Dabas small area

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The small area of ​​Dabas ( Hungarian Dabasi kistérség ) was a Hungarian administrative unit ( LAU 1) in the south of Pest County in central Hungary until the end of 2012 . In the course of the administrative reform at the beginning of January 2013, all 10 localities were transferred to the following district of Dabas (Hungarian Dabasi járás ), which was expanded to include the large municipality of Bugyi from the small area Gyál .

At the end of 2012, 43,586 people lived in an area of ​​498.68 km². The population density of 87 inhabitants / km² was below the county average.

The administrative seat was in the city of Dabas (16.506 Ew.). The second most populous place was the city of Örkény (4,836 Ew.). Eight municipalities (Hungarian község ) had an average population of 2,781 (37.03 km² each). 


Dabas Hernád Inárcs Kakucs Örkény
Pusztavacs Táborfalva Tatárszentgyörgy Újhartyán Újlengyel

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gazetteer of Hungary, 1st January, 2013. (PDF) KSH, accessed on February 24, 2017 (Hungarian / English, also XLS file).
  2. ^ Detailed Gazetteer of Hungary. KSH, accessed February 24, 2017 (Hungarian / English).

Coordinates: 47 ° 11 ′  N , 19 ° 19 ′  E