Hidde Halbertsma Justuszoon

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Hidde Halbertsma Justuszoon

Hidde Halbertsma Justuszoon (born March 30, 1820 in Bolsward , † November 22, 1865 in Laubach ) was a Dutch medic.


Hidde was the son of pastor Justus Halbertsma Hiddeszoon (born October 23, 1789 in Grouw; † February 14, 1869 in Deventer) and his wife Johanna Iskjen Hoekema (born April 6, 1794 in Workum; † June 30, 1847 in Deventer). The family had their original roots in East Frisia. Since his father was working in Deventer , he attended the Latin school there in 1833 and moved into the Athenaeum there on September 15, 1837. On September 19, 1838 enrolled as a medical student at the University of Leiden . Here he completed a scientific education with Kaspar Georg Karl Reinwardt , Pieter Johannes Uijlenbroek , Jan van der Hoeven , Antonius Henricus van der Boon Mesch and Gideon Jan Verdam . His formative teachers in the medical sciences were Gerard Sandifort , Michael Jacobus Macquelijn , Jacobus Cornelis Broers and Cornelis van der Hoeven .

On November 3, 1843 he received his doctorate in Leiden with the historical medical treatise de Antonii Leuwenhoeckii meritis in quasdem partes Anatomiae microscopicae as a doctor of medicine. He then went on a scientific educational trip that took him to Paris in December 1843 , where he attended the lectures of Jules Germain Cloquet . Traveling via Strasbourg , he came to the University of Vienna . In Vienna he dealt with physical diagnostics with Josef von Skoda and pathological microscopy, as well as microscopy with Johann Florian Heller . After he had also attended Jakob Henle's lectures at Heidelberg University , he returned to his native Netherlands in 1845. Here he defended some specific theses in Leiden and acquired a doctorate in obstetrics on November 1, 1845, and a doctorate in surgery on February 3, 1846.

Halbertsma also tried to get a chair in Leiden, but he did not find access to it because he probably had too little practical experience. Equipped with a state scholarship, he therefore went to Berlin in 1846, where he attended the lectures by Johannes Peter Müller and Friedrich Schlemm . He then moved to the University of Leipzig where he followed the explanations of Ernst Heinrich Weber , Wilhelm Eduard Weber and on physiological chemistry with Karl Gotthelf Lehmann . His last travel destination was Prague . In the golden city he had received further suggestions from Franz Dittrich (1815-1859) and Johann von Oppolzer . On April 22, 1848 he was appointed associate professor of anatomy and physiology in Leiden, which office he took on on September 30, 1848 with the inaugural speech de Albini anatomie tractandae methodo, comporata cum eaquam nostva tempora sibi deposeunt .

On June 24, 1857 he was appointed full professor and was rector of the Alma Mater in this capacity in 1864/65 . He put this task down with the speech de iis quae Academiae Lagduno-Batavae anno 1864–1865 tristia et laeta acciderunt . As a university professor in Leiden, Halbertsma reorganized the training in pathology and anatomy. For this he acquired various preparations and instruments. Instead of the Latin language of instruction then in use, he was the first to use Dutch. From 1850 he was a member of the Society for the Promotion of Medicine and Surgery in Amsterdam, in 1853 he became a member of the Provincial Utrecht Society for Arts and Sciences, in 1851 an extraordinary and in 1855 a full member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences and he was a member of the Dutch Society of Sciences in Haarlem. In 1864 he fell ill with melancholy , which prevented him from being further effective. To restore his health, he went to Laubbach near Koblenz, where he died.

On June 26, 1851 Halbertsma married Jacoba Sophia Hamaker (born August 10, 1827 in Leiden, † February 2, 1888 in Hilversum), the daughter of the Leiden professor Hendrik Arent Hamaker (1789-1835). The marriage remained childless.


