Ivo Barnabò Micheli

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Ivo Barnabò Micheli on the set of A futura memoria in the mid-1980s . Pier Paolo Pasolini .

Ivo Barnabò Micheli (born January 29, 1942 in Bruneck , South Tyrol / Italy ; † July 20, 2005 there ) was an Italian film director who worked in the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy.


Micheli grew up in Bruneck, where he completed compulsory Italian school. After graduating from the Italian grammar school in Brixen , he studied philosophy at the La Sapienza University in Rome in the 1960s . At the same time, Micheli made his first experiences in the film business with small odd jobs, in which he started full-time before finishing his studies. After the first amateur films with the Brunecker childhood friend and later film producer Karl Baumgartner (1966/67) he published in Rome in 1968 his first film portrait Hölderlin and 1970 La memoria di Kunz a first feature film heavily on socially conscious cinema of neo-realism and the French Nouvelle Vague influenced was. By 2001, around 30 productions followed - mainly portraits of people and poetic travel reports - which Micheli produced mostly for the Italian RAI and the German WDR . Several of Micheli's films ran parallel to this in programs at the film festivals in Berlin, Venice, Salsomaggiore, Sorrento and Valencia.

Micheli reached his creative climax with the film A futura memoria about the murdered intellectual Pier Paolo Pasolini , for which he was awarded the Mikeldi Prize at the 1986 Bilbao Film Festival and an Adolf Grimme Silver Prize in Germany. After the filming of the inquisition trial against Galileo Galilei with Mario Adorf in 1989, Micheli produced various documentaries for the WDR and the RAI broadcaster Bolzano in the 1990s , but with these films he could no longer build on the successes of the 1980s. After completing his last film about George Taboris Mein Kampf , which Micheli had made in 2001 at the Bruneck City Theater , he succumbed to cancer in July 2005 in the Bruneck hospital.


The authors of the first monograph on Micheli's life and work recognize three main themes in the director's overall work:

  • Outsiders and heresy: Micheli's most personal films portray the lives of important social critics ( Pier Paolo Pasolini , Norbert Conrad Kaser , Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno ). In the films La memoria di Kunz (1970) and Grenzen (2001), the director also processes moments of social tension in his home region of South Tyrol .
  • Identity search: Based on politically motivated social reports in various marginal milieus in Italy (Roman sub-proletariat, Sardinian miners), Micheli realized several cultural-historical documentations from the late 1970s in Africa ( Eritrea , Schilluk , Timbuktu ), and from the 1990s also in Central Europe ( Danube ) in which the emergence of individual and collective identities is questioned.
  • Film and literary history : Micheli realized various portraits of people by German and Italian-speaking authors and directors, a.o. a. Heinrich Böll , Karl Kraus , Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roberto Rossellini and Cesare Zavattini . In this context, u. a. Micheli's own search for adequate linguistic and stylistic forms of expression can be seen, which he makes the subject of the plot in his feature film Il lungo inverno / Long Winter Days (1985).

Filmography (selection)


Quotes on the person and meaning of Ivo Barnabò Michelis

"For a young person like me, Ivo was like an older brother who opened up worlds."

- Karl Baumgartner , film producer and childhood friend Michelis in an interview with Astrid Kofler 2012.

“In the admittedly very mixed part of my Italian films between Western, Mafia films and comedies , Ivo B. Michelis takes part next to the Damiano Damiani film Io ho paura and the Florestano Vancini film Il delitto Matteotti , in which I was allowed to play Mussolini "Eppur si muove!" A very special place as a little jewel that deserves more public splendor. "

- Mario Adorf in an interview with Joachim Gatterer 2015.


  • Joachim Gatterer / Jessica Alexandra Micheli (eds.): Ivo Barnabò Micheli. Poetry of opposites. Cinema radicale , Folio Verlag , Vienna-Bozen 2015, ISBN 978-3-85256-682-5 .
  • Daniel Brandlechner: Let's talk a lot about the unseen. Ivo Barnabò Micheli . In: Skolast 1/2018 (63rd year), pp. 42–44.


  • Astrid Kofler / Helmut Lechthaler: Ivo Barnabò Micheli. Una Reise , 53 min., Audiovision, Bozen 2012.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I Registi, Gremese 2002, p. 42f.
  2. Joachim Gatterer / Jessica Alexandra Micheli (eds.): Ivo Barnabò Micheli. Poetry of opposites. Cinema radicale , Folio Verlag, Vienna-Bozen 2015.
  3. Filmography in excerpts from Joachim Gatterer / Jessica Alexandra Micheli (eds.): Ivo Barnabò Micheli. Poetry of opposites. Cinema radicale , Folio Verlag, Vienna-Bozen 2015, pp. 113–126.
  4. Joachim Gatterer / Jessica Alexandra Micheli (eds.): Ivo Barnabò Micheli. Poetry of opposites. Cinema radicale , Folio Verlag, Vienna-Bozen 2015, cover text.
  5. Joachim Gatterer / Jessica Alexandra Micheli (eds.): Ivo Barnabò Micheli. Poetry of opposites. Cinema radicale , Folio Verlag, Vienna-Bozen 2015, p. 84.