List of executions by the IS

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The list of executions by the IS includes cases of executed people by the terrorist active Salafist militia Islamic State (IS), which were taken up in the media and should not be understood as a comprehensive or complete representation of all executions by the IS. The IS supports its claim to power through executions, including many mass executions, and invokes its interpretation of the Sharia . In mid-November 2014, observers assumed there would be at least 1,500 executions in Syria alone . Often, images are distributed via social media , which IS sees as propaganda for their own cause. During the execution of foreign hostages, until his death in a drone attack on November 12, 2015, a perpetrator who was referred to by the Western media as Jihadi John was also most likely to appear .

The Syrian-Kurdish gorge Houtat Sulūk was used as a mass grave by IS in particular.


Alleged time of the crime Publication in the media Victim description Swell)
Spring 2014 October 25, 2014 Sergei Gorbunov The Russian technician was kidnapped in Syria on October 24, 2013 and killed in spring 2014. Pictures of his execution were shown to the other IS prisoners with the information that they will also be executed if the governments of their countries of origin do not pay a ransom. [1]
June 10, 2014 August 25, 2014 about 670 prisoners in Mosul When the city of Mosul was taken , a massacre of around 670 predominantly Shiite prisoners in Badusch prison is said to have occurred on June 10, 2014 . [2]
June 12, 2014 15th June 2014 770 to 1700 Iraqi soldiers captured in Tikrit At Camp Speicher Massacre of the city were executed several hundred Iraqi soldiers on 12 June 2014 in the days following the conquest. According to estimates by Human Rights Watch 770 people were killed around. The IS stated that it had executed around 1,700 Shiite soldiers. Mass graves were found at Camp Speicher in December 2015. [3] , [4]
June 2014 August 26, 2014 about 700 Turkmens near Beshir In the northern Iraqi village of Beshir , an estimated 700 Turkmen were executed by IS as of June 11, 2014 . [5]
June 2014 June 29, 2014 nine men near Aleppo At the end of June 2014, a total of nine members of other rebel groups were crucified near Aleppo . [6]
from July 2014 from July 2014 several hundred or thousand Yazidis in Iraq When the IS militia marched into northern Iraq, mass executions of Kurdish Yazidis were carried out in numerous cities and villages . Around 500 people are said to have been executed in Sinjar alone . [7] The exact number of victims is unknown, the UN assumes up to 5,000 deaths. Many people are missing and mass graves have been discovered in some recaptured areas such as Hardan . [8] , [9]
July 2014 19th July 2014 about 200 Syrian soldiers near Homs When the Scha'ar gas field near Homs was taken in the meantime , around 200 Syrian soldiers were executed by IS in mid-July 2014. [10]
July 2014 July 26, 2014 about 50 Syrian soldiers in Ar-Raqqah A series of beheadings took place following the fall of the 17th Division headquarters in Ar-Raqqah on July 25, 2014.
August 2014 August 16, 2014 about 930 members of a Syrian tribe in Deir ez-Zor governorate At the beginning of August 2014, around 700 members of the Shuʿaitat tribe , who had rebelled against IS, were executed in the Deir ez-Zor governorate, Syria . Around 100 were armed fighters, most of whom were civilians. A mass grave with about 230 other dead was later found. [11] , [12]
August 2014 19th August 2014 James Foley Foley was an American journalist. He was kidnapped on November 22, 2012 in Syria near the Turkish border. The video of his beheading was released on August 19, 2014.
August 2014 23rd August 2014 18 people in Syria In the second half of August 2014, at least 18 people were publicly executed in various locations in Syria (including ar-Raqqa governorate ) for allegedly collaborating with the government of Bashar al-Assad . Some victims were crucified in central places. [13]
August 2014 August 28, 2014 Ali al-Sayyed Ali al-Sayyed was a Lebanese soldier with the rank of lieutenant. He was taken prisoner by IS in Arsal . A video showing his beheading was released on August 28, 2014. [14]
August 2014 August 28, 2014 a soldier of the peshmerga An unnamed Peshmerga fighter was beheaded in front of the camera, the video was released on August 28, 2014. [15]
August 2014 August 28, 2014 about 160 Syrian soldiers in at-Tabqa According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , the victims were soldiers of a unit who wanted to flee from the IS fighters when the military airfield at-Tabqa fell at the end of August 2014. Film recordings by IS showed the captured soldiers marching barefoot in underpants. [16]
September 2014 2nd September 2014 Steven Sotloff The American-Israeli journalist was kidnapped near Aleppo in August 2013 . The video of his beheading was broadcast on September 2, 2014.
