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LADR The Dr. Kramer & colleagues

legal form GbR (umbrella association) from GmbHs
founding May 31, 1945
Seat Geesthacht
  • Jan Kramer
Number of employees > 3,000 (network-wide, 2018)
sales € 252 million ( ISG Intermed Holding GmbH & Co. KG ; umbrella company , 2018)
Branch Laboratory medicine , food analysis , water and environmental analysis

The LADR laboratory association Dr. Kramer & Kollegen is a medical and owner-managed association of independent medical laboratory medical supply centers (MVZ) and laboratories. They each have the abbreviation LADR in their name. This is due to the formulation L aborärztliche A rarbeitsgemeinschaft für D iagnostik und R ationalisierung , which was first used in 1974 .

The LADR Laboratory Association is not operationally active , but serves to represent its member laboratories , the regional LADR laboratory associations and as a professional medical consultancy network of experts. The LADR laboratory centers provide services in various areas. These include patient care through laboratory medicine , hygiene , infectious diseases and medical microbiology as well as human genetics , pathology and transfusion medicine . This also includes services in the natural sciences with food chemistry and food microbiology as well as water and environmental analysis . The portfolio also includes special analysis in the field of animal genetics and ancestry analysis in humans.


Foundation and first years

Approval to set up the medical laboratory
The founder: Siegfried Kramer

After the end of the Second World War in Germany, medical specialists were acquired by the Allied troops. The city of Geesthacht had previously been the target of bombing attacks due to the Krümmel dynamite factory . Epidemics and diseases threatened to break out in cities, villages and refugee camps . The occupation authorities therefore declared the region a disaster area. On May 31, 1945, issued 27 Field Surgical Unit of the British Army the doctorate Doctor Siegfried Kramer (27 December 1912-25. March 1996) due to its bacteriological qualification approval for a private laboratory practice. This was the first laboratory doctor's practice in Germany and the "nucleus" of the LADR laboratory network, which became the LADR central laboratory Dr. Kramer & Kollegen developed further. The establishment of a bacteriological , serological and medical-chemical research institute began in the Susannen house of the former Edmundsthal pulmonary sanatorium . Initially, the focus was on analyzes of samples from camps and hospitals, particularly for typhoid , paratyphoid fever , typhus and venereal diseases .

1950 to 2000

On June 1, 1950, the current location in Lauenburger Strasse was inaugurated near the hospital in Geesthacht . Hospitals, offices and resident doctors in the region were initially approached via an improvised courier service. A central water supply and sewerage system did not exist at that time. On behalf of the health department , Siegfried Kramer and his employees therefore regularly carried out water tests on drinking water wells. By the end of the 1960s, the laboratory expanded its range of services and continuously invested in new laboratory equipment and apparatus, above all to meet the growing need for medical laboratory tests.

At the beginning of the 1970s, the environmental movement strengthened and the need for water and soil analyzes increased. Toxicological investigations became part of the analysis spectrum. Strict quality requirements, the growing number of statutory regulations, an increased level of technology and decreasing throughput times changed laboratory work. Against this background, the laboratory founder and his son Detlef Kramer convinced many colleagues of a cooperation. In 1974 the Association of South Holstein Doctors was initially founded regionally. In the same year, the national working group for diagnostics and rationalization was established . In 1977 Detlef Kramer, who also had a doctorate in medicine, joined the laboratory's medical management team.

ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1985, regardless of the medical laboratory work . The existing courier service for the transport of medical laboratory samples from patients should also be used to deliver medical consumables. Today focused ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG on the sample transport out to the supply of providers in healthcare with practice and practice supplies, medical technology and other logistical services.

In 1995, the Vita Oy laboratory was founded in Finland , which was the first time that the association operated internationally. In 1999, the LADR laboratory network in Germany counted eleven cooperating specialist laboratories and medical supply centers and cooperated with 30 laboratory communities.

In the 21st century

In 2005 the founding laboratory in Geesthacht was renamed LADR GmbH MVZ Dr. Kramer & colleagues around. In 2012, the internist and laboratory physician Jan Kramer, who completed his doctorate and habilitation , took over the medical management and management of LADR GmbH MVZ Dr. Kramer & Kollegen ( brand name : LADR Central Laboratory Dr. Kramer & Kollegen ) as well as the medical management of all laboratory companies in the LADR laboratory network. In the summer of the same year, the new construction of the Geesthacht location was completed. The 2500 m² modern laboratory space was created on the premises of the traditional company. Regional companies were hired for the construction, air conditioning with heat recovery was installed and the building wing was connected to the municipal district heating network. The fully automated laboratory line of the hematology department was declared the European reference laboratory by the Japanese manufacturer Sysmex in the same year . In July 2017, the department was molecular biology of this laboratory in Geesthacht for innovative diagnostics to identify tumor - mutations from the blood ( Liquid Biopsy , liquid biopsy ) declared a center of excellence.


