Cruciate ligament retention

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Under cruciate ligament maintenance and cruciate ligament healing , various therapy methods are added up that are applied immediately after a cruciate ligament tear with the aim of preserving the torn ligament and allowing it to heal stably. These methods were developed in the 1990s and 2000s, and there are only a few positive studies, but still no larger or comparative studies and no long-term results, they are not yet a generally recognized standard. Rather, this is cruciate ligament surgery.


As with other ligaments , the anterior cruciate ligament also has a strong intrinsic healing potential after an acute tear , so that it is possible for the cruciate ligament to heal by itself. Without therapy, however, it usually happens that the two ligament stumps do not heal together, but that the anterior portion of the torn anterior cruciate ligament is scarred directly on the posterior cruciate ligament , which is referred to as "Lambda / Wittek healing". This unwanted biological connection at the wrong point of attachment is mostly inadequate and not sufficiently stable. When preserving the cruciate ligament, the existing biological potential should therefore be used specifically to heal and restore the ligament continuity in order to achieve acceptable knee stability. As a result, this therapeutic approach differs significantly from cruciate ligament replacement through cruciate ligament surgery, in which the torn cruciate ligament is removed and replaced with an endogenous tendon or ligament.

Methods are also being developed to preserve the posterior cruciate ligament after an acute tear and to bring it to a stable healing.

History of the cruciate ligament suture

The basic idea of ​​cruciate ligament retention is based on an old method, the results of which were not convincing at the time. In the 1980s it was common practice to sew torn cruciate ligaments directly together. Some patients showed good clinical results, but many cruciate ligaments did not heal together with sufficient stability or tore again. One of the main reasons for this was that the cruciate ligament did not always have sufficient tension, as would have been necessary during the healing phase. The knee joint lacked biomechanical stability . Because depending on the stretched or bent position of a knee, the respective tensile load changes constantly. As a result, the sutured cruciate ligament stumps pulled apart again and again when the knee joint was moved through, so that no stable scarring could take place.

Forms of therapy

If the aim is to preserve the anterior cruciate ligament after a tear ( rupture ), various therapeutic options are available.

Scheme of options for acute anterior cruciate ligament ruptures
Options for acute anterior cruciate ligament ruptures

Conservative therapy (without surgery)

Orthosis ACL Jack Brace
ACL Jack Brace to be worn for 3 months and 24 hours a day

It is a treatment approach without surgery, in which the natural healing process and muscle building through specific training are in the foreground. By wearing a movement- limiting orthosis , the injured cruciate ligament can be relieved and protected for its self-healing. In addition, physical therapy is used to strengthen the thigh and lower leg muscles in order to stabilize the affected knee joint as much as possible. If patients do not achieve full functionality as they did before the knee injury, they reduce their level of physical activity and switch to knee-friendly sports. If the knee stability is not sufficiently provided for a conservative therapy carried out at the end, then, a cruciate ligament replacement operation by tendons - graft be performed.

Another non-surgical approach is pursued with a special orthosis that was developed for injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament. Patients have to wear this orthosis (ACL Jack Brace) consistently for 13 weeks day and night and for a further 4 weeks during the day. With a set force of 7 kg, the knee is constantly pressed into a so-called rear drawer so that the torn cruciate ligament can grow back in the anatomically correct place.

Surgical procedures that preserve the cruciate ligament

Band-preserving surgical procedures must be performed as quickly as possible, within 3 weeks of the injury. Because the biological healing potential in the knee decreases rapidly and the natural ligament structure begins to shrink or retreat. The fact that such an early operation time significantly increases the risk of knee joint inflammation ( arthrofibrosis ) is now considered obsolete based on various studies.

Only special patients are eligible for cruciate ligament retention, so the decision for or against such a procedure mainly depends on the following factors: injury pattern, tear type & tear location, level of sport, age , gender, compliance .

Clinical experience with surgical cruciate ligament retention in children and adolescents is still very limited. The challenge here is to reposition the torn ligament and avoid damaging the still open growth plate.

In the ideal healing process, the injured cruciate ligament structure is stably scarred again, the nerve fibers can perform their function again and the important depth sensitivity is retained. The preparation of a tendon graft from the same leg is not required without exception; The associated complications at the extraction point cannot consequently occur. Depending on the study, the results so far seem to be comparable to those of a cruciate ligament replacement surgery or to show a slightly higher failure rate. The use of additional biological factors (e.g. platelet-rich plasma ) can potentially accelerate the healing process and improve the result of the hoped-for, stable scarring .

The absence from work is significantly shorter and the patients are able to work again after 3–4 weeks with light physical work.

In general, when preserving the cruciate ligament, a distinction can be made between unyielding, rigid procedures and dynamically based augmentation. Biomechanical studies show that only a dynamically augmented stabilization of the injured cruciate ligament - with individual pre-tensioning - achieves the natural kinematics of an intact cruciate ligament. The tests measured the anterior translation in relation to different knee flexion angles (see drawer test ) for available systems of cruciate ligament retention. Both the sole suture (Marshall suture) and the rigid augmentation (InternalBrace) show strikingly significant deviations from a natural condition of the cruciate ligament.

