Montessori Beaver Cor

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Montessori Beaver Cor
Biberkor GO-2.jpg
type of school Elementary school , middle school and high school with crèche, kindergarten and academy
founding 2001

Biberkorstrasse 19–23
82335 Berg

place mountain
country Bavaria
Country Germany

Montessori Biberkor is an inclusive Montessori educational institution in the municipality of Berg near Lake Starnberg in Upper Bavaria . It has a day nursery, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school and even the Montessori academy. Biberkor has the only Montessori high school in Bavaria. Both learners with special needs and the gifted are taught.


The sponsoring association was founded in July 2000, and the property was made available by a private sponsor. The grammar school was approved in 2001 and began teaching in September with 22 students from grades 5 and 6.

This was followed in 2002 by the children's home, initially operated by a parents' initiative, which was taken over by the association in 2003. In 2003, the primary and secondary school with two primary school groups in grades 1 through 4 and a secondary school group in grades 5 and 6 were able to start operations. The day nursery was finally added in 2014. In the beginning the educational work was scientifically supported by the two education professors Herbert Tschamler and Reinhold Mühlbauer. At the beginning of the 2003/2004 school year, the allocation of the years to the groups was changed. Three groups were formed with grades 1 with 3, one with grades 4 with 6, one with grades 7 and 8, one with grades 9 and 10 and one with senior years.

The growing interest was taken into account by opening further groups: In September 2006, an additional group with age groups 1 through 3 was added, and in 2006 a children's home group. From 2010 to 2015 there was a branch of the Inselhaus child and youth welfare on Biberkor with nine places. The branch was given up because the expectation that the school could accept every child in the home could not be fulfilled with the educational possibilities of the school.

In 2015, the school had 473 students in school buildings with a total of 5800 square meters, 38 children attended the Montessori kindergarten and twelve attended the crèche.

In 2015, Werner von Kahlden-Gmell contacted the Starnberg district office about the accommodation of migrants in the building.



The school sponsor is the non-profit association Montessori Biberkor e. V. , in which the Montessori Biberkor Verwaltungs GmbH has taken on the board duties since 2010 . The managing directors of Montessori Verwaltungs GmbH are Katrein Wilms-Wöltje (educational managing director) and Christoph Borchardt (commercial managing director). In October 2016 the association had 314 members, especially parents of the children visiting the facilities, but also teachers and sponsors.

Supervisory board

The supervisory board consists of Madsen Schulte-Tigges (chairman), Otto Herz (deputy chairman), Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger , Erich Michalczyk and Martin Sandleben. Randi Valérien and Werner von Kahlden-Gmell are honorary board members for life .

Educational concept

Biberkor is tied to the Bavarian curriculum in terms of content , but there is more freedom and flexibility in didactics and procedures than in regular schools. When the school was founded, the association combined several principles: Montessori pedagogy, ecological education, integration of sponsored children, aesthetic education and internationality. The classes are much smaller than in state schools.

Montessori pedagogy

According to the principles of Maria Montessori , Montessori Biberkor pursues the goal of enabling learning as an independent, self-reliant, individualized, holistic and interdisciplinary process. According to the principle help me do it myself. the adults have the task of supporting the children in learning.

Free work and a prepared environment are of great importance. In addition to the classic Montessori materials, there are interdisciplinary learning locations available, e.g. B. Library, scientific laboratories, workshops and also the Internet. In intensification phases, the students deepen the topics covered by tasks that they choose according to their personal interests, so that there is room for individualization .

With the duration of the upper secondary school, which lasts two years in public schools, you can choose between two speeds on Biberkor.


Montessori Biberkor also gives disadvantaged children a chance for individual and school development. Inclusion is shaped professionally here: The collaboration of a curative teacher with the educators enables individually supported inclusion. In specially equipped rooms, the children are accompanied and supported in small groups or individually by the curative teacher. A professor for pediatric medicine works as a pedagogue and supports his colleagues; there is also close cooperation with the chair for child psychiatry at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 2015, 40 children with special needs across all grades were taught in Biberkor, that is 8.3 percent of the students. The lesson concept, class size and number of teachers are adjusted accordingly so that the class level does not drop.

