List of cultural monuments in Zschorlau

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Zschorlau coat of arms
Church in Zschorlau

The list of cultural monuments in Zschorlau contains the cultural monuments in Zschorlau .

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Material entity component of the entity entity Schneeberger Floßgraben, with Rechenhaus, Floßgraben and Floßgrabensteig in the municipalities Zschorlau (OT Zschorlau, OT Albernau), Aue (districts Aue and Auerhammer) and Bad Schlema (OT Bad Schlema), of which belong to the sub-section Zschorlau, OT Zschorlau: the Subject entity part Floßgraben with Floßgrabensteig (see also entity entity in the community of Zschorlau, OT Albernau - Obj. 09301527)
Material entity component of the entity entity Schneeberger Floßgraben , with Rechenhaus, Floßgraben and Floßgrabensteig in the communities of Zschorlau (OT Zschorlau, OT Albernau), Aue (districts Aue and Auerhammer) and Bad Schlema (OT Bad Schlema), of which belong to the sub-section Zschorlau, OT Zschorlau: the Subject entity part Floßgraben with Floßgrabensteig (see also entity entity in the community of Zschorlau, OT Albernau - Obj. 09301527) (Map) 1556-1559 The Schneeberg smelting works and mines were dependent on the expensive timber transport with carts from distant forest areas after firewood and construction wood from the immediate area was already in short supply. In order to reduce transport costs in the long term, a raft ditch over 15 km long from the Zwickauer Mulde near Albernau to Oberschlema was built between 1556 and 1559 on the basis of surveying work by the surveyor Christoph Kuntzmann. From 1560 onwards, in spring and autumn with more water, the wood required was lifted from the forests of the Auersberg region near Eibenstock over the Zwickauer Mulde and the raft ditch on the left slope of the Mulde valley to Oberschlema. It was temporarily stored at the mine site there, and then with the help of carts it was brought to the customers in Schneeberg. In addition, the water from the ditch was used to power the water wheels of nearby mills, hammer mills and other trades, and later also to supply industrial water to factories. Despite some changes due to renovation measures in around 1935 and from 1991 or due to its shortening due to the bismuth mining in Bad Schlema, the raft ditch is today an important testimony to the contemporary art of mine sheaths and the timber industry. Due to its role in supplying the Schneeberg smelting works and mines as well as the town of Schneeberg itself with firewood and construction wood, the raft ditch is of relevance in terms of mining history, technology history and regional history.

Schneeberger Floßgraben, also called Schlemaer or Auer Floßgraben:

A canal between Albernau and Schlema built for the purpose of timber rafting (supplying the Schneeberg smelters and mines with firewood and pit wood, later used to feed various mills and for process water from nearby factories), built between 1556 and 1559, from the Zwickauer Mulde at the weir at the rake house Branching off in Albernau not far from Bockau (Rechenhaus built in 1559 as the residence of the raft and arithmetic master, built there in 1844 as a replacement for a wooden weir, destroyed by floods in 1954 and only remnants preserved), artificial canal with parallel raft ditch path (service path for ditch climbers for the purpose of Control / maintenance and for the rafters during the wood drift) of 15.3 kilometers in length and 1–1.5 meters average width (originally 1.8–2 meters), gradient 1: 220 meters, runs on the left Mulden slope, crosses the Zschorlaubach by means of a newly built floodlight and the railway tunnel of the railway line that was built later zenberg – Zwickau, partly with paved bank area made of granite ashlar, brick or quarry stone, partly also concrete, with numerous bridges to private property, still carrying water today, but at the beginning and end no longer corresponding to the original shape, original end at the Zechenplatz in Oberschlema, was interrupted here by bismuth uranium mining, after the deformation area was redeveloped, the further course of the trench through the spa gardens flows into the Schlemabach with a height difference of 70 m, and the year stamped into the rock about 200 meters away at the entrance from the Unteren Weg to the raft ditch " 1746 "recognizable, served as a marker to subdivide the raft ditch into sections (compare a floor plan of the Schneeberg raft ditch from 1795: front raft ditch -" Oberschlemm up to the Zschorlauer weir ", middle ditch -" Zschorlauer weir to the year ", rear raft ditch - "Year up to the version point").


Waystone (Map) marked 1840 At an old crossroads an approximately 1.75 meter high granite pillar with a pyramidal tip and integrated inscription: "to Zschorlau", "to Albernau" and "to Bockau", as a testimony to the historical traffic development, of local importance. 08958567

Church (with furnishings), churchyard with a mortuary and enclosure
Church (with furnishings), churchyard with a mortuary and enclosure August-Bebel-Strasse
1652 The hall church with polygonal choir closure and south tower is an essential ensemble of the old local structure with relevance to architectural and local history as well as to the local image.

The older, front part of the cemetery is walled with a wall of partly coarse stone masonry, unplastered.


school August-Bebel-Strasse 35
1894–1895, designated 1894 A characteristic brick building of historicism with architectural and local historical value.

Above a high polygonal granite masonry plinth, a two-storey clinker brick building with a flat central projection under an ornamental gable, the historicist facade structure with belts and cornices, German tape, sandstone window frames. The main entrance with a sandstone pedicure, arched lintels in alternating brick colors, keystones and decorative metal tie rods. A later roof extension with long caterpillars, gable roof.


