Nestroy Theater Prize / Best State Performance

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Since 2011, the Nestroy Theater Prize has been awarded the best federal state performance . The category was introduced to counter the dominance of Viennese theaters in previous awards.

Award winners

year performance author Director Place of performance Other nominees
2011 America Franz Kafka Bernd Liepold-Mosser City Theater Klagenfurt
2012 Ghosts in Princeton Daniel Kehlmann Anna Badora Schauspielhaus Graz
2013 Hakoah Vienna Yael Ronen and Ensemble Yael Ronen Schauspielhaus Graz
2014 Fear of hell Johann Nestroy Susanne Lietzow Phoenix Theater
2015 Anna Karenina Armin Petras based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy Susanne Schmelcher Tyrolean State Theater Innsbruck
2016 Suburban lights Aki Kaurismäki Alexander Charim State Theater of Lower Austria
2017 The order / Danton's death Jan-Christoph Gockel Schauspielhaus Graz
2018 Ivanov Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Mateja Koležnik Stadttheater Klagenfurt in coproduction with the United Theaters of Bozen
2019 The revolution is eating its children! Jan-Christoph Gockel and ensemble Cooperation with Schauspielhaus Graz , Africolognefestival
Landestheater Innsbruck : Ensemble, direction & Co. by Anna Karenina ( Nestroy Theater Prize 2015 )
Most frequently rewarded theater Schauspielhaus Graz (3 awards)
Most frequently nominated theater Schauspielhaus Graz (6 nominations)
Most often nominated theater without a win