Pedagogical and organizational principles

Rhythmic all-day operation

Students in grades 1 to 4 can take elective courses or instrumental lessons from Monday to Thursday afternoons. The elective course program for the secondary level only takes place one day a week between 3:50 p.m. and 5:10 p.m., as this age group needs more time for lessons.

During the lunch break, the students receive lunch.

Age mix

Mixed-age learning groups are one of the prerequisites for learning through teaching : In free work, children from different grades often work together, depending on their personal level of learning and regardless of age.


The school tries to allow as much permeability between the school types as is possible in the Bavarian school system, which has no comprehensive school . Each student should receive an education appropriate to their abilities. A classification in a school type is therefore not binding for the entire school period: a change in work posture or the emergence of previously unperceived skills can be a reason for a change of school type without the children and young people having to leave their school house or their friends. High school and secondary school students learn together. Depending on the level of performance, a decision by the responsible teachers' conference is possible to switch between the two types of school in each grade.

Importance of project work

Again and again, even spontaneously, individual children or groups are already working on projects in primary school. In grades 4 to 6 , a considerable part of the material is developed in project phases of around six weeks. During this project time the children work largely independently and interdisciplinary and present their results at the end. The students are introduced to scientific work on a long-term and age-appropriate basis. In preparation for this, they already do a special job in grades 4 to 6 . In a theoretical and a practical part - such as a manual work, a model, an interview or a photo documentation - you work on a topic of your choice over a period of three months in your own way and decide for yourself how your results will be presented to the audience, the consists of parents, acquaintances, classmates and teachers. In grades 7 to 9, they write their five- to ten-page thesis on a topic of their choice from the fields of science, history or geography on the computer every year . More than in grades 4-6 it is now about research and scientific work; In grade 7, the focus is on this. In addition to the written part of the work, each student is expected to do a creative, practical part, for example a poster, a relief, a film or a Powerpoint presentation, depending on the topic. In grade 8, the focus is on the practical part, which is documented in a written part.

Before the summer holidays, the whole school is divided into study groups on a common topic during the project week.

Learning progress reports instead of certificates

Twice a year, the students receive detailed reports on their learning progress with precise assessments by class teachers and subject teachers. To this end, parent-teacher-student discussions are held in which development and perspectives are discussed individually. Grades are only issued in Biberkor when students leave school.

The individual stages

Day nursery

Since February 2014, a maximum of 12 children between the ages of 12 and 36 months have been cared for by three pedagogical specialists, two of whom have a Montessori training. If necessary, the work can be accompanied by a specialist in therapeutic education , and speech therapy support is also possible. Gerda Turek (speech therapist, curative teacher and educator) also works in speech therapy.

Children's home

Up to 40 children from 3 years of age are cared for in two fixed groups of seven specialists, two teaching assistants and one permanent full-time intern. Care packages of 25, 30, 35 and 37.5 hours are offered Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (as of 2016).

The children's home has existed since autumn 2002 and is also open to children with significant developmental peculiarities. In January 2006 the individual integration of six children with special needs was officially recognized by the district of Upper Bavaria . In the children's house there are typical Montessori materials that offer the children specific incentives. This makes it possible, for example, for children to learn to read before primary school.

The move to the new building took place in 2014.

primary school

In the elementary school, around 24 children in grade 1 with 3 are looked after in five learning groups by two teachers with a Montessori diploma and mostly many years of experience. The free work , the prepared environment and the age mix are of great importance in the primary school. There is hardly any frontal teaching . For the subject lessons in art, religion, music, sport and English, the children are divided into partly smaller age-homogeneous groups. The pedagogical team is supported by specialist teachers for sports and handicrafts, a curative pedagogue and committed young people in their voluntary social year .

The transition from the children's home to the primary school is fluid: "preschool children" regularly attend primary school. At the school enrollment ceremony, the youngest get a sponsor who supports them in their first time in primary school. Often the teachers sit down with the children on the carpet in order to research and learn together with them. A power imbalance is not desired here, because teachers never stop learning either. After the 4th grade, the students are assigned to the grammar school or the secondary school and instructed accordingly in the core subjects. A requirement of the school authority is thus implemented. Nevertheless, there are still many opportunities for joint learning and work, for example outside of the core subjects, in free work and in project work. And the allocation can be changed: Depending on the level of performance, a change of school type is possible after the conference decision in May.

