List of German champions in the ultra trail

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The Ultratrail is a form of long-distance running . The competitions take place on unpaved paths and trails with differences in altitude.

The competition was first included in the program of the official German athletics championships in 2019.

Records are not kept due to the differences in the routes.

German champions ( DLV )

year place date Men Time [h] Women Time [h]
2019 Reichweiler 8th June André Collet ( Aachen TG ) 7:16:29 Pia Winkelblech ( Landau Running Company ) 8:37:15

Teams: German champions (DLV)

year place date Men Time [h] Women Time [h]
2019 Reichweiler 8th June LG Allgäu ( Thomas Miksch , Bernhard Munz , Bernhard Epple ) 26:06:36 Landau Running Company ( Pia Winkelblech , Silke Herrgen , Iris Stern ) 29:22:44

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