Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch

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Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch (born July 7, 1645 in Weißenfels , † April 10, 1726 in Dresden ) was a German lawyer, councilor, author and landowner.



Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch came from an old Bohemian knight family, which can be traced back to Conrad Ursinus, who in 1147 was King Conrad III. accompanied on his crusade to Damascus . From this arose a family of scholars who could be found in many public offices.

He was born as the son of the lawyer, Dr. jur. Christian Behrisch (1610–1684) born, court and judicial councilor of the Princely Saxony-Merseburg family . On April 2, 1649 he acquired a fiefdom in Untergreißlau from the Schencke brothers in Weißenfels and was henceforth heir , feudal lord and court lord there ; he was married to Anna Margarete (1618–1667), a daughter of Michael Nüchtern, Magister , official advocate and mayor in Weißenfels and the owner of a winery in Roßbach near Merseburg . His mother was the widow of the lawyer and mayor of Weißenfels, Johann Krumpe. His grandfather, Johannes Behrisch, was initially the school administrator of the Princely School in Grimma and later the official escort in Weißenfels, where he acquired the buildings and gardens of the St. Claren Monastery in 1617 for 2,400  gulden , which his heirs sold to Duke August in 1668 for 4,500 gulden . The great-grandfather, Hannß Behrisch (the elder) (1548–1616), was the chief scribe at the Dresden court of Elector Christian I.

Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch married Rahel Sophia Jünger (born April 24, 1654 in Dresden; † October 19, 1694 ibid) on August 23, 1675 in Dresden , the daughter of the Dresden mayor Franz Jünger , who had died in her youngest son's bed. The couple had ten children:

  • Sophie Gertraud Behrisch (born July 5, 1676 in Untergreißlau, † 1721 in Leipzig ). She married the merchant and trader David Andreas Schäffer († 1709), who took over the trading business from Johann Sigismund Küffner in 1698.
  • Hieronymus Albrecht Behrisch (* August 12, 1677; † before 1694),
  • Rachel Elisabeth Behrisch (born August 2, 1679 in Untergreißlau, † April 7, 1701 in Wittenberg ). She married the theologian Georg Friedrich Schröer in February 1700 and died early after the birth of her two sons, Georg Friedrich Schröer (d. J.), who later became a doctor of law and lawyer in Dresden, and Hieronymus Gottfried Schröer, a pastor.
  • Burkhard Leberecht Behrisch (born January 12, 1682 in Untergreißlau; † September 2, 1750 in Dresden), studied law, was like his father a councilor in Dresden and mayor from 1733 to 1750.
  • Carl Behrisch (* August 6, 1683; † before 1694),
  • Friedrich Behrisch (* December 21, 1684; † unknown), listed as a trader in 1726,
  • Johanna Behrisch (* October 10, 1686; † before 1694),
  • Anne Hedwig Behrisch (* May 15, 1688; † before 1694),
  • Heinrich Behrisch (born December 3, 1690; † before 1694) and
  • Johann Leberecht Behrisch (born October 15, 1694; † before 1726).

After the death of his first wife, Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch married Johanna Emilia († April 1, 1726 in Volkersdorf ) on August 27, 1696 , daughter of the former imperial captain in the regiment of Count Ulrich Hipparchos von Promnitz , George von Hantzschmann. He had four children with his second wife:

  • Johanne Sophie Behrisch (March 17, 1697 - May 1697),
  • Wolf Albrecht Behrisch (born September 22, 1698; † unknown), studied law and became a doctor of both rights, Princely-Weissenfels court counselor and assessor of the royal regional court in the margraviate of Niederlausitz.
  • Christian Gottfried Behrisch (born November 29, 1699; † unknown), studied medicine, became Dr. med. and inspector of the royal anatomy chamber.
  • Gabriel Gottlob Behrisch (* May 8, 1701; † April 29, 1773 in Kötzschenbroda ), studied philosophy and became a master of philosophy, later was pastor in the Friedenskirche in Radebeul and in Kötzschenbroda.

He was the manor owner and heir, feudal lord and court lord on Untergreißlau as well as on Volkersdorf near Radeburg.

When he died, Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch also had seven grandchildren and one great-grandson.


Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch initially received private lessons in his parents' house in Merseburg and after Easter 1658 attended the Fürstenschule Schulpforta near Naumburg . In 1664 he finished this and went to the University of Leipzig to study philosophy , political history and art studies there until 1666 . He then continued his studies in the field of law in Jena and wrote his legal dissertation there in 1669 .

On August 22, 1669 he returned to Dresden and became court master of the barons Job Adam and George Rudolf von Gersdorff (1654–1711). In 1670 he settled down as a practicing lawyer and was appointed as early as April 6, 1671 on the recommendation of the Appellate and Senior Consistorial Councilor Dr. Adam Christoph Jacobi (1638–1689) was elected city ​​clerk in Dresden, and after being sworn in on April 28, 1671, introduced to his official duties. He held this position until 1680, when he was elected Vice- Syndic of the City of Dresden. After the death of his predecessor, Appelation Councilor Dr. jur. Daniel Ferber (1635–1697), he was appointed city councilor of Dresden.

On his 50th anniversary in 1721, he submitted his resignation and was retired.

Already 30 years before his actual death, Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch began with the preparations for his death and had his coffin made. In a document dated May 3, 1711, he thanked God for his fulfilled life. After his 70th birthday he prepared his will and had it notarized on November 8, 1715.

Fonts (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Hieronymus Gottfried Behrisch. In: Stadtwiki Dresden. Retrieved January 23, 2018 .
  2. Behrisch . In: Necessary Supplements to the Great Complete UNIVERSAL LEXICON of All Sciences and Arts, Which have been invented and improved so far by human understanding and wit . tape 3 : Barc-Bod . Leipzig 1752, Sp. 494–496, here: 496 ( scan in Google book search [accessed on January 23, 2018] - in Fraktur).
  3. Christoph Gäbler: Dr. Christian Behrisch - I6122 - Personal information. In: gaebler.info. Retrieved January 23, 2018 .
  4. Building history | Music hostel. Retrieved January 24, 2018 .
  5. Covers the Latin proverb: Ama tanquam osurus. Oderis tamquam amaturus ' love as if you hate! Hate as if you love! '