The admission process begins every year in January with an information event. Soon there will be an open day where parents and children can get an impression of the school and sit in on the learning groups . Starting in February, teachers and registered children will meet in small groups on agreed dates. At the same time, discussions take place between the parents and the management. There is then a basic seminar on Montessori pedagogy for registered parents.

Secondary level I.

Main features

  • admission

Pupils who want to be admitted spend a day observing in the respective study group. In addition, parents' talks with educators and / or the board of directors take place at the invitation of the school .

  • Organization of free work

As in primary school, the school day begins with free work. Compared to primary school, the organization of free work is more systematic in this age group: Free work means the independent processing of current learning content or exercises to consolidate basic knowledge and skills. At the beginning and the end of the week there are tutorials. The pupils receive individual advice from their class teacher regarding their course attendance and their performance level and work out the weekly plans for the following week with him. The tutors look after their students throughout the free work phases, which are almost daily in the first two lessons. At the end of the week, the student and tutor look back at what has been achieved.

  • Internships

Through the early, repeated contact with the world of work in the form of student internships, Biberkor supports the students' decisions about their further training path. With a trial internship, the 6th grade students gain their first insights into working life. In grades 7 to 9, all students complete a two-week internship in the social, craft, agricultural or service industries. Important and in line with Montessori pedagogy is not only the implementation and documentation of the internship, but also the independent search for internship positions.

Grades 4 to 6 (Jupiter)

The 5th and 6th grade students work together with the 4th grade in Jupiter learning groups. Each class teacher looks after a so-called moon group made up of students from all grades and school types.

Every day begins with free work, in which a large part of the mathematics and German material is practiced and deepened independently after an introduction by the teacher. After that, English and French lessons are on the schedule in fixed groups of different levels, with native speakers supporting the teaching team. A change to another group is possible here at any time. In music, sport and religion, subject-specific lessons take place at fixed times. The subject of art is freely organized: An art teacher is present in the art room parallel to the other lessons. If a student would like to be artistically active, he can - with small restrictions, for example for compulsory courses - unsubscribe there spontaneously.

Grades 7 and 8 (Venus)

High school students and high school students in the 7th and 8th grade work together as far as possible in a class association in the Venus learning group. Even in this age group, the tutor is a teacher, but at the same time a mentor and coach who gives the student continuous feedback: about the achievement of learning goals, but also about his work and social behavior. Spanish classes are offered from grade 8.

Grade 9 (Venus 9)

The work in this grade focuses on the exams that are due at the end of the school year . Therefore a mix of years is not advisable here.

Grade 10 (sun)

Since the 2012/13 school year, Spanish has been offered as a so-called late-beginning foreign language in the 10th grade. Students can use it to replace the previous second foreign language or just start with the second foreign language. This offers opportunities for Biberkor students who have not yet learned a second foreign language, but also for career changers. The intermediate goal of the 10th grade is the exams for the intermediate educational qualification , which are taken at a state-recognized secondary school nearby. A substantial area of ​​material has to be mastered for the exams. The students have decided to take the exam themselves, so they prepare for it in a targeted manner in the chosen subjects. The teacher is the one who creates the prerequisites for a good result in the exams with the necessary professional competence, not your permanent assessor.

Secondary level II (upper level)


The only formal requirement for attending the 11th grade is the successful completion of the secondary school leaving certificate or the 10th grade at a grammar school. There must also be a determined willingness to learn and the ability of the students to perform. The acceptance of lateral entrants is possible at any time, even during the school year. Interested parents can arrange an appointment for a personal conversation, and students are invited to an appointment.


Since the 2012/13 school year, the upper level has been offered at two speeds: If you want to combine the upper level with a longer internship, a stay abroad or with a repetition of learning material, you can go to the Abitur in three instead of the usual two years. The teachers are happy to advise on the considerations, the teachers' conference has an important voice in the decision.