Residential building August-Bebel-Strasse 38
Late 18th century The upper floor on the eaves side with plastered half-timbering, a testimony to rural architecture with architectural significance.

Above a high quarry stone plinth, a massive ground floor with partly granite window frames, the upper floor partly still timber-framed with original-sized windows on the eaves. The roof as a slate saddle roof, the construction seam in the middle of the gable side makes it possible to double the area under a new roof structure.


Former rectory, now a residential building August-Bebel-Strasse 44
marked 1672 The upper floor as half-timbered with St. Andrew's crosses over a richly profiled threshold, as part of the ensemble around the church of great architectural and local historical importance.

A high ground floor massive and changed, partly stone window frames, the upper floor half-timbered, plastered. With St. Andrew's crosses over a richly profiled threshold with end boards, there is a date incised, arched windows, partly doubled. The profiled eaves with console-like front timber, the gable clad, a steep slate saddle roof, dating in the threshold on the upper floor: "1672" and "CGCHHC".


Residential building August-Bebel-Strasse 46
1st half of the 19th century The upper floor half-timbered, as part of the rural structure around the church of architectural significance.

The ground floor was massive and modified, a drilled granite door frame with keystone, the upper floor timber frame boarded, the windows slightly enlarged, boarded gables, the roof as a gable roof.


Rectory August-Bebel-Strasse 48
around 1905 A simple testimony to the renewal of the village around 1900 with local historical significance.

Above a granite-clad hanging base, a two-storey solid building with simple plastered structure through smooth corner pilasters, artificial stone window frames, gable with ornamental framework, a wide, sloped hipped roof with standing dormers, wooden canopy. The front door from the construction period of the building.


Residential house, with enclosure August-Bebel-Strasse 56
around 1908 A villa-like plastered building under Art Nouveau influences, with building-historical and local quality.

A two-storey plastered building above a granite block-clad hanging base, structured by grooved corner pilasters, blue glazed decorative tiles, cast stone archivolts over the windows on the ground floor, Art Nouveau parapet panels and decorative glazing on the left, flat bay bay. A two-axis dwelling under a tail gable with Art Nouveau relief with a mascaron, mansard roof. The enclosure over a granite plinth with Art Nouveau metal grille elements.


Residential building August-Bebel-Strasse 58
marked 1908 A villa-like plastered building in the strict Art Nouveau style , of architectural relevance.

A two-storey plastered building, a grooved corner cuboid with Art Nouveau capitals, mirror fields in ridge plaster and baroque stucco stucco above a granite ashlar hanging base. Two flat standing bay windows, rounded and octagonal broken and with a Welscher hood, the roof as a mansard roof.


Residential stable of a two-sided courtyard August-Bebel-Strasse 91
around 1814, according to the owner The upper floor half-timbered, as part of the older village development of architectural value.

The ground floor was massive, windows and doors changed, the upper floor timbered, the windows in historical size, gable roof.


Residential house of a two-sided courtyard August-Bebel-Strasse 98
marked 1749 The upper floor timber-framed, a stately part of the historic rural settlement structure, of architectural value.

The ground floor is massive and modified, the upper floor is timbered over a profiled threshold with timber. The windows slightly enlarged, the gables slated, a slate saddle roof with two rows of standing dormers.


Road bridge over the Zschorlaubach Brauhausstrasse 1 (near)
marked 1811 The stone arch bridge is a testimony to the historical development of Zschorlaus with significance in terms of traffic history.

A simple single-arched stone arch bridge, made of granite blocks, lightly worked keystones, labeled "1811", the railing modern.


Residential building Brauhausstrasse 12
Mid 19th century The upper floor half-timbered as a typical example of the village development with architectural historical value.

The ground floor was massive, gray plaster, the upper floor timbered, the windows of historical size, the gables boarded up. The roof as a gable roof.


Cottage Eibenstocker Strasse 9
1st half of the 19th century As part of the old village structure, due to its size, it is singular in the local area of ​​social-historical importance.

The ground floor is massive, the windows slightly enlarged with plastering flaps, the upper floor timber-framed, sawn window frames, a gable roof.


House of a farm Fischergasse 6
1848, according to the owner A typical example of rural half-timbered construction as part of the old village structure with architectural significance.

The ground floor was massive and changed, the windows enlarged, on the upper floor half-timbered and slated, the windows slightly enlarged, gables slated, on the slope a large gable with a mountain door.


Residential house (surrounding area) of a former two-sided courtyard Friedensstrasse 1
inscribed 1681 A half-timbered house, which is rare for the region, as part of the rural settlement structure of great architectural significance.

On the ground floor, surrounding framework to the right of the door 2/2 yokes, frame with a ship's fillet, otherwise massive, the windows with cleaning flaps, a segment-arched door with a keystone inscribed "2000", inside a beamed ceiling of the former block room, upper floor half-timbered over a profiled threshold with end boards, firebacks Renewed, profiled eaves, slate saddle roof with vertical dormers, cantilevered bay window on the back, boarded up, boarded gable.


