List of coups and coup attempts

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The list of coups and coup attempts called successful and unsuccessful coups worldwide in the definition of an often surprising, often violent action by members of the military or paramilitary organizations and / or a group of politicians with the aim of the government to bring down and the power of the State to take over.



date country description dead
approx. 880 BC Chr. Northern Reich Israel The commander of the war chariots Zimri murdered King Ela . He himself was killed seven days later in the city of Tirza , which he himself had set on fire.
44 BC Chr. Roman Republic A group of senators, the Caesar murderers , killed Gaius Iulius Caesar .
476 ad Western Roman Empire Barbarian auxiliary troops ( Heruler Foederaten ) under their king Odoacer revolted and killed the army master Orestes and took the capital Ravenna by force. Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustus and then appointed himself rex Italiae (King of Italy), which is seen as the end of the Western Roman Empire.

17th century

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November 5, 1605 United Kingdom Guy Fawkes and others planned to blow up the British Parliament to overthrow the then king. The gunpowder plot failed.

18th century

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July 9, 1762 Russia Catherine II forced the abdication of Peter III. after she was able to secure the support of a few guard regiments beforehand.
November 10, 1799 France The coup d'état of 18th Brumaire VIII meant the end of the Directory and the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte was the first consul to become sole ruler.

19th century

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September 6, 1839 Switzerland In the Züriputsch , reactionary forces replaced the government of the Canton of Zurich . In 1845 the Liberals again took power in Zurich.
December 2, 1851 France The coup d'état of December 2, 1851 by Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte ushered in the end of the Second French Republic, founded in 1848, and the beginning of the Second Empire .

