Murder in the best family

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Original title Murder in the best family
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 90 minutes
Director Johannes Grieser
script Johannes Grieser,
Peter Petersen ,
Detlef Michel
production Eberhard Jost
music Jens Langbein ,
Robert Schulte Hemming
camera Volker Tittel
cut Philipp Schmitt

Mord in bestest Familie (reference to Die In Truth ) is a psychological thriller by director Johannes Grieser , who also worked on the script, from 2011. In addition to Katharina Böhm and Maja Maranow , who play the sisters Katrin and Manuela Lorenz, Otto embodies Mellies as whose father was the rich sawmill owner Reinhard Lorenz. It is the last film in which Michael Habeck (1944–2011) took part.


Reinhard Lorenz is the proud owner of a sawmill. For his 80th birthday, the old man has also invited his daughter Katrin, who left her place of birth twenty years ago. However, Katrin is not the only daughter, there is also her slightly older sister Manuela, who had become pregnant by Katrin's fiancé Christian Bergmann, which was also the reason for Katrin to leave her home and go to America. The luck of the two did not last long, however, Christian was chased away by Reinhard Lorenz because he was accused of embezzling half a million company funds. Christian had always denied that.

Manuela approaches her sister with reserve because she believes that Katrin only returned home to secure her share of the inheritance, which accrues after her father's death. During the speech on the occasion of his birthday party, Reinhard Lorenz suffers a fit of weakness. Katrin wants to spend her first night at home in the old hunting lodge she loved and becomes the victim of an attempted murder, which she miraculously survives with only minor injuries. She tells the local police officer, Police Superintendent Martin Westphal, whom she has known from an early age, that she was pushed when she was sitting on a cliff to think. After Katrin wants to go first, she decides to stay until she knows who wanted to kill her. In a conversation with Manuela's son Daniel, Katrin learns that his father had spoken to him, but that he ran away because his mother couldn't stand it if he even spoke his name. He asks Katrin to mediate. At a meeting Christian tells her that he would like to tell his son his version of the story one day. It would then be up to him to get an idea.

Reinhard Lorenz demands from Christian Bergmann that he should leave "his" city immediately. Shortly afterwards Daniel visits his father in his hotel room to get answers. At the same time, Martin Westphal tries to convince Katrin that it was probably Christian who pushed her off the rock.

With the help of his son and Katrin, Christian Bergmann obtained documents that could prove that he never committed the alleged embezzlement. The next day, however, Bergmann is found dead on the bank of a river. He was shot with an old Wehrmacht weapon. Reinhard Lorenz appoints Jens Mattern, Manuela's life partner and for him a kind of foster son who has been with him for almost 30 years. He tells Mattern that he was the one who forged the documents ten years ago because Bergmann stood in his way on his way up. Even if he didn't particularly like Christian, he would never have tolerated being branded a cheater and ruined. Mattern is a rascal who made him the murderer of an innocent man because he shot Christian to protect his family. While he was still dying, Christian protested his innocence and gave him a stick to prove who was to blame. This situation also shows all the shabbiness of Mattern, who insists that Lorenz should overwrite his work for him if he does not want to lose the love of his grandson.

When Lorenz Daniel confesses shortly after what he has done, he runs away overwhelmed, swings on his moped and races away, pursued by Jens Mattern. On the ledge from which Jens pushed Katrin down, he places the boy and aims the gun at him. All of a sudden, Reinhard Lorenz appears and prevents the shot. He himself is fatally hit by Mattern. Meanwhile Manuela, Katrin and Matthias Westphal are also there, who shoots Mattern incapacitated and then arrests him.

Production notes

The film produced by Bavaria Film in collaboration with JoJo Film and TV production by Eberhard Jost was commissioned by ZDF . The film was shot between July 20 and August 20, 2010 in Braunau am Inn , Deggendorf , Dietramszell and Rotthalmünster .

release date

Murder in the Best Family was broadcast for the first time on March 21, 2011 on ZDF as "TV Movie of the Week". The English title is Murder in the Best Family .


Audience ratings

With 6.46 million viewers, the production achieved a market share of 18.9 percent when it was first broadcast on German television; the first time it was repeated, 4.54 million viewers tuned in, which corresponds to a market share of 14.7 percent.