September 2014 September 6, 2014 Abbas Medlej Medlej was one of a group of around 19 Lebanese soldiers who were captured by IS in August 2014. He was beheaded in September 2014 after trying to escape, pictures of the crime were published on September 6, 2014. [17]
September 2014 September 13, 2014 David Haines The British aid worker was kidnapped in Syria in March 2013. The video of his beheading was released on September 13, 2014.
September 2014 September 24, 2014 Samira Salih Ali an-Nu'aimi and ten former parliamentary candidates in Mosul In addition to ten former parliamentary candidates, the Iraqi lawyer and human rights activist al-Nuaimi was publicly executed by IS in Mosul in mid-September 2014 after five days of torture for criticizing the destruction of religious sites by IS. [18]
September 2014 September 24, 2014 Hervé Gourdel The French mountain guide Gourdel was kidnapped by members of an Algerian IS offshoot on September 21, 2014 and beheaded a few days later in front of the camera. A video of the fact was released on September 24, 2014. [19]
October 2014 October 1, 2014 five Kurdish fighters and five other people in Kobane In early October 2014, IS reported that five Kurdish fighters, including three women, had been beheaded in Kobane . Four Arab rebels and one Kurdish civilian were also executed. [20] , [21]
October 2014 3rd October 2014 Alan Henning The British taxi driver and development worker was captured by IS in December 2013 while accompanying an aid convoy. The video of his beheading was broadcast on October 3, 2014.
October 2014 October 11, 2014 several women in Mosul and Tal Afar On October 11, 2014, it became known that at least eight Iraqi academics and political activists had been executed in Mosul and Tal Afar . Among them were two doctors, a lawyer and a former candidate for the city council in Mosul. [22]
October 2014 October 11, 2014 Raad Mohammed al-Azzawi and 15 other prisoners in Iraq The Iraqi cameraman al-Azzawi, who was captured by IS on September 7, 2014 and refused to cooperate with IS, as well as his brother and 14 other prisoners were reportedly reported on October 11, 2014 and a. executed in Samarra and Baiji . [23]
October 2014 October 14, 2014 Muhannad al-Akidi The Iraqi journalist al-Akidi has been detained in Mosul since July 2014 and was shot dead in mid-October 2014. His body showed signs of torture. [24]
October 2014 October 21, 2014 a woman in Syria A young woman was stoned to death by ISIS in Syria in the presence of her father because she is said to have had sexual intercourse outside of marriage. The execution was filmed. [25]
October and November 2014 Early November 2014 several hundred members of an Iraqi tribe in al-Anbar province In late October and early November 2014, several hundred members of the Sunni Albu Nimr tribe were executed in the Iraqi province of al-Anbar for fighting IS. The exact number of victims is unknown, observers assume that more than 630 deaths. [26]
November 2014 November 16, 2014 Peter Kassig Kassig worked as a development worker in Syria and was kidnapped on October 1, 2013 in Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. A video showing the American's severed head was released on November 16, 2014. [27]
November 2014 November 16, 2014 22 Syrian soldiers The video with the beheading of 22 Syrian soldiers was published on November 16, 2014. Jihadi John also appears in the 16-minute video. The recordings were shot with professional equipment. [28] , [29]
November 2014 November 25, 2014 two men in Syria At the end of November 2014, two young men were stoned to death in the Syrian governorate of Deir ez-Zor for allegedly being homosexual. Local activists reported that the indictment was an excuse to execute the two IS opponents. [30]
December 2014 December 2014 seven men in Syria and Iraq In early December 2014, a man was beheaded in the northern Syrian town of Suluk for alleged blasphemy . A few days later, four other men were beheaded at Homs on the same charge. A supposedly homosexual man was pushed off the roof of a house and stoned in the Vilayet al-Furat region during the same period. In the middle of the month a man at Tikrit is said to have been beheaded in public for alleged "witchcraft". [31] , [32] , [33] , [34]
December 2014 19th December 2014 about 100 IS fighters in Ar-Raqqah The Financial Times reported on December 19, 2014 that around 100 fighters who tried to leave the IS headquarters in Ar-Raqqah , Syria, were executed . [35]
January 2015 January 2015 five men and one woman in Syria and Iraq Earlier this month, a street performer was publicly beheaded in Ar-Raqqah for performing some magic tricks. [36] Two men were thrown from the roof of a skyscraper in Nineveh because they were allegedly homosexual. Two other men were crucified and shot in Mosul . One woman was sentenced to stoning for alleged adultery of Sheikh Abu Omar al-Ansari. The pictures were published in January 2015. [37]
January 2015 January 18, 2015 17 men in Deir ez-Zor 17 men were beheaded in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor in January 2015. The images were shared on Twitter. [38]
January 2015 January 13, 2015 Mamajew Jambulat Jesenjanowitsch and Aschimow Sergej Nikolajawitsch ISIS has made espionage allegations against Jesenyanovich from Jambul (Kazakhstan) and Nikolajawitsch. The video of her execution in the Sham, Syria area was broadcast on January 13, 2015. A child was involved in the shooting. [39]
January 2015 January 24, 2015 Haruna Yukawa The Japanese security service provider was captured in northern Syria on August 14, 2014 when IS militias overran a position of the Free Syrian Army . A picture of his decapitated body was published on January 24, 2015.