Zigzag kiln and brick drying shed in a former brick factory Karlsbader Strasse 1
after 1900 As evidence of the industrial development of Zschorlaus with significance in the history of technology.
  • So-called zigzag kiln as a special form of the ring kiln : brick construction with sloping outer flanks, segment-arched entry openings to the multiple-angled, but continuous combustion chamber (these are arched).
  • Brick drying shed : As a stilted half-timbered construction above the kiln, boarded up horizontally, lattice windows and wooden hatches from the period of construction, central part basilically raised under a flat pitched gable roof with roof overhang, flatter side parts with pent roofs of the same inclination.

Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Mittelstrasse 1 (before)
after 1918 As a simple memorial with local historical value.

A stele made of roughly hewn granite blocks with embedded metal plaques with the names of the deceased and an artificial stone slab replaced around 1950 (inscription: “Die Toten admon / Never again war”) tapered over a square ground plan.


House of a farm, without extensions Mühlenweg 17
around 1850 The upper floor timber-frame clad, a characteristic part of the old local structure with architectural relevance.

The ground floor was massive and modified, the gable-side stone window frames, the upper floor timber-framed, historical four-wing windows with fixed spars, gable-side gallows windows, the gable (with small arched windows) slated, slate gable roof.


Residential stable house and barn of a two-sided courtyard Mühlenweg 27
2nd half of the 19th century A stately farm for Zschorlau with architectural and local significance.
  • Residential stable house: The ground floor is solid, plastered, the windows and doors with granite walls, the upper floor timber-frame, the windows the size of the construction period, a saddle roof with standing dormers,
  • Barn: With a massive basement entrance made of quarry stone masonry, timber-framed construction, half-hipped roof, typical stalk fence.

Schneeberger Revier: headframe, shaft and dump Neustädtler Strasse 13
1887/1888 (headframe) Evidence of mining that characterizes the landscape, headframe as the oldest and as one of the few ever preserved, of great rarity in Saxony, of particular importance in terms of technology, mining and local history.

Individual features of the aggregate (see also aggregate 09301575):

  • Headframe: erected in 1887/1888 for the purpose of transporting ore using a steam conveyor system, the oldest headframe preserved in the GDR, made of riveted iron framework with rope sheave under corrugated iron roof, on concrete foundations, rope sheaves originally for guiding flat ropes for turbine operation, today installed rope sheaves for round rope operation (from the New Year's shaft - see object 08958091 - originating),
  • Shaft: sunk in 1838–1844, barrel-length shaft, ore conveying with double trolleys on rail, originally with horse peg, from 1887/1888 with steam conveyor system,
  • Dump: Large flat slab dump, important mine in the Schneeberger Revier, here extraction of silver, cobalt and bismuth, belonged to the former mining field of the Turks mine, first mentioned in 1647 (1745 takeover of the Young Turks Fundgrube by the neighboring Jung Wildschwein mine, 1820 the union of Jung Wildschwein with the Bergkappe mine, 1880 consolidation of Bergkappe with other Schneeberger cobalt mines to form the Schneeberger cobalt field), 1838–1844 sinking of a new extraction shaft (Türkschacht) through the Bergkappe mine, 1844 erection of a horse peg for ore extraction, although the mining office was already building it at that time conveyed by Wassergöpeln and water column machines, water retention by means of an artificial wheel (diameter of the artificial wheel : 13.8 meters) installed between 1845 and 1848, which determines the height of fall between the Türkner watercourse (derivation of impact water from the Zschorlaubach from a weir built in 1848 over a Rösche) and the Hahnekräher Stolln (cf. Object 08958014), drainage of the impact and pit water via the cockerel Stolln to the Weißer Hirsch pit (cf.Object 08958028, 08958029 and 08958032), 1886/1887 replacement of the artificial wheel with a water column machine built in 1851/1852 from the Weißer Hirsch pit (this also part of the Schneeberger cobalt field), installation of the water column machine between the Türkner watercourse and the Hahnekräher Stolln (operated a pressure set, power: 7.8 PS, used drop height: 28 meters), 1887/1888 new construction of a headframe over the barrel-length shaft and construction of one Steam conveyor system with lying 34 HP twin steam engine, horse peg and steam conveyor system in operation side by side until 1930, then demolition of the horse peg (at that time the last one preserved in the Schneeberger Revier), 1946/1947 takeover of various Schneeberger shafts, including the Türk shaft, by SAG Bismuth in the course of uranium ore mining, but this shifted to Niederschlema he corridor, hence ultimately the closure of the Türkschachtes.

Headframe, shaft and heap of the Türkschachts - the entirety of evidence of the Schneeberg-Neustädtel mining from opencast and mine buildings, heaps, hydraulic engineering systems etc. from several centuries, including individual monuments protruding in the municipality of Zschorlau Neustädtler Strasse 13 15-19 Century A coherent entity in terms of content and appearance, of relevance to the landscape and the image of the town, of outstanding, complex and sometimes singular importance for the history of ore mining in Saxony.

