Kandahar (Province)

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Iran Turkmenistan Usbekistan Tadschikistan China de-facto Pakistan (von Indien beansprucht) de-facto Indien (von Pakistan beansprucht) Indien Pakistan Nimrus Helmand Kandahar Zabul Paktika Chost Paktia Lugar Farah Uruzgan Daikondi Nangarhar Kunar Laghman Kabul Kapisa Nuristan Pandschschir Parwan Wardak Bamiyan Ghazni Baglan Ghor Badghis Faryab Dschuzdschan Herat Balch Sar-i Pul Samangan Kundus Tachar Badachschanlocation
About this picture
Basic data
Country Afghanistan
Capital Kandahar
surface 54,022 km²
Residents 1,226,600 (2015)
density 23 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 AF-KAN
governor Humayun Azizi
Districts in Kandahar Province (as of 2005)
Districts in Kandahar Province (as of 2005)

Coordinates: 31 ° 12 ′  N , 65 ° 30 ′  E

Rivers in southern Afghanistan

Kandahar ( Persian قندهار, DMG Qandahār ; Pashtun کندهار) is a province of Afghanistan in the south-east of the country with a population of around 1.3 million . Already in the Mughal period there existed for a short time (1638–1648) a province ( subah ) of the same name founded by Shah Jahan . The capital of the province is also called Kandahar .


While field farming is possible in the valleys of the mountainous north, some of which reach altitudes of around 1300 to 1500 m, which promoted sedentariness of the people, the provincial districts south of the city of Kandahar are mainly covered by the eastern part of the Rigestan desert . The desert, consisting of reddish sand dunes and interspersed with rock and clay formations, about 1000 m high, is only very sparsely populated by nomadic Baluch and Pashtuns . The Tarnak , Dori and Arghastan rivers flow through the north of the province .

Administrative division

Kandahar Province is divided into the following districts:

Cities and villages

War on terror

The province of Kandahar is a stronghold of the radical Islamic Taliban and there are regular skirmishes between Afghan and NATO troops on the one hand and Taliban and warlords on the other. The province ranks second in terms of the number of NATO soldiers killed. So far (October 2012) 500 foreign soldiers have died in Kandahar, only in the neighboring province of Helmand there are 897 soldiers more.

On October 6, 2010, the village of Tarok Kolache was completely destroyed. Destruction on this scale by area bombing last occurred in the Vietnam War .

Web links

Commons : Kandahar Province  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Afghanistan. In: citypopulation.de. Retrieved January 8, 2016 .
  2. losses under the OEF by province (English)