Michael Trieb

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Michael Trieb

Michael Trieb (born December 27, 1936 in Berlin ; † January 25, 2019 in Stuttgart ) was a German architect , urban planner ( association for urban, regional and state planning ) and university lecturer . He was head of the urban design department at the Urban Development Institute of the University of Stuttgart and managing partner of the ISA Group - ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier .


Michael Trieb studied architecture and urban planning at the Technical University of Stuttgart and passed the main diploma examination there in 1964. In parallel to his academic training, he worked from 1959 to 1964 as a project manager on urban planning in Paris and on architectural construction projects in Stuttgart . From 1964 to 1967 he was an architect partner in the architectural association BTW Brunnert, Trieb and Wössner. From 1967 to 1971 he worked as an assistant to the city planner and as a district planner in the city planning office of Stuttgart. From 1971 to 1979 he was a partner in the URBA planning office . He received his doctorate in 1972 on the subject of urban design and qualified as a professor in 1975 for urban design and urban development planning. Michael Trieb was also a lecturer, university lecturer and, from 1976, associate professor at the Urban Development Institute of the University of Stuttgart until he was appointed professor for urban design and urban development planning there in 1979. He founded the planning office Stadtbauatelier in 1979. In 2007, the intercultural think and act tank ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier developed from this office .



The main focus of the research work of Michael Trieb is based on anthropocentric, i. H. human-centered principles for urban planning and urban design.

  • City philosophy Investigation of the material and immaterial aspects of a city and development of a holistic, contemporary city philosophy on the basis of a pragmatic image of man.
  • Urban development planning Practical consequences of this urban philosophy for urban development, urban management and urban renewal as an anthropocentric basis for the goals, means and instruments of urban development planning.
  • Urban design Establishing urban design as a separate field of work for urban planning; Development and application of a model of perception and the design of the city shape and the cityscape.
  • Urban architecture Work on urban architecture as a holistic design task, analogous to building architecture. Analysis of their “building blocks” and the compositional principles of urban architecture, as well as their application from the urban design idea to the design statute.
  • Urban planning Transparency of the planning through graphic, generally understandable representations for citizens, planners and decision-makers for the traceability of planning processes and their results.

In terms of step-by-step, applied research, Michael Trieb tries on the one hand to put the theoretically developed ideas up for discussion in publications and scientific lectures. Also as a key speaker at scientific congresses. On the other hand, he always tries to check these findings for specific tasks in municipal practice, such as B. in Germany, Brazil, Chile, Korea and China. In practice, publications, lectures and projects represent conscious individual steps in the search for a whole.


Trieb worked as an architect, urban planning consultant, judge and practicing urban planner for the public sector. He was an urban planning consultant a. a. Active for various German state governments in the field of urban development and urban design as well as for the urban development of Mecca and Medina on behalf of the Saudi Arabian government. He was also a member of the Guangzhou Urban Planning Commission.

He was a judge in numerous juries in Germany, France, Vietnam, Korea and China.

As a practicing urban planner, he worked on tasks from the entire spectrum of regional and urban planning, including a. for the cities of Stuttgart, Heilbronn , Ulm , Würzburg , Jena , Potsdam , Stralsund , Lübeck and Flensburg , Paris, Cergy-Pontoise , Salvador da Bahia , Santiago de Chile and Talcahuano , Seoul and u. a. for the Chinese cities of Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Writings and lectures

Michael Trieb has published numerous books and writings on urban planning, urban development planning and urban design and has given lectures at congresses and symposia.

