Dornburg Justice Office

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The Dornburg Justice Office was a court of first instance of the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach that existed from 1850 to 1879 and was based in Dornburg / Saale .


When administration and justice were separated in the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach in 1850 and the patrimonial courts were dissolved, the jurisdiction was transferred from the previous Dornburg office to the Dornburg Justice Office , which acted exclusively as a lower court. The district of this justice office consisted of the localities Altengönna , Beutnitz , Dornburg, Dorndorf , Golmsdorf , Großheringen , Hainichen , Hermstedt , Hirschroda , Kösnitz , Krippendorf , Lachstedt , Lehesten , Naschhausen , Naura , Nerkewitz , Neuengönna , Pfuhlsborn , Porstendorf , Rödigen , Steudnitz , Stiebritz , Stobra , Wilsdorf , Wormstedt and Zimmer together.

With the entry into force of the Courts Constitution Act on October 1, 1879, the Dornburg Justice Office was dissolved, the places Großheringen, Hainichen, Hermstedt, Kösnitz, Lachstedt, Pfuhlsborn, Stiebritz, Stobra, Wormstedt and Zimmer were assigned to the Apolda District Court , the communities Altengönna, Beutnitz (with Naura ), Dornburg, Dorndorf, Golmsdorf, Hirschroda, Krippendorf, Lehesten, Naschhausen, Nerkewitz, Neuengönna (with Porstendorf), Rödigen, Steudnitz and Wilsdorf received the Jena district court .

Individual evidence

  1. Law on the reorganization of the state authorities of March 5, 1850 ( Reg.Bl. p. 103 ff. )
  2. Law, the repeal of the patrimonial jurisdiction regarding 9 March 1850 ( Reg.Bl. S. 152 ff. )
  3. ^ Ministerial announcement of June 21, 1850 ( Reg.Bl. p. 557 )
  4. ^ Ministerial announcement, the delimitation of the geographical districts of the local courts existing in the Grand Duchy from October 1, 1879 on April 24, 1879 ( Reg.Bl. p. 251 ff. )
  5. ^ Plan for the organization of the regional courts in the Grand Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach on the basis of the German Judicial Constitution Act of January 27, 1877. In: Landtag negotiations from 1877. First division. Exchange of correspondence between the Grand Ducal State Government and the one and twentieth ordinary Diet. Weimar 1878, pp. 751-753 ( online ).