The aggregate component of the aggregate Schneeberger Revier: (see individual features 08958581) and the aggregate part: a dump (see also aggregate list of the community of Schneeberg - Obj. 09301518)

As a whole in the Schneeberger Revier with the following individual monuments in the community of Zschorlau:
- 43. Object 08958581 - Türkschacht: headframe, shaft and dump (Zschorlau, Neustädtler Straße 13, Zschorlau district, parcels 1109/5, 1109/4, 1108/3, 1108 / 2)
Material entirety of the Schneeberger Revier, with the following material parts in the municipality of Zschorlau:
- Halde south of the Türkschachts (district Zschorlau, parcels 1109/16, 1113/2)


Overburden dump of a former bismuth mine Rudolf-Breitscheid-Strasse 25 (near)
around 1955 A mining testimony with relevance to the townscape, technical history and local history.

The waste dump of the Bergsegen 1 mining facility is located above the sports field, in the form of a table mountain dump, which is now green.


school Schulstrasse 2 1912-1913 A striking building of late historicism under the influence of reform style, interestingly structured plastered building with clock tower, with local historical, architectural and local significance.

A two-storey plastered angular building above a granite ashlar clad slope. A re-entrant corner is broken and raised with the second floor under a stepped clock tower under a slate roof dome. A two-story box bay window and entrance porch to loosen up the building mass, the windows of the classrooms were renewed, some interior doors that were built during the construction period, a slate hipped roof with long pike roofs.


Pit building of the old mining area in Gößnitzgrund with mouth hole of St. Anna tunnel Talstrasse
from 15th century Predominantly authentically preserved and from the 1990s worked on underground facilities of several pits, including the most important silver mine St. Anna am Freudenstein, mouth hole of the St. Anna tunnel as the only, predominantly unadulterated tunnel mouth hole, together with the preserved and accessible Stölln shafts Mining, ore mining and a wheel room of importance in terms of mining history and technology history.

The property extends over three communities: Zschorlau (OT Zschorlau, Zschorlau district: Object 08958536), Schneeberg (Schneeberg district, Neustädtel district: Object 09306183), Aue (Auerhammer district, Auerhammer district: Object 09306184).

An old mining area from the 15th / 16th centuries Century in the Gößnitzgrund on the Gleesberghang between Aue and Zschorlau, belonging to the Schneeberger Revier, a pit field of several pits, which here at different times and sometimes under changing names, mainly silver ores, but initially also tin and iron, later cobalt (quartzite, for blue color production), mined bismuth and finally tungsten ores, well-known mine names were:

  • Bernhardt treasure trove
  • God's sending treasure trove
  • Grave pit
  • Glück Stern Stolln
  • Silberkammer treasure trove and tunnel
  • St. Anna am Freudenstein
  • Old stone of joy
  • New stone of joy
  • Maria Magdalena Stolln
  • Troster Stolln
  • Kingdom of God treasure trove
  • Renkert treasure trove
  • St. Brigitta treasure trove
  • Vogelsang treasure trove
  • Young Rappolt treasure trove

The St. Anna am Freudenstein mine was the best known of the mine, first mentioned in a document in 1492, operated until 1872, in 1526 "the ore grew over the reel" (Meltzer 1716, p. 903) (that is, dignified to the surface of the earth were enough), was also one of the first Schneeberger pits to line their shafts (ibid., p. 186f.),

About the characteristics of the mine and
opencast buildings: Open-cast shafts formerly with wooden chews, excavation of piles and ore mining by means of fire (soot traces on the roofs, typical widening) as well as with mallets and iron, narrow pits with irregular, oval and often slightly inclined cross-sections (originally no vaulting of the mouth holes), reel shafts between the dismantling, special features: an approximately 12 meter high wheel room with hammered recesses for the wooden artificial wheel (not preserved) as well as an approximately 55 meter long, 6 meter wide and 5 meter high quartz mining of the so-called "quartz mine" or "Quarzhöhle" (mined white quartz for cobalt paint production, documented since 1776, was originally an apartment-leaning of the Bernhardt Fundgrube), a reshaping of the pit by subsequent mining activities hardly took place in this area!

Regarding today's surface facilities:
In addition to a few heaps, the relatively elaborately designed mouth holes covered with dry masonry are what catch the eye today, which, like the chews, are pure replicas of such facilities in other mining areas that were created in the 1990s. Rather, the Stölln in the Gößnitzgrund originally had simple, irregular openings in the natural rock analogous to the mouth hole of the St. Anna Stolln. The above-ground facilities are therefore not monuments due to their lack of authenticity!


Boundary stone between two medieval domains Talstrasse
around 1400 As part of the mining ensemble around the St. Anna show mine and as one of the oldest evidence of the German settlement of the Western Ore Mountains of great regional historical relevance.

Boundary signs of the families von der Planitz from Wiesenburg and from Tettau on Schwarzenberg and Schönburger Herrschaft, today the field boundary between Aue (-Auerhammer) - Schneeberg-Neustädtel - Zschorlau.


Former gas works (hall with extension) Talstrasse 1
1907 A typical industrial building as evidence of the historical infrastructure, of local and technical historical importance, today part of the mining ensemble around the St. Anna am Freudenstein mine.

