Karl Welunschek

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Karl Welunschek (* 26. May 1955 in Vienna ) is a theater director , stage designer , theater art director and curator . He lives in Graz , Vienna and Berlin .


Welunschek grew up as a working-class child of Josefa (née Stelzl) and Karl Welunschek senior in the middle-class 8th district of Vienna, temporarily in church and state homes. Welunschek completed his apprenticeship as an art, book and music dealer with distinction. After an autodidactic examination of Samuel Beckett's "Murphy", he began training at the Krauss drama school at the age of seventeen .

In addition, Karl Welunschek pursued his cinematic and literary passion, studied early music and, after a long stay in the Middle East, concentrated on collecting impressions and staging as a theater photographer, set designer and director.

The discovery of the theatrical genius

His second production “Down through” by Heinz Rudolf Unger at the Schauspielhaus Wien was recorded for television, as were the next two productions. Welunschek received his first Kainz Medal for the fifth production "The Last Volume" by Samuel Beckett in the Museum of Modern Art with Robert Hunger-Bühler . As a “young theater genius”, the doors to the circle of Helmut Qualtinger , Oskar Werner , Joe Berger , Wolfgang Bauer , Oswald Wiener , HC Artmann , Bernt Burchhardt and Franz Ringel were open to him in the early 1980s .

The Vienna Ensemble

In 1987, Welunschek founded the Viennese ensemble without a permanent house together with Beatrice Frey , Andrea Braunsteiner and Michael Zerz based on Bertolt Brecht . The development and importance of the independent theater scene in Vienna in the 1980s and early 1990s relates to productive unrest that was to drive into the structures of the deadlocked, established and state or communally controlled theater companies, in order to bring modernity to the national level towards the end of the 20th century Bring theatrical landscape. The independent theater scene took the full risk vis-à-vis those responsible for cultural policy and had to guarantee professional theater evenings in order to subsequently gain the favor of funding.

Many international careers can now be found among the participants in the Vienna ensemble, including Robert Hunger-Bühler , Karl Markovics , Fritz Karl , Julia Stemberger , Toni Böhm and Wolf Bachofner. The cultural and political upheaval of the post-Kreisky era was accompanied by the loss of numerous independent theater ensembles. The Viennese ensemble ended its activity in 1993.

Austria dismisses its artists

Welunschek's legendary Nestroy productions such as “ Love Stories and Marriage Matters ” in the Theater Der Kreis 1992, “The Dyer and His Twin Brother” with the Viennese Ensemble in the Rabenhoftheater (Theater in der Josefstadt) or “The Talisman” in the Theater Der Kreis from receive particular attention 1988. Welunschek's main characteristics in the realization of Nestroy pieces is his commitment to the clear coarseness and bitterness of comedy.

But with the numerous successes, Welunschek's scandal also began in Austria as an enfant terrible and polluting the nest. The culture presenter Andrea Schurian once found the introductory words to his person: " He's the one who always walks through the city with dark sunglasses and makes great productions - wherever you let him ." In the 1990s, Karl Welunschek worked primarily as a freelancer Director abroad, where he staged at the Nationaltheater Mannheim , Schauspielhaus Frankfurt , in Hamburg and Düsseldorf, among others . His paths also led him to the Ankara State Opera or to Israel, where he worked as a curator for the Wiener Festwochen .

Welunschek only returned to Austria in 1999 on invitation for a staging of the Gottfried von Eine opera “Der Zerrissene” and at the beginning of 2000 he brought the proverbial “People's Destruction” (by Werner Schwab ) to the theater and the Viennese theater scene , which took six weeks on the periphery of Vienna sold out.

Rabenhof.THEATER - The Welunschek era

At the end of the 1990s, the state of theater conditions in Vienna experienced a number of setbacks; with Peymann's resignation , an important critical authority ceased to exist.

Under the motto "Vienna is unbelievably cool", Karl Welunschek opened the Rabenhof.THEATER in Vienna-Erdberg as artistic director on December 31, 2000, which previously received little attention as a branch of the civil theater in Josefstadt. The aim is not only to “demoralize the people” ( Der Standard of May 19, 2001), but to give the trash theater, which Welunschek shaped, cult status.

With "eruptive folk art" by Werner Schwab or Wolfgang Bauer , many discursive events with, for example, the scandal writers Catherine Millet and Michel Houellebecq , a flexible program was designed with a focus on topicality in the sense of the expanded concept of theater. But just as the motto of the 2nd season 2002 with “Nix to lose” suggested the entertaining nature of this theater rebellion, the third season of the Rabenhof.THEATER under the motto “Warning: risk of slipping!” Was nipped in the bud of financial and commercial deficiencies in the middle of 2003 and - without separating the responsibility of commercial and artistic directors - with her, the artistic line under Karl Welunschek also ended.

Living Museum

Since the whole world was staged anyway, Karl Welunschek actually shifted his focus from the conception and revitalization of museum operations to the museum system and worked as a curator at stadtmuseumgraz until July 2007 with the main responsibility for the Living Museum department . This is understood to mean the sensually perceivable and didactically conveying overall concept of a museum and its individual exhibitions. The exhibition "MEMORY XS - An exhibition installation about Wolfgang Bauer " was a great success .

