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Helsinki coat of arms
Kulosaari (Brändö)
District No. 42 of Helsinki
Coordinates 60 ° 11 '10 "  N , 25 ° 0' 25"  E Coordinates: 60 ° 11 '10 "  N , 25 ° 0' 25"  E
surface 1.81 km²
Residents 3751 (Jan 1, 2010)
Population density 2072 inhabitants / km²
Jobs 908 (December 31, 2008)
Source: Helsinki City Statistics Office: Helsinki alueittain 2011 (PDF, 12 MB, Finnish)

Kulosaari ( Swedish Brändö ) is the 42nd district of the Finnish capital Helsinki . The district includes the eponymous island of Kulosaari and the northern Kivinokka peninsula with its summer house area. In addition to the district ( Finnish: kaupunginosa ) Kulosaari, which consists of the sub-area of ​​the same name (osa-alue) Kulosaari, there is a district (peruspiiri) of the same name, which also includes the sub-area Mustikkamaa-Korkeasaari .

About 3,751 inhabitants (2010) live on Kulosaari. Kulosaari is one of the wealthier areas of Helsinki and has the highest number of university degrees on average. The share of the Swedish-speaking population is 18.5% (2010) and is therefore comparatively high.


At the beginning of the 20th century, the island of Kulosaari was owned by Baron Cronstedt, who died in April 1907. In May 1907, director Allan Granfelt bought the then uninhabited island of Kulosaari from the Cronstedts community of heirs with a purchase agreement dated May 13, 1907. Together with the architects Oscar Bomanson, Bertel Jung, Karl Lindahl, Armas Lindgren , Lars Sonck as well as the engineers Julius Stjernvall and Rupert von Nadelstadh and the businessmen Axel Ståhl, Granfelt founded AB Brändö Villastad. The purpose of this society was to create a better living environment with villas and gardens. The villa suburb was supposed to offer families fleeing the city a good and healthy living environment and create a modern society that defied urban class society.

The first development plan was designed in 1907 by the architect Lars Sonck based on the ideal of an English garden city and just five years later around fifty villas had already been built.

Until 1922 Kulosaari belonged to the rural municipality Helsinki (now Vantaa ). From 1922 Kulosaari was an independent municipality. As part of the major regional reform in 1946, Kulosaari was incorporated into the city of Helsinki.


The Kulosaari Church

The Kulosaari Manor is located on the Kivinokka Peninsula, which was originally an island. The origins go back to the 16th century. In 1752 the mansion belonged to August Ehrensvärd , later to the businessman Johan Sederholm . In 1793 the house passed to Everst Carl Olof Cronstedt . The current building was built by Carl Ludwig Engel and is now owned by the City of Helsinki.

The church planned by Bertel Jung was consecrated on December 1, 1935. It is located on the so-called Masonic Hill. The cemetery on the small island of Leposaari with the chapel by architect Armas Lindgren also belongs to the community.

The Kulosaari casino, which opened a restaurant in 1915, was also designed by Armas Lindgren . A beach hotel was opened in the vicinity of the casino in 1917. The building was planned by the architect Lars Sonck and now serves as the headquarters of the Wihuri Group.

There are several foreign embassies on Kulosaari: China, Poland, Ukraine (former embassy of the GDR), Iraq, Iran, Serbia.

Kulosaari is the seat of the media group A-lehdet Oy and Wihuri Oy.

The former beach hotel and current Wihuri building.

Transport links

The development of Kulosaari has always been heavily dependent on the transport links. From 1910 to February 14, 1951, Kulosaari was accessible by an initially private tram. Since there was no bridge, the wagons were crossed by steamship until December 1919. The first bridge to the east between Kulosaari and Herttoniemi was completed in spring 1917. A wooden bridge towards Helsinki was opened in December 1919 between Kulosaari and Sompasaari. This was replaced by a modern concrete bridge in 1957.

The "Itäväylä" expressway was opened to traffic in 1962. The island was divided into two by their construction. On June 1, 1982, the Helsinki metro began, Kulosaari received its own station. The route runs on the island along the expressway. The current land use plan of the city of Helsinki provides for both the expressway and the metro line on Kulosaari to be relocated underground and built over with residential areas. However, the concrete implementation is still completely open.

From the island of Kulosaari you can cross a bridge to the island of Mustikkamaa and from there to the Helsinki Zoo on the island of Korkeasaari .


  • Laura Kolbe: Kulosaari - unelma paremmasta tulevaisuudesta . Dissertation Helsinki 1988.
  • Minna Sarantola-Weiss: Kulosaari / Brändö - koti ja kaupunki / hem och stadsdel , Keuruu 2002.

Web links

Commons : Kulosaari  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. City of Helsinki: HELSINGIN YLEISKAAVA Helsingin keskeisimmät maankäytön muutosalueet. In: Explanations of the zoning plan. 2014, accessed September 18, 2017 (Finnish).