A plastered brick building above a granite ashlar plinth, simple structure with pilaster strips, smoothly plastered corner pilasters and bezels around window openings. The hall with two rows of arched openings and metal lattice windows from the construction period (preserved behind the walling of the windows on the street side), a saddle roof sloping over a light metal roof truss with an overhang, on each side a flatter component with corresponding arched windows and shallow pitched pent roofs.


Company ditch of the former Auerhammer wood grinding shop Lower way
around 1920 Part of the complex hydropower plant of a former production site, of technical historical importance.

The company ditch begins on Zschorlauer Flur at a weir of the Zwickauer Mulde (Zschorlauer / Bockauer Flur near the railway tunnel of the Schwarzenberg – Zwickau railway line, name: Wehr Auerhammer 1, Wehr-ID773 in the defense database of the SMUL - check monument value!), Wider, partly with Granite-fortified artificial canal on the left slope of the Muldental valley below the Schneeberger Floßgraben, ends at the computer house in the municipality of Aue (compare the associated structural and technical systems in the municipality of Aue, Auerhammer district, parcels 57/8, 57/10, 57/11, 57/12 , 58a, 59/3, 59/6, 59/8, 59/10, object 08957512).



image designation location Dating description ID
Road bridge over the Zwickauer Mulde, the Floßgraben and a railway line (Map) 2nd half of the 19th century A stone arch bridge in a mighty construction, as a technical monument with relevance to the history of traffic and the appearance of the town.

The bridge is located in the communities of Zschorlau and Bockau (see also object 09306084). A three-arched, high stone arch bridge made of pink granite ashlars, the fighter points provisionally strengthened with steel girders, a simple metal railing and the bridge crown not built during the construction period.


Memorial stone (Map) Late 19th century On the pulpit (also known as the high rock) above the Muldental, simple dedication with local historical significance. On the lookout rock about 40 meters above the valley of the Mulde a rounded memorial stone made of red granite with the inscription: "Dedicated to all admirers of nature". 08958570

The whole of the Schneeberger Floßgraben, with Rechenhaus, Floßgraben and Floßgrabensteig in the municipalities of Zschorlau (OT Zschorlau, OT Albernau), Aue (districts Aue and Auerhammer) and Bad Schlema (OT Bad Schlema), of which the sub-section Zschorlau, OT Albernau: the single monument Rechenhaus (see individual monument 08992432, Schindlerswerk 1) and the aggregate part: Floßgraben with Floßgrabensteig (see also other aggregate components in the aggregate list: Zschorlau, OT Zschorlau - Obj. 09301529, Aue, Stadt - Obj. 08957509 and Bad Schlema, OT Bad Schlema - Obj. 09301528) (Map) 1556-1559 As a significant testimony to the art of mine sheaths and the logging of firewood and timber to supply the Schneeberg smelting works and mines, of value in terms of mining history, technology history and regional history.

The Schneeberg smelting works and mines were dependent on the expensive timber transport with carts from distant forest areas after firewood and construction wood from the immediate area was already in short supply. In order to reduce transport costs in the long term, a raft ditch over 15 km long from the Zwickauer Mulde near Albernau to Oberschlema was built between 1556 and 1559 on the basis of surveying work by the surveyor Christoph Kuntzmann. From 1560 onwards, in spring and autumn with more water, the wood required was lifted from the forests of the Auersberg region near Eibenstock over the Zwickauer Mulde and the raft ditch on the left slope of the Mulde valley to Oberschlema. It was temporarily stored at the mine site there, and then with the help of carts it was brought to the customers in Schneeberg. In addition, the water from the ditch was used to power the water wheels of nearby mills, hammer mills and other trades, and later also to supply industrial water to factories. Despite some changes due to renovation measures in around 1935 and from 1991 or due to its shortening due to the bismuth mining in Bad Schlema, the raft ditch is today an important testimony to the contemporary art of mine sheaths and the timber industry. Due to its role in supplying the Schneeberg smelting works and mines as well as the town of Schneeberg itself with firewood and construction wood, the raft ditch is of relevance in terms of mining history, technology history and regional history.

Schneeberger Floßgraben, also known as Schlemaer or Auer Floßgraben: a canal built between Albernau and Schlema for the purpose of timber rafting (supplying the Schneeberger smelting works and mines with firewood and pit wood, later used to power various mills and for process water from nearby factories), laid between 1556 and 1556 . 1559, branching off from the Zwickauer Mulde at the weir at the Rechenhaus near Albernau not far from Bockau (Rechenhaus built in 1559 as the home of the raft master and mathematician, built there in 1844 as a wooden weir, destroyed by floods in 1954 and only remnants left), Artificial canal with a parallel raft ditch path (operating platform for the ditch climbers for the purpose of control / maintenance and for the raftsmen during the wood drift) 15.3 km long and 1–1.5 m average width (originally 1.8–2 m), slope 1: 220 m, runs on the left Muldenhang, crosses the Zschorlaubach by means of a newly built floodlight as well as the railway tunnel of the later Schwarzenberg – Zwickau railway line, partly with paved bank area made of granite ashlar, brick or quarry stone, partly also concrete, with numerous bridges to private property, still today Carrying water, but at the beginning and the end no longer corresponding to the original form, original end at Zechenplatz in Oberschlema, was interrupted here by bismuth uranium mining, after the deformation area had been redeveloped, the further course of the trench through the spa park now flows into the Schlemabach with a height difference of 70 m, approx. 200 m away at the entrance from Unteren Weg to the raft ditch The year 1746, carved into the rock, was used as a marker to divide the raft ditch into sections (cf. a floor plan of the Schneeberg raft ditch from 1795: front raft ditch - "Oberschlemm up to the Zschorlauer weir", middle ditch - "Zschorlauer weir up to the year", rear raft ditch - "year up to the collection point").