Books (selection)
  • Urban design - theory and practice. In: Bauwelt foundations. Volume 43.Bertelsmann Verlagsgruppe, Düsseldorf 1974, ISBN 3-570-08643-7 .
  • with A. Markelin (Ed.): Mensch und Stadtgestalt. Contributions to tasks and problems of urban design . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1974, ISBN 3-421-02360-3 .
  • with A. Markelin (Ed.): Cityscape in planning practice. Urban design from the zoning plan to the on-site building regulations as an element of communal work. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1976, ISBN 3-421-02489-8 .
  • with A. Schmidt, S. Paetow, F. Buch, R. Strobel (Eds.): Preservation and design of the site. Preservation of monuments, townscape planning and building law. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart / Berlin [West] / Cologne et al. 1985, ISBN 3-17-008936-6 .
  • with S.-J. Lee, Y. Zhang and D. Leyh (Eds.): Stadtbauatelier. The Work of Stadtbauatelier in Asia. China Electronic Press, Beijing 2005, ISBN 7-5083-3811-1 .
  • with S.-J. Lee, Y. Zhang and D. Leyh (Eds.): Learning from two cultures-Urban Development, Renewal, Preservation and Management in Europe and Asia. China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing 2014, ISBN 978-7-112-15052-6 .
Fonts (selection)
  • Framework plan for urban design - example Leonberg. In: Stadtbauwelt. 41, Bertelsmann Verlag, Berlin 1974.
  • L`architecture de la ville et l `espace public. In: Icomos Monumentum. Vol. XVIII-XIX, Paris 1979.
  • Urban design - living space for people. In: Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg (ed.): Urban design and architecture Urban planning colloquium. Stuttgart 1981.
  • Urban design and urban design. In: DISP. No. 63 Institute for Local, Regional and Spatial Planning ETH Zurich 1981.
  • as publisher: Urban design - tasks for tomorrow. Urban planning expert discussion on August 27, 1982 at the University of Stuttgart, Volume 40 of the work report, Stuttgart 1982.
  • with A. Schmidt: Village design in the Black Forest - information on the design of regional village architecture. In: Village development - Contributions to the functional design of the villages. Published by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Environment and Forestry Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1982.
  • as publisher: Urban renewal and urban design in Baden-Württemberg. Research report SI University of Stuttgart on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg 1986.
  • Les espaces urbains: le traitement des espaces urbaines a Lübeck et a Mölln. In: Permanence et Actualites des Bastides - Les cahiers de la section francaise de L`ICOMOS. Montauban 1987.
  • Design principles in the cityscape. In: Designed living space: Thoughts on local spatial planning - Festschrift for Friedrich Moser . Picus, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-85452-105-7 .
  • J. Winter, J. Mack (ed.): City aesthetics as a social task. In the City Challenge - Aspects of a Human Ecology. Frankfurt am Main / Berlin 1988.
  • Urban planning. In Korean Architect, Korean Institute of registered architects . June 1992.
  • Cities from an ecological viewpoint - Environment and Cities . Seoul 1992 (Korean Institute of Registered Architects)
  • The Balance between Continuity and Change - A Challenge for the historical building as well as for the historical city. In: National Cheng Kung University, (Ed.): Conservation and Reuse of Historical Buildings International Symposium. Khaohsiung / tw 1995.
  • City routes - random shape or design task. In: The Architect. BDA 1995, ISSN  0003-875X
  • with E. Hörmann (Ed.): Basics of urban design. A seminar report from the Urban Development Institute of the University of Stuttgart. 14th edition. Stuttgart 1995.
  • Metamorphosis of Traditional Life Style in Modern Housing Culture. In: Korean Landscape Architecture. 6/1997
  • as publisher: Architecture and Weltanschauung. A seminar report from the Urban Development Institute of the University of Stuttgart. Stuttgart 2000.
  • Goals, concepts, realities. In: H. Bott, E. Uhl: Perspektiven des Urbanen Raum. IZKT University, Stuttgart 2004.
  • From Philosophy to Practice - Protection, Renewal and Development of Cities. In: Stadtbauatelier. Beijing 2006.
Lectures (selection)
  • 2000 Scene Urban Space - Places to Live: Paths, alleys, streets, boulevards and squares. Stralsund
  • 2009 From economic miracle to quality of life - urban development through urban management and urban renewal. Beijing
  • 2010 Experiences from today - building blocks for tomorrow: Green Buildings - building blocks for sustainable urban development. Shanghai.
  • 2010 From Design to Urban Design - Urban Design as a sustainable task in City Planning. Huangzhou.
  • 2011 Appearance or being - What shapes the identity of a city? Built structures or events and actions? Esslingen am Neckar.
  • 2011 International urban development and architecture projects - experiences from research and practice in Asia using the example of the cities of Seoul / Korea and Canton (Guangzhou) / China. Wins
  • 2011 Man is the City - Experiences from ten years of urban planning in China and other asian countries , Lanzhou Humboldt College, Lanzhou
  • 2012 City as a dream - visible and invisible city visions from heavenly Jerusalem to cosmic Beijing. Annual meeting of German urban historians, Stuttgart
  • 2012 The Relationship between Population Policy and Urban Planning - Actual Developments, Problems, Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications on the Way to Sustainable Human Cities. Macau.
  • 2013 From Economic Miracle to Quality of Life - Experiences of urban regeneration and urban management in Germany. In: Stadtbauatelier colloquium and exhibition: Learning from the Past, Planning for the future. Beijing 2013.


Architecture and public space
  • 1963–65 Sindelfingen - industrial building for IBM, Horten and Zellstoff-Waldhof
  • 1976 Reutlingen - urban planning concept and building design for the integration of a department store (Osiander) into the old town
  • 1981 Ludwigsburg - telecommunications building of the Deutsche Bundespost, planning and implementation
  • 1986 Heilbronn - Draft and work planning for the south-western city center: Deutschhofplatz, Kirchenplatz, Neckarufer, Kirchbrunnenstraße (with Seog-Jeong Lee)
  • 2001 Stuttgart - redesign of the Hölderlinplatz, planning and realization
City and regional planning

(Key projects in terms of content and method)

  • 1973 Leonberg - cityscape plan
  • 1974 Lübeck - cityscape planning for the city center
  • 1979 Ludwigsburg - cityscape framework planning downtown
  • 1981 Rendsburg - Framework planning for the inner city "Altstadt" and "Neuwerk"
  • 1990 Potsdam - urban development planning, monument preservation and urban design focus
  • 1993 Talcahuano - urban development planning for the entire city, development of a working method
  • 1993 Santiago de Chile - Image Urbana y Plan Seccional de Parque de los Reyes
  • 1997 Neubrandenburg - cityscape planning
  • 2000 Esslingen am Neckar - redesign of Bahnhofstrasse
  • 2003 Shanghai - Planning of a new city and design guidelines for Chengqiao New Town in Shanghai (with Dita Leyh, Yajin Zhang and Seog-Jeong Lee (ISA), Shanghai Urban Planning & Design Research Institute, Bertrand Warnier, Paris and Gunter Kölz, Stuttgart)
  • 2001 Konstanz - Development plan for the Konstanz-Stromeyersdorf business park
  • 2003 Shanghai - regional planning and planning of the new city “Chenjiazhen” on Chonming Island (with Yajin Zhang)
  • 2003 Shanghai - Urban renewal for the Fuxing Island District (with Yajin Zhang)
  • 2005 Kunming - urban development and landscape planning, competition 1st prize (with Yajin Zhang)
  • 2006 Rabat - Planning a new district (with Seog-Jeong Lee and Baum Architects, Seoul)
  • 2007 Seoul - urban development plan for the Gangseo Gu district (with Seog-Jeong Lee, Dita Leyh, Philipp Dechow and HPC Hamburg and Körting Ingenieure)
  • 2008 Datong - master plan for the eastern city expansion (with Dita Leyh and Yajin Zhang)
  • 2011 Sindelfingen - cityscape planning for the entire city (with Dita Leyh)
  • 2014 Taif - Planning of the New Town and Airport City New Taif City (NTC), (with Dita Leyh and Yajin Zhang)

In addition, there are numerous projects for which Michael Trieb has shared and is responsible for in the urban construction studio or in the ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier.


  • AKBW - Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart
  • SRL - Association for City, Regional and State Planning Berlin
  • GUPC - Guangzhou Urban Planning Commission of Guangzhou City (Canton)


  • Gerd Albers, Alexander Papageorgiou-Venetas: Urban planning: development lines 1945–1980. Wasmuth, Tübingen 1982, ISBN 3-8030-0141-2 .
  • Hans Peter Jeschke: Problems of environmental design. Selected inventory, problems, theses and suggestions on: spatial planning, site and urban design, preservation of the local image and monuments, landscape maintenance and environmental protection. Linz 1982.
  • Heru Wibowo Poerbo: Urban Design Guidelines as Design Control Instruments with a case study of the Silver Triangle Superblock. Jakarta Doctoral Dissert. Kaiserslautern 2001, DNB 961950307 .
  • Spiro Kostof: The City Shaped Urban Patterns and Meanings throughout History. Bulfinch Press, London 1991, ISBN 0-8212-2016-0 .
  • Franz Heigl: urban design. Manz, Vienna 1985, ISBN 3-214-91155-4 .
  • Maria Elaine Kohlsdorf: Breve Historico de Espaco Urbano como Campo Disciplinar. In: Ricardo Farret: Libanez o espaco de cidade. Sao Paulo 1985.
  • Andreas Voigt: Design of building structures in Vienna using spatial models. Austrian art u. Kulturverlag, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-85437-088-1 .
  • Christa Reicher: Urban planning. 2nd Edition. Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-8348-2645-9 .
  • Heiner Hierzegger: Spatial model of the state capital Graz. Graz Magistrate, City Planning Office, Graz 2004.
  • Maria Elaine Kohlsdorf: A Aprensao da Forma da Cidade. Brasilia 1996, ISBN 85-230-0388-6 .
  • Dolores Stuttner: The need for well thought-out urban planning to protect the townscape. Grin Verlag, Vienna 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Jessen: Obituary Prof. Dr. Michael Trieb (1936-2019). University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, accessed on February 13, 2019 .
  2. Michael Trieb's memorial page. In: Stuttgarter Zeitung / Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Accessed January 31, 2019 .
  3. Joedicke: Stuttgart Architecture School - Diversity as a Concept. In: Student Council Architecture University of Stuttgart (Ed.). Stuttgart
  4. M. Trieb, A. Schmidt; Project management D. Weber: City of Potsdam urban development planning. Magistrate of the City of Potsdam, Potsdam 1993, OCLC 248443352 .
  5. M. Trieb, D. Weber and others: Urban development planning Talcahuano / Chile. In: Work plan of urban development planning from urban analysis to urban development plan. Stadtbauatelier, Staedtebau Institut of the University of Stuttgart, Facultad de Arquitectura, Construccion y Diseno, Universidad del Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Chile y Municipalidad de Talcahuano, Chile 1993.
  6. M. Trieb: Urban design - theory and practice In: Bauwelt-Fundamente Volume 43. Düsseldorf 1974.
  7. M. Trieb, T. Sieverts, U. Hamann: The Stuttgart West as an Experience Space Research work on behalf of the city of Stuttgart. Stuttgart 1973.
  8. ^ Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg: Preservation and design of the townscape, recommendations for planning and legal implementation. Stuttgart 1989.
  9. ^ M. Trieb, J. Veil: Framework plan for urban design Leonberg and statutes for urban design. URBA / Urban Planning Office, Leonberg 1973.
  10. ^ M. Trieb, A. Markelin: Hanseatic City of Lübeck - cityscape analysis and draft of the design statutes for the Lübeck city center. Lübeck 1977, DNB 800961935 .
  11. M. Trieb, (Stadtbauatelier), H. Neise (City of Ludwigsburg): Stadtbildrahmenplanung Ludwigsburg. Ludwigsburg 1985, DNB 881066761 .
  12. M. Trieb, M. Fernandez, Duran, Pablo de la Llera, Mario Torres J, Andrea Woerner: Estudio de la Imagen Urbana y Proposicion para la Elaboracion del Plan Seccional Parque de los Reyes. Santiago de Chile 1 and 2 Etapa: Universidad de Chile Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Santiago 1993.
  13. newtowninstitute.org
  14. srl.de