The school year is divided into three modules, holidays form the turning points . In each subject, at the beginning of the module, the students receive an overview of the material to be treated, the associated methods and the skills to be practiced. At the end of the module there is a self-assessment and feedback from the subject teacher, from which information for the work plan for the next period is derived.


State school leaving certificates

Four state educational qualifications can be obtained in Biberkor: the secondary school leaving certificate , the qualifying secondary school leaving certificate , the secondary school leaving certificate and the Abitur . Since the school is state-approved, but not state-recognized, the examinations for the qualifications must be taken at public schools in the area, which the school authorities Biberkor assigns for a few years. For example, the Abitur exams have already taken place at the grammar schools in Germering , Tutzing and Fürstenfeldbruck , the exams for the qualifying secondary school leaving certificate at the secondary schools in Wolfratshausen , Lochham and Tutzing and the examinations for the secondary school leaving certificate at the Weilheim secondary school .

The number of exams to be taken is slightly higher than for students in public or state-recognized schools. More details are regulated in the school regulations for the secondary schools in Bavaria (MSO), the school regulations for the secondary schools in Bavaria (RSO) and the school regulations for the grammar schools in Bavaria (GSO). As examination subjects for the qualifying secondary school leaving certificate or the secondary school leaving certificate, which can be obtained after the 9th grade, the pupils can choose any one of the school regulations for the secondary schools in Bavaria (MSO). After the 10th grade, the secondary school leaving certificate can be obtained.

The external Abitur, which must be taken at a state-recognized grammar school in the area, contains mathematics, German, English, a second foreign language, a natural science (in addition to mathematics) and history as compulsory subjects.

The success rate in the final year is consistently at least as good as in a regular school. In July 2005, the first successful examinations for the qualifying secondary school leaving certificate took place, in 2006 those for the intermediate school leaving certificate.

Internal financial statements

After the 9th grade, students can complete the Montessori degree and the internal secondary school certificate, both of which are provided, carried out and approved by the school. The internal secondary school leaving certificate is equivalent to the secondary school leaving certificate at public schools and is recognized by the education authority. The Montessori qualification was developed by the Montessori Regional Association of Bavaria and enjoys high recognition in companies that have gained experience with the graduates. It consists of the presentation of the Great Work, the focus of which is the connection between theory and practice on a topic of your choice. - see there - the graduates present their great work in a public event in front of parents, school and company representatives. For pupils in the grammar school branch, Biberkor organizes an internal "Assessment of Learning Development and Performance" (FLL) in the 9th grade, which is based on Bavaria's grammar school curriculum and Montessori principles.


From 2002 to 2009 the lessons took place in containers, which however neither offered the conditions for a permanent school operation nor were they sufficient for the growing number of pupils. The necessary construction of a new building had to overcome a number of hurdles: The approval for a new building in the outdoor area outside the village was only granted by the responsible municipality on the condition of an architectural competition. In addition, the association had to purchase part of the property in order to benefit from state funding, without which the project would not have been possible. As is usual with state-approved schools, the release of state grants was only promised for the point in time when the second year of high school graduation had completely passed the school. This point in time was only reached in summer 2010. Ecological aspects played a major role: The new building has wood pellet heating , has been energetically optimized, built with natural materials as far as possible and provided with a green roof. The architectural competition was won by ssp planung gmbh from Waldkirchen near Starnberg, the construction phase lasted from January 2008 to September 2010, the total construction costs amounted to over 20 million euros. At the beginning of the 2009/2010 school year, grades 4 at the age of 13 moved to the first construction phase of the 2,700 square meter new building. In March 2010, the triple gymnasium was put into operation. It is also used by sports clubs in the Berg community. Since 2015, the institute for holistic learning has been located in the old manor house, a Montessori educational institution for adults, which was previously based on Tegernsee.

Cooperations and projects

Study and professional preparation

The seventh grade organizes an annual job fair at which the students present their internship experiences. Representatives of the Job Information Center in Munich provide information and advice on career orientation and career choice.

Social and health

7th and 8th grade mountain week

Under the motto Life is a mountain, not a beach , at the beginning of each school year the whole study group with several teachers set off on a multi-day mountain tour. By mastering great efforts and sharing experiences, a great sense of togetherness is created very quickly: The new seventh graders are accepted and the eighth graders take on their role as adults .

