Cabinet De Gasperi IV

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The De Gasperi IV cabinet ruled Italy from June 1, 1947 to May 23, 1948. Before that, the De Gasperi III cabinet , then the De Gasperi V cabinet . The government of Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi was supported by the following parties in the Constituent Assembly :

On January 1, 1948, the new constitution of the Republic of Italy, which had been drawn up by the Constituent Assembly, entered into force. On the basis of the new constitution, the first regular parliamentary elections of the republic could take place on April 18, 1948, which the Christian Democrats De Gasperis won. The newly constituted parliament elected Luigi Einaudi as the first Italian president on May 12th . De Gasperi's resignation was a mere formality. His next fifth cabinet remained almost unchanged.


Alcide De Gasperi
Ministries Surname Political party
Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi DC
Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Einaudi (until May 12, 1948)
Randolfo Pacciardi (from December 15, 1947)
Giuseppe Saragat (from December 15, 1947)
Exterior Carlo Sforza PRI
Interior Mario Scelba DC
Judiciary Giuseppe Grassi PLI
defense Mario Cingolani (until December 15, 1947)
Cipriano Facchinetti (from December 15, 1947)
Finances Giuseppe Pella DC
treasure Gustavo Del Vecchio DC
household Luigi Einaudi PLI
Agriculture Antonio Segni DC
Public Works Umberto Tupini DC
traffic Guido Corbellini DC
Industry Giuseppe Togni (until December 15, 1947)
Roberto Tremelloni (from December 15, 1947)
Foreign trade Cesare Merzagora DC
post Office Umberto Merlin (until December 15, 1947)
Ludovico D'Aragona (from December 15, 1947)
Work and social Amintore Fanfani DC
education Guido Gonella DC
Merchant marine Paolo Cappa DC
Italian Africa Alcide De Gasperi DC
Without business area Giuseppe Togni (from December 15, 1947) DC

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