List of cultural monuments in Gornau / Erzgeb.

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Coat of arms of Gornau
Church in Dittmannsdorf

The list of cultural monuments in Gornau / Erzgeb. contains the cultural monuments in Gornau / Erzgeb.

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

Gornau / Erzgeb.

image designation location Dating description ID
school At school 8
1896-1897, marked 1896 Historic plastered building with turrets, local historical significance.

Polygonal base, two-storey plastered building with saddle roof, dormers and little roof house, central projectile with clock / bell tower, with pilasters in stone, window frames in stone (sandstone), profiled, inscribed "1896" (weather vane)


Villa with villa garden (garden monument) and pavilion in the garden At school 10
1924-1927 Stately villa building, in the traditionalist style of the time, named after Paul Bernhard Arnold, owner of a hosiery factory, of local and architectural importance.
  • Two-storey villa with a rich roof landscape, multi-part floor plan with corner turrets, mansard roof with roof structures, richly decorated entrance area: figural and vegetable plaster ornaments
  • Garden of the Arnold Villa (villa garden / country house garden)

The villa was built in 1924 for the stocking manufacturer Paul Bernhard Arnold by the Chemnitz architects Müller & Schwab. The gardens were evidently built at the same time or immediately after the completion of the villa.

Enclosure: Fencing of concrete fence pillars from the construction period (common type with 45 ° angled for attaching climbing protection) and wooden hunter fence largely preserved (fence fields renewed, western fence in hedge only rudimentary preserved, concrete pillars partially shortened by removing the angled) Gate) with three pillars made of natural stone masonry, modern gate grid replaced.Cut hornbeam hedge on the west side (Carpinus betulus, planted directly on the property boundary or along the line of the fence)

Access: The entrance to the villa leads west of the building into a semicircular forecourt with adjoining garage (later addition), from there straight path through the western part of the garden and into a seating area (probably originally a kitchen garden, in the south installation of a garage building during the GDR era) Jewelry complex in front of the southern front of the villa accessed by an arched circular path, in the western section related to the southern entrance portal of the villa, in the south connecting path to the property entrance, in front of the southern facade of the villa a cross path, another path below the adjoining embankment today overgrown by rhododendrons the connections of the arched path to the cross path in front of the villa two stairs with five steps each (concrete block steps with simple cheeks and steps) narrow section of the property in the east separated as a kitchen garden (outside the historical course of the fence)

Soil relief / water: embankment in a straight line in front of the southern front of the villa (today overgrown with rhododendrons) remaining terrain sloping to the south (embankment on the southeastern property boundary)

Vegetation: · Forecourt west of the villa by a low privet hedge as well as horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum) and a winter linden (Tilia cordata) in a regular arrangement · Borders on the west and south front of the villa (perennials and ornamental trees) · Ornamental plant in front of the South side of the villa with a central lawn, accentuated with four spherically cut pyramidal oaks (Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'), at the apex of the arched path a cut pyramid oak (Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'), at the apex of the arched path a hornbeam Seating area framed by a hedge and two yew cones (Taxus baccata), slope in front of the villa planted with rhododendrons Woody planting on the east side of the driveway or in the edge area of ​​the ornamental plant with black pine (Pinus nigra), silver spruce (Picea pungens), Rhododendron, Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis iS), lilac (Syringa vulgaris iS) and (blood?) Hazelnut (Corylus avellana / iS?) In the western garden Enteil group of trees around the seat on the main path from the villa with older robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia), spruce (Picea abies), pipe bush (Philadelphus spec.), lilac (Syringa vulgaris iS) and other ornamental shrubs, next to the garage on the northern property line older false cypress (Chamaecyparis spec.), Old tree (lime tree?) Next to the pavilion, photographically documented in 1998, now no longer present, some fruit trees in the southern section of the western part of the property

Equipment: · in the jewelery complex in front of the south side of the Villa Kieswege with edging made of band iron (comparatively thick / solid design!) · Wooden pavilion on an octagonal floor plan in the north-western corner of the property, partly ornamentally designed window bars, previously in green, now in reddish coloring · Well house near the forecourt on the west side of the villa

Views: · Together with the turret of the immediately adjacent school, the villa forms a special structural dominant in the townscape

Interpretation / evaluation:

The Villa Arnold in unity with the garden (jewelry plant and kitchen garden as well as pavilion) represents an impressive testimony to the bourgeois lifestyle and architectural conceptions of the period between the two world wars. In particular, the design correspondence between the compact, symmetrical building, which is characterized by recourse to older architectural motifs the upstream jewelry system suggests a uniform concept and is of remarkable individuality. The ensemble, which largely determines the appearance of the location, is of artistic, architectural and garden historical value. [Michael Keller, 10/2014]


Cottage August-Bebel-Strasse 12
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered clad, part of the old local structure, historically important.