Composite structure

The LADR central laboratory Dr. Kramer & Colleagues in Geesthacht (2018)

The laboratory network consists of around 30 independently operating individual companies. As the holding company since 2012, acts ISG Intermed Holding GmbH & Co. KG ( seat : Geesthacht), which is in the ownership of three doctors of the Kramer family. In addition, three companies abroad - one of them in Helsinki - are joint ventures . Another company is considered an associated company (status: end of 2015).

The network includes 18 specialist laboratories, 39 basic laboratories and 24 hospital laboratories (as of March 2018). The vast majority of all laboratories are in northern Germany. Internationally, in addition to a company in Helsinki, the association includes companies and holdings in Saint Petersburg ( Russia ), Katowice ( Poland ) and Cluj ( Romania ).

Today ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG ( Intermed ) acts as a specialized non-medical service provider for companies inside and outside the LADR laboratory network.

The LADR GmbH MVZ Dr. Kramer & Kollegen , based in Geesthacht, legal successor to the "nucleus" of the association, is fully consolidated in the financial statements of ISG Intermed Holding GmbH & Co. KG . This also applies to a further eleven companies that have the abbreviation LADR in their company name .

Range of services

Scheme of a test run in medical laboratories

For the LADR laboratory network, medical-laboratory diagnostics are central to patient care. Around 11,000 different examination procedures can be carried out. More than 370 clinics and more than 20,000 resident doctors are among the senders from the LADR laboratory network (as of March 2018).

Further diagnostic services include food analysis, water and environmental analysis, and hygiene services.

In order to reduce bureaucracy advance in the health and medical practices at the paperless laboratory assignment with a qualified electronic signature support, was the L aboratory O rder e ntry M odule (LOEM) a pilot project to the panel medical Confederation started. Approval followed after the successful test phase. Nationwide use began in mid-2017.

ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for the nationwide sample and findings logistics . In addition, the partner company of the LADR laboratory network primarily supplies medical practices, medical laboratories and supply centers, hospitals and other players in the health and care market with medical consumables. Services, for example in the areas of hygiene and quality management , disposal services (practice waste , file destruction) and mail and parcel delivery complete this range of services.


LADR is a medical and owner-managed association. Detlef Kramer, son of the founder, and Jan Kramer, grandson of the founder, stand for the family business tradition. More than 3,000 people work in the regionally independent companies of the association. Over 170 of them are laboratory doctors, human geneticists, microbiologists, pathologists and natural scientists as well as specialists from clinical fields.

The regionally independent companies of the association train in different areas. This includes professions of medical and laboratory system, the storage system , logistics, computer science and commercial professions.

Works councils exist at four locations of the specialist laboratories . There is no general or group works council .


The LADR Laborverbund is one of the founding members of the interest group ALM - Accredited Laboratories in Medicine e. V.

About the ISG Intermed Holding GmbH & Co. KG also counts Auxilium Hospice in Geesthacht linking. This inpatient hospice has 14 single rooms.

The LADR Academy for Interdisciplinary Further Education in Medicine e. V. (short: LADR Academy ) directs its further education, training and event offers to those interested in medicine and laboratories.

The environmental analysis of the central laboratory in Geesthacht carries out pro bono analyzes for the human rights organization TARGET , which is also based in Schleswig-Holstein and operates hospitals in Ethiopia .

The small theater in Schillerstraße , which functions as a cinema, cabaret and theater, received an additional cinema in July 2010, which was equipped by the Kramer family. Detlef Kramer died on May 4, 2019 in the theater he had built during a performance by the Niederdeutsche Volksbühne.

