Julius Theodor Grunert

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Julius Theodor Grunert (born January 31, 1809 in Halle an der Saale ; † August 30, 1889 in Trier ), was a German forester , director of the forest academy in Eberswalde , most recently chief forester in Trier and editor of the "Forstlichen Blätter".


Grunert came from a bourgeois family previously resident in Lausitz , which could be traced back to the beginning of the 16th century and who ran the printing business and a book publisher in Halle ad Saale for several generations. Grunert was born as the last child of his parents, while the later professor of mathematics at Greifswald Johann August Grunert (1797–1872) was born 12 years earlier.


From an early age he was interested in natural history. When he was off school, he roamed the woods and fields in the vicinity of his hometown. Later, after getting to know nature and its products, this interest became more regulated than it was through the mediation of his father by the teachers of the University of Halle , the botanists Kurt Sprengel and Georg Friedrich Kaulfuss , the zoologist Christian Ludwig Nitzsch and the mineralogist and the entomologist Ernst Friedrich Germar was kindly accepted and the love for nature was imparted to him. He had been going in and out of the house of the ornithologist Johann Friedrich Naumann in Zibigk Koethen from a young age and had come to appreciate the founder of ornithology in Central Europe.

Study of natural history in Halle

After finishing school he enrolled at the University of Halle and studied natural sciences with the geographer , geologist , botanist , ornithologist , marine biologist , entomologist , zoologist , paleontologist and meteorologist Carl Hermann Conrad Burmeister (1807-1892) as well as the geologist , botanist and surveyor Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (1809–1864).

Military time

The July Revolution of 1830 in France, the Belgian Revolution and the ensuing occupation of the Belgian border by Prussian troops prompted Grunert to register for military service as a one-year volunteer in the 4th hunter division of the Prussian Army in Halle. With his consent , he was transferred to the Belgian border near Malmedy . There he was only used with outpost and patrol services. There were no acts of war. In the hunter's department he met Lieutenant Friedrich Wilhelm Stahl , who later became the chief forester in Rüdersdorf. Stahl had initially become an officer in preparation for his forestry career and he was about to say goodbye because he wanted to study forest science after the end of the war. Spengel Both were united by a love of nature. They met again at the chief forester examination in 1835. When he was off duty, Grunert was able to continue his scientific studies while he was on duty, with the botanist Kurt Sprengel, whom he had known since his youth, a learned French woman living in Malmedy, Marie-Anne Libert , who was an expert in the Ardennes flora , who then gave him access to her microscopic studies and scientific work.

Training and professional activity as a forester


After his discharge from military service, the important question of choosing a permanent profession came to him. Because of the poor career prospects after a purely scientific training, he decided to become a forester. Through the mediation of the forester v. Schleinitz zu Potsdam , who knew Grunert's brother, started Grunert with the chief forester Theodor Krüger zu Oderberg, a son-in-law of the chief forester Georg Ludwig Hartig from 1831 to 1832 at the chief forester's office in Liepe near Eberswalde , which was a forestry training company for the forest academy in Eberswalde , a one-year forestry apprenticeship.

The building of the Alte Forstakademie on Schicklerstrasse, built in 1793

Studied at the Forest Academy in Eberswalde and at the University in Halle

At the end of the introductory apprenticeship, he continued his training with studies from Easter 1832 to autumn 1833 at the Forest Academy in Eberswalde .

After further studies in political science and law at the University of Halle, he passed the chief forester's examination in 1836 and was employed in forestry and appraisal work in the administrative district of Merseburg and passed the surveyor's examination.

Senior forest ranger exam and further work in forestry companies

In 1839 he applied to be a lecturer at the Royal State and Agricultural Academy Eldena near Greifswald . A promise was made, but he did not take up the position because he demanded an assurance that he would be given the right to re-join the list of candidates for the Prussian State Forestry Department. The minister in question refused permission, but had become aware of Grunert and offered him the regular forestry assessor position in Königsberg for administration.

