Johann Dietenberger

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Biblia of both Allt and New Testaments , 1534

Johann Dietenberger OP (* around 1475 in Frankfurt am Main ; † September 4, 1537 in Mainz ) was a prior of the Dominicans , theologian and Bible translator.


Dietenberger was born the son of a cooper . He entered the Dominican Order before 1500 and worked there as a pastor and lecturer in theology. In 1510 Dietenberger became prior of the Dominican monastery in Frankfurt . From 1511 he studied theology in Cologne and Heidelberg and obtained his doctorate in 1514 at the University of Mainz, initially with a Lic. Theol. and in 1515 doctor of theology. In 1516 and 1517 he was again prior in Frankfurt. This was followed by an activity as Regens and lecturer in theology in the monastery in Trier . In 1519 he was prior in Koblenz , 1520-26 again in Frankfurt and from 1527 back in Koblenz. As part of the Reichstag in Augsburg in 1530 , he was commissioned to co- author the writing ( Confutatio Augustana ) directed against the Confessio Augustana by the Catholic side . In 1532 he was appointed professor at the University of Mainz.

Dietenberger died around the age of 60 and was buried in the choir of the Dominican Church in Mainz .


Dietenberger wrote numerous, mainly polemical and ascetic writings. Of these, the German translation of the Dietenberger Bible (a correction Bible ) published in Mainz in 1534 and a German catechism from 1537 are noteworthy .

  • Biblia / both // Allt vnnd Newen Testa // ments / diligent / faithful vñ Chriſt // lich / according to the age of Christian // churches trans /lation / with out - // legunng quite a dark place / vnnd beſſe - // rung viler crazy word and ſpruech / // ſo bit anhere jnn other briefly out - // Gangnen theutſchen Bibles ge - // ſpuert and goſe // clarified by D. Johan Dieten // berger / new. God to // eternal honor / and wolfarth ſeiner // holy Christian // churches. // With Roem. King. Ma. // Gnad vnd Freyheyt / Ge - // truckt zuo Meyntz Jm jar // to Chriſti Gepuort. // XVc.XXXIIII. ( VD 16 B 2693), digitized (copy Munich BSB , sign. Res / 2 Bgcath. 6 - with incorrectly cataloged place of printing).
  • As editor: Das gantz neü testament / Translated by Hieronymus Emser - Cologne: Quentel / Tübingen: Morhart, 1532. Digitized edition of the University and State Library in Düsseldorf .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Isnard Wilhelm Frank : The Book of the Dead of the Dominican Monastery in Mainz , Berlin 1993, p. 39