Klaus Borrmann

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Klaus Borrmann (born November 8, 1936 in Berlin-Lichterfelde ) is a German forester , local researcher and author . From 1972 to 2001 he headed the Lüttenhagen Forestry Office in the Mecklenburg-Strelitz district . As a local researcher, he has worked on the forest and hunting history of this district, especially the Feldberg lake landscape . He is also a well-known writer on natural history topics.


Klaus Borrmann was born in Berlin-Lichterfelde as the son of the forest warden Bernhard Borrmann and his wife Elfriede, a native of Siethen . Borrmann himself says that “childhood in the parents 'house and the maternal grandparents' forester's house in Heiligengrabe ” influenced his career choice. After attending school in Siethen, Greiffenberg and Joachimsthal , he spent his youth and his first professional years in the Uckermark , where his father Borrmann had become a forest ranger. He completed his forestry studies in Eberswalde and Tharandt as a qualified forest engineer. In 1972 he was appointed head of the then chief forestry department (later forestry office) Lüttenhagen of the state forestry enterprise Neustrelitz in the district of Neubrandenburg . He initially held this position as head forester and from 1992 as forester until he retired at the end of 2001.

With the political turnaround in the GDR and the reorientation of the forestry there , a regional group of the Bund German Foresters (BDF) was founded on May 3, 1990, in what was then the state forestry enterprise Neustrelitz , whereby Borrmann was unanimously elected as a board member and this office was active for almost 15 years filled out. As the “man from the very beginning” of the BDF in Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the BDF regional association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania honored him with the gold pin of honor. In addition, Borrmann is also a member of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Forest Association and the German Forest Protection Association , of which he is a member of the Mecklenburg-Strelitz district board. He is also a member of the advisory board of the Feldberger Seenlandschaft nature park .

In keeping with the ethos of his profession, Klaus Borrmann was not only an unconditional advocate of sustainable forestry , but also of nature conservation and land care . To this end, he conducts extensive public relations work with the aim of awakening an understanding of the nature and history of the Feldberg lake landscape, the region of his former forestry office in Lüttenhagen. Although a passionate hunter , he was a passionate nature photographer in the forest with a camera rather than a rifle. For decades, he brought the area closer to holiday guests with slide shows. Borrmann is also the father of the Lüttenhagen forest museum "Lütt Holthus", which opened in 1999 and offers young visitors in particular "nature to touch".

Since he started working in Lüttenhagen in 1972, Borrmann has published more than 200 small and large publications on the nature and history of the Feldberg region, including many papers and articles in specialist journals and local brochures. He is an ornithologist known far beyond Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and has published numerous articles on owls . For an investigation into the penetration of the horse chestnut leaf miner into the Mecklenburg-Strelitz region, he was awarded the Erwin Hemke Foundation's “Research - Writing - Protecting” prize during the 36th lecture conference on nature conservation “Flora and Fauna '06” in 2006.

He opened the round of his larger book publications with Lüttenhäger Oberförster . Completed in November 2001 at the end of his active period of service, this “green book” is a tribute to his predecessors and a bow to their achievements for the forests of the Feldberg lake landscape. Borrmann spans the time span from the present to back to 1810 - because the Lüttenhagen Forestry Office has existed since then. For the two-volume description Mecklenburg-Strelitz - History of a Region (2000 and 2002) he had already worked through the 300-year forest and hunting history of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz . In Feldberger Jägersleut (2003) he devoted himself to hunting in the Feldberg lake landscape, paying tribute to personalities such as the hunting writer Goede Gendrich . For the Heimatbuch Feldberg, Geschichte und Geschichte (2005), Borrmann traced the forest and hunting developments in the Feldberg region, as well as in the book Die Wildparks Serrahn & Lüttenhagen, which was written together with Holger Tempel . History from grand ducal gate districts and forest houses in eastern Mecklenburg-Strelitz (MST) 1849–1945 (2005). Borrmann struck a primarily humorous chord in 2007 in his collection of Strelitzer Grünskirts anecdotes , which dealt with the everyday life of hunters and foresters during the GDR era.

Klaus Borrmann lives with his wife Siegried in Feldberg , today part of the Feldberger Seenlandschaft community .


  • Festschrift for the 750th anniversary of the Steinhöfel community. 1220–1970 (as editor), Steinhöfel 1970
  • Lüttenhäger chief forester. Life and work for the forests of the Feldberger Seenlandschaft 1810–2001 , Lüttenhagen 2001
  • Feldberger hunters people. Legends and facts about hunting and game in the Feldberg lake landscape - yesterday and today , Neustrelitz 2003 ( ISBN 3-9808755-2-0 )
  • The Serrahn & Lüttenhagen wildlife parks. History from the grand ducal gate districts and forest houses in eastern Mecklenburg-Strelitz (MST) 1849-1945 (together with Holger Tempel), Galenbeck / Mecklenburg 2005 ( ISBN 3-929192-20-9 )
  • Strelitzer green skirts. Hunting anecdotes and forester originals from Mecklenburg's Far East (as main author ) with illustrations by Friedrich Ernst Wilfahrt, Friedland / Mecklenburg, 2007 ( ISBN 978-3-937669-96-0 or ISBN 3-937669-96-5 )

He was also one of the authors of the two volumes Mecklenburg-Strelitz - History of a Region , which appeared in 2000 and 2002, the Heimatbuch Feldberg, history and stories (2005) and the biographical volume Im Dienst am Wald published by Albrecht Milnik . Lives and achievements of Brandenburg foresters (2006). He also worked on the standard work The Great Lexicon of Bird Care (2003).


  • Werner Wietasch: Forester i. R. Klaus Borrmann on his 70th birthday . In: BDF-Aktuell 3/2007, pp. 18–20 (as PDF file )
  • Klaus Borrmann: Klaus Borrmann (1972-2001) . In the other : Lüttenhäger Oberförster . Lüttenhagen 2001, pp. 67-69 (autobiography)
  • Klaus Borrmann and colleagues: Feldberg-Serrahner Naturparkgeschichte (s) . Forest Museum "Lütt Holthus" Lüttenhagen 2009, ISBN 3-929192-23-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Borrmann (1972-2001) . Autobiography. In: Lüttenhäger Oberförster. Ed .: Forest Museum Lütt Holthus, Lüttenhagen. 2001. pp. 67-69.
  2. a b c d Werner Wietasch: Forester i. R. Klaus Borrmann on his 70th birthday . In: BDF-Aktuell 3/2007, p. 18–20 ( pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / bdf.vva.de  
  3. ^ NN: Forstmann was awarded . In: Strelitzer Echo No. 23 of November 18, 2006 ( as a PDF file  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.neustrelitz.de  
  4. Helmut Borth: Meine Bucherecke - Strelitzer GrünrOCK  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Advertisement Courier ; Retrieved July 29, 2009@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.angebotekurier.de