Leopold Neubronn von Eisenburg

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Leopold Karl Freiherr Neubronn von Eisenburg (born August 10, 1818 in Karlsruhe , † March 1, 1889 ibid) was a Baden and Prussian major general .



Leopold was a son of the Baden colonel and chamberlain Ludwig August Neubronn von Eisenburg (1772–1823) and his wife Eberhardine, born Freiin von Adelsheim (1781–1842). The later Prussian infantry general and long-time adjutant general of Grand Duke Friedrich I of Baden Wilhelm Neubronn von Eisenburg (1815–1895) was his older brother.

Military career

Neubronn attended the grammar school in Bruchsal and the polytechnic school . After completing the General War School and the Artillery School in Karlsruhe, Neubronn was transferred as a gunner to the artillery brigade of the Baden Army on April 13, 1835 . By early November 1842 he was promoted to first lieutenant and from early November 1843 to mid-November 1848 he served as an adjutant . During this time he was commanded to take over iron ammunition in the Rhine Province for a year . With promotion to captain , Neubronn was assigned to the War Ministry from January 29, 1850 to May 30, 1851. While his regiment was aggregated , on May 9, 1858, as a major, he was appointed director of the Karlsruhe armory . He was promoted to colonel by mid-May 1865 and in recognition of his services, Grand Duke Friedrich I awarded him the Commander's Cross 2nd Class of the Order of the Zähringer Lion with Oak Leaves in 1869 .

During the war against France in 1870/71, Neubronn was responsible for the supply of guns and ammunition. He was christened on April 1, 1871 the character as a major general and was on 15 July 1871, leaving in its current employment as an arsenal director with the skills of a regimental commander in the Association of the Prussian army adopted. After Neubronn had been transferred to the army officers on December 4, 1871, he was put up for disposition on January 13, 1872, in approval of his resignation request with a pension .

Neubronn died unmarried on March 1, 1889 in his hometown.


Individual evidence

  1. Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden. 1880. G. Braun, Karlsruhe 1880, p. 121.
  2. ^ Military weekly paper . No. 89 of July 25, 1871, p. 663.