Migrant Theater - Kolektif: The Negroes

In 2005 Karl Welunschek founded the first Austro-African drama ensemble Collective Les Nègres in Graz as artistic director. The pilot project " Les Nègres. Clownerie " by Jean Genet celebrated its premiere on March 23, 2006 as a trilingual production in the studio stage of the Graz Opera with resumption in the Schauspielhaus Wien.

Wolfgang Bauer Foundation

Karl Welunschek takes on the role of President of the Wolfgang Bauer Foundation . The association to promote the international dissemination of artistic work and the memory of Wolfgang Bauer was founded in 2007.

Greek Theater

Karl Welunschek is currently working on modern Greek theater.


  • Nomination for the Nestroy Prize 2002 for the artistic concept of the Rabenhof Stadttheater as the current critical theater in German-speaking countries
  • Promotion award for the Kainz Medal Equipment for “Mercedes” (Thomas Brasch) in the Schauspielhaus Vienna, 1984
  • Sponsorship award for the Kainz Medal Director for “The Last Band” ( Samuel Beckett ) in the Museum of Modern Art Vienna, 1982

Important productions

1980 Down through by Heinz Rudolf Unger Schauspielhaus Wien, TV recording
1981 The greatest day by Peter Turrini Theater of Courage, TV recording
1982 Burned down by Georges Courteline Theater the backdrop, TV recording
1982 The last tape by Samuel Beckett Museum of Modern Art Vienna, award for the Kainz Medal (director)
1982 The suitors of Loches by Georges Feydeau National Theater Mannheim
1985 Jam by Herbert Achternbusch ,
Heiner Müller and Ernst Jandl
Volkstheater Studio Vienna
1986 Weininger's night by Joshua Sobol Künstlerhaus ( Wiener Festwochen ), Austrian premiere
1987 You will still remember Vienna by Helmut Qualtinger Serapionstheater on Wallensteinplatz (Vienna Ensemble)
1988 The normal heart by Larry Kramer Technical Museum Vienna (Vienna Ensemble)
1988 The talisman by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy Theater Der Kreis (Vienna Ensemble)
1988 Porcile by Pier Paolo Pasolini Production by the Vienna Ensemble. Gasometer (Wiener Ensemble)
1989 Homeless by Reinhard P. Gruber and
Anton Prestele
Theater group 80, tent in front of the Votive Church (TV recording) (Wiener Ensemble)
1989 Love stories and marriage matters by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy Theater Der Kreis (Vienna Ensemble)
1990 Viennese dance of death by Lotte Ingrisch Rabenhoftheater (production by Theater in der Josefstadt)
1992 The dyer and his twin brother by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy abenhoftheater (Vienna Ensemble)
1992 Change by Wolfgang Bauer Rabenhoftheater (Vienna Ensemble)
1993 From the life of Hödelmoser by Reinhard P. Gruber Rabenhoftheater (Vienna Ensemble)
1993 Endgame Samuel Beckett Rabenhoftheater (Vienna Ensemble)
1993 The last tape by Samuel Beckett Theater an der Wien ( Wiener Festwochen ) (Wiener Ensemble)
1993 Happy Days by Samuel Beckett Rabenhoftheater (Vienna Ensemble)
1994 The evil spirit Lumpazivagabundu by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy City Theater Klagenfurt
1995 Pig fights by Peter Turrini Ensemble theater on St. Peter's Square
1995 Viennese songs various authors Backdrop ( Wiener Festwochen )
1997 The merry women of Windsor by William Shakespeare Schauspielhaus Frankfurt
1997 Death of a salesman by Arthur Miller Schauspielhaus Frankfurt
1997 Mizzis and Strizzis based on Guys and Dolls
by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill
Metropol Vienna
1997 Mr. Karl by Carl Merz and Helmut Qualtinger Schauspielhaus Hamburg
1997-98 Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane Tour company Kuhnen
1998 The mouth hero from Plautus Trier Antiquities Festival , opening performance for the foundation of the Trier Antiquities Festival
1998 Old times by Harold Pinter Schauspielhaus Frankfurt
1998 The gypsy baron by Johann Strauss Ankara State Opera
1999 The torn one by Gottfried von One Art Nouveau theater (co-production of the Vienna State Opera and Vienna Volksoper), musical direction: Huw Rhys James
2000 Popular extermination by Werner Schwab Kabelwerk Wien / Theater mbH
2001 On the ground floor and on the first floor by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy Hall 1030 / Rabenhof.THEATER
2003 After the premiere Commissioned by Gustav Ernst Rabenhof Stadttheater, with Erich Joham and his friends, world premiere
2006 Les Nègres. Clowning by Jean Genet Studio stage of the Graz Opera


  • “… Those in the dark” Vienna's basement theater between gambling addiction, provocation and bankruptcy . Documentation. Directed by Christian Reichhold, Austria 2003.
  • National annihilation or my liver is pointless. Spoken theater recording. Director: Karl Welunschek, Austria 2000.
  • Austria's greatest entertainer . Spoken theater recording. Director: Helmut Schödel, Thomas Gratzer, Austria 2002.
  • Homeless . Spoken theater recording. Director: Karl Welunschek, Austria 1989.
  • Down through . Spoken theater recording. Director: Karl Welunschek, Austria 1980.
  • The greatest day . Spoken theater recording. Director: Karl Welunschek, Austria 1981.
  • Burned down . Spoken theater recording. Director: Karl Welunschek, Austria 1982.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Welunschek: "Will always be a home child". Courier June 16, 2013