January 2015 January 25, 2015 Hujam Surchi Hujam Surchi was a member of the Peshmerga . He lived in the village of Bardasor near Bardarash and had eleven children. While defending Mosul , he was wounded and taken prisoner by IS on August 6, 2014. The video of his beheading was broadcast on January 25, 2015. [40] , [41]
January 2015 January 31, 2015 Kenji Gotō The Japanese journalist Gotō was captured in Syria in October 2014 when he tried to ask for the release of his compatriot Yukawa. A video of his beheading was released on January 31, 2015.
January 2015 End of January 2015 about 100 prisoners in Iraq and Syria In the first four weeks of 2015, around 100 IS prisoners in Iraq and Syria are said to have been executed by beheading, stoning or crucifixion. [42]
January 2015 3rd February 2015 Muʿādh al-Kasāsba al-Kasāsba was a Jordanian fighter pilot. He crashed on December 24, 2014 during a combat mission. A video of his cremation was distributed on February 3, 2015, and his execution presumably took place on January 3, 2015.
February 2015 February 9, 2015 eight Bedouins in Egypt The Egyptian terrorist organization Ansar Bait al-Maqdis , which professed ISIS in November 2014, published a video on February 9, 2015 that showed the beheading of eight alleged collaborators with the Israeli and Egyptian armies on the Sinai Peninsula . In August 2014, the group beheaded four alleged spies in front of the camera. [43] , [44]
February 2015 February 15, 2015 Beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya On February 15, 2015, a video was released showing the beheading of 21 Christian Copts from Egypt. The guest workers were kidnapped by the Libyan IS offshoot (in alleged coordination with the Ansar al-Sharia terror group ) between late December 2014 and early January 2015. [45] , [46]
February 2015 17th February 2015 30 to 45 civilians in the Iraqi province of al-Anbar According to a local police chief in the western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar , around 30 to 45 people were burned alive as part of a public execution in mid-February 2015 for allegedly collaborating with state security forces. [47]
February 2015 February 27, 2015 15 Assyrian Christians in Syria On February 27, 2015, it was announced that 15 people had allegedly been executed in the Syrian governorate of al-Hasakah . They belonged to a group of up to 350 Assyrian Christians who had been abducted a few days earlier. [48] , [49]
March 2015 March 2, 2015 four members of the Sahwa militia at Tikrit On March 2, 2015, a video was released showing the shooting of four members of the Sunni Sahwa militia near Tikrit . As early as December 2014, 13 members of the militia are said to have been executed. [50]
March 2015 March 2, 2015 two men in Nigeria The Nigerian terrorist organization Boko Haram , which swore allegiance to ISIS in March 2015, published a video on March 2 of the beheading of two alleged spies. In October 2014, the group had already filmed and disseminated the beheading of a Nigerian fighter pilot who had been captured. Numerous massacres with hundreds to thousands of deaths have also been committed against the civilian population, including in Baga in early January 2015 . [51] , [52] , [53] , [54]
March 2015 March 8, 2015 at least three security guards in Libya In the attack on the Al-Ghani oil field in the first week of March 2015, eleven security guards were killed, at least three of whom were beheaded after they had been taken in the meantime. [55]
March 2015 March 9, 2015 30 IS fighters at Tikrit At the beginning of March 2015, after the beginning of the Battle of Tikrit, an IS special unit, which is supposed to pursue fighters who had fled from its own ranks, executed 30 ISIS members and burned their bodies. [56]
March 2015 March 9, 2015 20 Iraqis in Al-Hawijah Twenty Shiite Iraqis who wanted to join paramilitary units and fight IS were hanged in Al-Hawijah in early March 2015 . [57]
March 2015 March 10, 2015 three men in Iraq In northern Iraq, in the days leading up to March 10, 2015, three men were publicly beheaded with the sword for alleged blasphemy and homosexuality. [58]
March 2015 March 10, 2015 Mohammed Said Ismail Musallam An IS prisoner who is believed to be the Arab Israeli Mohammed Musallam was shot several times by a child. The video of the fact was posted on the Internet on March 10, 2015. The man was accused of spying for the Mossad . Officials in Israel denied this. The father stated that his son had joined ISIS but wanted to leave it again. The IS fighter who also appears in the video is said to be Sabri Essid, the half-brother of Mohamed Merah. Merah was responsible for the series of attacks in Midi-Pyrénées in March 2012 and was shot dead by French police. The child should be his nephew. [59] , [60] , [61] , [62]
