List of sculptures and small monuments in Johannstadt (Dresden)

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This list of sculptures and small monuments gives an overview of the sculptures, sculptures, reliefs, medallions, panels, steles and other small monuments in Johannstadt that are of general interest, regardless of whether they are listed or not. All listed objects in Johannstadt are included in the list of cultural monuments in Altstadt II (Dresden) .

This is a partial list of the list of sculptures and small monuments in Dresden .

Johannstadt (Old Town II)

image designation Address / location description Artist year
Nüchertlein memorial plaqueDresden.jpg
blackboard Blasewitzer Str. 41/43 Memorial plaque for Karl Nüchterlein with a head portrait and an Exakta camera in memory of the Ihagee camera work 2006
relief Bundschuhstrasse 5 Art Nouveau facade decorations on the tenement house Eduard Jungbluth 1903
relief Bundschuhstrasse 7th Art Nouveau facade decorations on the tenement house Eduard Jungbluth 1903
stele Comeniusstrasse Corner of Wintergartenstr.
Sandstone stele Lothar Beck 2001
relief Comeniusstrasse 22
Relief on the Villa Comeniusstr. 22 (south facade of Stübelallee) 1902
relief Comeniusstrasse 32
Relief on the portal of Villa Comeniusstr. 32
Dresden, Laufvogelgruppe 002.jpg
plastic Comeniusstrasse 68
Ratites Wolfram Hesse
Erichotto fruit eater youth1.JPG
plastic Dürerstr. 89 / corner of Maria-Cebotari-Str.
Bronze sculpture "Grape Eater" (originally in Webergasse ) Erich Otto 1961–1962
Klettergerüst1.jpg sculpture Dürerstr. 86
Plastic: "Climbing children" in front of the former 52nd elementary school "Albrecht Dürer" (now an annex of the Bertolt-Brecht-Gymnasium ) August Martin Hoffmann 1969
Fetscher stele.jpg
stele Fetscherplatz
Memorial stele for Rainer Fetscher Günther Billig, Martin Hänisch 1978
relief Fetscherplatz
Memorial plaque for Rainer Fetscher Günther Billig, Martin Hänisch 1978
Metal stele School Fetscherplatz 4.JPG
stele Fetscherstraße 2
Metal sculpture in front of the 6th elementary school "Am Großer Garten" Wilhelm Landgrave
Dresden-Johannstadt Steel sculpture at the school Fetscherstraße 2.jpg
plastic Fetscherstr. 2 Iron ribbon sculpture "Schoolchildren" on the gable of the school Fetscherstr. Walter Flemming 1959
is missing plastic Fetscherstr. Plastic standing worker in the courtyard of the Clara Zetkin Home (no longer available) Gerhard Geyer 1960s
gable Fetscherstr.
Gable above the portal to the former Dresden-Johannstadt City Hospital (now the University Hospital )
sculpture Fiedlerstrasse 1 Sculpture in the front garden of the cemetery administration of the Trinity Cemetery in Dresden
sculpture Fiedlerstrasse 1 Sculpture in the front garden of the cemetery administration of the Trinity Cemetery in Dresden
relief Fiedlerstrasse 2 / Trinity Square Relief with the symbols of the evangelists on the portal of the Johanneskirche in Dresden
sculpture Fiedlerstrasse
Steel sculpture "balancing act" Christoph Reichenbach 2009
Carus stele.jpg
stele Fiedlerstrasse
Stele in memory of Carl Gustav Carus
Dresden-Johannstadt sculptures on Florian-Geyer-Strasse - Pfeiferhannsstrasse.jpg
sculpture Florian-Geyer-Str. / Pfeifferhannsstr.
Sculptures from the "Sculpture Workshop 2010" 2010
relief Güntzstrasse 28
Plaque on the Güntzstrasse student residence (west side, north) in memory of the former Henriettenstift retirement home
Güntzburg relief1.jpg
relief Güntzstrasse 28
Relief panels on Theodor Körner at the student dormitory (west side, north) Werner Hempel 1953-1955
relief Güntzstrasse 28
Relief panels on Carl Maria von Weber on the student dormitory (west side, center) Walter Flemming 1953-1955
relief Güntzstrasse 28
Relief panels on Ludwig Richter on the student dormitory (west side, south) Hildegard Konopka-Wiegel 1953-1955
relief Güntzstrasse 28
Overall frieze on the student dormitory (south side)

11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 1.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28
11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

1 settlement in the Middle Ages (wild boar hunting)

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 2.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

2 Construction of the Elbe Bridge

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 3.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

3 Foundation of the Kreuzschule

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 4.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

4 Peasants' War

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 5.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

5 Carnival in the Zwinger (feudalism, 18th century)

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 6.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