20th century

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January 23, 1913 Ottoman Empire The Young Turks carried out a military coup on January 23, 1913 under the leadership of Enver Pascha .
February 19, 1919 Germany Lotter coup . Attempt by sailors to overthrow the Bavarian Prime Minister Kurt Eisner .
April 13, 1919 Germany Palm Sunday coup . Attempt by the republican protection force to overthrow the Munich Soviet republic . 13 representatives of the Soviet republic were arrested. Ultimately, the attempted coup failed due to the resistance of the Munich Red Army, which was being established. The second communist-dominated phase of the Munich Soviet Republic was initiated. 21st
April 18, 1919 Germany Good Friday coup . A communist coup attempt to overthrow the city council in Offenbach am Main and to get hold of the weapons in the barracks on Bieberer Strasse failed. 17th
March 13, 1920 Germany Kapp putsch . The Kapp putsch under Walther von Lüttwitz was directed against the government led by Social Democrats and led to general strikes among the workers. The coup failed after five days.
October 1, 1923 Germany Buchrucker putsch . The attempt by Bruno Ernst Buchrucker to occupy the port city of Küstrin with units of the Black Reichswehr in order to later overthrow the Reich government under Chancellor Gustav Stresemann failed.
November 8, 1923 Germany The Hitler putsch began with an attack on a major event by the Bavarian State Commissioner General Gustav von Kahr in Munich's Bürgerbräukeller ; a march on Berlin was to follow. Hitler was arrested on November 11, 1923, and the NSDAP was banned across the Reich. 20th
12-15 May 1926 Poland May coup . Marshal a. D. Józef Piłsudski forced the resignation of the center-right cabinet of Wincenty Witos and the president Stanisław Wojciechowski by taking over some army regiments and military intervention in Warsaw . As a result, Piłsudski took over real power in Poland. 479
July 20, 1932 Germany During the Prussian strike , the Prussian coalition was deprived of government power and transferred to Franz von Papen .
1936 Spain Francisco Franco sparked the Spanish Civil War with his failed coup attempt . Franco won this especially because of the military support of the German Reich . He ruled over the Kingdom of Spain as dictator from 1936 to 1975. Including civil war: 190,000 to 500,000
March 27, 1941 Yugoslavia The Yugoslav coup was led by Air Force General Dušan Simović . It led to the installation of Peter II Karađorđević and the invasion of Yugoslavia by the Axis powers on April 6, 1941, led by Germany.
April 1, 1941 Iraq During the putsch of Raschid Ali al-Gailani , a group around Raschid Ali al-Gailani , supported by the Axis powers , seized power. The British restored the old order militarily.
July 20, 1944 Germany The assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944 triggered an attempted coup against the political and military leadership of the Nazi dictatorship as part of the Walküre company . However, Hitler survived. The measures of the conspirators following the attack were initiated too late in the relevant places. The coup attempt failed. A large number of those involved in July 20, 1944 were executed.
August 14, 1945 Japan On the night of August 14-15, 1945, a group of military personnel occupied the palace in Tokyo . This was the eve of the broadcast of the radio address by Tenno Hirohito on the "Imperial Decree to End the Great East Asian War" (" Gyokuon-hōsō ", Japanese玉 音 放送, German about: "Transmission of the jewel voice", ie the voice of the emperor). They found the statement dishonorable. The troop was led u. a. by Hatanaka Kenji , one of the main conspirators. The aim was to destroy the record. However, the tape could not be found.
15th August 1953 Iran When Operation Ajax of CIA and MI6 was Mohammad Mossadegh overthrown.
May 13, 1958 France During the Putsch d'Alger , the French military in Algeria rebelled against the newly formed government in Paris under the Christian Democratic Prime Minister Pierre Pflimlin . Charles de Gaulle came to power; it marked the end of the Fourth Republic and the beginning of the Fifth Republic .
May 27, 1960 Turkey Military coup in response to protests against the government of  Adnan Menderes , who was subsequently sentenced to death.
March 8, 1963 Syria March 8th Revolution Successful military coup.
February 8, 1963 Iraq
April 1, 1964 Brazil The military deposed João Goulart as president and Marshal Humberto Castelo Branco .
January 1, 1966 Central African Republic Jean-Bédel Bokassa deposed his cousin David Dacko as president.
April 21, 1967 Greece The military established the Greek military dictatorship in the Kingdom of Greece until 1974.
November 13, 1970 Syria The Corrective Revolution brought Hafiz al-Assad to power.
January 25, 1971 Uganda President Milton Obote was out of the country when Army Chief Idi Amin usurped power. 0
March 12, 1971 Turkey Military coup in the form of a memorandum .
September 11, 1973 Chile In the 1973 coup in Chile , Augusto Pinochet overthrew President Salvador Allende . Allende shot himself when the presidential palace was overthrown.
March 24, 1976 Argentina A military coup hit President María Estela Martínez de Perón . The Argentine military dictatorship followed from 1976 to 1983.
April 27, 1978 Afghanistan The Acid Revolution led to the seizure of power by members of the Afghan Communist People's Party and the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan .
20th September 1979 Central African Republic Operation Barracuda , backed by France, overthrew Emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa and reinstated former President David Dacko .
September 12, 1980 Turkey The military coup of General Kenan Evren was directed against the government of Süleyman Demirel . Evren remained president for seven years.
February 23, 1981 Spain The military coup of February 23, 1981 was an unsuccessful attempt by parts of the Guardia Civil and the military to end democracy in Spain and to establish a new dictatorship.
20th September 1981 Central African Republic Chief of Staff André Kolingba overthrew President David Dacko , who was currently abroad, and became President himself.
August 19, 1991 Soviet Union During the August coup in Moscow , a group of Communist Party officials tried to depose President Mikhail Gorbachev . He and his wife were detained and isolated from August 18 to August 21. Boris Yeltsin led the opposition to the coup. On December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved.
February 28, 1997 Turkey “Postmodern coup d'état” against measures taken by the Islamist Welfare Party . These included 18 demands for the protection of secularism .

21st century

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March 15, 2003 Central African Republic The former chief of staff of the military, François Bozizé , overthrew President André Kolingba , who was currently abroad, and became President himself.
February 24, 2006 Philippines During the 2006 coup attempt in the Philippines , military units attempted to oust the Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo .
September 19, 2006 Thailand During the 2006 coup in Thailand , Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted by the police and the military under the leadership of Sonthi Boonyaratkalin .
3rd July 2013 Egypt During the military coup in Egypt in 2013, led by the military council chief Abd al-Fattah as-Sisi , the Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was ousted.
May 20, 2014 Thailand The political crisis in Thailand in 2013/2014 led to the declaration of martial law and the takeover of General Prayuth Chan-ocha . It was the twelfth military takeover in the country's history.
16th September 2015 Burkina Faso
15th July 2016 Turkey The attempted coup in Turkey in 2016 by parts of the Turkish military against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan failed in one night. approx. 290
15th November 2017 Zimbabwe The 2017 military coup in Zimbabwe led to the loss of power for longtime President Robert Mugabe .
April 11, 2019 Sudan During the military coup in Sudan in 2019 , long-time President Umar al-Bashir was ousted.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Duden online: coup , coup , coup d'Etat .
  2. Stefan Primbs, Birgit Schindlbeck: Hitler putsch: The bloody march of the Nazis in Munich. In: . August 22, 2012. Retrieved August 18, 2018 .
  3. Juliá Santos: Víctimas de lea guerra civil , Madrid 1999, ISBN 84-8460-333-4 (Spanish).
  5. (English).