He then worked in various functions in forestry in Königsberg (from 1839), in Neu-Glienicke, now part of Neuruppin (from 1843), Danzig (from 1846) and Köslin (from 1849). In 1851 he returned to Danzig, where in 1854 he received the title of chief forest master.

Director of the Forest Academy

In 1859 he was appointed to succeed Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold Pfeil as director of the Forest Academy in Eberswalde. He stayed as director in Eberswalde until 1866, when he was replaced by Bernhard Danckelmann .

Forester in Trier

At his own request, he was then from 1866 until his retirement in 1878 as head forester at the head of the government forest administration in Trier.

Editor of the magazine "Forstliche Blätter"

From 1861 to 1867 Grunert worked as editor of the magazine Forstliche Blätter , and after a break of several years he continued his edition in collaboration with Ottomar Victor Leo (1872–1876) and Bernard Borggreve (1877).


Order of a Knight of the Order of the Red Eagle, Second Class

Grunert was an honorary member of the Austrian Reich Forestry Association and was a knight of the Red Eagle Order, second class with oak leaves.

One picture is in a book by Springer Verlag.


The above information on the curriculum vitae is essentially taken from the following works, some of which are quoted verbatim without this being specifically indicated:

  • Julius Theodor Christian Ratzeburg, Forest Science Writer Lexicon, 1874, pp. 208 ff., (Autobiography) PDF file online
  • Bernhard Danckelmann, Die Forstakademie Eberswalde from 1830 to 1880, Berlin 1880, p. 41 ff., Online
  • Wikipedia England "Julius Theodor Grunert" online

Works (selection)

  • Die Lohhecken in the administrative region Trier in: Forstliche Blätter: Zeitschrift für Forst- u. Jagdwesen, Volumes 15-16, Vol. 16, 1868, pp. 18 ff. Online and online
  • The oak forest in the administrative district of Trier , Hanover 1868, with a review of Neubrand in: Monthly magazine for hunting and forestry , 1969, p. 193 ff., Online
  • The hunting legislation of Prussia in its historical development, its current status and its need for amendment: with special consideration of the negotiations of the state parliament in 1883/84 due to draft hunting regulations, Trier 1885 online
  • Forestry apprenticeship : instruction in forestry for forestry apprentices and future foresters. With many woodcuts, several editions, first part, the auxiliary forest sciences online , second part, the forest science online
  • Hunting apprenticeship . Hunting lessons for aspiring hunters. I .: Hunting animal science, together with: General introduction to hunting theory for aspiring hunters. II .: Hunting knowledge for prospective hunters, 2 volumes in one volume, Trier 1879/1880 (no e-book available) [2]
  • The Prussian forester , presentation of the most important provisions of the administration and legislation for Prussian foresters and who want to become one, taking into account the state, community and institute forest service, Hanover 1869 with a note by Oberforster Bernhardt in: Zeitschrift für Forst- und Jagdwesen, volume 4, 1872, p. 165, online (2nd edition 1883)

In the Forstlichen Blätter , Grunert wrote further articles that are not included in the list above. Individual volumes have already been digitized. Unfortunately, an organized overview of all issues is missing.

References and comments

  1. David Paisey, German printers, booksellers and publishers, 1701-1750, Wiebaden 1988, p 86, printers Hall & f = false online
  2. Bernhard Dankelmann, The Forest Academy Eberswalde from 1830 to 1880 , Berlin 1880, p. 16, [1]
  3. Julius Theodor Grunert, Forstlehre: Lessons in forestry for forest apprentices and future foresters , Volume 2, 1884, p. III, online
  4. Heinz Sarkowski, Springer-Verlag: History of a Scientific Publishing House: Part 1: 1842–1945 Foundation Maturation Adversity, p. 65, online Whether the copyright-free image can be included in Wikimedia would have to be clarified with Springer Verlag.
  5. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is currently digitizing the journal as part of the OPACplus project . This process has not yet been completed. online OPACplus unfortunately find bad about google so it's easier to just above https://opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de/metaopac/start.do the side Forest leaves call