  • Bijdrage tot de ziektekundige ontleedkunde of the tanden. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part II, sheet 28
  • Over Hermnphroditismus spurius femininus. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part III, sheet 18
  • About a connection tusschen de breede rogapier en de driehoofdige armspier bij the human being: an analogue van den bij dieren pre-existing musculus anconaeus quintus. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part IV, sheets 238-246; also In: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. I, p. 54
  • Over de verhouding the ondersleutelbeens-slagadcr dead toevallig aanwezige neck ribs bij the man. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part IV, pages 247-258; also In: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. I, p. 47
  • Anatomical en physiological Beschouwing the voorhoofdspier (m. Frontalis). In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part VII, sheets 1-9; also In: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. II, p. 49
  • De sutura infra-orbitalis. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part VII, sheets 177-184; also In: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. III, p. 179
  • Do Lamina mediana cartilaginis thyreoïdeae. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part XI, sheet 177-184, also In: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. III, p. 179
  • Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van den canalis Schlemmii. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part XI, sheets 360-367
  • De musculus thoracicus. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part XII, sheet 164–180, also in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, uitgegeven door het Koninkl. Zool. Genootsch. Natura Artis Magisira. Volume II, sheet 309-319
  • Ontleedkundige aanteekeningen. First cestal. (contains: I. gastrocnemius triceps muscle .; II. pyriformis fissus muscle .; III. supinator brevis accessorius muscle .; IV. superior sinistal vena cava .; V. De taalkundige afleiding van het woord: coronoïdeus .; VI. Johannes ham van Arnhem, de ontdekker der spermatozoïden. ) In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part XIII, sheet 330–347, also in: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. III, p. 233 and 321; also in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. VI. Vol. 609
  • De afwijking van het tusschonschot der kamers en the primitive aörta naar links, roet hare followed. Bijdrage tot de kennis the irregular ontwikkeling van het hart. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part XIII, sheets 348-381; also in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. VI. Vol. 705
  • Normaal en abermaal Hermaphrodiliftmui bij de visschen. In: Varhandelingen uitgegeven dorr de Koniklike Akademie van Wetenschappen. Part XVI, sheets 165-178; also in: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, uitgegeven door het Koninkl. Zool. Genootsch. Natura Artis Magisira. Volume II, pages 80–86
  • De beteekenis the little vleugels van het wiggebeen. In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. VI. Vol. 65-67; also In: Archive for the Dutch contributions to nature and medicine. Vol. III, p. 253
  • Ontleedkundige aanieekeningen. Tweede zestal. (contains: I. De Arteriae circamflexae m. sterno-cleido-mastoidei .; II. De Vermeerdering van het aantal kransslagaderen van het hart .; III. De kransslagaderen van het hart van Halmaturus giganteus .; IV. Het lumen van de kransslagaderen van het hart .; V. De beteekenis van de dwarse uitsteeksels der halswervels .; VI. Processus operculum atlantis. ): In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. VII. Vol. 693–702, also under the title: Comments on the wreath arteries of the heart. In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde, uitgegeven door het Koninkl. Zool. Genootsch. Natura Artis Magisira. Volume II, sheet 217-233
  • Beschrijving van een Oost-Indian Idiotenschedel. In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. VIII. Vol., Sheet 657-661
  • De derde gewichtsknobbel (condylus tertius) van het achterhoofdsbeen. In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 2nd row, 1st year, 1st department, sheet 222–227
  • Do asymmetry of Javaanache schedels. In: Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 2nd row, 1st year, 1st department, sheet 228–240
  • Bij het graf van den hoogleeraar J. Bake, overleden 26 Maart 1864. 1864 ( digitized )
  • Bij het graf van den hoogleeraar JM Schrant, overleden 18 Maart 1864. 1864
  • Oratio de iis, quae Academiae Lugduno-Batavae anno 1864-1865 tristia et Acciderunt. Leiden 1865 ( digitized version )


  • W. Koster: Levens report Hidde Justuszn. Half-half. In: Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, 1866, Amsterdam, pp. 38–55 ( online ; PDF; 739 kB)
  • Johannes Adrianus Boogaard: Levensberigt van Hidde Justusz. Halbertsma, Hoogleeraar te Leden. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. Amsterdam, 1866, p. 49, ( online )
  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna & Leipzig, 1886, Vol. 3, p. 23
  • Paul Henri Simon Thomas: HALBERTSMA (Hidde Justusz.) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 3. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 525–526 (Dutch, knaw.nl / dbnl.org - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1914, reprinted unchanged).
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1878, vol. Additions (nl: bijvoegsel), p. 266 ( online , Dutch)

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