Microfracturing with a pointed awl (Healing Response)

Healing Response Technique

This technique was developed by surgeon Richard Steadman (Vail / Colorado). By freshening the cruciate ligament (microfracture) at its tear-off point on the thigh - with a sharp awl - the body's own healing mechanisms are stimulated. The torn cruciate ligament is returned to the anatomically correct position without resorting to a fixing suture. The knee joint is stretched in an orthosis for around 6 weeks . The medical procedure must take place within a few days of the injury .

Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization (DIS)

Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization

The dynamic intraligamentary stabilization (DIS) was developed by S. Eggli in Switzerland in 2009 and was awarded the innovation prize of the German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU). It is based on a dynamically stabilized augmentation of the ligament with an implant called Ligamys . The manufacturer is Mathys AG .

Within three weeks after the accident, the torn cruciate ligament can be pulled and attached to the naturally correct attachment point in an operation ( arthroscopy ) with targeted sutures. These sutures completely resorb after a few weeks. In addition, a thin makes polyethylene - thread the necessary stability in the knee joint. This high-tech thread is particularly tear-resistant and well tolerated by the human body.

The thread is locked in a metallic spring element in the shin . Depending on the patient's body weight, an individual preload (60–80 Newtons ) is set, which is similar to the intact cruciate ligament. During bending and stretching movements, the dynamic suspension ensures that the regenerating ligament is relieved and can heal for several months. The tear strength of the polyethylene tape is over 2,000 Newtons . This dimensioning relates to the conditions in the intact cruciate ligament, the maximum tensile load of which was shown in biomechanical tests to be approx. 2,200 Newtons. Intact cruciate ligaments in men can withstand higher tearing forces than those of women. As with the healing response technique, a microfracture is performed around the point of attachment of the cruciate ligament on the thigh to promote healing. Due to the respective flexion of the knee, an angle-dependent change in length of up to 6.7 mm is found in the anterior cruciate ligament. The spring mechanism of a dynamic stabilization accordingly enables an adaptive, reversible expansion of up to 8 mm. In contrast to this, rigid augmentation methods have no possibility of such a flexible length adjustment.

Clinical data on the dynamic intraligamental stabilization in more than 15 peer-reviewed - articles of medical journals published .

Inelastic, rigid splinting with FiberTape and TightRope RT

Refixation: InternalBrace & Primary Repair

Inelastic, rigid fixation with two anchors (SwiveLock, PushLock)

This philosophy is based on a rigid refixation of the cruciate ligament in its original position. The stabilization of the joint is primarily ensured by an implanted plastic band and an external orthosis . The surgical techniques for this are different. The manufacturer is Arthrex . The first variant uses a TightRope RT with a FibreTape ( polyethylene UHMWPE) for the splint and a SwiveLock anchor for the fixation in the lower leg . The injured cruciate ligament is repositioned using non-absorbable sutures. The maximum tear strength of the FibreTape is 217-315 Newtons .

A second possibility is to attach the injured cruciate ligament to the femur with two SwiveLock anchors (Ø 4.75 mm) and a FiberWire suture. The maximum tear strength of this implant system is 712 Newtons .

There is also a third version in which the injured cruciate ligament is fixed directly to the thighbone using FiberWire and PushLock anchors. The maximum tear strength of a PushLock anchor is given in the literature as 254 Newtons .

In all three variants, the knee joint is stabilized in a rigid manner and without reversible dynamics. A patient-specific preload can not be set on the implant . A microfracture is carried out during the operation. Patients wear an orthosis with restricted mobility for six weeks . For reattachment using Internal Brace technique are published three peer review - professional articles available.

Bridged-Enhanced ACL Repair (BEAR)

Insertion of a blood-soaked sponge-like framework (scaffold)

This treatment method was developed in America and is still being tested ( clinical study ). The injured cruciate ligament is repositioned with a suture and at the same time the tear site is covered with a blood-soaked, collagen sponge (scaffold). There is no internal knee stabilization to protect the healing ligament. Patients must wear an orthosis with restricted mobility for six weeks .

further reading

  • D. Kohn: knee - expertise in orthopedics and trauma surgery. Thieme Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-13-175001-3 , p. 237.
  • W. Petersen, M. Herbort: Arthroscopy on the knee joint. The practice book of techniques and indications. Schattauer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7945-3217-9 .
  • MJ Strobel, T. Zantop: Arthroscopic surgery. Part I: knee joint. Volume 3: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). VKB: -revision. ISBN 978-3-642-41552-4 .
  • R. Siebold, D. Dejour, S. Zaffagnini: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. A Practical Surgical Guide. Springer Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-51083-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

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