Organization of graduation ceremonies by students

The 8th grade regularly organizes the graduation ceremonies of the 9th and 10th grade with hall decorations and a buffet .

Arts and Culture

Wind class

In Biberkor there are wind classes with students from the 4th and 5th grades. The fee-based participation is designed for two school years and includes two units per week: instrumental lessons in small groups and ensemble lessons with all participants. It is possible to borrow instruments.

Instrumental lessons

In the afternoon, private lessons for the piano , guitar , dulcimer , flute , recorder , clarinet , accordion , drums , violin , violoncello and saxophone are possible, and singing and rhythm are also offered.

School transport

The large catchment area of ​​Montessori Biberkors extends from the western and southern districts of Munich via Herrsching , Starnberg , Seeshaupt , Geretsried -Gelting, Wolfratshausen and the Isar Valley to Grünwald . Schoolchildren are transported by bus.



Children's home

Mona Lorenz is the pedagogical director, Britt Wondraczek is the commercial director.


  • 2002–2003 Jutta Möhringer (Head of Gymnasium)
  • 2002 to 2014: Carolina Abel (Head of Primary School)
  • 2006 to Heinrich Bentemann (head of secondary school)
  • Hans Traxl (Head of High School)
  • Peter Nilsen (Head of Secondary School)
  • since Brigitte Wächtler (head of grades 1 to 6)

Known teachers

Tobias Wolf, the teaching assistant in English at Biberkor, is Germany's first teacher with Down syndrome . Since the Free State only pays the costs for teachers if they have a German teaching degree, Tobias Wolf has its own annual budget.

Teacher training in the Montessori Academy

At the beginning of 2014, the Institute for Holistic Learning Claus-Dieter Kaul (IfgL) , which was based on Lake Tegernsee, was founded by Montessori Biberkor e. V. taken over. Under the direction of Claus-Dieter Kaul and Carolina Abel, it offers basic Montessori courses, lectures and one-day seminars for teachers of the elementary and secondary level. The basis for this is the content of internationally recognized diploma courses ( Association Montessori Internationale ).

Awards and memberships

Biberkor is a member of the Montessori Landesverband Bayern e. V., in the school association Blick über den Zaun and in the youth initiative School without Racism - School with Courage .

In 2014, Biberkor was among the top 20 in the application for the German School Prize .


The environmental bank was the partner for the construction of the new building . It financed the part of the project that could not be covered in the long term by funding or the association's own funds, and took over the multi-year interim financing for the sums that had been promised as state funding but not yet paid out.

State funding

The Bavarian state took many years to pay out the subsidies it had promised for the new building. Werner von Kahlden-Gmell took over interim financing and deferred repayment until the club was better.


Day nursery

The care costs in the day nursery are based on the care time.

Children's home

The children's house fees are staggered according to the time of care. The parents also provide Montessori Biberkor with an interest-free loan for the term of the contract.


  • Admission fee

The school charges a one-time admission fee. This is between 300 and 1,800 euros, depending on the grade.

The monthly school fees depend on the grade attended and the parents' income. Siblings receive a 40% discount on the school fee for the second and 80% for each additional child. There is also a discount for annual or semi-annual instead of monthly school fees. Reduced tuition fees can be requested from the management at any time with appropriate evidence if the family income is less than 40,000 euros or there are other reasons. Well over 30 percent of parents only paid a reduced tuition fee in 2015 or none at all. The school decides whether to accept a child before the parents can apply for a discount; the parents' financial strength is not an admission criterion.

  • School bus and lunch

The fees for lunch and bus transport are to be paid equally for all children according to the principle of solidarity, regardless of the use or the length of the bus route.

  • Parental Loans

The parents grant the association an interest-free loan of 1700 euros. The loan is repaid one year after the end of the school contract.

Private individuals

In order to have to take out less bank loans, Montessori Biberkor e. V. Bonds that can be subscribed by association members. For individual projects, such as sun protection blinds or a climbing mushroom, Biberkor enables small-scale donations via the Internet with little effort.


