List of personalities from Aranno

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Coat of arms of Aranno

This list contains people born in Aranno in the canton of Ticino and those who had their sphere of activity in Aranno without being born there. The list does not claim to be complete.


  • Artist family Pelli
    • Marcantonio Pelli (* 1655 in Aranno, † 1736 in Glückstadt ), brother of Domenico, master builder.
    • Dominicus Pelli (1657–1728), building contractor, military engineer and architect in Strasbourg , Bad Oldesloe and Rendsburg .
    • Cipriano Pelli (* 1688 in Aranno; † 1744 in Rendsburg), son of Domenico, master builder.
    • Domenico Pelli (* around 1700 in Aranno; † after 1742 in Chioggia  ?), Architect designed the church of San Giacomo in Chioggia
    • Cipriano Pelli (born October 23, 1750 in Aranno; † December 22, 1822 ibid), son of Domenico, studied at the Accademia di belle arti di Venezia , set designer and decorator active in Venice , Udine and Padua . In Aranno he founded a drawing school.
    • Ferdinando Pelli (* 1778 in Aranno; † 1822 ibid), son of Cipriano, painter, decorative painter continued the decoration of the church of Aranno and also painted for that of Novaggio .
    • Vittore Pelli (* 1798 in Aranno; † 1874 in Pura TI ), son of Cipriano, painter, backdrop painter active in Venice and Odessa .
    • Giovanni Pelli (* around 1775 in Aranno; †? Ibid), son of Cipriano, mayor of Aranno
    • Luigi Pelli (born March 8, 1781 in Aranno; † July 29, 1861 ibid), son of Federico, 1805 architect in Trieste; 1806-1807 he worked with Luigi Canonica on the construction of the Arena Civica in Milan ; In 1820 he went to Moscow and then took on important orders in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod . Returned to Ticino in 1839, he became a cantonal engineer and a drawing teacher until 1854 .; in Aranno taught in the drawing school founded by Cipriano Pelli
    • Federico Pelli (* 1821 in Aranno; † 1894 ibid), decorative painter, studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, in 1851 he created the quadrature painting on the ceilings of Casa Avanzini in Curio TI .
    • Luigi Pelli (born October 31, 1830 in Aranno; † February 18, 1902 there), painter and architect, son of Luigi. Politician, Ticino Grand Council 1877–1893, school inspector.
    • Pietro Pelli (* 1850 in Aranno; † 1899 ibid), painter in Santiago de Chile .
    • Giovanni Pelli (* 1866 in Aranno; † 1929 ibid), 1891 civil engineer in Turin then engineer in the II. Circondario (district) of Lugano, 1908 successor to Plinio de Marchi from Astano as cantonal chief engineer
    • Paride Pelli (born June 4, 1910 in Cava Manara , † April 2, 1968 in Locarno , during a trial), son of Francesco, high school and studies in Pavia , 1933 lic. iur. at the University of Pavia ; after his return to Ticino, he became public prosecutor for the Sopraceneri from 1937 to 1942 and then set up as an independent lawyer in Lugano; from December 1947 he was city councilor and from 1948 until his death city president of Lugano; 1951–1968 he was also a member of the Ticino Grand Council.
    • Giovanni Pelli (born June 4, 1921 in Aranno; † after 1982 ibid), pianist, composer
  • Carbonetti family
    • Carlo Carbonetti (* around 1640 in Aranno; † 1704 in Brussels  ?), Garden architect. Learned from the French landscape architect André Le Nôtre . Worked at Lichtenberg Castle (Landsberg) (canceled). 1703–1704 he expanded the garden around the Nymphenburg Palace Park in Munich and had Dutch canals built. He then worked in Brussels for Elector Maximilian II. Emanuel (Bavaria) .
    • Domenico Carbonetti (* 1664 in Aranno; † 1728 there), son of Carlo. He created stucco work in 1687 in Lichtenberg am Lech Castle (broken off), together with the plasterers Giovanni Battista Brenni (1649–1712) from Salorino and Francesco Spinedi from Somazzo. 1692–93 in Ehrenburg Castle in Coburg , together with Giuseppe Righezio from Osteno and Francesco Rusca from Agno TI . He then settled in Hamburg with his family . 1694 in the Kunstkammer (destroyed) at Gottorf Castle in Schleswig-Holstein . 1699 in the south wing, just built by Domenico Pelli from Aranno. 1697 in Clausholm Castle . 1708 together with his brother Pietro in Frederiksberg Palace , Copenhagen : ceiling stucco in 12 rooms. The chimneys were made by Francesco Quadri from Agno. Stucco work in the sacristy of the Church of San Vittore by Aranno
    • Giangiacomo Carbonetti (* 1947? In Sorengo), psychotherapist, local art historian, publicist, judge
  • Pietro Corti (* 1704 in Aranno; † August 9, 1771 in Saint Petersburg), foreman in Saint Petersburg. In 1745 the daughter of Domenico Trezzini , Tomasina, invited him to come to Russia . He worked in the Peterhof Palace until 1749 , when the architect Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli asked him to come to Tsarskoye Selo and help build the Catherine Palace . From 1756 until its completion in 1763 he then worked on the Winter Palace under the architects Antonio Rinaldi (architect) , Jurij Felten and Jean-Baptiste Vallin de La Mothe . He returned home in 1763 to take care of his family affairs. After his son Tommaso married in 1765, he seems to have gone back to Saint Petersburg with him, where there were many job opportunities at that time.
  • Tommaso Corti (* 1737 in Aranno; † 1798 in Saint Petersburg), son of Pietro, foreman in Saint Petersburg since 1766, he worked for the architects Jurij Felten (Veldten), Vincenzo Brenna and Giacomo Quarenghi .
  • Battista Righetti called Tita (* 1876 in Aranno; † 1956 ibid), master plasterer, active in the oratory next to the church of San Vittore by Aranno
  • Gentile De Stefani (* around 1885 in Aranno; † 1956 ibid), brass orchestra master and composer, he conducted the Società Filarmonica Liberale by Breno TI from 1926–1941 and then the Società Filarmonica Alto Malcantone
  • Carlo Tosi, senior physician, neurologist, former chief physician at the EOC in Lugano
  • Osvaldo Daldini, 1979 doctorate in natural sciences from the ETH Zurich, vice-president of the municipality of Aranno, former vice-director of the Liceo Cantonale of Lugano.

