State election in Lower Austria in 1927

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election 1927
(in %)
(-3.8  % p )
(+ 0.7  % p )
( n.k. )
(+ 0.2  % p )


The distribution of seats in the state parliament after the election

The state elections in Lower Austria in 1927 took place on April 24th. On the same day, Austria elected a new National Council , and St. Pölten and Wiener Neustadt also elected a municipal council.

The winner of the election was the unified list, which received 38 of the 60 mandates (33 of which were the dominant Christian Socials and 5 the Greater Germans). The Social Democratic Workers' Party received 21 mandates, the Landbund, which emerged from a split in the Greater German People's Party, received one mandate.

Accompanying parties

Ballot paper, prefilled by the Reichspost for the standard list

There were four constituencies that corresponded to the neighborhoods of the country. A total of six parties tried to win 60 seats in the Lower Austrian state parliament .

In all four constituencies there was a unified list of the Christian Social Party (CS), Greater German People's Party (GDVP), medium- sized people 's party and the National Socialist Schulzgruppe . The Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) and the Landbund also competed nationwide.

The Communist Party of German-Austria (KPDÖ) ran in all constituencies except the quarter above Mannhartsberg, but could not win any seats. Furthermore, the Völkisch Social Block (VSB), in which the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP-Hitler movement) was involved, took part in the districts of Viertel above Manhartsberg and Viertel above Wienerwald. In the other two constituencies, the NSDAP Hitler movement started independently.


The unity list clearly won the election with 38 seats. Together with the mandates of the Greater German People's Party, it won two seats. The Social Democratic Labor Party lost one mandate and won 21 seats. The Landbund, which emerged from the split-off of two mandataries from the Greater German People's Party, lost one mandate and was given a seat. The remaining parties who were standing did not get a seat in the Landtag.

At the constituent session of the state parliament on May 20, Karl Buresch was confirmed as governor, Josef Reither and Oskar Helmer became his deputies . As the regional councils were Leopold perch , Rudolf Beirer , Viktor Mitter man and Heinrich Schneidmadl sworn in.

Preliminary election result

In order to illustrate the sometimes large differences in the constituencies, the provisional election results of April 26, 1927 are shown below.

Preliminary election result of April 26, 1927
Political party total District above the Manhartsberg Quarter under the Manhartsberg District above the Vienna Woods District under the Vienna Woods
be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand.
Unit list 474.046 58.03% 38 91,591 64.94% 8th 125,675 69.82% 11 127,376 63.09% 10 129,404 44.01% 9
SDAP 307.036 37.58% 21st 34,312 24.32% 3 45,446 25.25% 3 69,355 34.35% 5 157.923 53.71% 10
Landbund 23,684 2.90% 1 11,527 8.17% 1 7,529 4.18% 0 3,373 1.67% 0 1,255 0.43% 0
VSB 4,877 0.60% 0 3,605 2.56% 0 - - - 1,272 0.63% 0 - - -
NSDAP 4.033 0.49% 0 - - - 1,136 0.63% 0 - - - 2,897 0.99% 0
KPÖ 3,264 0.40% 0 - - - 209 0.12% 0 517 0.26% 0 2,538 0.86% 0
total 816.940 60 141.035 12 179.995 14th 201,893 15th 294.017 19th

Official end result

The official bottom line
Official end result
Political party Final result 1927 Final result 1921 difference
be right % Mand. be right % Mand. be right % Mand.
Unit list CS 474.283 58.0% 38 320.781 49.2% 32 + 71,430 - 3.8% + 2
GDVP 82,072 12.6% 6th
SDAP 307.005 37.6% 21st 241.015 36.9% 22nd + 65,990 + 0.7% - 1
Landbund 23,597 2.9% 1 - - - + 23,597 + 2.9% - 1
VSB 4,875 0.6% 0 - - - + 4,875 + 0.6% ± 0
NSDAP 4.012 0.5% 0 1,909 0.3% 0 + 2,103 + 0.2% ± 0
KPÖ 3,275 0.4% 0 5,477 0.9% 0 - 2,202 - 0.5% ± 0
total 817.047 100% 60 652.258 100% 60 + 164,789

See also

List of Members of the Lower Austrian Parliament (2nd legislative period)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ballot papers for Lower Austria. In:  Reichspost , April 22, 1927, p. 7 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / rpt.
  2. ^ Karl Gutkas : LandesChronik Niederösterreich . 1st edition. Brandstätter, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-85447-254-4 , 1927–1928, calendar, p. 358 .
  3. ^ Ballot papers for Lower Austria. In:  Reichspost , April 24, 1927, p. 5 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / rpt.
  4. a b c The results of the elections: Landtag. In:  Wiener Zeitung , April 26, 1927, p. 3 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / wrz.
  5. a b The elections in the Lower Austrian Landtag. In:  Neue Freie Presse , April 25, 1927, p. 5 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp.
  6. ^ The first session of the Lower Austrian Landtag. In:  Wiener Zeitung , May 21, 1927, p. 2 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / wrz.
  7. ^ Hermann Riepl: Fifty Years of the Lower Austrian Parliament. Vol. 1. The Landtag in the First Republic. Vienna 1972.