Meierjohann sources

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The three buildings of Meierjohann'schen sources are one with the number 176 in the list of monuments of the city Bad Salzuflen in North Rhine-Westphalia Lippe in Germany registered monument .

The entry was made on July 29, 1998; The basis for inclusion in the list of monuments is the Monument Protection Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).


The buildings are in Bad Salzuflen district deserts , about 500 meters northwest of Wüstener center.
With the incorporation of desert to Bad Salzuflen and the allocation of new street names, the property was given the address "Auf der Heide 54".


The city council took Salzuflen - after a typhoid fever - epidemic in the summer of 1899 - on 23. January 1900 the decision to a central water supply build for Salzuflen. In 1902 the order for the development of the "Meierjohann'schen Quellen" was awarded to the Grastorf company from Hanover ; she immediately started the expansion. The entire system of the "Meierjohann'sche spring catchment" - including the pressure pipeline and water tank on Wüstener Strasse - cost 232,783.54 Reichsmarks .

In 1913 the "Meierjohann'schen Quellen" poured 36,000 liters an hour. In the following years, the machinery was renewed for the purpose of greater extraction and new boreholes were sunk at the springs to develop deeper water layers.


The scope of the monument relates to three buildings:

Source version
The cubic quarry stone building of the spring socket was erected in 1902 with careful corner ashlar and stone framing of the axial access door. The source entry is in the rear basement area.
Collection container
The standing building of the collecting container is also designed as a rubble building. At the rear of the ground there is a 170 cubic meter double-chamber collection container .
Former machine house
The former machine house is rated as worth preserving within the meaning of § 25 DSchG NW.


The urban water supply systems in deserts are architectural monuments within the meaning of the DSchG NW.
These objects are important for the historical development of the water supply in the city of Bad Salzuflen. They fulfill the function of documents. The importance for the people arises conclusively from the fact that when the central water supply was set up, not only was there enough drinking water or fire-fighting water available, but it was also hygienically flawless in contrast to the previous individual well supply.

Stadtwerke Bad Salzuflen owned the facilities until 2019 . The buildings have been privately owned since then.

See also


  • Otto Pölert: Deserts - A farm and settlement history .
  • Franz Meyer (Ed.): Bad Salzuflen - Epochs of City History . Publishing house for regional history, Bielefeld 2007, ISBN 978-3-89534-606-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Wüstener street names old and new at
  2. a b Public resolution submission by the city of Bad Salzuflen (file number: III / 61.3 Mk./Leu .; printed matter number 130/98) for the entry of the "Meierjohann'schen sources" into the monument list

Coordinates: 52 ° 6 ′ 22.7 "  N , 8 ° 46 ′ 32.9"  E