Residential building Albernauer Hauptstrasse 10
around 1850 A characteristic testimony to the historic structure of the village, of architectural significance.

The ground floor is massive, stone door and window frames, partly plastered over. The upper floor half-timbered, the gable decoratively slated, four-winged windows with fixed transom. A front door from the construction period with an ornamental rooflight, a crooked hip roof.


War memorial for the fallen soldiers of the First World War Farbmühler Berg
subsequently referred to in 1923 A massive monument with relevance to local history.

Above a three-tiered base, a massive monument made of coarse granite blocks, inlaid copper plates with the names of the fallen in Art Nouveau letters, below the central panel a rough relief of a steel helmet. The property was expanded in 2004 to accommodate those who fell in the Second World War.


Parentation hall in the cemetery Farbmühler Berg
around 1900 A testimony with architectural historical significance laid out in formal agreement with the nearby parish church, largely authentically preserved.

A single-storey solid building above a granite base, the corner blocks made of sandstone, the door and window walls also made of sandstone. A construction-time door under the oculus, a tail gable, a slate roof turret with a copper Welscher hood.


church Kirchstrasse
1896-1897, designated 1897 A hall church with a retracted choir and south tower, as an essential part of the old village structure in sober, picturesque German neo-Renaissance, of importance in terms of building history, the history of the town and the townscape. 08958571

Residence of the raft and arithmetic master Schindlerswerk 1
mentioned in 1556 In the context of the Schneeberger Floßgraben of great importance in terms of mining history and regional history, as a later excursion restaurant also of local historical relevance, also shaping the landscape.

Individual monument of the entity Schneeberger Floßgraben: (see also entity in the community Zschorlau, OT Albernau - Obj. 09301527)

The computer house is a massive single-storey building with a generous hipped roof, covered with slate, with a turret. The building was built in 1556–1559 as the home of the raft and arithmetic master (also called "Huthäuschen"), rebuilt as a result of the floods in 1694, reconstruction in 1884 (the current mansard roof was added), from 1925 with a turret, is located in the immediate vicinity Water intake of the Schneeberger raft ditch:

  • Schneeberger Floßgraben, also known as Schlemaer or Auer Floßgraben: for the purpose of logging between 1556 and 1556. 15.3 km long canal built in 1559 between Albernau and Schlema (supplying the Schneeberger smelting works and mines with firewood and pit wood, later used to feed various mills and for process water from nearby factories), branching off from the Zwickauer Mulde at the weir at the computer house ( initially a wooden weir, replaced by a stone one in 1844, destroyed by floods in 1954, since then only remnants of the river have been preserved), originally ending at Schlemaer Zechenplatz (cf.
  • Raft and arithmetic master responsible for sorting the wood that arrived at the rake, pouring the wood into the raft ditch, as well as for the maintenance and operation of the weir system in the Zwickauer Mulde and, associated with this, for regulating the water flow into the ditch, he also owned The licensing right, with another apartment for the Grabensteiger (responsible for the control and maintenance of the raft ditch), the building continued to serve as a residential building after the abolition of the rafting operations, 1925/1926 conversion to an excursion restaurant, during GDR times HO restaurant, since 1956 property of the Albernau municipality , Renovated in 1997, still used as a restaurant.

Residential building Schindlerswerk 2
Late 19th century A plastered building with simple Swiss-style influences, as a former residential building for administrative employees of the blue color factory, part of the technical monument ensemble Schindler's work, of local historical value.

A two-storey plastered building with a flat biaxial central projection under a roof house with a simple ornamental chevron, simple plaster structure through rough plaster with smooth corner pilasters and belts, a flat pitched gable roof with overhang, original windows with winter glazing (2000). On the gable side a wooden porch with glazing from the period of construction and sun gables.


Residential building Schindlerswerk 3
1st half of the 19th century The upper floor half-timbered clad, as a former workers' house of the blue color factory part of the technical monument ensemble Schindler's work, with socio-historical significance.

The ground floor is solid, granite walls, original axis distribution, the upper floor timber-frame clad. The roof is designed as a gable roof.


House and outbuildings Schindlerswerk 4
End of the 19th century A clinker brick building with simple Swiss style influences, as part of the technical monument ensemble Schindler's work, with architectural and local significance.

On a high granite polygonal plinth, a single-storey building in red clinker brick built into the slope, the sandstone walls with discharge arches, original window arrangement, on the valley side a dwelling-house with a simple floating gable with ornamental chevron and sandstone-clad biforium, roof overhang, slope-side extended entrance area.

The outbuilding on a high polygonal masonry base, single-storey wooden structure with original boarding, wooden window and door frames, gable roof with roofing felt.