March 2015 March 12, 2015 Abu Jaafar al-Hattab On March 12, 2015, it was reported that ISIS beheaded one of its top judges. Abu Jaafar al-Hattab, who originally belonged to the Tunisian offshoot of the Ansar al-Sharia terror group , was accused of having enforced takfīr as a member of the Sharia Commission with too much zeal and harshness. [63]
April 2015 April 19, 2015 30 Ethiopian Christians A video shows the beheadings and shootings of 30 Ethiopian Christians at two locations in Libya. [64]
April 2015 April 25, 2015 185 Iraqi soldiers After the IS took a position of the Iraqi military on Lake Tharthar, 70 kilometers north of Ramadi, 140 soldiers and officers were executed in the military base and another 45 men were brought to Fallujah and executed there. Among the dead were General Hassan Abbas Tufan , commander of the First Division of the Iraqi Armed Forces, as well as a brigade commander and other officers. [65]
unknown April 27, 2015 six journalists in Libya Five Libyan journalists and one Egyptian journalist working for Al-Barka TV, based in Benghazi, were found with their throats cut in eastern Libya. They had been abducted eight months earlier. [66]
May 2015 May 14, 2015 26 civilians in Syria After the capture of Palmyra , 26 civilians were executed from the surrounding villages. A video appeared in public on July 4, 2015. [67] , [68]
May 2015 May 21, 2015 18 IS terrorists The terrorists from within their own ranks were executed in northern Iraq after they were accused of contacting Kurdish fighters in order to surrender to them. [69]
unknown 23rd June 2015 16 prisoners IS publishes a video showing the murder of five men by drowning in a cage in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul . A car occupied by prisoners is shot at with a bazooka and the prisoners are burned. Other prisoners are beheaded with explosive cords. [70]
July 2015 July 28, 2015 six Iraqi refugees Three brothers each from two families were publicly executed by shooting near the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk for attempting to escape from their home village. [71]
August 2015 August 12, 2015 Tomislav Salopek The Croatian technician was beheaded after his kidnapping on July 22, 2015 in Egypt in early August 2015. [72]
August 18, 2015 19th August 2015 Khaled Asaad The scientific director for the preservation and processing of the ancient oasis city of Palmyra, kidnapped by IS in July 2015, was beheaded there and the body was put on public display. [73]
5th October 2015 70 members of the Sunni Albu Nimr tribe northeast of the city of Ramadi There were also children among the people shot. [74]
before October 24, 2015 October 24, 2015 A Syrian soldier Fadi Ammar Zidan, a 19-year-old Syrian soldier who was captured and accused of running over ISIS fighters with a tank, is killed by being run over with a T-55 himself . This will be filmed and the video distributed. [75]
November 13th and 14th, 2015 November 13, 2015 129 mostly European civilians See terrorist attacks on November 13, 2015 in Paris .
November 2015 18th November 2015 Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad and Fan Jinghui After the attacks in Paris, IS announced that it had executed the two Norwegian and Chinese hostages after no ransom had been paid. [76]
3rd February 2016 three people in Sirte, Libya Execution of three people accused of espionage. The hangman is in a wheelchair. [77]
5th April 2016 15 people in Fallujah Incineration of civilians who tried to escape the besieged city of Fallujah. [78]
20th July 2016 2 people in Ninawa Beheadings of two alleged spies through Rachid Kassim and another French, who through a video to stop in Nice were published [79] [80]

See also

Individual evidence

  1. British and French involved in beheading? In: Tagesspiegel , November 17, 2014. Accessed August 21, 2015.
  2. fas / cvh / cwe / hst / arg / mp / lim / ada / kjo / pcl / re: +++ ISIS terror in the news ticker +++: ISIS massacre: 470 bodies recovered from mass graves in Tikrit. In: Focus Online . May 29, 2015, accessed October 14, 2018 .
  3. Terrorists conquer Raqqa - IS beheaded 50 Syrian soldiers n-tv July 26, 2014, IS beheads some shia soldiers from Division 17 ( Memento from February 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive )