the linear structure of Wilhelm Leibl's later pictorial art . "

After Groeber's death, Hubert Wilm wrote in the Münchner Neuesten Nachrichten in 1936 :

"Groeber was not only a god-gifted artist and one of the most distinctive personalities in Munich's artistic community, he was above all a splendid, happy, lovable person, an artistic nature who, thanks to their balanced nature, shared a large circle of creative colleagues, especially his numerous students always able to have a stimulating effect. "

"All his life Groeber was an avid supporter of open-air painting, a painter of reality, an artist who, gifted with an extraordinary painterly temperament and an unusual skill, always painted whatever his eye saw in the light and color wonders of nature."


Belonged to Groeber's students


Web links

Commons : Hermann Groeber  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. s. List of members in the catalog of the 3rd German Artists Association Exhibition , Weimar 1906. p. 44 online (accessed on February 26, 2016)
  2. ^ Ernst Klee : The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 199.
  3. In his standard work Realism and Impressionism in Germany. 1964, p. 108.
  4. Hermann Groeber (1865 Wartenberg - 1935 Muenchen) at artroots