National parks in Madagascar
The 47 official nature parks that exist today and are managed by the Madagascan ANGAP (l'Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées) are divided into the following categories:
- National parks = Parc National (PN);
- Integral Protected Areas = Réserve Naturelle Intégrale (RNI);
- Nature reserves = Réserve Spéciale (RS);
- Marine Protected Areas = National Marine Park
- New categories of protected areas agreed in the Durban Initiative include reforestation areas, protected forest areas and so-called general protected areas. There are also some marine reserves.
National parks (PN)
- Andohahela
- Andringitra
- Ankarafantsika
- Ankarana
- Baie de Baly
- Tsingy de Bemaraha (South)
- Isalo
- Kirindy Mitea
- Mananara (north)
- Mantadia Andasibe
- Marojejy
- Masoala
- Montagne d'Ambre
- Midongy du Sud
- Namoroka
- Ranomafana
- Tsimanampetsotsa
- Zahamena
- Zombitse Vohibasia
Réserves Naturelles Intégrales (RNI)
National parks with special protection status:
Nature reserves
- Ambatovaky
- Ambohijanahary
- Ambohitantely
- Analamerana
- Andasibe Analamazaotra
- Andranomena
- Anjanaharibe Sud
- Bemarivo
- Beza Mahafaly
- Bora
- Cap Sainte Marie
- Ivohibe
- Kalambatritra
- Kasijy nature reserve
- Mangerivola
- Maningoza
- Manombo
- Manongarivo
- Marotandrano
- Forêt d'Ambre
- Tampoketsa