6 Construction of the Frauenkirche (bourgeoisie)

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 7.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

7 industrialization and railways (1839)

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 8.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

8 Dresden May Uprising in 1849

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 9.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

9 Labor Movement, May 1, 1893

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 10.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

10 Destruction, February 13, 1945

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Güntzstraße 28 Dresden Güntzpalast Relief Reinhold Langner 11.JPG
relief Güntzstrasse 28 11 relief panels as a frieze on the history of the city on the student dormitory (south side) on the topic

11 Reconstruction after 1945

Reinhold Langner and Werner Hempel 1957
Lachnit, Max, 1954-57 Mankind's will to flyW2.JPG
sculpture Güntzstrasse 28
Sculpture " Human will to fly " Max Lachnit 1956-1957
sculpture Güntzstrasse 34
Putti sculpture on the roof of the former Museum of Decorative Arts
Dresden-Johannstadt Kunstgewerbemuseum Giebel.jpg
gable Güntzstrasse 34
Gable on the building of the former arts and crafts museum
Sculpture seated Güntzstrasse 34
Sculpture in the courtyard of the former Museum of Applied Arts
Sculpture standing Güntzstrasse 34
Sculpture in the courtyard of the former Museum of Applied Arts
Fountain sculpture Güntzstrasse / Gerokstr.
Fountain sculpture on the building of the former Museum of Decorative Arts
DD-Holbeinstr-wall relief-1.jpg
Relief wall Holbeinstrasse At the corner of Reissigerstrasse
Concrete relief "Flight of the Cranes", until 2012 in the aircraft yard in Dresden-Klotzsche Rudolf custom around 1970
Dresden-Johannstadt sculpture "Undine goes" by Angela Hampel.jpg
sculpture Käthe-Kollwitz-Ufer

(Elbe bank)

