Cabinet De Gasperi III

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The De Gasperi III cabinet ruled Italy from February 2, 1947 to June 1, 1947. Before that, the De Gasperi II cabinet ruled , then the De Gasperi IV cabinet . The government of Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi was supported by the following parties in the Constituent Assembly :

De Gasperi III's cabinet remained in office for only a few months. Although Italy signed the Paris Peace Treaty on February 10, 1947 , after which the Allied occupation forces withdrew and the country formally became sovereign again, the government had to resign at the beginning of June because the United States demanded the expulsion of communists and socialists from the government.


Alcide De Gasperi
Ministries Surname Political party
Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi DC
Exterior Carlo Sforza PRI
Interior Mario Scelba DC
Judiciary Fausto Gullo PCI
defense Luigi Gasparotto PDL
Finances and treasure Pietro Campilli DC
Agriculture Antonio Segni DC
Public Works Emilio Sereni PCI
traffic Giacomo Ferrari PCI
Industry Rodolfo Morandi PSI
Foreign trade Ezio Vanoni DC
post Office Luigi Cacciatore PSI
Work and social Giuseppe Romita PSI
education Guido Gonella DC
Merchant marine Salvatore Aldisio DC
Italian Africa Alcide De Gasperi DC

Quite a few ministers were already in the previous cabinet. Sforza (exterior) and Gasparotto (defense) belonged to parties that were not officially part of the ruling coalition.

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