Residential house, with side retaining wall Schindlerswerk 5
1st half of the 19th century The upper floor half-timbered clad, as a former workers' house of the blue color factory Schindler's factory, with granite dry stone walls on the side, in the context of the factory, of architectural and socio-historical importance.

On a high base with a vaulted cellar, bordered on the sides by granite dry stone walls, the ground floor solid, plastering, the upper floor timber-frame, clad, original window axes on the first floor and first floor, hipped roof.


Residential house, with retaining walls Schindlerswerk 6
1st half of the 19th century A workers' house of the Schindler blue paint factory, in the context of the factory and of socio-historical significance.

On a high plastered base with a vaulted cellar, a two-story half-timbered building, clad all around with original window sizes. A steep gable roof, the hillside retaining walls made of granite and field stones.


Residential building Schindlerswerk 7
1912 A stately building in forms between reform style and traditional Black Forest architecture, formerly a residential building for administrative employees of the blue color factory, part of the technical monument ensemble Schindler's work, of architectural and local historical value.

A two-storey plastered building with rough plaster from the construction period is over a high, granite-block-clad slope. Simple plastering around the windows and doors, windows from the period of construction with wooden shutters (2000), a two-storey octagonal cantilever bay window with inserted decorative columns facing the valley at each corner of the building. A wooden canopy and on one gable side a two-storey wooden balcony, partly glazed during the construction period. The mighty half-hipped roof in the style of Black Forest houses, the gable surfaces clad, the original front door and historical wooden bench.


Former inn of the blue paint factory Schindlerswerk 8
1902 The building, originally a restaurant for the workers, later used as a works canteen, is part of the technical monument ensemble of Schindler's work of local historical importance.
  • A three-storey building with a semi-exposed basement and basement (granite ashlar basement), an undeveloped attic storey with a knee-high floor and hanging framing for the ceiling above the upper storey, plastered building with simple Swiss-style motifs, flat central projectile with a deeply drawn-in entrance, front door and attic house with a simple Ornamental rafters, original segment arched windows with box double windows (with gallows), boarded jamb area, flat sloping gable roof with a wide roof overhang.
  • In the basement, former pantry and storage rooms, on the ground floor, guest room, kitchen and “master's room” (salon rooms), upstairs living rooms and a “guest room” (club room), vacant; the load-bearing walls made of brickwork: 38 cm thick on the 1st and 2nd floors, 24 cm thick in the attic
  • Basement: cap vault,
  • Ground floor: wooden beams with floorboards, insert and plastered ceiling,
  • Upper floor: Formerly spanned by a beamed ceiling hanging from two longitudinal girders of a truss, strong signs of deterioration on roof structures and wooden beamed ceilings.

The whole of the blue color factory »Schindlerswerk«, with the individual monuments: mansion (office), warehouse, laboratory, box-making, sawmill, former machine house, wet mill, drainage and slurry mill, blue mill, barrel packing and dry mill, mechanical workshop, large hut 1 and 2, clay molding and sorting , Shipping, packing, box house and two chimneys Schindlerswerk 9
founded in 1649 (blue color factory) As significant evidence of the early Saxon coal and steel industry with high technical-historical, architectural and local historical relevance (designation of the building parts according to the modern works plan), formerly an important location for the previously self-sufficient paint production.

History : 1649 Erasmus Schindler founded the blue color factory, around 1700 his own factory school, 1720 building a new board and saw mill, around 1763 the Schindler factory consisted of a manor house, trading post, factor apartments, storehouses, defeats and a grinding and cutting mill, 1855 conversion into an ultramarine factory, end 19th century new construction of civil servants' houses, own electrical energy supply, 1886 new construction of wood grinding and cardboard factory, 1948 VVB "Lacke und Farben", Leipzig, from 1949 the only manufacturer of ultramarine blue in the GDR, 1987 product range expansion through the manufacture of paints, after 1990 GmbH "Ultramarine factory Schindlerswerk" Sächsische Blaufarbenwerk GmbH, in operation, furnace house in ruins before 2015.