Individual evidence

  1. Celestino Trezzini : Pelli In Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz. P. 388 (PDF digitized version accessed on October 3, 2017).
  2. a b c d e f Lucia Pedrini Stanga: Pelli. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . October 14, 2009 , accessed January 12, 2020 .
  3. ^ Celestino Trezzini: Marcantonio Pelli. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 388 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 3, 2017).
  4. Marino Viganò: "Petrvs Morettinvs Tribvnvs MILITVM": un ingegnere della valle Maggia all'estero; Pietro Morettini (1660-1737) . Edizioni Casagrande, Bellinzona 2007, p. 206.
  5. Marino Viganò: "Petrvs Morettinvs Tribvnvs MILITVM" . P. 206.
  6. Domenico Pelli. In: Virgilio Chiesa: Lineamenti storici ... 2002, p. 205.
  7. Lucia Pedrini Stanga: Cipriano Pelli. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 7, 2009 , accessed January 12, 2020 .
  8. ^ Cipriano Pelli. In: Sikart , accessed January 15, 2016.
  9. ^ Cipriano Pelli. In: Virgilio Chiesa: Lineamenti storici ... 2002, pp. 205, 223.
  10. Ferdinando Pelli. In: Sikart , accessed January 15, 2016.
  11. ^ Vittore Pelli. In: Sikart , accessed January 15, 2016.
  12. ^ Giovanni Pelli in (accessed on: April 2, 2016.)
  13. Celestino Trezzini: Luigi Pelli In Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz. P. 388 (PDF digitized version accessed on October 3, 2017).
  14. ^ Mario Redaelli, Pia Todorović Redaelli: Luigi Pelli. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . March 17, 2011 , accessed January 12, 2020 .
  15. Ursula Stevens: Luigi Pelli. In: 2016, accessed November 18, 2016 .
  16. Luigi Pelli. In: Virgilio Chiesa: Lineamenti storici ... Curio 2002, pp. 200, 223.
  17. Celestino Trezzini: Pietro Pelli In Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz. P. 388 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 3, 2017).
  18. ^ Pietro Pelli. In: Virgilio Chiesa: Lineamenti storici ... Curio 2002, p. 206.
  19. ^ Giovanni Pelli. In: Virgilio Chiesa: Lineamenti storici ... Curio 2002, p. 206.
  20. ^ Pablo Crivelli: Paride Pelli. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . June 2, 2008 , accessed January 12, 2020 .
  21. ^ Paride Pelli, Mayor of the City of Lugano (accessed on June 6, 2017).
  22. Giovanni Pelli (Italian) in (accessed on: April 2, 2016.)
  23. Ursula Stevens: Carlo Carbonetti. In: Retrieved March 13, 2016 .
  24. Ursula Stevens: Domenico Carbonetti. In: Retrieved March 13, 2016 .
  25. Guido: our life with a child with multiple disabilities; Build a love relationship and develop a perspective on life - day after day Giangiacomo Carbonetti
  26. Giangiacomo Carbonetti: Curricul Vitae (Italian) on
  27. Ursula Stevens: Pietro Corti. In: 2017, accessed September 4, 2017 .
  28. Ursula Stevens: Tommaso Corti. In: 2017, accessed September 4, 2017 .
  29. ^ Battista Righetti. In: Virgilio Chiesa: Lineamenti storici ... Curio 2002, p. 206.
  30. Gentile De Stefani (Italian) on (accessed on: November 12, 2017.)
  31. ^ Carlo Tosi: Storia del Servizio Cantonale Ticinese di Neurologia a Lugano. on (accessed January 25, 2017).
  32. Osvaldo Daldini on (accessed on January 25, 2017).