Solid ground floor, timber-framed upstairs, oversized residential building on one gable


milestone Chemnitzer Strasse
marked 1833 (milestone) Traffic-historical importance.

Porphyry block, base inscribed "1833 Dorf Gornau", Saxon Kurschwerter, shaft (cylinder): inscribed "Waldkirchen, Augustusburg, Chemnitz, Zschopau, Prag"


Former inn and two side buildings, enclosure with gate entrance and row of linden trees (garden monument) on the enclosure wall Chemnitzer Strasse 1
1813 Main building plastered building with mansard roof, stately building in a street-defining location, side building partly in half-timbered, local historical significance.

Elongated two-storey solid building (plastered building) with a mansard roof with a crust and a roof house, redesigned inside


Residential stable house, two side buildings and barn of a four-sided courtyard Chemnitzer Strasse 32
marked 1849 Side building upper floor, timber framing, part of the old local structure, of architectural significance.
  • Stable house: elongated two-storey solid construction, 12: 5 axes, stone walls, lintel strongly profiled, inscribed "1849",
  • Former stable house / side building: elongated, two-story, solid ground floor, upper floor timber-framed boarded up, strongly profiled lintel, inscribed "GA Kunn 1869",
  • Barn: two-story, solid ground floor, timber-framed upstairs

Villa with garden and gate entrance Chemnitzer Strasse 44
marked 1914 Reform style architecture, of importance for the townscape and its history.

Stately, multi-part two-storey solid building with an extended roof and rich roof landscape, small convex porch over two storeys, simple plaster ornamentation


Residential building Clara-Zetkin-Strasse 4
around 1900 Part of the workers' apartments belonging to the former Weißbach stocking factory, of local historical importance.

Elongated two-story plastered building, ground floor and lintels clinkered, in the roof area half-timbered, nine roof houses, in the roof bay window pretty ornamental half-timbered


Villa with villa garden (garden monument), garage and gate system Dittmannsdorfer Strasse 2
referred to 1924-1925 Prestigiously designed building, in the traditionalist style with Art Deco elements, outstanding example of a villa construction of this time, largely preserved in its original form, also inside, of architectural significance.

Multi-part two-storey solid construction, plastered, elaborate window and door structures in sandstone, eaves cornice also sculpted in jagged ornaments typical of the time, outside staircase and terrace facing Chemnitzer Strasse, skylights of the windows divided with curved struts, open hallway over two floors with a circumferential gallery on the upper floor, doors, windows , Walls and ceilings preserved in their original form, door frames in typical vegetal ornament and putti (inscribed "Anno 1924-25")


Administrative building of a former stocking factory Dorfstrasse 23
marked "1892 CW" Typical plastered building with a wooden veranda, historical significance.

Two-storey solid construction, polygonal base made of porphyry tuff, triangular gable above windows on the first floor, two-axis roof bay window with crowning, monogram cartouche with vegetal decoration in the triangular gable, roof house, two-storey glazed veranda facing the village street, original door


Rectory with an attached chapel
Rectory with an attached chapel Eisenstrasse 4
1929 Plastered building with natural stone integration, in the traditionalist style with expressionist elements, chapel with roof turret, local and architectural significance. 09306049

Hereditary funeral of the Kreissig family in the cemetery Eisenstrasse 4a
Late 19th century / early 20th century Local historical and artistic importance.

Hereditary burial of the Kreißig family of manufacturers framed in green, on the back of the facility an angel figure as electroplating on a square, approximately 1 m high, black polished marble plinth, to which the sides are about half as high walls, also made of black, polished marble.


War memorial for those who fell in the Franco-German War 1870/71 Eisenstrasse 4a
Late 19th century Local historical significance.

A compact obelisk over a three-tiered base with a ball on top and side relief sculptures as well as an inscription plaque


War memorial for the fallen soldiers of the First World War Eisenstrasse 4a
1918 Local historical significance.

Square base, monolith-like structure with inscription panels, base figure: kneeling soldier


Residential building, former school Mühlgasse 3
1743 Upper floor half-timbered, design typical of the time, church school until 1841, importance for local history.

Solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered, clad gable


Residential building (without extension) Rathausplatz 4
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, part of the old local structure, historically important.

Small building, massive ground floor (changed by installing windows), upper floor and gable half-timbered


Cottage Talstrasse 23
Early 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, building typical of the time and landscape, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, half-timbered upper floor


Stable house of a former three-sided courtyard Talstrasse 28
around 1800, possibly a little older One of the few preserved half-timbered farmhouses in the village, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, half-timbered upper floor, sandstone and porphyry walls on the ground floor



image designation location Dating description ID
Church (with fittings), tombstone on the church and memorial plaque for the fallen of the First World War
Church (with fittings), tombstone on the church and memorial plaque for the fallen of the First World War Main street
before 1700 Baroque hall church with a large roof turret, a medieval building at its core, baroque tombstone on the church, of local and architectural importance.

With equipment: winged altar 1497, chalice from the end of the 15th century


Residential building Hauptstrasse 31
around 1820 Upper floor half-timbered, important for the townscape, of architectural significance.

Original door and window walls on the massive ground floor, original gable side, important for the townscape, tailcoat roof due to eaves-side extension, one gable clad


Rectory Hauptstrasse 65
around 1890 Stately plastered building, of local and architectural significance.

Original front door, windows, door and window frames, slight changes on the gable side


Residential stable of a three-sided courtyard Hauptstrasse 110
around 1863 Half-timbered upper floor slated, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor slated, ground floor massive, original window and door frames, important for the townscape, gable roof, windows modernized, a gable modernized


Residential building Neue Strasse 12
around 1830 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-hipped roof, half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, windows renewed, front door relocated, ground floor modernized, remainder of the original buildings of the so-called former "temple"



image designation location Dating description ID
Church (with furnishings) and war memorial for the fallen of the First World War in the neighboring cemetery
Church (with furnishings) and war memorial for the fallen of the First World War in the neighboring cemetery Schulstrasse
1896-1897 Hall church with west tower, in the arched style of the 19th century, architectural and local significance.

Relatively simple neo-Romanesque church building with a squat, rectangular floor plan with a retracted choir closed on three sides and a set west tower, on the north side a memorial plaque for the fallen of the First World War


Cottage Schulstrasse 2
Mid 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, part of the old local structure, largely preserved in its original form, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, with Hilbersdorf porphyry tuff walls and original house entrance door, upper floor half-timbered, west gable subsequently clad, east gable boarded up in the roof area, round-arched porphyria entrance to the cellar


Residential stable of a two-sided courtyard Witzschdorfer Hauptstrasse 4
around 1900 Upper floor half-timbered, stately building of the type of the late timber construction, dominant location, significance of the townscape and architectural history.

The ground floor is massive with ashlar walls, the upper floor is full of striving timber framing


Stable house of a farm Witzschdorfer Hauptstrasse 8
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered construction (curved St. Andrew's cross, in the style of the time around 1900), dominant building that defines the townscape with a crooked hipped roof, of historical importance.

Solid ground floor with ashlar walls, upper floor half-timbered in historicist forms with curved St. Andrew's crosses in the parapet fields, gable roof with crooked hip covered with slate (upper floor and roof around 1900)


Residential building Witzschdorfer Hauptstrasse 13
Mid 19th century Upper floor timber-framed, part of the old townscape, of architectural importance.

Ground floor massive with stone walls and original front doors, upper floor timber-framed boarded


Cottage Witzschdorfer Hauptstraße 64
Mid 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, part of the old local structure, historically important.

Ground floor massive with ashlar walls, upper floor half-timbered, gable sides partly boarded up, partly slated


Factory owner's villa and enclosure Witzschdorfer Hauptstraße 95
around 1890 Stately factory owner's villa of the Saxon sewing thread factory Rudolph Heydenreich, architectural value and local historical importance.

Three-storey solid building with a rich roof landscape, plastered structure with stucco mirrors and grooves, a tower with belvedere in the NE corner, balconies with wrought-iron railing on the SE corner and on the south side, a two-storey wooden balcony and garden with representative enclosure, retaining wall, staircase on the north side and wrought iron fence



  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

Web links

Commons : cultural monuments in Gornau / Erzgeb.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files