Ivan Zelko

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Ivan Zelko (born May 14, 1912 in Cserfőld ; † August 13, 1986 in Špitalič, Yugoslavia , today Slovenia ) was a Yugoslav church historian , writer and Roman Catholic priest .

Live and act

Ivan Zelko was in about 1100 inhabitants village Cserfőld (now Črenšovci in Slovenia ), in Unterlimbacher chair district of Zala County of the Kingdom of Hungary was born. The parents, Marko Zelko and his wife Katharina, née Kolenko, ran a small farm.

Zelko first attended the elementary school in Črenšovci and then from 1923 to 1930 the high school in Murska Sobota . He completed his final class in Ljubljana , where he also graduated from high school in 1931 . He then studied theology at the seminary in Maribor and was ordained a Catholic priest in 1935 . In 1936 Zelko completed his theology studies and then worked as a chaplain and pastor in the predominantly Hungarian-speaking parish of Dobrovnik (Hungarian: Dobronak) . In 1938 he was transferred to Spodnji Jakobski Dol in the Windischen Büheln and shortly afterwards appointed to Sveti Martin pri Vurberg (today Dvorjane).

After the occupation of Lower Styria by the German Reich , Zelko had to return to the Übermur area , which had fallen to Hungary in 1941 . There he was given a chaplaincy in the parish of Gornja Lendava from November 29, 1941 to April 24, 1942 . Then, like almost all of the younger Slovenian priests, he was transferred to a parish in the interior of Hungary. Initially, he provided pastoral care in Alsóság near Celldömölk , then the parish in Salköveskút near Szombathely was assigned to him. In 1943 he was able to return home to Prekmurje and do pastoral work in Cankova (then Vashidegkút) until the end of the war in 1945 .

After the end of the war, Zelko served as a priest and parish administrator first in the parish of St. Peter in Gornja Radgona and, from August 1946, in the parish of the Visitation of Mary in Špitalič near Slovenske Konjice . In 1959 he was appointed pastor of this church district and looked after it until his death in 1986. Ivan Zelko rests in the cemetery of his native Črenšovci.

Historians and scientists

Ivan Zelko dealt intensively with the territorial and church history of his homeland while he was studying theology . As a result of this research, his first two scientific publications appeared in the ČZN in 1936 and 1937 in Maribor. These already showed the main directions of his interests: the manors with their organization and administration and the historical geography in the "land between Mur and Raab " as well as the church history with special consideration of the Reformation period of this region.

In 1935 he was one of the founding fathers of the Museum Association for Prekmurje and worked on the board and as librarian of the association until its dissolution in 1941. From 1968 to 1974 Zelko taught as a lecturer in church history at the Theological College in Maribor. He was also a long-time employee at the Milko Kos Historical Institute at the SAZU in Ljubljana. In 1975 he acquired at the Theological Faculty of the University of Ljubljana with a thesis from Church history the doctoral degree .

Fonts (selection)

  • Kartuzija Žiče. In: Kartuzijani na Slovenskem. ZKD, Ljubljana 1960
  • Stenski tabernaklji v prekmurskih cerkvah. In: ČZN 1969. Maribor 1969
  • Gospodarska in družbena Struktura turniške pražupnije po letu 1381. SAZU, Ljubljana 1972
  • Gradivo za zgodovino reformacije v Prekmurju. In: ČZN 1973. Maribor 1973
  • Domanjševci. (together with Marijan Zadnikar ), Pomurska založba, Murska Sobota 1974
  • Redovniki v Selu in Murski Soboti. In: Stopinje 1977. Murska Sobota 1977
  • Špitalič. Zgodovina župnije Špitalič pri Konjicah . Župnijski urad, Špitalič 1978
  • Turniška pražupnija. In: Stopinje 1979. Murska Sobota 1979
  • Starejša zgodovina markovske župnije. In: Stopinje 1981. Murska Sobota 1981
  • Zgodovina. Lendava z okolico. Obdobje od 8. do 20. stoletja. In: Zbornik občine Lendava. Lendava 1981
  • Historična topografija Slovenije I., Prekmurje do leta 1500 . Pomurska založba, Murska Sobota 1982
  • Frančiškani v Murski Soboti. In: Acta ecclesiastica Sloveniae 5. Ljubljana 1983
  • Gradivo za prekmursko zgodovino. In: Acta ecclesiastica Sloveniae 5. Ljubljana 1983
  • Župnija Dobrovnik. In: Stopinje 1983. Murska Sobota 1983
  • Zgodovina župnije Dolenci. In: Stopinje 1984. Murska Sobota, 1984
  • Žička kartuzija. Self-published, Ljubljana 1984
  • Prekmurska ledinska imena - in primerjava s panonskoslovenskimi imeni. In: Slavistična revija 33. Maribor 1985
  • Turški napadi in ropanja v gornjem Prekmurju. In: Stopinje 1986. Murska Sobota 1986
  • Zgodovina župnije Pečarovci. In: Stopinje 1986. Murska Sobota 1986
  • Cerkvenoupravni položaj Slovenske krajine od 798 do 1958. In: Zbornik soboškega muzeja 3 .. Pokrajinski muzej, Murska Sobota 1994
  • Zgodovina Prekmurja. Pomurska založba, Murska Sobota 1996, ISBN 86-7195-203-7


  • Štefan Kuhar: Mozaik podatkov iz župnije Grad. Občina degree, degree 2004
  • Vilko Novak: Ivan Zelko in njegovo raziskovanje prekmurske zgodovine. In: Ivan Zelko: Zgodovina Prekmurja. Pomurska založba, Murska Sobota 1996, ISBN 86-7195-203-7
  • Miroslav Kokolj: Prekmurski Slovenci od nacionalne osvoboditve do fašistične okupacije 1919-1941. Pomurska založba, Murska Sobota 1984

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Štefan Kuhar, Mozaik, p. 92.
  2. Doneski k Prekmurski zgodovini. (Contributions to the history of Prekmurje)
  3. K zgodovini reformacije v Prekmurje. (On the history of the Reformation in Prekmurje)
  4. ČZN, Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje. (Journal of History and Folklore)
  5. Prekmursko muzejsko društvo, the club was founded in Murska Sobota on 23 June 1935th