Karl Maria Schilling

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Karl Maria Schilling as a religious priest of the Barnabites

Karl Maria Schilling , also Charles-Joseph-Marie Schilling (* June 9, 1835 as Carl Halfdan Schilling in Christiania , Norway ; † January 2, 1907 in Mouscron , Belgium ), was a Norwegian painter from the Düsseldorf School and a priest of the Barnabites in Aubigny -sur-Nère , Turin , Monza and Mouscron. Pope Paul VI appointed him on September 19, 1968 as venerable servant of God .


Schilling was born as the son of the cavalry officer Gottlieb Christopher Adolph Schilling (1795–1886) and his wife Eleonora Sophie Catharine Berg (1811–1845) into a Lutheran family with military professional traditions. When he was seven or eight he was sent to his grandmother in Christiania to attend school. When he was ten years old, his mother died at the age of 34. In Christiania he went to the cathedral school, where he showed an early interest and talent for painting. At the age of 15, he apprenticed to the painter Johan Fredrik Eckersberg . He also received private lessons from Joachim Frich . In 1853, at the age of 18, he traveled to Düsseldorf . From 1854 to 1857 he studied painting at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . There were Josef Winter Gerst , Karl Ferdinand Sohn , Christian Köhler and Heinrich Mücke his teachers. He also took private lessons in Düsseldorf with the German-American history painter Emanuel Leutze . Because of his good mood and his stately stature, Schilling was soon nicknamed "The Beautiful Norwegian" by the artists of the Scandinavian painters' colony in Düsseldorf.

He came into contact with Catholicism in 1854 through the deeply Catholic Eitel family from Düsseldorf , whose house was frequented by Schilling . He then began receiving catechesis from a priest. He established contact with the order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross , who ran the city's Theresien Hospital. Their superior, Émilie Schneider , exerted a great influence on him. Her prayer is credited with the fact that Schilling converted to the Roman Catholic Church on November 11, 1854 and received his first holy communion . Through her he came into contact with the Brotherhood of St. Vincent, a group of religious and charitable artists, among them Ernst Deger , Andreas and Karl Müller as well as Andreas and Oswald Achenbach . In Norwegian national costume, Schilling carried the brotherhood's banner on a pilgrimage to the Kevelaer chapel .

Schilling had a studio in Düsseldorf until 1860 . From there he went on study trips within Germany, especially to Munich . Then he returned to Norway. For a while he visited his brother, who was a forester in Finnmark , and hunted reindeer . In 1864 he founded the St. Vincent Society in Christiania with the Barnabites Johan Daniel Paul Stub (1814-1892), Cesare Tondini (1839-1907) and Carlo Giovanni Moro (1827-1904), all three priests of St. Olav (St. Vincentforeningen) , of which he became the first chairman. Conversations with Stub in the summer of 1867 led Schilling to wish to become a Barnabite as well. When Schilling set off by ship in June 1868 for his novitiate in France, he symbolically threw paintbrushes and palettes overboard in the Oslofjord .

The journey into his future life as a religious led via Düsseldorf and Paris to Aubigny-sur-Nère, where he took the name Charles-Joseph-Marie when he entered the local monastery community . After initial difficulties with his health and learning the French language, he took his first vow on November 21, 1869, and his final vow on December 18, 1872. On 20 December 1873 he became a deacon ordained on December 18, 1875 for priests . Due to an anti-clerical law of March 29, 1880, the Barnabites of Aubigny-sur-Nère had to close their monastery on September 5, 1880. After a short stay in Turin, Schilling went to Monza in 1880, where he stayed for seven years and learned Italian. When the Barnabites founded a new convent in Mouscron in Hainaut, Belgium , Schilling moved there. Despite his poor French, Schilling was a sought-after confessor in the local church . His spiritual and charitable commitment earned him the reputation of being a “holy priest”. In the summer of 1906 he collapsed in the confessional. He died on January 2, 1907. Years later, his modest cell was the destination of pilgrims, as was his tomb, which was opened on August 6, 1924 and moved to a side chapel of Mouscron Church on March 24, 1936. On November 22, 1946, the process of his beatification was opened, which on September 19, 1968 for the bestowal of the honorary title of venerable servant of God (venerabilis Dei servus) by Pope Paul VI. led.

Works (selection)

Schilling painted genre pictures and portraits, but mostly landscapes. His pictures can be found in the National Museum in Oslo , in the Bergen Art Museum, in the Bergen Billedgalleri, in Göteborgs Konstmuseum, in museums in Munich and in private collections. Many of his pictures are not signed.

  • Parti fra Christianiafjorden , exhibited in Bergens Kunstforening in 1864
  • Tesfossen , exhibited in Stockholm Kunstforening in 1866
  • Fra Romsdalen , exhibited in 1868 at Christiania Kunstforening 1868, private collection


  • Sylvestre Declercq: Le révérend Père Schilling Barnabite. Un artiste norvégien converti . Librairie Albert Dewit, Brussels 1928
  • Sigrid Undset: A Priest from Norway: The Venerable Karl M. Schilling CRSP , 1976

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bettina Baumgärtel , Sabine Schroyen, Lydia Immerheiser, Sabine Teichgröb: Directory of foreign artists. Nationality, residence and studies in Düsseldorf . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 2, p. 439
  2. ^ Historical Association for the Lower Rhine (ed.): Annals of the Historical Association for the Lower Rhine, in particular the Old Archdiocese of Cologne . Verlag L. Röhrscheid, Cologne 1992, issue 195/196, p. 133