Web links


  1. nz: First qualification, then secondary school leaving certificate and now also passed the Abi. It's done, the Abitur is in the bag - even if the exams for the Montessori students at Gut Biberkor were not an easy undertaking. ,, May 5, 2011, accessed on February 15, 2016.
  2. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on the concept ,, accessed on March 2, 2016.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l Individual learning. ( Memento of the original from February 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,, January 2010, accessed on February 15, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l Sabine Bader: Performance without time pressure. The only Montessori school in Bavaria with a grammar school is located at Gut Biberkor in Berg. An ambitious project that had to face a lot of resistance. ,, March 13, 2015, accessed on February 15, 2016.
  5. a b c d e f g h website of Montessori Biberkor, Das ist Biberkor, portrait, development ,, accessed on February 29, 2016.
  6. ^ Sabine Bader: On the monastic estate Biberkor near Starnberg. The first Montessori high school in Bavaria. Initiators want to submit the application for approval to the Ministry of Culture in the next few days. ( Memento of the original from April 20, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Süddeutsche Zeitung , October 26, 2010, accessed on February 16, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. a b Felicitas Amler: Inselhaus closes the Biberkor children's home. The youth welfare organization had hoped in vain for cooperation with the neighboring Montessori school. Refugees should now be accommodated in the rooms. ,, December 10, 2015, accessed on February 15, 2016.
  8. a b c d Message from Montessori Biberkor on the association ,, accessed on March 2, 2016.
  9. a b c d e f g website of Montessori Biberkor: Das ist Biberkor / Portrait ,, accessed on February 29, 2016.
  10. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on teaching ,, accessed on March 2, 2016.
  11. Heike Papenfuss: Montessorischule Biberkor: Break is the worst punishment. , in: Heike Papenfuss: There is another way to learn. Reform schools are the better alternative. , Patmos Verlag Düsseldorf, 2009, ISBN 978-3-491-40147-1 , pp. 92-104, p. 94.
  12. a b c Communication from Montessori Biberkor on content and methods ,, accessed on March 3, 2016.
  13. a b c Message on the website of Montessori Biberkor on inclusion ,, accessed on March 3, 2016.
  14. Heike Papenfuss: Montessorischule Biberkor: Break is the worst punishment. , in: Heike Papenfuss: There is another way to learn. Reform schools are the better alternative. , Patmos Verlag Düsseldorf, 2009, ISBN 978-3-491-40147-1 , pp. 92-104, p. 102.
  15. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor about class time ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  16. Message from Montessori Biberkor on the secondary level elective courses ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  17. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on all-day operation ,, accessed on March 2, 2016.
  18. a b Message from Montessori Biberkor on the age mix ,, accessed on March 3, 2016.
  19. ^ Announcements from Montessori Biberkor for secondary level I ,, accessed on March 26, 2016.
  20. a b Message from Montessori Biberkor on free work ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  21. a b Message from Montessori Biberkor on project work in grades 4 to 6 ,, accessed on March 27, 2016.
  22. a b Message from Montessori Biberkor on the Great Work ,, accessed on March 26, 2016.
  23. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on the special work ,, accessed on March 27, 2016.
  24. a b c d e f g Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: grade 7 - 8. In: February 2, 2012, accessed March 27, 2016 .
  25. Heike Papenfuss: Montessorischule Biberkor: Break is the worst punishment. , in: Heike Papenfuss: There is another way to learn. Reform schools are the better alternative. , Patmos Verlag Düsseldorf, 2009, ISBN 978-3-491-40147-1 , pp. 92-104, pp. 98/99.
  26. Message from Montessori Biberkor to the daycare team , www., accessed on March 25, 2016.
  27. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor to the team of the children's home ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  28. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on the opening times of the children's home ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  29. a b Message from Montessori Biberkor on the children's home ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  30. Message from Montessori Biberkor on the elementary level ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  31. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on teaching in primary schools ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  32. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on subject teaching ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  33. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor to the elementary school team ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  34. Heike Papenfuss: Montessorischule Biberkor: Break is the worst punishment. , in: Heike Papenfuss: There is another way to learn. Reform schools are the better alternative. , Patmos Verlag Düsseldorf, 2009, ISBN 978-3-491-40147-1 , pp. 92-104, p. 95.