The human rights path was co-financed on the banks of the Elbe .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint of the LADR website , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  2. ^ Foundation of today's LADR central laboratory of the laboratory network in Geesthacht as a private laboratory practice by Siegfried Kramer. See MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 6 and p. 8.
  3. ^ Head of the LADR network , information on the LADR website, accessed on August 4, 2019.
  4. Verbund-wide means: in the individual LADR laboratory communities as well as at the partner company ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG .
  5. a b Regine Buddeke: MAZ-reader on the trail of blood . In: Märkische Allgemeine - Kyritzer Tageblatt, February 1, 2018.
  6. a b c ISG Intermed Holding GmbH & Co. KG: Consolidated financial statements for the business year from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2018 . Published on January 29, 2020 in the Federal Gazette .
  7. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 17.
  8. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 6 f and p. 27.
  9. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 6 and p. 8.
  10. Medical laboratory medicine in the third generation In: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ärzteblatt , issue 5-2020, p. 34 f.
  11. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010: PDF), p. 11 f.
  12. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 13 f.
  13. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), pp. 14-17.
  14. Timo Jann: In the laboratory on a journey of discovery. Insights : 1300 curious people learn interesting facts about allergies and drug tests at the open house . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , June 3, 2013.
  15. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 15.
  16. a b Anne Mey: “Behind every tube there is a patient”. Prof. Jan Kramer is the third generation to run Germany's oldest laboratory practice in Geesthacht . In: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ärzteblatt , 68th year, edition 3-2015, p. 24 f.
  17. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010; PDF), p. 23.
  18. a b Information from Intermed's website , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  19. Interview with Dr. Detlef Kramer: “Our family is the third generation to live medical laboratory medicine” . In: ImPuls . Issue 01, June 2018. p. 6 f. (PDF)
  20. Company website , accessed March 21, 2018.
  21. ALM - Accredited Laboratories in Medicine e. V .: Interview with Gerhard Kohnen, Head of Laboratory Logistics , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  22. a b Timo Jann: VSW visits Intermed . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , October 18, 2009, accessed on March 21, 2018.
  23. a b Katharina Schöneberg, Peter Wilke, Sebastian Klotz, Oliver Venzke in cooperation with Manfred Wulff: Industry analysis laboratory analysis. Economic trends, employment development, working and salary conditions (Study No. 342; PDF). Hans Böckler Foundation , Düsseldorf 2016, p. 83, ISBN 978-3-86593-250-1 .
  24. a b Burkhard Schütze: LADR company presentation , at the Hamburg School of Food Science , February 18, 2013, accessed on March 21, 2018.
  25. Information about Jan Kramer on the website of the Info Center for Prevention and Early Detection , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  26. Timo Jann: Labor King Kramer expands empire for six million , November 11, 2010
  27. Kai Gerullis: Safe blood counts from the computer . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , December 11, 2012, accessed on March 21, 2018.
  28. See the information sheet Liquid Biopsy: Liquid Biopsy (PDF) from the Cancer Information Service , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  29. LADR central laboratory Dr. Kramer & Kollegen is a center of excellence for liquid biopsy . Sysmex press release , July 17, 2017, accessed March 21, 2018.
  30. Freya M. Baier: Breakthrough in cancer research . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , July 29, 2017.
  31. Innovative blood diagnostics in colon cancer. Barmer's cancer patients have access to new diagnostics for personalized therapy . In: Barmer . Newsletter for Hamburg , January 2018. P. 2 f. Accessed March 21, 2018.
  32. ISG Intermed Holding GmbH & Co. KG: Consolidated financial statements for the financial year from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 . Published on April 1, 2014 in the Federal Gazette .
  33. See the overviews of the specialist laboratories , the basic laboratories and the hospital laboratories on the company website. Accessed on March 21, 2018.
  34. Information on the company website , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  35. ^ Thomas Oldach: Analyzes and "warfare agents". Laboratory Dr. Kramer: A look behind the scenes of the company - 13,000 orders per day . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , March 22, 2014.
  36. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010; PDF), p. 39.
  37. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o.
  38. Trust in our experience and medical competence. Laboratory medicine in Germany for 70 years (information on the company's website about the company's history, accessed on January 14, 2019).
  39. a b Information on the company website , accessed on March 21, 2018.
  40. Paperless contact with the laboratory . In: Doctors newspaper , January 14, 2015.
  41. Paper-free laboratory request with signature . In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt ( Supplement : PRAXiS ), March 6, 2015.
  42. ^ Martin Möller, Jan Kramer: Online communication in IT networks . In: Management & Krankenhaus , issue 4-2016, April 12, 2016.
  43. Katja Chalupka: LOEM laboratory software is approved for digital commissioning , German Health Network , press release from July 3, 2017, accessed on March 22, 2018.
  44. Rebekka Höhl: Laboratory orders are going digital: that's what technology offers . In: Doctors newspaper , July 21, 2017.
  45. Freya M. Baier: Trainees are hard to come by . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , July 11, 2017.
  46. Diagnosticians get into position . In: Doctors newspaper , November 24, 2014.
  47. Company profile auxilium Hospiz gGmbH in the bedirect company profiles database, updated October 24, 2018.
  48. Information on the hospice website , accessed on November 6, 2018.
  49. Timo Jann: A look into an ultra-modern laboratory. Open day : On June 1st, Dr. Kramer runs his business for visitors . In: Bergedorfer Zeitung , May 28, 2013.
  50. LADR Academy for Interdisciplinary Further Education in Medicine e. V. , information on the LADR website, accessed on January 21, 2019.
  51. LADR supports TARGET project in Ethiopia , information from the LADR website, accessed on March 22, 2018.
  52. MVZ Geesthacht, Labor Dr. Kramer & Kollegen (ed.): 65 years of Labor Dr. Kramer & colleagues. Set standards. 1945-2010 . o. O., o. J. (Geesthacht 2010), p. 36.
  53. Timo Jann: Dr. Detlef Kramer died in Geesthacht . In: Lübecker Nachrichten , accessed on May 8, 2019
  54. ^ Amnesty International, Human Rights Path. The Geesthacht Human Rights Path (PDF), accessed on March 22, 2018.