Protected goods

  • A) Manor house (office) of the factory that produced cobalt blue until 1855, then ultramarine blue: after a fire, the original half-timbered upper floor was restored in the 2nd half of the 19th century as a two-storey plastered building with sparingly plastered structure through profiled window frames, pilaster strips and webbing, pointed arched grooved portal walls ( around 1925), gable roof with central turret and dwarf house, groined vaults on the ground floor without belt arches, some as multi-aisled halls, iron doors from the construction period with simple hinges, fittings and locks, arched window reveals and window grids, historical windows, wide staircase.
  • B) Laboratory (originally probably a gate building): in the core of the 17th century, exterior construction changed, two-storey solid construction with deep groin vaults in the former passage and the neighboring room, on the upper floor above the former passage groin vaults, arched window reveals and enormous wall thicknesses.
  • C) Magazine: two-storey massive storage building from the 17th century? with segment-arched loading doors, basket-arched reveals in the gable side and enormous wall thicknesses, eaves-side loading door on the upper floor with granite walls, steep gable roof, slated, inside a large barrel vault up to the roof structure, divided by two heavy retracted beam ceilings, each on granite console stones, probably from the building construction from Nickelhütte Aue, blue ink factory from 1635.
  • D) Nassmühle / Former machine house (water house), sawmill and box-making shop: plastered buildings with characteristic arched windows, flat pitched gable roofs, with metallic radial sprouting and plastered wedge stones, inside the former water house building-time doors from around 1855 and two gothic cast-iron columns in the wall on the slope side openings for waterwheel shafts that have since been blocked.
  • E) Drainage and silting: 14-axis two-storey plastered building with jamb floor, flat central projectile under the gabled roof house, facade structure through arched windows on the ground floor with radial sprouting from the construction period and straps, belts and cornices, central projecting with simple plastered cuboid, flat-inclined saddle roof.
  • F) Blaumühle (without elevator extension): two-storey plastered building with two-axis gabled side elevation and thermal bath window, facade structure by pilaster strips and simple mirrors in the parapet area, narrow belt straps made of glazed bricks, segment-arched lintels made of bricks, historic lattice windows, jamb with slit windows, flat-inclined saddle roof.
  • G) Dry mill and barrel packing: three-storey plastered building on the eaves with arched windows on the ground floor, structured by cornices and plastered, square window frames, windows from the period of construction, modern driveways broken in, flat pitched gable roof.
  • H) Large hut 1 and 2: single-storey factory halls under pitched roofs with wooden roof trusses, characteristic facade structure through arched windows with plastered wedge stones and metal radial sprouting from the building period, inside row kilns made of bricks and fireclay crucibles for burning ultramarine blue, on an octagonal base round forge made of bricks .
  • I) Packing, baths and dispatch: two-storey plastered building with a T-shaped floor plan, formerly arched windows with square archivolts made of plaster, facade structure by grooved corner pilasters, circumferential belt straps and cornices on the ground floor at height, flat pitched gable roof.
  • J) Chimney: on a square base, tapering, octagonal brick chimney with a round wall.
  • K) Residential building (formerly "Schachtelhaus"): heavily refurbished three-storey plastered building with a simple facade structure using belts and cornices, plastered window frames, flat-pitched gable roof.

Residential building Schindlerswerk 10
Mid 19th century As the so-called long house, the stable of the blue paint works, part of the technical monument ensemble Schindler's work, with local historical significance.

An elongated two-storey solid building on a granite ashlar base in 15: 3 axes, garages and shop fittings in the front part, granite door walls with cornice roofing, a simple plaster structure, in the gable two arched windows with original glazing (2000), saddle roof, used as consumer goods after 1945.


Residential building Schindlerswerk 11
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) An old coachman's house of the blue color factory, half-timbered building of high authenticity, part of the technical monument ensemble Schindler's work, with local and architectural significance.

The ground floor made of brick, plastered, the wooden door walls from the 1920s, the upper floor half-timbered, filled in with bricks, original window sizes, boarded up in the rear, on both sides an extra boarded staircase to the upper floor, gable triangle clad, the roof as a gable roof.


Factory owner's villa Schindlerswerk 12
around 1900 As part of the monument ensemble Schindler's work of architectural and local historical value.

A one-storey yellow clinker brick building on an irregular floor plan with a high basement, the structure by pilaster strips and belts, the tall rectangular windows with profiled roofing on consoles. A wide cornice with plastered structure, the original wooden veranda with original glazing, the roof as a mansard roof with standing dormers and round dormer windows made of zinc sheet.


Cardboard factory (formerly paper mill) of the blue paint factory »Schindlerswerk« Schindlerswerk 14
1886, in essence probably older (cardboard factory) A part of the technical monument ensemble of Schindler's work, somewhat remote from the main factory, with architectural, technical and local significance. 08958562

Residential building Teichstrasse 10
1692 Dendro As a half-timbered house for the region, a rare testimony to rural half-timbered architecture in its original appearance, of importance in terms of architectural history.

The ground floor is solid, the granite door frame, 2/2 yokes on the right, the outside of the block room plastered, wooden window frames, the headbands with leaves. A high half-timbered upper storey above a profiled threshold and front timber that changed the windows. A steep, sloping gable roof. The original building with the rear side, during a renovation around 1935 an extension in the Heimatschutz style: quarry stone masonry with wood-clad top and gable roof, windows and doors from the period of construction. The enclosure as a stalk fence typical of the landscape, a large linden tree as a house tree.



image designation location Dating description ID
Memorial stone (Map) marked 1857 A memorial stone for EWT Schulze, the simple memorial with local historical significance.

It is a rectangular granite block with the blackened inscription: "EWT Schulze 1857".


milestone Hauptstrasse 7 (opposite)
2nd half of the 19th century (milestone) A roughly one meter high, flat granite stone with a semicircular finish, the mileage and location details drawn in black, the edges beveled, with the inscription: "Schneeberg 7.3 km / Neustädtel 5.6 km / Eibenstock 6.5 km" . 08958578

Door frame of a residential building Hauptstrasse 28
marked 1823 The basket arch portal is a listed component of a farmhouse and is of value in the history of handicrafts.

These are segmented granite walls with simple profiles and ears, fighter plates, the keystone is labeled "1823 CSF".



  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

Web links

Commons : Cultural monuments in Zschorlau  - collection of images, videos and audio files