Steel sculpture "Undine goes" on the banks of the Elbe

based on the story "Undine goes" by Ingeborg Bachmann

Angela Hampel 1998
Sculpt bridgeheads.jpg
sculpture Käthe-Kollwitz-Ufer Sculpture "bridgeheads" Ulrich Eissner
Band sculpture on the building Marschnerstr.  26 in Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
relief Marschnerstrasse 26th Iron band relief "From fluid mechanics" Hans children 1956-1957
Dresden-Johannstadt Plastic Children Playing Pfotenhauerstraße .jpg
plastic Pfotenhauerstr. 40
Bronze sculpture "Playing Children" (also: "Joy of Life"), near 102nd elementary school Hildegard Jahn-Wiegel 1974-1975
sculpture Pfotenhauerstr. 42 / Pfeifferhannsstr.
Relief column "Socialist personalities" in front of the primary school Johannes Peschel 1979
sculpture Pfotenhauerstraße 81/83
Sculpture garden in the sculpture department of the HfBK Dresden
HfBK head stand.jpg
sculpture Pfotenhauerstraße 81/83 Sculpture garden in the sculpture department of the HfBK Dresden
sculpture Pfotenhauerstraße 81/83 Sculpture garden in the sculpture department of the HfBK Dresden
sculpture Pfotenhauerstraße 81/83
Sculpture garden in the sculpture department of the HfBK Dresden
Peter Makolies - The Great Reclining.JPG
sculpture Sachsenplatz
Sculpture "Great Lying Woman" Peter Makolies 1975
Plastic sachsenplatz dresden.jpg sculpture Sachsenplatz
Sculpture "Palaverhaus" Georg Karl Pfahler 1994
Julius Fucik Monument Dresden.jpg sculpture Strasbourg square
Julius Fučik Monument
Shaped stone wall Striesener Str.
Molded stone wall at the student residence in Marschnerstr. Karl-Heinz Adler, Friedrich Kracht after / around 1973
Egmar Ponndorf bronze relief spring Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
plastic Striesener Str.
Ceramic sculpture: Spring from the cycle "Four Seasons and Ages" Egmar Ponndorf , V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
Egmar Ponndorf bronze relief summer Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
plastic Striesener Str. Bronze sculpture: Summer from the cycle "Seasons and Lifetimes" Egmar Ponndorf, V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
Egmar Ponndorf bronze relief autumn Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
plastic Striesener Str. Bronze sculpture: Autumn from the cycle "Seasons and Lifetimes" Egmar Ponndorf, V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
Egmar Ponndorf bronze relief Winter Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
plastic Striesener Str. Bronze sculpture: Winter from the cycle "Seasons and Lifetimes" Egmar Ponndorf, V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
Egmar Ponndorf bronze relief with sun 1 Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
plastic Striesener Str. Bronze sculpture with the sun from the cycle "Seasons and Lifetimes" Egmar Ponndorf, V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
Egmar Ponndorf bronze relief with the sun 2 Dresden-Johannstadt.jpg
plastic Striesener Str. Bronze sculpture with the sun from the cycle "Seasons and Lifetimes" Egmar Ponndorf, V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
Egmar Ponndorf Seasons and Lifetimes S.jpg
plastic Striesener Str. Bronze sculpture with the sun from the cycle "Seasons and Lifetimes" Egmar Ponndorf, V. Krüger, Ch. Schulze 1978
sculpture Striesener Str.
Sculpture "Pride and Humility", created at the sculpture symposium "Sandstone & Slab" Resi Grevelhörster 2007
Oven Eva, The Goat 03.JPG
sculpture Striesener Str.
Sculpture: "The goat", created at the sculpture symposium "Sandstone & Slab" Eva oven 2007
Seven Prayer.jpg
sculpture Striesener Str.
Sculpture: "Seven Prayer", created at the sculpture symposium "Sandstone & Slab" Michio Otsuka 2007
Big Sun Mantis.jpg
sculpture Striesener Str.
Double relief "Big sun worshiper", created at the sculpture symposium "Sandstone & Slab" Lothar Beck 2007
sculpture Striesener Str.
Sculpture: "The Flower", created at the sculpture symposium "Sandstone & Slab" Pavel Hošek 2007
sculpture Striesener Str.
Sculpture: "Sand, stone, thorn and slab", created at the sculpture symposium "Sandstone & slab" Yo. Harbort 2007
relief Striesener Str.
Two-sided relief Viktoria Kruger
relief Striesener Str.
Concrete relief with 5 pillars
Socialist Family.jpg
sculpture Stübelallee
Bronze sculpture "Socialist Family" Max Piroch 1969
sculpture Stübelallee
Concrete sculpture seated Regina Fleck 1986
sculpture Stübelallee / Lipsiusstr.
Sculpture "wheel turning peacock" Susanne Voigt 1966, established 1978
Stele Constantin Lipsius 2.JPG
stele Stübelallee / Lipsiusstr.
Lipsius monument with a boy sculpture Restored in 2005
plastic Stübelallee / Müller-Berset-Str.
Plastic "tall standing (on one leg)" Wieland Förster 1968 (revised 1970)
Eva Peschel - Fischer and his wife.JPG
sculpture University Hospital
Fountain sculpture “ Vom Fischer un syner Fru Ilsebill ” in the entrance to the university hospital Eva Peschel 1993
relief University Hospital
Relief (tondo) "Paracelsus" at house 19 of the university hospital Eugen Hoffmann 1953-1954
Ludwig Godenschweg - Mother with Children - Sandstone, around 1920.jpg
sculpture University Hospital
Sandstone sculpture: mother with children in the Herrengarten on the grounds of the "Carl Gustav Carus" University Hospital Ludwig Godenschweg around 1920
Fountain University Hospital
Fountain "upstairs - downstairs" Heidemarie Dreßel 1992
sculpture University Hospital
Sculpture crouching Johannes Peschel
University Hospital Butterfly.jpg
sculpture University Hospital
Sculpture butterfly Johannes Peschel
Univklinik -zeichen.jpg
sculpture University Hospital
plastic University Hospital
Lapidarium made of stones from the former hospital church
Plastic mother with child.jpg
plastic University Hospital
Bronze sculpture "mother with child" Reinhard Dietrich 1960s
Plastic cranes.jpg
plastic University Hospital
Bronze sculpture of cranes Susanne Voigt 1960s
sculpture University Hospital
Sculptures cat and dog
Plastic poles in the room1.jpg
installation University Hospital
Installation “rods in space” behind the heart center Roland Phlebs 2004
Dresden-Johannstadt Clinic for Orthopedics det.jpg
relief University Hospital
Relief at the entrance to the orthopedic clinic Magdalene Kreßner

See also


  • Antje Kirsch: Dresden. Art in urban space. Architecture-related art 1945–1989. Saxophon-Verlag Dresden, 2015, 180 pages, ISBN 978-3-943444-48-3 .
  • Daniel Jacob: Sculpture Guide Dresden. Verlag Daniel Jacob, 2010, 273 pages, ISBN 978-3-942098-05-2 .
  • Nora Kindermann: Park and Garden Guide Dresden. Verlag Daniel Jacob, 2012, 262 pages, ISBN 978-3-942098-11-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. Article on the inauguration of the monument in: Sächsisches Tageblatt , 1./2. July 1978.
  2. ^ Sculptures in Johannstadt , JohannStadtArchiv
  3. Birgit Grimm: Is the Dresden Art Commission too colorful? , in: Sächsische Zeitung , April 25, 2017 (including on the Palaverhaus Dresden-Johannstadt).

Web links

Commons : Small monument in Dresden  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Sculptures in Dresden  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files