  35. a b Heike Papenfuss: Montessorischule Biberkor: Break is the worst punishment. , in: Heike Papenfuss: There is another way to learn. Reform schools are the better alternative. , Patmos Verlag Düsseldorf, 2009, ISBN 978-3-491-40147-1 , pp. 92-104, p. 96.
  36. a b c d e f g Message from Montessori Biberkor on admission to primary school ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  37. a b c d e Message Montessori Biberkor on the tutorial ,, accessed on March 26, 2016.
  38. a b c d Montessori Biberkor announcement on internships ,, accessed on March 26, 2016.
  39. a b c d Information from Montessori Biberkor on teaching in grades 4 to 6 ,, accessed on March 27, 2016.
  40. a b c d e f g Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: Opportunity for career changers. In: November 1, 2012, accessed March 28, 2016 .
  41. a b c Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: Goal: Abitur. In: February 4, 2016. Retrieved March 28, 2016 .
  42. a b c Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: Lessons. In: November 1, 2012, accessed March 28, 2016 .
  43. a b c d e f g Website Montessori Biberkor, portrait, degrees ,, accessed on February 29, 2016.
  44. a b Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: grade 9. In: February 18, 2015, accessed March 27, 2016 .
  45. ^ Announcement on the Montessori Biberkor construction project ,, accessed on February 16, 2016.
  46. a b c d Message from Montessori Biberkor on the wind class ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  47. Alexander Grein, Media :: essence - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: school buses. In: August 6, 2015, accessed March 28, 2016 .
  48. Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: Team. In: February 2, 2017. Retrieved March 11, 2017 .
  49. Jutta Möhringer: Educational theoretical and development-adequate basics as criteria for the design of mathematics lessons at high school. , Dissertation, Munich, 2006, p. A9,, accessed on February 16, 2016.
  50. lr: Let children discover the world for themselves. Parent representatives organize Montessori workshops. ,, May 25, 2011, accessed on February 16, 2016.
  51. ^ Marie Maas: Inclusion in the college. The Biberkor Montessori School on Lake Starnberg. , in: Impulse. Magazine of the Federal Working Group for Supported Employment,, March 2012, pp. 6–9, ISSN  1434-2715 ,, accessed on February 15, 2016.
  52. Tanja Rexhepaj: Cool performance by a teacher with Down syndrome. Tobias Wolf likes the fact that the drum group 'Feuer und Flamme' rocks the Caritas stage before his performance. The English teacher would like to continue straight away, because at the Biberkor Montessori school on Lake Starnberg he teaches the children English - through music. ,, 2014, accessed on February 15, 2016.
  53. Susanne Lettenbauer: The singing English teacher with Down syndrome. Inclusion in the college. Inclusion doesn't just affect students. The Montessori school in Biberkor near Starnberg is convinced of this. A teacher with Down syndrome has been teaching English here for ten years. It's a godsend for the school, says the headmistress. ,, November 30, 2012, accessed on February 16, 2016.
  54. a b c Message from Montessori Biberkor about the academy ( memento of the original from March 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,, accessed on March 25, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  55. Alexander Grein, Media :: essenz - http: //www.typo/ : Montessorischule Biberkor: View over the fence. In: November 23, 2014, accessed March 27, 2016 .
  56. Press release on the 2014 German School Prize ,, January 21, 2014, accessed on February 16, 2016.
  57. a b Montessori Biberkor is waiting for promised funding. The Montessori Biberkor association is investing a lot of money in the school project in the Höhenrain district of Berger, but still has to wait for promised public funds. ,, August 10, 2010.
  58. ^ Message from Montessori Biberkor on the costs of the daycare center ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  59. a b Message from Montessori Biberkor on the costs for childcare in the children's home ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  60. a b c d e f g Message from Montessori Biberkor on the costs ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  61. a b c Montessori Biberkor school fees in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 school years ,, accessed on March 25, 2016.
  62. Loan from Montessori Biberkor e. V. ,, accessed on February 15, 2016.
  63. Possibility for earmarked small donations,, accessed on February 15, 2016.