TV Spielfilm sums it up: “What begins like a homeland film in front of a Lower Bavarian backdrop leads to a thriller with a tangible showdown. And he shows the family as a place that offers no security, but sows hatred ”. The summary of the program guide was: "When love turns into hate - an evergreen".

Rainer Tittelbach from said: “A lot of action, a lot of entanglements, a well-tested dramaturgy, a quick staging and actors who do their job. 'Murder in the best company' is a family drama that has an open and reckless affair with the crime thriller. By focusing on the crime motifs, fraud and murder, and the lower human instincts, greed and revenge, the film has no further depth apart from missing ravines. ”The“ characters are woodcut-like ”and“ the dialogues are accordingly one-dimensional ".

The lexicon of international films was of the opinion that the psychological thriller "gets entangled in the threads of the overly embellished family history, which are overstretched all too dramatically towards the end".

The critic Gerrit ter Horst from the HAZ said that director Johannes Grieser was telling “a criminal story in the turmoil of a patriarchal ruling family that lost its authority more and more, the deeper the involvement in the mysterious incidents became clear”. 'Murder in the best family' comes as an “average crime film”, which brings up “well-known motifs”, but “convinces with good acting performances”. “The tension between Maja Maranow and Katharina Böhm gives Grieser's work a certain depth”, but “beyond that it is not fascinating”. The crime thriller "gets stuck in clichés and kitsch and thus makes the cardinal mistake in the genre: it becomes predictable". According to ter Horst, "other material" would probably have "become more fair" to the "top-class cast".

Friederike Haupt from the FAZ summed up: “Good actors, weak dialogues, late confessions” and continued to say that the crime thriller is “only making slow progress”. The “duel of the unequal sisters” is “nevertheless not without charm, and in Otto Mellies” the film has “at least a true patriarch”. The film takes “quite a long time” before the plot gets going and is almost over by “the eponymous murder”. It is “worth seeing” above all “because of its actors, above all Otto Mellies”, who gives the Patriarch Reinhard Lorenz “the right mixture of hardness and fragility”, as does Maranow and Böhm the sisters despite all the stones that the script in them had laid the way, would give "a certain three-dimensionality". spoke of a "shallow family drama" in which the "character drawings only" were drawn in "very rough lines". Unfortunately, “multifacetedness” cannot be found “far and wide” in the script. Tension could not be created, since there was little to do with the “poorly worked out figures”; because because of this failure one is not able to build up “real interest” in the acting persons and to “fear” or “suffer with them” for them. There is no “really exciting hook” that “this script unfortunately doesn't find dead”. For an hour and a half, people would be “structureless and colorless” until the “final catharsis, finally, the scene in which Reinhard Lorenz dies is cut together with the sequence of an old falling tree”. "Platter" is no longer possible. The actors, who were overwhelmingly praised by the critics, were also criticized here, for example, Katharina Böhm lacked “the dynamism that her role actually requires, and their portrayal consistently lacks authenticity”. The same applies to Maja Maranow, in which "all the emotions that she tries to play [e] are completely artificial". Only Otto Mellies had “his good moments, while Max Herbrechter was able to convince at least in his last scene”.

The program magazine Hörzu gave the film one of three possible points for tension, action and feeling, spoke of a “haunting coming to terms with the past” and came to the overall rating “successful”.


In 2012 Katharina Böhm was nominated for the Jupiter Award in the category “Best German TV Actress” for her role

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Murder in the best family see page
  2. Murder in the Best Family (TV Movie 2011) - filming locations. In: the Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  3. a b Murder in the best family. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed May 21, 2019 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. ZDF TV film of the week “Murder in the best family” see page
  5. a b TV film “Murder in the best family”. Katharina Böhm & Maja Maranow, homecoming, murder & family crime clichés. In: Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  6. Murder in the Best Family - Film Review. In: Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  7. Gerrit ter Horst: “Murder in the best family” runs on Monday on ZDF In: Hannoversche Allgemeine, March 20, 2011. Accessed on May 21, 2019.
  8. Friederike Haupt: ZDF film "Murder in the best family". In the beginning was the phrase In: Frankfurter Allgemeine, March 21, 2011. Retrieved on May 21, 2019.
  9. Julian Miller: Murder in the best family see page Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  10. Murder in the best family see page Retrieved May 21, 2019.