List of Members of the Salzburg State Parliament (Austrofascism)

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This list of members of the Salzburg state parliament (Austrofascism) lists all members of the Salzburg state parliament during the period of Austrofascism. The legislative period began with the constitution of the Landtag on November 22, 1934, with the members being appointed on November 1, 1934. The appointment was made on the basis of the state constitution, which came into force on that day, on an estate basis, which suspended the state constitution of 1934. The Landtag retained its legislative competence until March 17, 1938, when the legislative competence of the Landtag ended with the Second Leader Decree on the introduction of German Reich laws in Austria. This law determined the application of the law of January 30, 1934 on the rebuilding of the Reich to the former territory of Austria, whereby the previous state parliaments had to be dissolved. De facto, however, the state parliaments had already lost their powers when the Wehrmacht marched into Austria on March 12, 1938. During the term of office of the state parliament, the state government Rehrl IV was in office .


Landtag President

After the constitution of the Landtag on November 22, 1934, Josef Knosp took over the office of Landtag President on that day . Matthias Hutter and Rupert Kastner acted as Landtag vice-presidents .

Member of the state parliament

Surname fraction annotation
Aschauer-Lichtenthurn Erich Public service  
Bayr Alfred Money credit and insurance  
Dick Alois Trade and transport  
Dürlinger Franz Agriculture and Forestry sworn in for Isidor Grießner on March 1, 1938
Fersterer Bartholomew Agriculture and Forestry  
Felt Johannes church represented Sigismund Waitz until February 5, 1935
Griessner Isidore Agriculture and Forestry resigned after joining the state government
Gugg Friedrich Business  
Chief Elder Walter Liberal professions  
Haustein Otto School and public education  
Hell Franz Trade and transport  
Hochleitner Adolf Agriculture and Forestry  
Hofer Franz Agriculture and Forestry December 1, 1937 Johann Kaufmann occurred
Hofer Johann Business  
Hutter Matthias Agriculture and Forestry  
Kastner Rupert Business  
Merchant Johann Business resigned after election to the Salzburg city council
Bud Joseph Trade and transport  
Mayrhofer Johann Agriculture and Forestry  
Noelscher Karl Agriculture and Forestry  
Paumgartner Bernhard Art and music  
Radauer Josef Industry and mining  
Sagmaster Michael Agriculture and Forestry  
Stadler Hans Industry and mining  
Stepski-Doliwa Ludwig Industry and mining  
Triflinger Engelbert Industry and mining  
Waitz Sigismund church represented by Johannes Filzer until February 5, 1935
White pink Education  
Ziller Josef Agriculture and Forestry  


  • Richard Voithofer: Political Elites in Salzburg. A biographical handbook from 1918 to the present (= series of publications by the Research Institute for Political and Historical Studies of the Dr. Wilfried Haslauer Library, Salzburg. Vol. 32). Böhlau, Vienna et al. 2007, ISBN 978-3-205-77680-2 .